Monthly Archives: July 2014



Adjustment: n. (changing the deviation and/or the amount of a subset(s) and/or to move a subset(s)) and/or ((to adding and/or subtracting a subset(s)) and/or changing the frequency of a subset(s)) to achieve a goal(s)

Adjustments are made to achieve a goal(s) and it can  be done in one of four basic ways or in combination.

When told to “adjust this”-

You can change the quantity or amount such as adding or subtracting the amount of salt and/or pepper in a recipe.

You can move an item around physically such as moving around flowers in a bouquet arrangement or moving furniture around in a room or moving something spatially.

You can add and/or subtract a recipe ingredient(s)

You can change the frequency of an event(s) and/or behavior(s).

With events and behaviors you can change the amount by changing the duration that the behavior(s) and/or event(s) exists.

Adjustments can be as simple as changing the position of the scope on a rifle and as complex as shooting down a missile with another missile or changing the behavior of a group of very different humans.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Aggression: n. pursuing a goal(s) forcefully and/or threateningly which may include (body contact and/or violence) and/or a ((verbal threat(s) and/or verbal attack(s)) and/or physical attack(s))

Aggressiveness is part of human nature and many young offspring get into physical fights with siblings and other offspring and some even become bully problems for others. Society tries to channel aggression into less harmful pursuits such as wrestling, boxing, football, violent video games, and non-violent competition which minimizes the potential violence and harm which one human can do to another.

Despite acceptable forms of social aggression there are abusive families and considerable criminal violence which is always a part of society.

There is much verbal aggression which exists and human confrontations which result in combative arguments with each side trying to win with their point of view. Verbal aggression can be pretty nasty with harsh criticism, put downs, ridicule, name calling, and sometimes threats which imply physical harm such as “I will kill you!”

The struggle for dominance is part of animal behavior and human nature also has an abundance of it and ways of expressing it have acceptable social norms. Aggression causes fear and can result in passive compliance or a desire to retaliate immediately or at some point in the future.

Aggressive nations are feared just like aggressive humans but there is frequently the desire to retaliate rather than to passively submit.

Tyrants use aggression to make the ruled passively submit and are also more prone to extend their aggression beyond their borders because successful aggression at home tempts them to practice aggression abroad.

There is no one gene for aggression and we all have the potential for aggressive behavior. Some have a genetic makeup with more aggressive potential than others and are more predisposed to practice aggression in their lives.

Are males frequently more aggressive than females? Yes, because historically males have been stronger physically and dominated society with physical force more than mental force of persuasion. There are some pretty aggressive females in western societies but few choose to lead violent gangs and tyrant nations. Women’s liberation is really an attempt to escape the historical oppression which they have experienced and are continuing to experience under dominant male aggressiveness.


If you like this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Advertise: v. to promote a subset(s) to the public for sales and/or attendance

Advertising promotes information and/or goods and/or services but if it is repeated and watched enough then it can be considered a form of brainwashing which is information and images stored in your sub consciousness and it frequently impulsively appears in your consciousness during impulsive buying or an activity(s) and/or thinking about buying or doing something.

To achieve brand identification or popularity some companies spend millions of dollars on advertising but satisfied customers promoting a brand by word of mouth or in social media is what retailers, manufacturers, and promoters crave.

Successful advertising succeeds in appealing to human basic desires for health, wealth, attractiveness, popularity, status, and pleasure or entertainment. Sometimes advertising manipulates human fear to sell or promote something which can even be a behavior and/or idea.

Testimonials by celebrities or prominent relatively trustworthy individuals are frequently successful in selling something, especially if we admire and respect them.

If you like this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Adventure: n. a frequently risky dangerous activity(s) whose primary goal(s) is frequently excitement not profit

Roaming a wild rainforest, hitchhiking across a country, and orbiting in space can all be considered true adventures because there is some risky danger involved. If you visit a civilized foreign country then you may feel that it is an adventure but there is really very little dangerous risk associated with it and it should be called traveling with very little adventure included.

If you are just doing something new that may seem to be an adventure to you but if there is no dangerous risk associated with it then it is merely experiencing something new and not a true adventure.

Most adventures are done for personal enjoyment or excitement but there are some interesting humans who make a living out of an adventurous life.

Risky dangerous sports like whitewater kayaking and rock climbing could be considered to be adventurous sports but most adventures frequently include more than  one specialized physical activity.

If you like this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Agility: n. having speedy and very coordinated movement(s)

The cheetah is a great example of an agile animal and I personally recommend physical agility training for the whole family which optimizes speedy coordination of the body and all body parts. Of course if you are grossly overweight agility training may not be very successful for you and a seemingly insurmountable challenge.

Basketball and table tennis are relatively agile sports but are rarely sports which the whole family can play with greatly divergent skill sets which makes playing rather boring for the skilled players. Obstacle courses are ideal but can be rather boring and usually demand considerable strength of arms and legs.


I have invented an new agility game called cotennis where you basically volley over and under a relatively narrow net and lob the ball over the net at great heights to different parts of the court. There is no points scoring but the sheer fun of volleying over and under the net and lobbing to different parts of the court and getting wonderfully coordinated while doing so. It is a cooperative sport designed for the whole family and more than two players also.

It can be made into a competitive sport but it would take most of the creativity out of it and make it another boring sport. Cotennis can be agility training at its best and you can use either or both hands to hold the racket!!!!!! Even overweight players could play cotennis but you would have to volley and lob the ball closer to the opposite player.

If you like this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Adoption: n. accepting legal responsibility for nongenetic offspring

Many in society are having to deal with adopted offspring from previous failed marriages or from the fact that they are infertile as a couple and can’t have any genetic offspring of their own. It is hard to correct the parenting mistakes which have handicapped adopted offspring from a divorced marriage but ultimately it is your parenting skills, if you have any, which will determine how they will parent their own offspring if they decide to have any.

Ideally you should instill a love of learning in your offspring by providing them with many interesting useful books but unfortunately offspring need not only good moral parenting role models but also need good friend role models and inspiring teachers as role models who are in such short supply these days in public schools.

I married a gifted, controlling, hard working, artistic wife who didn’t speak English with a gifted son from a failed marriage. She didn’t like to parent and I also didn’t have many caring parenting skills and am scientifically and logically predisposed which is almost her polar opposite. We have had a successful marriage and my adopted son is making me proud in a responsible job with a wonderful wife and three talented grandchildren.

What will become of my genetic son is still a big question mark because we don’t have the money to send him to further education and standard liberal arts education bored the hell out of him. His focus was primarily on figure skating and he had no inspiring math or science teachers since he learned it from an online charter school.

Without a university education in technology the odds are stacked against him but I am still hoping that he will somehow eventually make it in this screwed up world and maybe have offspring of his own and a good wife some day.

If you have instilled your morality and have a great relationship with your spouse that is a big advantage. If your offspring don’t do well in life then you can put most of the blame on bad friends, mediocre teachers, and a rather useless liberal arts education.

Humans adopt offspring because they can’t have their own, they want to expand their family, and they want to help offspring in need of parents. Offspring before the age of 3 who have no parents are usually stunted in social development and frequently have IQ’s as many as 20 points lower than the average expected for them.

In the United States foster care without adoption or waiting for adoption also exists and the average time spent waiting for adoption is about two years and about 50% of them have some serious medical problems. About 15% are in institutions or group homes and the rest in family settings.

Healthy attractive very young offspring are adopted rather quickly and the rest have a much harder time getting adopted, especially if they have severe behavioral problems. Some parents adopt foreign offspring in the hopes of getting better quality offspring.

Finally some gay couples also want to adopt offspring but I personally feel that they should be second in line and that heterosexual couples should get first rights at adoption. Legal marital status before adoption rights should be mandatory for gays since offspring are a serious financial responsibility and the last thing which I would like to see is single unwed gays on welfare raising offspring.

