A realistic view of electric cars

A realistic view of electric cars

Obviously if everyone bought an electric car today we would have major problems. Not enough charging stations for long trips, expensive car rechargeable battery replacements, not enough power in the electrical grids, and severe transportation problems during grid blackouts during a major snowstorm or hurricane.

But a gradual transition to electric cars is entirely feasible and almost a necessity for future generations when electricity will be powering more and more mechanical devices. One solution is to own two cars, one an electric vehicle and the other a gasoline powered one for emergency usage and long trips. During a power outage you could have a gasoline powered electrical generator at home to charge up the electric vehicle as long as you have some stored gasoline.

If you were stuck on the highway in freezing temperatures during a snowstorm which halts traffic it seemingly would be a disaster with an electric car. Of course, you could conceivably bring along a gasoline powered electrical generator with high output for such emergency situations so you could charge up your car on the interstate.

The major drawback today is an expensive electric car battery to replace but with technology forging ahead the type of battery may change and with mass production the cost of the battery will eventually come down dramatically, especially with a new type of Tesla battery which charges faster, lasts longer, and is not made from toxic components.

Wind and solar energy are still unreliable when there is no wind or no sun shining. Once again better and cheaper high-volume storage batteries will be the answer when they are invented or developed. Also, in the future is efficient, relatively safe, if not in an earthquake zone, modern thorium nuclear electrical generation plants to supply power if we don’t want to only depend on non-renewable gas and gasoline to power the grid.

It is nice to dream of a day when humans will be independent of the power grid and have their own “free” electricity from the sun. Unfortunately, solar panels are still very inefficient, expensive, unreliable generators of power and storage batteries are prohibitively expensive too. Until solar cells and batteries are more competitive price wise, I am afraid that power grid independence is just a dream today unless you are willing to pay much more for your electrical power than that offered by the grid.

Today electric cars are not the answer to clean energy generation as long as the grid is powered by non-renewable sources such as gas and gasoline. Yes, city pollution will be highly reduced but non-renewable power sources still have to be used for the grid and non-renewability will not be addressed or solved successfully any time soon.

Electric cars are here today but will only be economically cheaper in the future with more technological development and innovation in batteries. The relatively large recharging time for car batteries is another unsolved technological problem which may not be solved any time soon.

So, in the short-term electric cars with current technology are more expensive to maintain because of a high-cost rechargeable car battery. In the long run electric cars will be more efficient with fewer moving parts and will be a plus with no polluting fumes, especially in city environments. I will not be one of the first to buy an electric car until all the drawbacks have been addressed but my offspring will probably be driving an electric powered vehicle and be content with it sometime in the near future.

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