Monthly Archives: September 2015


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Form: n. shape and distribution of a subset(s)

The shape of a three dimensional puzzle may be known but the form may not be known because the pieces may be scattered on a table or arranged by color on the table so the form of the puzzle is a disassembled shape to indicate how it is distributed in space.

Document forms are very numerous even though there is usually an attempt to standardize them for a specific function.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Formality: n. limited by authoritative etiquette

Some occasions such as weddings, proms, job interviews, dignitary meetings, businesses, and careers require formal dress but increasingly casual dress is becoming acceptable.

There are also behavior formalities practiced during official meetings by the president, congress, and organization leaders. Authoritative etiquette is diverse and specific to an organization and can vary greatly from one culture to the next.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Foundation: n. a basic subset(s) necessary for more development of a lifeform(s) and/or subset(s)

A strong concrete or steel foundation or nutrient rich soil as a foundation for healthy plant growth imply that something basic is needed to continue the development of a structure or lifeform and that is usually called a foundation.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Frantic: adj. sensing very intense urgent upsetting emotion(s) and the corresponding behavior(s)

It was a frantic attempt at saving his life signifies an emotionally upsetting event with very intense urgency. We usually don’t say frantic joy or happiness but can say frenzied joy or happiness since the emotion is pleasurable and not unpleasurable the way that upsetting emotions are. You can get frantic when experiencing very intense unpleasant emotions and there is a sense of urgency.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Let: v. to permit and/or to stop control of a subset(s)

Let me go, let me live, let him do the work, let her out, let’s stop, let’s dance, let’s go, and let’s leave are all expressions which need permission and/or signify that one behavior ends and another begins or that the control over a previous behavior ends and a new one begins.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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e7a23111f421cd1e9d78a21b25c9e2bb e81d4bb04401d954d0e583235809eaa8 eb6016363921865a1304e687e8e6790c f1a09f039b66ae7a6d9ab12bb93910ff f5ffc7c32d9bca63662f980bbd8b855c f28c3fe3431a04da3b5ebb9b01033a26 f71f0c581cd7de5bb0c5727a980624f3 f199b969d136c74652806ba06fd909e9 f4928ffeceeacddf0a2ecfa937c99f23 fa4b02bafd1867e7dcd0123695be30ef fd5f593d83903ce70841086a1200f308 fe4f3095f3b66dd056bd391dcebd864a fe908bfab8c08d66d5968386ab27d8f0

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Free: v. (to let move and/or to remove) and/or to eject a lifeform(s) and/or subset(s) from a different subset(s)

When you free something then you are letting it move on its own and this may be done by removing it from a barrier or ejecting it from a location.

Freeing atoms from molecules or locations with bursts of energy is an example of ejecting and freeing a trapped animal from a trap is removing it from the trap.

Absolute free speech is saying anything that you want even though it may be immoral and even libelous and free of all inhibitions.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Release: v. to free from a restraint(s)

Releasing a wild animal in its habitat after rehabilitation, releasing a student from school early, releasing a new book, releasing from an obligation, and releasing a dog leash are all examples of freeing something from a restraint(s).

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Frenzy: n. uncontrolled excitement and/or impulsive and very active and disorderad behavior

An example of a frenzy is a crowd celebrating an important win with yelling, jumping up and down, slapping one another, random body gestures, pushing and shoving, trampling others in a rush to get closer to the winning players, and other miscellaneous disorderly overly excited behaviors.

Sharks or other predator fish in a feeding frenzy is very active seemingly disorganized feeding or gorging on fish.

Disoderad is the adjective form of the verb to disorder and disorderly should really be an adverb and not an adjective.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Friend: n. a human usually much known by another human(s) and interacting with samer another human(s) with relatively much (regarden and/or trusten) and/or caring

A friend is usually someone we trust, care, and regard more than acquaintances or strangers. Close friends are usually the ones whom we interact with more frequently and spend more time with and respect more than just casual friends.

Regarden and trusten are the noun forms for the verbs regard and trust.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Frighten: v. to create low intensity fear in a human(s)

Much anxiety originates from us being frightened of something which is really a low intensity fear. Frightening experiences usually aren’t remembered as often as fearful experiences because our emotional reaction is not as intense.

Being persuaded to overcome frightening experiences is easier than to persuade one to overcome fearful experiences because frightening things are usually not considered as dangerous as fearful things.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Fulfill: v. to achieve a promise and/or duty

Fulfilling a promise or fulfilling a duty to raise your offspring responsibly means that you successfully completed a promise or successfully raised responsible moral adult offspring.

If you want to be respected and trusted in life then you should try your best to fulfill promises. Fulfilling your duties or responsibilities successfully is the only way that you will maintain a good reputation and have friends and relatives who will respect and trust you.