If you like this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Regret: v. to sense a wrong reaction which may be doing something bad and/or wrong and/or not doing a subset(s) which should have been done and wishing one had the power to change the wrong reaction

None of us is perfect so we sometimes regret doing or saying something which offends someone or hurts someone. We also regret not doing something or participating in some event(s) which upon reflection is something we missed out on.

Apologizing is the smart thing to do if you realize that you have made a mistake or said something which has hurt another’s feelings. Sometimes doing something to try and compensate for the hurt can also be done and sometimes only fixing a mistake and correcting it may be enough compensation.

What is done or is said can never be taken back and erased from memory so try to be careful in the first place and stop name calling and doing rude, hurtful, inconsiderate, or ridiculing things to other humans.

Whatever you do stop wallowing in regrets and move forward having learned from past mistakes. You can’t remake history so move forward and make better history.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially  COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Reluctance: n. unwillingness to do a subset(s) opposite to your custom frequently because of (immorality and/or dislike) and/or (hatred and/or fear) and/or (habit and/or uncertainty)

Sometimes we are reluctant or don’t want to do something because we have never done it, because it is immoral, because we dislike doing it, because we hate it, because we fear it, or because we are uncertain of the outcome.

Your impulsive inner voice is frequently reluctance and you may have even become reluctant because you carefully thought something through and decided it was not in your best interest to do or say it.

Because of our big egos we are sometimes even reluctant to apologize for our mistakes or hurtful remarks and this is frequently misguided reluctance which decreases respect for us.

Frequently we are reluctant to change our bad habits because we enjoy them so much no matter how critical others seem to be about the bad habits. This kind of reluctance should be overcome with self-determination as soon as possible because staying with very bad habits will just hurt you in the long duration.

Reluctance frequently changes into procrastination and something which ought to be done never gets done because you keep putting it off forever.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Frequency: n. the number of similar and/or different subset(s) per unit of time

One of the greatest errors in logic is assuming the world is black or white, good or bad, yes or no, always or never, antonym or synonym, right or wrong when the real way of looking at the world is judging it with frequency or thinking infrequently, sometimes, frequently, and very frequently or rarely, not often, sometimes, quite often, and almost all the time. Often means the same thing as frequently so I try not to use it because I am trying to eliminate synonyms in my writing and keep it as logical as possible.

Judging whether you have a good or bad habit or if someone else has a good or bad habit is to ask how frequently is it existing? If you are doing something good very frequently then you probably have a good habit and if you are doing something bad very frequently then you probably have a bad habit.

Before stereotyping or name calling an individual ask yourself how frequently does the stereotype exist? If a human is foolish very frequently then they could potentially be called a fool but if the frequency of the foolish actions is low then it is inappropriate to try and label someone a fool.

An important question to ask yourself is how frequently am I doing something or how frequently are you doing something? If you are unhappy then by asking how frequently you are unhappy you can judge whether it is a problem or something quite natural. If you are unhappy once a day  for a relatively short time then you have nothing to worry about but if you are unhappy four times a day or unhappy all day long then maybe you need a change in your lifestyle. In effect, if you are frequently unhappy then start to worry and maybe try to do something about it.

If you are called stupid, crazy, or lazy once a month then you probably have nothing to worry about but if you are called stupid, crazy, or lazy once a day or once every two days then your stupid, crazy, or lazy frequency is great and you may have to start worrying about it and maybe start changing your behavior.

In a command and obey world  with a command and obey language usage you are very frequently asked to do something and your choices are limited to yes or no or doing something or not doing it and this brainwashes you into thinking that it is a yes or no world.

The more mature you get and the more logical your mind becomes the more you realize that instead of a yes or no, white or black world that there are frequently shades of grey also and that many arguments and misunderstandings are started with a right or wrong mentality when the real way of judging is realizing that it might be mostly or partly right or mostly or partly wrong.

My wife without a logical science background was a perfect example of language brainwashing and frequently said “You always do that” when in fact I did it sometimes and it seemed to her that I did it all the time!!!!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Abuse: v. to behave very badly on a lifeform(s) and frequently with nonlethal violence towards a lifeform(s)

Humans can be abused but so can animals with the use of nonlethal violence and neglect. If you are being abused then chances are rather great that you also came from an abusive family. The logical way out of an abusive relationship is just to end it but unfortunately some are emotionally trapped in fear by being threatened with death and physically punished on a regular basis and chose not to do anything about it until they are actually stabbed or shot and barely escape with their lives.

Many more are psychologically abused with verbal insults, put downs, excessive criticism, name calling, and even threats of physical violence. Your boss, spouse, or an authority figure may be abusing you but there is also self-inflicted abuse in the form of addictive gambling, excessive pornography, drug and alcohol abuse.

If you are an abused spouse then it is largely your fault that you didn’t spend enough time before marriage finding out about an abusive personality which is now victimizing you.

For humans verbal abuse is the most common form but there is also a violent  abusive relationship which some choose to tolerate. Offspring can be abused in standard ways but also by merely ignoring or neglecting them and not teaching them proper social behavior norms.

For pets and animals violent abuse exists but another less obvious form is neglect or failure to maintain an animal in sanitary conditions with adequate food and water.

Abuse is frequently learned from abusive family relationships but an aggressive violent tendency has to be controlled by most of us because it is only the thin veneer of proper socialization which prevents us from violently exploding into raging maniacs when we are abused unjustly and want to defend ourselves or fight back at perceived injustice.

Wilderness is being abused by humans and unfortunately there are no animal and plant rights which permit them to fight back against injustice or the stealing and polluting of their real estate!!!!!!

Domesticated plants and animals are also being abused with factory farming, toxic chemicals, and artificial drugs. We are all paying for it with unhealthy food and increasingly unhealthy bodies. They need legal rights against abuse more than humans do!!!!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Abundance: n. having more than an adequate quantity of a subset(s) possessed and/or needed and/or desired

Wealthy nations are living in an age of seeming abundance. There is more cheap energy, cheap food, cheap goods, and cheap entertainment than we can consume and this has led to many profligate irresponsible lifestyles. There are LESS quality humans, quality relationships, quality food, quality goods, quality entertainment, quality government, and quality wilderness.

Abundance has its costs and quality is what suffers. Technology when properly applied is an antidote to bad quality but unfortunately it is also being used to promote the abundance of cheap subsets which are destroying the biodiversity of the food supply and wilderness and endangering the quality of life for future generations.

A voracious largely mindless impulsive short duration consumption of goods and services is creating too many “live for today” inefficient lifestyles which nature abhors and is already punishing humans with bad health, dysfunctional relationships, and bad addictive lifestyles.

Increasing irresponsible financial and immoral individual behavior is creating government dependency and an irresponsible financially and morally incompetent inefficient government with a leadership which no longer knows how to govern justly.

A government which encourages and rewards growing healthy organic food by not taxing it, which promotes an updated secular moral code for elementary students, which promotes thrifty personal financial behavior which includes budgeting for emergencies and old age is what is needed. A government which operates with updated just taxation and laws, has financial reserves for fiscal emergencies which does not include the counterfeiting of money as needed, and balances the national budget on a yearly basis is what is sorely needed.

Profligacy or living abundantly beyond your means is not easy to change overnight but managing abundance responsibly is something which must be done for the long duration health of humans and the healthy economy of the nation and world.

 Finally there is an abundance of money not linked to tangible assests in the hands of wealthy individuals and there is so much of it that they don’t know how to invest it wisely for the long duration because there is such an emphasis on short duration profit. This oversupply of money and not enough smarts to invest it wisely for the long duration is what is polluting the world, polluting relationships, and destroying wilderness and biodiversity of the food supply upon which civilization’s ultimate survival depends!!!!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Perfection: n. completing using the standards and/or goals which humans have tried to create for completeness

Many of us have had visions of the perfect body, offspring, spouse, friend, pet, food, clothes, house, car, job, career, business, etc. only to be disappointed that we are trying to find perfection where none is possible. Even machines are not perfect and malfunction sooner or later even though some robots can repeat tasks very precisely and repetitively or what is frequently considered perfection.

Human standards are normative and not absolute so many struggle in vain to be the best and don’t succeed but are on a treadmill of never ending frustration. Meticulous and dedicated human perfectionists make mistakes and are delusional if they think that they are error free.

Standards for most things is a useful concept so that you can gauge your performance compared to others but unfortunately these standards can be very disappointing and frustrating for humans who are inherently born different primarily with different memory efficiencies with different backgrounds and frequently fail to live up to perfectionist standards.

Education teaching to the norm is mediocre with fast learners being bored and slow learners not doing very well. Individualized audio visual computer instruction where you proceed at your own pace is the solution where there is promotion based on achievement of desired results and not based on the age of the student. You can still have same aged students in the classroom but all of them at different levels of achievement or grades. This way precocious young students could graduate high school at an earlier age than 18 and chose to further their education or become fully accredited working adults with voting rights much before the age of 18.

Students should be competing against themselves in a selfmotivated way and not be continually disappointed and frustrated that they can’t meet the standards of the fast learners and ace the communal tests.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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In nature the healthy, smart, dominant males reproduce more successfully for the benefit of future generations. In western stupid culture the unhealthy, uneducated, and financially poor reproduce in greater numbers to the detriment of future generations. Healthy responsible reproductive family units are becoming scarce as more and more households are headed by unwed mothers with offspring supported by a government daddy.

Nature has just reproductive standards and western society has no reproductive standards which should be enforced for the benefit of future generations.  Destroy the necessity for a healthy financially responsible family unit in society and you destroy a morally sound society with cohesive bonding human relationships between the sexes.

Historically reproduction has gone hand in hand with financial responsibility for the family unit. It is time to reinstate a functional connection between money and the right to reproduce. Restricting reproduction to one offspring for the poor or those on welfare would be a step in the right direction since the urge to reproduce is almost universal in females and they will reproduce even if it is against the law.

Reproduction against the law should punish women to live in congested quarters without additional financial support for more than one added offspring. In effect, remove the financial incentive to reproduce. The more offspring, the greater the financial poverty.

My evergreen truth books CHANGES IN WELFARE LAWS and EDUCATION REFORM  show how the system can be changed so that reproduction is just and responsible financially and those who put in the time, energy, effort, and achievement get rewarded with reproductive success if they want it.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Peace: n. moral human interaction in the pursuit of a goal(s) without violence

Peaceful human interaction is only possible when humans are basically moral or don’t lie to one another, don’t steal from one another, don’t murder each other, and don’t commit adultery if married. Despite peaceful interactions there are always the exceptions to the rule and a criminal element which steals, lies or deceives, and even murders and police forces must be in place to enforce the laws and morality of the general public.

A strong military is necessary to prevent criminally minded nations from invading at will and policing of internal violence in nations is sometimes also necessary so the concept of a United Nations was developed with a governing charter. Although international policing power is rather ineffective since there is veto power there are economic sanctions which sometimes work to coral rogue nations who deviate from international norms.

Criminals circumvent national borders so the concept of Interpol was developed to gather intelligence on their activities and make extradition possible if a criminal commits a crime in one country and flees to another to avoid capture and prosecution.

There will only be peace internationally when a secular moral code governs interactions between citizens and between nations also. It is-except in emergency situations-don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder.

Worldwide enforcement of this basic morality translated into just laws is the only hope for a long duration peaceful world.

Human thirst for power or world domination was historically the exercise of superior military power. Although military power is still necessary since there are competing democracies and tyrannies, the urge for domination must be channeled into a dominance with superior economic power.

To make economic dominance a realistic goal there must be a change in international and national laws. My evergreen truth books JUSTICE, NEW UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, NEW UNITED NATIONS CHARTER, CHANGES IN WELFARE LAWS, and EDUCATION REFORM all address the necessary changes in laws which are necessary worldwide to facilitate peaceful economic and political competition and ultimate dominance or the sharing of economic power.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Plagiarism: n. willfully and fraudulently stealing the communication(s) and/or idea(s) of another and pretending it(s) is yours

Plagiarism of scientific articles with new discoveries is a serious offense and word for word plagiarism of popular books and articles by relatively famous or noted professionals is also a form of fraud or stealing.

In politics, economics, sociology, literature, and psychology old ideas are being recycled about human nature and you can frequently write a modified article in your own words with something left out and/or something added and you need not give the original author all the credit because they too are just recycling old ideas.

If they are not scientists I am not impressed by noted professionals who have biased views to promote and it is frequently propaganda with some truth mixed in with deceptions, omissions, and an appeal to current normative views.

Historical notables and current notables in non-scientific fields are all biased promoters of their opinions which can be considered to be political correctness, economics correctness, sociological correctness, and psychological correctness but it is all relative subjective truth and not with much objective truth.

I don’t have impressive academic credentials nor have I written a best seller so feel free to plagiarize my work and some relatively unique ideas. I don’t have the money to promote my writings so if you do have the money feel free to promote my ideas and take some credit for them.

Have writer’s block? Search my evergreen truth blogs and books and use them as a starting point for your future articles and books.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of the m, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Suicide: n. willfully and forcibly stealing one’s life

Humans commit suicide for a cause or ideology, because they don’t want to live like a vegetable or live in pain, because their once great reputation is lost, because they are mentally ill, because they have committed murder and feel that they deserve the same ultimate punishment, and because everyday crises or problems are so great without seeming solutions that they want to escape their social trap forever.

Attempted suicide and failure can be considered as a genuine cry for help although there are cases when failed attempts at suicide are devious attempts at getting attention, having someone feel sorry for you, getting classified as mentally ill, and escaping military service.

Euthanasia or assisted suicide should be legalized for humans who are mentally coherent and who don’t want to live as bed vegetables in old age hooked up to expensive lifesaving equipment which just stretches out the vegetative state indefinitely at tremendous personal expense or great expense to taxpayers.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Prosperity: n. succeeding economically and/or relationshiply

Prosperity is usually linked to wealth and few realize that to be truly prosperous your relationships with others must also be in great condition.

The truly prosperous human is one whose relationships with family, friends, and acquaintances is in great shape and wealth is in reality just a secondary indicator of true prosperity.

Most humans view wealth as priority number one to be prosperous but the smart human knows that there is a more important human part to true prosperity.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Hope: v. to desire a goal(s) and/or an event(s) which frequently doesn’t have a great probability of existence in the future

We frequently look forward with anticipation to an event(s) which will exist in the future and we feel there is almost certainty that it will exist or happen. When there is some or much doubt about a future event(s) existing we actually are hoping that it will exist.

“Hope you have a nice day” and “I hope everything will go well” is a realization that there is not total certainty in the outcome.

The same truth applies to setting and achieving a goal(s). If we are not very certain that we can achieve a goal(s) then we frequently begin to hope that we will achieve but will not be too shocked if we don’t.

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You will probably eat, go to the bathroom, work, communicate, and drive a car almost every day. These things have a very high probability or are certain.

Less probable things done on a weekly or monthly basis are shopping, filling up a gas tank, going to a movie, going to a restaurant, paying rent or a mortgage, getting paid, and meeting a friend in person.

On a yearly basis you may go on vacation, go to the dentist, and pay your taxes.

In a lifetime you may marry once or twice, have more than a handful of jobs, have health problems, and live in more than a handful of locations. These are rather common things which most of us do and there is a high probability that they will exist or happen in our lives.

Not so probable things are getting the job of your dreams, making much money, marrying a soul mate, and traveling to some truly awesome places in the world.

The truth is that through invested time, effort, and achievement you can sometimes increase the probability of getting what you really want in life. By just living casually day by day and not budgeting your money you will probably not get much of what you think you want out of life.

The probability of things which will exist in your life is determined by chance to some extent because we frequently can’t avoid accidents, medical crises, and sudden financial reversals in our life, especially if we are big risk takers. Opportunity in life sometimes comes by chance but if we haven’t prepared for it then it may pass us by and we may regret it for the rest of our lives.