If you make a promise then you have a duty to fulfill it and failing to do so is a form of lying about your future activities which most humans consider immoral and some consider very irresponsible behavior.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Gamble: v. to take chances where the objective is getting to a goal which usually has much less than a 50% probability of existing and frequently a profit is hoped for

With the exception of blackjack were card counting works in your favor odds wise, without cheating gambling in business establishments has worse odds than flipping a coin which is a 50% probability where theoretically you break even and don’t win any money or don’t lose any in the long duration. Gambling legally is a long duration losing proposition and although you may win once in a while it does not pay in the long run because you lose more often than you win.

Private gambling such as in poker may be a lucrative way to make some money if you are very skilled in reading facial expressions and find plenty of suckers to play against you who lose most of the time.

The higher the promised reward the less likely you are to win and playing the lottery for huge dollar amounts often has odds of one in ten million so this is in reality a guarantee that you won’t win no matter how often you bet.

Gambling can be very addictive for some humans and it is a major reason why families with addicted gamblers often lead miserable financial lives.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Generalization: n. communicating that all of a chosen subset correspond to a set frequently ignoring the samer subset(s) which doesn’t correspond to the set after a more careful analysis

The general feeling of the audience was one of relief and satisfaction. This communicates that almost all of the audience felt relief and satisfaction even though there may have been minor exceptions such as feeling only relief and not satisfaction or feeling neither relief nor satisfaction.

They headed in the general direction of the wooded area. This means that almost all humans or lifeforms headed towards the wooded area even though there may have been some oddballs who headed towards the meadow area.

The number of exceptions to your generalization is a measure of the generalization’s accuracy. If you observe that Sara is a bad driver and make a generalization that all girls are bad drivers then your accuracy is terrible and the statement is actually untrue except for Sara and all the other bad female drivers. Since all generalizations usually have some exceptions they can be said to not be absolutely true or not true 100% of the time. The fewer exceptions there are to your generalization the truer or more accurate it is.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Generation: n. lifeforms born and living in approximately the same duration whose duration amount corresponds to the average lifespan of samer lifeforms

The start of a generation is rather arbitrary but once you decide on an approximate date then the generation lasts as long as the average lifespan of that generation. Parents have offspring at about age 20 to 30 so you can generally say that there is a new generation born every 20 to 30 years. Within the lifespan of one generation the birth of approximately 3 to 4 generations is possible.

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Genius: n. a human with an inherited excellent memory and/or useful creative ability

Most geniuses have excellent memories but there are others who excel in useful creative ability and these are geniuses also.

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Genocide:  n. willfully and systematically and forcibly stealing as many lives as possible in a cultural group

Genocide of ethnic groups is the usual way of thinking about it but if you attempt to murder all the members of a cultural group then this is also genocide.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Gentle: adj. a small intensity sensation(s) and/or minimally energetic behavior(s)

A gentle touch and gentle movements generally signify slow minimally energetic behavior and a gentle voice usually means speaking relatively softly with no aggression.  A gentleman refers to a man who is polite and obeys good social etiquette and it definitely signifies one who behaves nonviolently in a controlled gentle way.

Gentle rain signifies rain which is rather sparse small intensity minimally impactful and barely felt on the skin. Gentle taste signifies a rather mild taste sensation or one which has a small intensity.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Gesture: v. to communicate with the movement(s) of a subset(s) of the body excluding speech and sound(s)

Sign language is speaking with gestures. More common gestures are a nod of the head signifying agreement, waving the hand goodbye, and a thumbs up to signify something well done.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Bobcat Rotluchs Lynx rufus N,S,E,W America

Lynx rufus
N,S,E,W America

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Get: v. to add a subset(s) to one’s permanent and/or temporary possessions voluntarily and/or involuntarily

Get food and drink voluntarily and you usually add something pleasant to your life. Get a headache, a disease, an injury, or emotional trauma involuntarily and the chances are great that you will be adding something unpleasant to your life. There are important exceptions to these two general rules but they are usually validated in many cases.

The most important exception is involuntarily getting disciplined with punishment from parents or a boss. This can be quite unpleasant but the long duration effect is usually a beneficial or pleasant one because humans should learn from their mistakes and not repeat them. Being educated with new knowledge and/or skills can also be involuntary to some extent but the long duration effects are usually pleasant ones although not intuitively obvious to the reluctant recipient of the new knowledge and/or skills.

You can also get something pleasant or unpleasant temporarily or permanently and hopefully the unpleasant ones are temporary and the most important pleasant ones rather permanent. Life is a continuous process of change so the reality is that most pleasant and unpleasant possessions are only temporary ones unless it is a permanent disease or injury. Severe emotional trauma can have lifelong unpleasant effects on your behavior but time frequently greatly reduces or even eliminates the severity of an emotional trauma.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Goodness: n. being (morally and/or physically) desirable and/or achieving a subjective and/or objective (standard(s) and/or norm(s))

Each of us has our personal opinion of what good is based upon our knowledge and experience in life. What you find morally and/or physically desirable you probably consider good. If something meets or achieves your subjective and/or objective standards and/or norms then you also probably think that it is good.

Since an evaluation of what is good is so personal you will find plenty of other humans who might feel that what you consider to be good is in their opinion bad and they may try to convince you of this personally undesirable reality.