At the two extremes there are humans who let things happen and there are those who try to make things happen in their favor. Most of us let things happen and relatively infrequently try to make important things happen in our lives with careful planning and preparation.

What is the probability that you will live a long and prosperous happy life? No one really knows for sure but if you eat healthy, exercise moderately, never give up, continue to struggle trying to solve everyday problems, and try to learn new useful skills and knowledge then the probability that you will have an interesting life without many regrets increases greatly.

There are probable things in your life which you will frequently and relatively easily do in your life and then there are the improbable things which will just happen to you or happen because of time, effort, achievement, and money spent to make them happen even though the odds against it happening are rather great.

Knowing what the highly improbable things are in life or the impossible things are is important because you can waste a tremendous amount of valuable time, effort, and money trying to make the impossible possible in your life. A life filled with failure, frustration, and depressing disappointment is what awaits you if you don’t set realistic goals and don’t try to achieve possible realistic goals in your life and focus on the impossible instead.

If you don’t have an excellent memory and talent to become a celebrity in the nation or internationally then try to become a celebrity or someone outstanding locally or in an important local profession.

You may only have the potential to become a big fish in a little pond but not have the potential to become a big fish in a big pond. Most of us have to content ourselves with being little fish in a little pond or big pond and that is perfectly acceptable since most of us lead rather normal or mundane lives and have no great urge to excel at anything truly important in society.

Having a happy family and doing a bucket list of interesting things in life is enough of a challenge for most of us and fewer each year are succeeding at even living this kind of a marginal traditional lifestyle.

If you are leading most of your life living the single lifestyle then you can even be content with this because you have the freedom to live life your way without making compromises with a significant other. Not reproducing or not having offspring is also not a disaster because what the polluted world needs least of all is another mouth to feed in a sea of overpopulated humanity.

Death is a certainty for all of us so make the best of life between now and then so that you will have a minimum of regrets on your death bed!!!!!!

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Armageddon or the end of civilization has been preached in one form or another through the ages. Of all the possibilities here is one more to add to the list which is a very probable scary scenario. The long duration threat is actually antibiotic resistant bacteria which are also forming in our artificial waste treatment sewage plants and endangering all animals downstream including humans.

Perhaps the one optimistic note is that at least we can identify some of the antibiotic drug resistant toxic gut bacteria and knowing your enemy can sometimes lead to a temporary cure or necessary change in lifestyle before it is too late to change the dire circumstances. Don’t use or sell sewage plant fertilizer is the first step we can all take to reverse the ominous trend. Don’t try to make potable water out of communal effluent unless you boil the water off is another good rule to follow.

Here is a link to an article with scientific backing to prove the seriousness of the situation.

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Many parts of the world are competing politically, economically, religiously and the natural consequence is that violent outbreaks are still a fact of life where arms are readily available.

Whether the attack on the twin towers was foreign terrorism or a conspiracy the fact is that it precipitated counter measures which improved airline security, better intelligence or spying on citizens, on legal and illegal aliens,  improved intelligence gathering expertise in the Arab world, and ensured for a time that the oil wealth of Iraq would not be used to fund terrorist activities worldwide.

The Israeli Palestine conflict seems never ending but it improves military counter measures against rockets such as the iron dome of protection which Israel has and has worked almost flawlessly. Yes, eventually the Palestinians may start using stealth drones to deliver their explosive payloads and so counter measures will have to be found to exclude such a threat. Yes, some innocent lives and soldier lives are lost in the process but that is the price which sometimes has to be paid for progress and more future security against violent attacks.

After the overthrow of the Russian puppet Ukrainian leader Russia feared that its economic and political dominance in Ukraine could be severely impaired. It used military force to invade the Crimea and started violent countermeasures in Eastern Ukraine. Since Russia supplies Europe with much energy it was emboldened to make a military move and not fear total economic sanctions from the western world.

Its success in supplying Syria with arms and maintaining the Assad regime through violent means may also have emboldened Putin to continue to use violent means as a political tool. This is an awakening call and warning that large scale economic dependence on a tyrant country may imply the use of aggressive force at a later date. That Nato is still a necessary military organization in Europe has been reaffirmed.

All localized military conflict eventually ends and the dominant military force usually continues to rule the area on into the future. Unfortunately much political power is still enforced with the overt use of force in this world and it is just a fact of life which we have to live with.


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If you have a poor job, bad personality, a bad education, and bad communication skills then chances are you are a one night stand.

You can improve your job and improve your education with much personal invested time, effort, and achievement. If you have a bad personality or bad communication skills and are a young adult then the chances that you will change this for the better are rather small and improbable because bad social habits are very hard to change in adulthood.

If you are honest, sincere, dependable, trustworthy, somewhat caring, and competent with a good paying job then chances are you are marriage material if you do not have a history of being promiscuous or unfaithful.

If your looks, personality, communication skills, education, and dynamic goal oriented lifestyle are not enough to attract someone on more than a handful of dates without sex then you should seriously consider improving your non sexual characteristics which are the bonds which will keep a relationship going in the long duration.

Try to use sex as the primary attractant and you will fail miserably in a close long duration trusting relationship. Even serious marriage minded males do not want a promiscuous liberated female or one who gives sex freely with no strings attached.

Online dating and most dating can be a very frustrating and disappointing in an increasingly promiscuous hedonistic culture. Many are victimized by social brainwashing which encourages irresponsible behavior or the live for today party mentality. Good marriage material in western cultures is becoming increasingly rare so don’t be too disappointed if you aren’t finding any good marriage material these days who can commit for a long duration responsibly.


Be honest, sincere, dependable, trustworthy, competent, somewhat caring, and faithful and try to associate with humans who also have those fundamental important characteristics since most will have similar minded friends. In effect, try to associate with humans who are also marriage material. If you have surrounded yourself with humans who are one night stands then don’t be too surprised if you have become or are one of them!!!!!!

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I am pleased to see that a return to basics or healthy organic eating, drinking, moderate exercise, sleeping naturally, and living healthy lifestyles is being shown as a realistic alternative to pill popping of psychiatric drugs for a majority of so called sick patients with bipolar disorder. This advice should go much further and be propagandized as a potential cure for most depressions, anxiety disorders, and other vaguely defined psychiatric behavioral not chemical “disorders” unless you are talking about insufficient good chemical food nutrients and too many bad chemical food ingredients which can cause metabolic imbalances and impaired natural mental functioning.

Using artificial drugs or natural drugs in too great a quantity or for too long then you are also messing with your metabolism with a high potential for inefficient brain functioning.

This puts the responsibility of living well right back into your lap, puts much of the historical blame to a large extent on bad psychiatric advice and drugs, and reinforces the importance of the basic four priorities in life which is healthy varied nutritious organic food, healthy drinks, moderate exercise, and enough natural sleep.

What the article doesn’t say is that being honest, sincere, dependable, trustworthy, competent, somewhat caring, and faithful will improve your bad social lifestyle. Good social interaction is also important for many and is something which many don’t have. Many socially stress unnecessarily without knowing how to make improvements in relationships and suffer much mental anguish.

Yes, parents and bad role models are largely to blame for dysfunctional social lifestyles which can’t be changed overnight but even here with enough self-control, determination, and proper guidance and encouragement you can make some constructive progress even as spoiled adults. Proper guidance and encouragement takes much time, energy, and money after a crisis so don’t wait for a miracle to happen in your life because proper guidance and encouragement is reserved for the financially well off in this society. You may have to live with a shitty personality but you can be a healthy shitty personality if you don’t ignore the four basics of healthy living and it is almost a guarantee that you will have almost no health crises in your life other than injurious accidents.

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The purpose of life has always been to survive and reproduce the next generation. Humans have succeeded so well at this that the polluted world is overpopulated with human protoplasm which is devastating the biodiversity of the food supply and destroying biodiverse wilderness threatening the very survival of healthy civilization.

Nothing is more certain than change and if you are making and achieving small short duration new goals in life and if you have made long duration goals subject to change as necessary then you have purpose or more accurately purposes in life. Even if you never succeed at reproducing which is no longer a necessity but should be considered a luxury, you can have purpose(s) in life.

Caught in a world of impulsive dysfunctional living, bad habits, and starting to feel depressed? If your best friends are just as impulsively dysfunctional then end the bad friendships, improve yourself gradually, and eventually find new and better friends.

Make some new good short duration goals and achieve them thus displacing more and more of your dysfunctional living and bad habits. You may feel discouraged at first because bad living is habit forming and gives you some pleasure. You may not know what a good short duration new goal is but try to connect with new useful skills, new useful knowledge, and new functional friend role models who seem to be living a more purposeful good life with plans for the future. Succeeding at achieving new short duration good goals will give you the confidence to make more of them and you will experience real improvement in your life.

Yes, you can also dedicate yourself to a life of hedonistic indulgences and addictive vices one after the other with indiscriminate use of mind altering drugs. Burn with the intensity of fireworks in your life and it will be just as short lived an experience in your life. Live for today and don’t give a damn about tomorrow will frequently result in a worse tomorrow or even worse -no tomorrow!!!

Good unbiased advice or free useful knowledge is hard to find these days in a fast changing technological century which is fast changing many old rules. You can start by investing your time and energy searching and reading articles in this website which will give you plenty of wise advice on what good habits, good goals, and good lifestyles are.

You are being lied to, deceived, and brainwashed by society and friends. Search for the truth and find some and you will gradually rid yourself of the comforting lies which keep your life functioning badly in a purple haze of impulsive stupidity.

If you are not convinced that I have most of the answers then surf the web and ask your questions using search engines such as Google and Bing. I can only help you to set new useful goals in your life but actually setting them and trying to achieve them is your responsibility and yours only!!!!!!

If you are not happy and feel purposeless then start making some good conscious changes in your life by setting some new realistic good goals and actually achieving them with self-control and determination. Live long and prosper!

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Rich or poor we all need healthy food, healthy drink, moderate exercise, and enough sleep. Even if you are poor or on welfare then you can still budget your time and money and afford good food, drink, can move around, and sleep well. You may have to cut back on impulsive inefficient shopping for other life’s seeming necessities but with enough self discipline you can decrease spending on luxuries which only seem like necessities and you can decrease the quantity of food and drink consumed and concentrate on eating quality nutricious food in lesser amounts.

If you are unhealthy and stressed out or depressed and were not born that way then chances are that you are not eating healthy, drinking healthy, getting enough sleep, and not moving around enough. Even if you are a social recluse or social “failure” then you can still be a healthy one if your four primary needs are met.

Most animals in nature eat, drink, exercise, and sleep and stay healthy unless they are pack animals who depend on others for their food supply and would starve otherwise. Humans are pack animals but they seldom starve because they get fed and so are entirely capable of living on their own without having to socialize as a necessity.

Our western society is getting increasingly unhealthy and dysfunctional social behavior and addictive behaviors are frequently being blamed as the primary causes for bad health. While dysfunctional social behavior and addictions can be contributory causes to bad health the fact is that few are eating healthy food, drinking healthy, moving around enough, and getting enough sleep.

Too many artificial drugs are being used to fall asleep, feel good, escape reality, help us socialize, and mask illnesses brought on by bad nutrition causing many bad side effects which frequently lead to taking more artificial drugs to cure the incurable circumstances. Psychiatrists, drug companies, and drug pushers are making a killing selling addictive drugs with bad side effects which are then treated with more drugs.

Is insomnia one of your problems? Check the side effects of your illegal as well as legal drugs because they are notorious for disrupting your sleep habits, especially psychiatric or mind altering drugs.

Nutrient deficiencies in overly processed food, lopsided intake of sugar and artificial sweeteners, and traces of many unhealthy artificial additives resulting from factory and mono culture farming has ruined the quality of food and drink for many humans. Their number one and two priorities are not being met. The sooner we all switch to eating a wide variety of certified organic food and drinking drinks not artificially sweetened, the sooner will the health of the general population improve.


A pill or drug to instantly solve every problem in society is the dangerous myth which is devastating so many lives in western society. If you have a dysfunctional personality then you will not find a quick fix  with a feel good drug but you can at least try to make sure that your primary four needs are being met without any artificial drugs being added to the healthy mix of the big four.

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Reputation: n. the degree of respect and/or disrespect possessed which is an appraisal of the degree of respect and/or disrespect made by a subset(s) of humans

Not many of us have an excellent reputation because frankly few know that you need to be honest, sincere, dependable, trustworthy, caring, and competent to have an excellent reputation. If you sometimes lie, are not dependable, and are not competent in your job or as a parent then you may get by but you will definitely not have an excellent reputation.

If you are in a leadership position then reputation is very important. If you live a rather isolated life and don’t interact with humans that frequently then your reputation may not seem that important and you will get by as long as you show up for work and don’t screw up on the job.

Reputation may not seem important to you until you develop a bad reputation and then you realize how hard it is to get it back since almost no one trusts you anymore and generally does not want to have anything to do with you.

If your reputation is very bad then your only recourse is to move to another location in the country. You can begin with a fresh new start trying to develop a good reputation which will unfortunately take some time because a good reputation is earned over a relatively long time of demonstrating trustworthiness. A good reputation is not something which you automatically get by just asking for it.

Getting a good reputation back after losing it is almost impossible so the best advice is don’t lose it in the first place and behave appropriately.

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images (6)

Resentment: n. sensing hatred and/or indignation which is the effect of a real and/or imagined wrong(s) and/or injustice(s)

We sometimes resent humans because we feel they have achieved success in an unjust way or feel that they have been promoted before us with less merit.

Some of us resent others merely because they are rich or seem to have better status than us and it stems from a general belief that life is not fair and we are not at the receiving end of good fortune.

Social inequality is a fact of life and if you are living life resenting others with much anger for their status then you will probably lead a relatively miserable and unhappy existence. You probably fail to realize that your absence of success is largely your own fault unless you were born into a dysfunctional family or are handicapped both mentally and physically.

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Responsibility: n. a subset(s) which is being controlled by a lifeform(s) and/or which is frequently an obligation(s) and/or duty(s)

If you are a parent and controlling some of the behavior of your offspring then you are being responsible. If you do your best to correct your mistakes and bad behavior then you are being responsible because you should be in control and are dutiful.

Animals such as some dogs can be trained to behave responsibly and protect humans and property. Animals are being responsible or dutiful when they raise their young offspring and pack animals assume responsibility when hunting and do their just share of the work.

Failure to be in control is being irresponsible and it will have or should have bad consequences.

A competent reputation is threatened if you start to behave irresponsibly and can no longer be trusted to fulfill your duties as a dutiful adult.

Many young adults have not been taught to be responsible independent adults because they have been over protected and under educated with rather useless information for a good paying job.

Over dependency on the family unit frequently translates into an entitlement mentality in the real world where we feel that we are entitled to benefits which we haven’t earned in a responsible adult way.

Government has a responsibility to defend the country against external and internal criminal behavior and should spend taxpayer’s money responsibly. Unfortunately government responsibility is frequently a reflection of individual responsibility and if the citizens are living immorally and irresponsibly then chances are the government will also begin to live immorally and irresponsibly and spend money unwisely.

Many modern lives are led chaotically and irresponsibly and this tremendous decrease in living skills is reflected in government actions which attempt to support much irresponsible behavior and welfare dependency.

Government and big banks are also to blame for financial irresponsibility because it doesn’t encourage humans to save money for emergencies and retirement with a dollar decreasing in value on a yearly basis due to inflation, paying almost no interest on savings accounts, and an absence of good long duration investments other than real estate. The financial system is so structured that it doesn’t pay to save money in a responsible way but rather encourages short duration speculation and profligate spending which causes financial crises and no responsible savings.

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Internet customer reviews are BS in about 5% of cases so make sure you read more than a handful on a product and eliminate or ignore the glaring discrepancies or untrue deviant views.

Lying peaks at about age 12 so make sure that your young offspring do not get away with lying or it may become a lifelong handicap.

As many as 85 % of parents sometimes lie to their offspring to get them to behave or lie to them about Santa clause, the Easter bunny, tooth fairies, and angels. Religious mythology with supernatural events and fortune telling is institutionalized lying which many modern honest offspring can’t stand and frequently challenge.

Deceptive and lying advertising fools many and encourages more deception and lying in society.

Emails, text messages, and gossipy small talk has some lies but most of them come from humans with a greater lying frequency than the more honest ones.

If you cheat on a test and get good grades then you credit yourself with being smarter than you actually are and if you lie and get away with it or get rewarded in some way then you encourage yourself to lie again because of lying success. Undeserved ass kissing may get you desired short duration results but you will expect ass kissing from others too and you will never develop respect and admiration from those whom you are in charge of.

Lying about finances is frequent in a job poor society with many poor paying jobs and a desire to impress our dates with more financial power than we actually possess.

Past experiences are edited to fit current reality and this frequently results in lying about the past to make it fit current reality.

Not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings many frequently lie about bad looks, bad behavior, and inappropriate gifts with superlative undeserved praise.

Making promises and not fulfilling them is a form of lying about your behavior in the future. Although there are sometimes unexpected circumstances which interfere with promise fulfilling if you find that you are making too many excuses about not being on time or not keeping a promise then you are developing or have developed into a compulsive liar and not to be trusted.

If you have lying friends then chances are great that you lie more than usual too.

I am one of the few rare individuals on an anti-lying crusade but is quite rare and it is hard getting followers since comforting lies is what most prefer to the harsh reality of truth and honesty.

Finally, lying once intentionally starts to destroy trust or the bond which holds great relationships together. Lie intentionally and you create suspicion, distrust, and fear of being cheated about something and a good trusting relationship if there was one begins to disintegrate. After the first serious intentional lie a lingering question remains. What else is he or she lying to me about? 

Intentionally lie and get caught which is inevitable given enough time and the chances for developing a good new trusting long duration relationship or friendship are impossible.

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The relationship is emotionally very compatible and each partner pays close attention to one another and gives tender and/or strong emotional support when needed for both good events and bad ones in each other’s lives.

You have an impulsive feeling that you have found or are living with a special human in your life.

Not only sexually but just holding hands long into the relationship still gives a considerable amount of pleasure so the good chemistry is obvious.

You have been comfortable since day one with your partner and have not been afraid to reveal your vulnerabilities and share your weaknesses with your partner. Your inner world of needs and emotions is shared without fear of rejection or insecure feelings.

You have difficult challenges in life and problems to solve but you both courageously confront them head on as a team.

You have differing opinions on things but your moral foundation is shared and you are basically honest, sincere, dependable, trustworthy, faithful, and caring with each other so your basic important values are never challenged.


The above relationship is rather rare because most males are less in touch with their emotional feelings and that of their spouses and exhibit less caring behaviors than most women. Many men are emotional illiterates and seldom detect emotional nuances. If your husband is honest, sincere, dependable, faithful, and basically trustworthy then this is usually the best which you can expect or hope for from a marital relationship. Tenderness, fondness, an abundance of caring, and responsiveness to subtle emotional cues is frequently not his forte.

Expecting your husband to sense that you had a bad day or feel unhappy from your tone of voice or facial expression is frequently asking too much. Telling him outright about your bad day and unhappiness is the smartest thing to do if you want to make sure that he knows that you have had a bad day or that you are unhappy about something.

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As offspring our wishes are rather simple and somewhat materialistic but we are always comparing ourselves to others and assessing our selfworth. We wish we could have more toys or the toys of other offspring, we wish we could have nice clothes, we wish we could be taller, stronger, or more attractive than other offspring.

We wish we could be all grown up and have some of the privileges of our parents such as driving a car or being able to leave the house on our own and travel around town.  Some have relatives and meet family friends and sometimes wish that we could be like them when we grow up.

As teenagers our wish for material things continues but we get very involved in following the latest music, the latest fashion, the new movie, video game, TV show, and sports celebrity and some of us start unrealistically wishing for celebrity fame as musicians, media stars, sports stars, and actors.

Very few of us develop a realistic view on life which is the world of good useful jobs, good friends, family responsibility, and financial responsibility. Many graduate with poor job skills and still don’t know what they want to do in life realistically and have no long duration plans for the future.

Many have become overly dependent on family life without responsibility and are shocked when they find out that they are expected to earn a living on their own and lead an independent financial life of their own. The only thing that most new adult aged humans know is that they usually don’t want to be like their parents or have their jobs and live like them.

When confronted with the reality of the job world some start wishing in retrospect that they had not wasted so much time on trivial pursuits, that they had learned more useful job skills, and wish that they had been more aware that so much of their freedom to live life the way that they want is restricted by the mighty dollar.

Very many young adults wish they had more money because they find that going on dates, going to restaurants, furthering their education, following their dreams, and living independently all takes much money which most do not have. The optimism of living successfully as independent self-supporting adults comes crashing down for many.

Some move back in with their parents, some share shelter with others, and many generally can’t survive on their own while earning minimum wage at a menial job. Many optimistic wishes are shattered and replaced with a daily struggle and grind to survive financially and pay for minimum life expenses. Some seek to escape harsh reality with drugs and alcohol and many are stuck with bad friend role models all with similar problems struggling to make it in this world as young adults.

What young adults are wishing for other than more money and successful relationships with the opposite sex is not my area of expertise because technology is so radically changing the job market that I have little advice to give the technologically illiterate vast majority of young adults who have so badly prepared themselves to live in this fast changing world.

I was raised in an era of job abundance and have had many of them but what do you tell the young generation when whatever job they land will probably be replaced with technology 10 or 20 years from now!

Become technologically literate after 22 years of liberal arts brainwashing? Impossible for most and nothing short of radical reeducation is the cure. The liberal arts handicap is what most graduates will have to live with for the rest of their lives and I see little optimism for most of them in the long duration. I wish the world was a kinder place for the liberal arts but it is not and getting unkinder with each passing year.

On the optimistic side almost 47% of the population in the United States is getting some form of welfare assistance. Most liberal arts majors can look forward to living a life on welfare with their basic needs being provided for with robots and computer software all smarter than them taking over the work world.

A life of carefree leisure is what I see in the works for most of the population in the not too distant future. Your life of financial dependence on your parents will be replaced with financial dependence on the welfare system so many of us will be freed of the need to work for a living. Eternal childhood for most is what I predict in the future for most. With an abundance of cheap alcohol and maybe even a drug or two to get high on and feel artificially good, many liberal arts majors will not miss the world of work that much!!!!!!

Wish: v. to desire a future goal(s) which frequently has (a relatively small and/or very uncertain) and/or an even zero probability of existence


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taylor parks lammarand reads

Here are the 10 most important rules in elementary school:

Don’t steal and/or destroy school and personal property

Don’t lie

Don’t cheat

Obey commands and directions by authority

Don’t interrupt and listen carefully to what is said

Don’t yell and disrupt teaching and/or a peaceful atmosphere

Work quietly and don’t disturb others

Don’t use hands, feet, and objects aggressively

Work and play safely

Don’t run in class or in hallways

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Plead: v. to make an emotional and/or serious and/or urgent request to do a subset(s)

Sometimes logical or reasoned persuasion is not enough to get someone to do something which we think is important at the moment. Trying to plead for our request may sometimes work.

Pleeease do it, please, please do it, pretty please, come on do it, ah do it, help me, save me, do it because it’s the right thing to do, make yourself feel good and do it, we don’t have much time left, I need it now, it’s an emergency, and you won’t be sorry are all ways of pleading for action with tone of voice being very important.

Most pleas are done to authority figures who have the power to grant requests. Offspring are sometimes good at pleading their case and making requests which they hope the parents will fulfill.

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Many of us are struggling hard to survive financially and some of us are struggling hard to survive debilitating illnesses or health problems. For humans survival means eat a wide variety of healthy organic food, drink healthy, exercise moderately, and learn to budget your money. But this is not enough.

Our myopic or short sighted preoccupation with ourselves and other humans seldom permits us to think about the survival of wilderness which will be the safety net of human survival when our domesticated food supply will be so unhealthy due to technological intervention that we will have to resort to the domestication of wilderness food to revitalize a healthy food source for humanity.

Biodiversity is being ravaged at an accelerating pace worldwide and the food supply is also getting less diverse with a stupid emphasis on monoculture agriculture.

Fight for the survival of wilderness real estate by contributing to conservation organizations and patronize a wide variety of certified organic food as much as possible and try new seemingly exotic foods which appear on your supermarket shelves.

Promote biodiversity in the food supply by eating as wide a variety of foods as possible and propagandize in favor of wilderness and its vital healthy plants and animals which are the safety net for the future survival of human civilization.

Humans are not alone on the face of this precious endangered planet and it should be the responsibility of every human to love, nurture and protect or care for the survival of wilderness!!!!!!

Survive together or perish together. The choice is ours!!!


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Unfortunately many of the animals shown are in zoos or of the domesticated variety but there is enough attention payed to wildlife to make it worth while. Check out the giraffe protecting her offspring from a pride of lions!!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Coax: v. to persuade slowly to do a subset(s) with gentle pleading and/or kind words and/or flattery

Reluctant offspring or adults will sometimes not do something without some or much coaxing. Persuading offspring slowly with gentle pleading, kind words, and flattery will sometimes work and with gullible adults flattery and gentle pleading are frequently the most effective tools of coaxing if you do not use logic and reason to persuade slowly.

Flattery is not a good habit to use on offspring or adults because it is excessive unearned praise and offspring will learn to become flatterers as adults and will not be thought of highly by honest and sincere humans.

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Risk Mgmt

Risk: v. to try to achieve a goal(s) with an approximated probability but not certainty

Living life is a risky proposition. You can be involved in an accident, can ruin a relationship with bad behavior, and lose a relatively secure job due to technological advancement. Most prefer security and take few risks but there are humans who thrive on risk taking and gamble with their personal lives doing things which would make other humans wince with disbelief.

Some professional sports are risky with a high probability of injury as are new business ventures but thanks to the risk takers progress is made in society which much prefers the status quo approach to life or the don’t rock the boat philosophy.

There is stupid risk taking such as gambling with the odds against you in the long duration and extreme sports such as rock climbing without a rope for security. Many are addicted to an adrenaline rush which comes with risky physical behavior but in most cases there are safety backups which minimize the probability of physical injury to acceptable levels.

Some are so afraid of social disapproval that they don’t readily risk interacting socially with other humans. Some are stuck in unrewarding emotionally devastating jobs yet don’t want to risk changing jobs for fear that they will become unemployed in the near future.

Fear is what keeps us from taking calculated worthwhile risks in life and sometimes it is based on a history of failure at attempting too many risks which didn’t work out to our benefit.

A good principle to follow is take more risks  with potentially good rewards in young adulthood and middle age and take fewer risks, especially financial ones, in old age.

If you are getting bored with life then take a risk and try something new. Learn a new skill, acquire new knowledge, or do something different by tasting a new healthy food, listening to old popular music before your birth, shopping in a new store, or communicating with a new friend.

Most humans are trapped in their bad habits or old habits and never risk venturing forward and trying to find something new to do in their lives. Sometimes doing something new can keep life interesting even into old age when most humans erroneously think that they know it all.


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Not many employees fall into strict, stereotypic, extreme bad personality types which are readily identifiable but if your employees have two or more of the nine listed undesirable characteristics in abundance then you should seriously consider firing them.

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Rudeness: n. showing unintentional and/or intentional minimum consideration for a human(s)’ sensing and it is frequently done by showing shameless disrespect and unacceptable social etiquette

Your conversation can be rudely interrupted but you can also be rudely interrupted while doing something important. Unless it is an emergency situation rude interruptions are frequently violations of good social etiquette and disapproved of by most humans.

Rudeness is showing disrespect for another human and frequently the result of selfish behavior which every civilized human must learn to control if they are to maintain a good social reputation.

Not all rudeness is intentional but hurting another’s feelings  with blatant public honesty or malice and severely scolding an adult is not considered proper social etiquette or behavior. If you know how to be polite in public human interactions then chances are you are not being rude because being polite means following good social etiquette.

Disciplining an employee who deserves it can be done rudely if you resort to name calling, ridicule, put downs, and harsh criticism. Punishment can be administered justly without rudely punishing the ego or sense of selfworth more than it deserves to be punished.


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A boss who is a control freak and wants to dominate all activities and be obeyed without questioning needs to learn that blind obedience is not the most efficient way to run a business.

A stubborn boss who thinks that he never makes mistakes or is not willing to evaluate opposing opinions and judge them on their merit is an egomaniac who is bad for business.

Indecisiveness or an absence of needed confidence is also bad which frequently shows that a boss is too inexperienced or a bad leader who seems not to know what to do or how to lead.

A boss interested in the status quo or one resistant to change of any kind will not adapt when necessary or when it becomes obvious that change is necessary for the business to continue thriving under new circumstances.

Micromanaging employee behavior stifles employee growth in learning new skills necessary for advancement and sense of selfmotivating personal accomplishment.

Threats of punishment or firing or using tyrannical fear to motivate employees to work well will not only cause heavy turnover of employees but less efficient work habits and your employees will hate you.

Showing favoritism to certain employees who are not efficient and productive workers will demoralize the good workers, ruin good team effort, and make them less productive and less respectful of the boss.

An arrogant bragging boss is not a pretty sight and the feelings of superiority are seldom shared by employees.

An angry emotional boss not only ruins a secure productive work environment but emotional subjectivity frequently ignores objective facts which need to be considered and adapted to to make work more productive.

A blaming boss who never admits that mistakes are sometimes his or her fault too and takes all credit for success is a selfish fool with a faulty me against you attitude.


Not every imperfect boss has all the above bad characteristics or they would not survive as a boss in any business but each additional bad characteristic which you have makes you a progressively worse boss.

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Rumor: v. to currently circulate information of uncertain and/or doubtful truth

Some rumors are outright lies designed to hurt someone’s reputation. If you start an untrue rumor then chances are great that it will come back to bite you sooner or later and your own reputation will be tarnished when someone finds out who the source of the untrue rumor really is.

Spreading rumors which are untrue or highly doubtful is malicious gossip and you should try and avoid becoming part of an unjust rumor mill. To determine whether a rumor is untrue check the source. If it is someone with a reputation for spreading untrue rumors then don’t accept it as the truth and definitely don’t spread it further or you too will be blamed for spreading lies.

If the source of the rumor is someone whom you trust then you have the choice of spreading it further or keeping the juicy information to yourself. If the rumor is something bad about a human whose respect you want then the best thing to do is just to keep it to yourself and save it for the future in case you need ammunition to fight back if you are victimized by some injustice.


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Patriotism: n. love of one’s country

Patriotism means love of one’s country and that usually means that you care for it or that you are willing to nurture or support and protect or defend it. Patriotism is frequently confused with nationalism which means a belief in the superiority of one’s nation as well as loving it.

If you feel that your nation has unjust laws or is doing unjust things in the world such as wrong military action then your feeling of love for the nation is decreased considerably. Humans who love the world or other nations too frequently feel less devoted love towards their own nation. Globalists are frequently less passionate patriots.

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Nationalism: n. love of one’s country and a belief in samer country’s superiority

Nationalists are not only patriots who love their country but feel that their country is superior to other nations. Nationalists tend to want to impose their laws on other nations and are frequently more ready to use military power to influence other nations.

Nationalists tend to be expansionist minded and want to conquer with the use of force such as former Nazi Germany and the former Soviet Union.

In an era of globalization nationalism is frequently an impediment to mutual agreements between nations and should be reduced if at all possible if we are ever to function as one world community in the long duration.

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Ruthlessness: n. pitiless and/or merciless and/or unsympathetic and/or frequently cruel and sometimes murderous in the achievement of a goal(s)

A totally immoral or totally ruthless human will lie, steal, and murder to achieve power or to maintain it once in a leadership position. Organized crime and gangs are examples of ruthless behavior in an otherwise peaceful society.

Tyrants are ruthless but ruthless politicians and business humans will sometimes lie, deceive, and bankrupt humans to gain or maintain their power. Whistle blowers are bankrupted or labelled mentally insane and their lives are destroyed for all practical purposes. Political opponents are labelled racist, homophobes, radicals, or fanatics by character assassinators. Vicious untrue rumors are spread by some in the workplace to try and get you fired or deposed from a prestigious position in an organization.

Ruthlessness is not only a characteristic of tyrannies but is alive and well in democracies too although short of murder in most cases. The powerful monied interests can make your life a living hell if they decide that you are a serious threat to their power. Almost no one has gone to jail for wall street corruption and none for bank corruption. There is a great likelihood that this deplorable trend will continue until whistleblowers are protected physically and financially from disclosing evidence of corruption.

The more immoral a society becomes the less the leadership can be trusted to rule justly without the use of force or the threat of force. This is why it is of utmost importance to teach young impressionable minds a secular morality which preaches against lying, stealing, and murder without any ifs ands or buts.


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Ambition: n. setting of a goal(s) with an intense desire and it is usually a goal(s) with a relatively great importance in society.

Many humans confuse ambition with making and achieving any goal such as owning a big house, luxurious car, yacht, traveling to many places, seeing interesting events in different countries, doing different sports, or in effect making a bucket list of things to do and trying to do them all. This abundant activity is really not true ambition but doing a large quantity of rather mundane things in your life which other humans with enough money can also do relatively easily.

True ambition for humans with great memory for names and events is making loftier goals, setting your sights high, and trying to achieve prestigious leadership positions in politics, business, military, religion, and relatively big organizations such as non profits. Those who have a very good memory and ambition can aspire to excelling in careers such as medicine, law, science, engineering, computer science, and acting.

Too many are delusional and aspire to celebrity status in the media and music. Some humans just want to ambitiously make much money and rather quickly so they try to get a prestigious position on Wall street or try to become a leading banker.

Many are very ambitious with little inborn talent or average memories and think that through hard work and persistence that they will achieve their lofty goals only to discover a sea of disappointment, failure, and premature burnout. You can become a leader in a big pond or a small one and if you feel that you don’t have enough natural talent to make it nationally or internationally then settle for becoming a leader locally.

The fascinating truism about ambition is that when you achieve your goals you are never satisfied and want more success or even greater prestige or celebrity status. Historically great conquerors and leaders unsatisfied with their great achievements and power tried to become immortal gods and failed miserably. Our true ambition would be to live forever and knowing that this is impossible we hope that our celebrity is so great that future generations will remember us forever for our achievements.

Even greatly propagandized written works like the bible and other religious works will not live forever except perhaps on some digital storage device out of reach for most in the general public.

The archaic written word or language is changing and religious writings need some serious updating if they are to keep their relevance in the 21st century.


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Sacrifice: v. to extremely attach to a goal(s) which frequently causes an extreme decrease in the variety of personal goals and/or a large change in material wealth

Sacrifice means ignoring many desirable personal goals in the pursuit of one or relatively few other goals such as extreme wealth and/or professional success.

Altruists are not the only ones making personal sacrifices to achieve their primary goal.

Many leaders and celebrities sacrifice family, close friendships, and relatively mundane pleasures for leadership or celebrity success.

Working hard to acquire new skills and knowledge seems like sacrificing a life of leisure and indulgence for many but to the hard workers it is means opening up new possibilities for future beneficial opportunities.

If you are not ignoring important things then you are not sacrificing them and if you are ignoring trivial things then sacrificing them is almost an obligation.

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circle of control example

Proactive adj. trying to logically control the probability of a future event(s) by making a goal(s) and planning to achieve samer goal(s) and doing an action(s) to achieve samer goal(s)

Reactive: adj. causing an action(s) by a subset(s) after impacting samer subset(s)

Proactive behavior is not the opposite or antonym of reactive behavior because frequently proactive behavior has large reactive subsets. No one is totally logical using much reason to plan ahead but makes many reactive decisions based on past experience, knowledge, skills, beliefs, and opinions to try and project into the future and optimize the probability of desired results with personal and directed group action(s).

Few humans have the luxury of time to logically and rationally think about and gather appropriate information on how future events could be controlled to get desired results. The smarter you are and the more logical your work and responsibilities are the more proactive a percentage you exhibit in your behavior(s) and you gradually decrease the amount of reactively abundant personal largely impulsive behavior.

Finally trying to accurately detect and then control the emotions of humans is largely an impulsive reactive skill learned from an abundance of experiences with humans in similar situations. Emotional IQ is largely reactive with little need for logical thinking and is vital to leading most human motivational effort. Being proactive emotionally is largely an absurdity unless you are dealing with motivational public or private proactive plans or skills to get desirable emotional reactions at a future time from your captive audience.

Proactivity is basically an attempt at responsibly setting goals, planning to achieve them, and doing your best to achieve those goals in an active way with or without the help of other humans.

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More misery exists because of the following things:

You don’t have enough annoying strangers and friends in your life which builds good character and a tolerance for shittyness.

Texting and online company is poor communication where you don’t learn to read important body language and you limit your tolerance to a circle of humans who only agree with you.

Online criticism and name calling seldom causes us to reform ourselves as needed.

We have become victims of online outrage and put downs which portray humans and events as worse than they actually are.

We feel more worthless because we no longer have to spend our precious time helping humans in need and giving them lengthy emotional reassurance.

For a more detailed expose read this link of the article:


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Here is an updated New Declaration of Independence for the 21st century!!!

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all humans are created different, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, the pursuit of a job which is rewarded based on merit, and a right to be supported with free basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, basic medical care, especially in emergencies, a computer, toiletries, and limited budget cellphone use, but no motorized vehicle and no spending money, when unemployed and destitute and the right of free access to technological, science based job related education when unemployed and destitute .

To secure these rights, governments are instituted among humans, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to change it, and to institute new government representatives who will change the law, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their security and potential happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that humans are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under physical and mental despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to transform such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. –Such has been the patient sufferance of the people of the United States and the world; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to change their former systems of government.

The secondary purpose of our government will be to unify the world politically, socially, and economically with one world currency so that biodiversity shall survive and prosper.

We are a moral people and we believe that no one under non emergency situations should murder, steal, lie, commit adultery if married, and that biodiversity should not be destroyed but expanded.

As a free and independent country the government has full power to levy war in self defense, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent countries may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the pursuit and implementation of truthful and just political, social, and economic principles, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.


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Revolution: n. forcing change in the government by people usually not in positions of authority

Pure revolution is the violent overthrow of the government and replacing it with new leadership and frequently a new constitution with or without the direct participation of the public.

Revolutions against relatively small tyrannies are still going on but increasingly it is becoming very hard to overthrow an existing government which is heavily armed.

Political power grows out of violent military or police power and is held in place by enforcement which uses physical violence as an ultimate form of enforcement. This is why one of the first priorities of tyrannies is to disarm the law abiding public who senses corrupt tyrannical government and potentially may decide to do something violent about it. The thing which tyrants fear most is morally outraged armed citizens.

Relatively small regional powers may be victims of revolution but large powers such as the United States, Russia, and China are less subject to violent revolutions because of large military and security forces which can use their overwhelming power to suppress violent uprisings relatively easily.


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