For humans the most important consideration should be moral goodness but the morality should apply to humans worldwide. The absolute morality of cliquish religions and cults is no longer acceptable because it promotes conflict and not unity of humans on the face of this precious endangered planet. A new good secular morality must be preached worldwide to unify the world of humans morally.

The new moral goodness should be-except in emergencies: don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder!!!!!! This is true worldwide moral goodness.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Government: n. controlling a political (territory and/or possession(s)) and/or group(s)

You can inaccurately say that you govern rather than just control your own behavior or your offspring behavior. Government usually controls to some extent a group(s) of humans, has control over certain possessions, and has jurisdiction over a bounded territory(s). Most governments have enforced rules and regulations or laws which apply to a territory(s) and its inhabitants.

The major complaints about government are that it is too bureaucratic or inefficient, has too many unjust laws, is corrupt, and is unresponsive to the true needs of the governed.

Government’s true purpose is to protect its citizens from external aggression, criminals, and environmental pollution. It is also increasingly apparent that it must provide a safety net for the destitute and also unemployed in a job poor environment and provide emergency medical care for those who can’t afford the medical insurance.

Maintaining the infrastructure such as roads, bridges, water, and electricity are important but even more important is protecting wilderness areas for future generations as a safety net of healthy plants and animals when irresponsible use of technology has polluted the food supply to the point where it is no longer healthy for human consumption.

An immoral government with immoral citizens is the biggest threat and a large potential threat of chaos in the foreseeable future. A secular moral code should really be taught all impressionable young minds in school so that they grow up to be law abiding citizens interested in promoting a just moral government. Trying to govern citizens without a moral backbone is mission impossible and it should be no surprise that almost a quarter of the US population is struggling with “mental illness” and leading dysfunctional social lives with offspring being the primary victims of family breakdowns.

Except in emergency situations-don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder. Religion traditionally ensured a moral citizenry to some extent and their replacement psychologists and psychiatrists are doing a terrible job trying to teach moral behavior to the secular citizenry with relativistic situation ethics where almost any behavior can be justified and is accepted.

The only true hope of reducing corruption in government is a moral citizenry and until we create a moral society again there is a serious possibility that a tyrannical government will take over to stop a future descent into anarchy. Just democracies are only possible with peaceful moral exchanges between its citizens and once the exchanges are no longer moral a peaceful just democracy is no longer possible.

The growing welfare class and gradual destruction of the middle class means that there must be a radical change in the welfare system or the remaining working class will become the slaves of the welfare class leading to inevitable bankruptcy. My book CHANGES IN WELFARE LAWS and JUSTICE outline the future legal changes which will have to be made to ensure the continuation of a just vital democracy. Constitutional changes are also necessary in the long duration and I have written about those too if you are interested.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Graduate: v. to certify adequate knowledge and/or skills to achieve a goal(s)

When you graduate someone then you certify that they have adequate knowledge and/or skills to do something which is often a job, the next school grade, or higher rank in an organization.

Graduation certificates can be forged and a graduating human may have actually cheated to get the graduating certificate so real proof of adequate knowledge and/or skills usually occurs on the job when a human is asked to perform to the best of his or her ability.

Nepotism appointments are sometimes unjust because the appointments or jobs were given on the basis of who you know more than on merit or on what you know and can do.

Many liberal arts graduates not being able to find jobs is symptomatic of the technological revolution which is replacing human jobs and making many graduation certificates rather useless.

It also turns out that book learning and certification is also not always a good indication of job performance which demands punctuality, dependability, competence, a work ethic, and certain basic social skills which book learning alone can’t provide. Experienced job applicants are often preferred over fresh graduates with seemingly impressive degrees but no work experience.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Tangible: adj. physically exists and is not an unproven concept which is just theoretical and/or just exists on paper and/or digitally and has no logical one to one correspondence with (matter and/or energy) and/or the material world

A tangible asset has physical reality but let’s investigate the world of mythological intangible assets.

Intangible asset: n. an asset that is not physical in nature. Corporate intellectual property (items such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, business methodologies), goodwill and brand recognition are all common intangible assets in today’s marketplace.

Goodwill and brand recognition can be determined statistically to some extent because it is all a ball park approximation of the good reputation of a business or organization.  With a broad enough population you can gather statistical information on what the percentages are for a favorable good reputation. Yes, a good reputation is unstable because well publicized very bad fact(s) about a corporate entity can place a good reputation in the toilet almost overnight and goodwill and brand recognition decrease accordingly in value monitarily.

Statistics can be gathered comparing similar competing company products on a like scale from one to  ten and similar company comparison like scales can be gathered for company to company comparisons. Percentage of market penetration for various income groups and ages is also a probabalistic assessment of the reputation of a company by its mere relative quantitative existence. Contacting a company’s customers and asking to rate the company on a scale of satisfaction from one to ten is also a way of directly assessing one of the variables which are important in evaluating the probable total reputation of a company. Company or brand associations with words such as car, lawn mower, tool, etc. can be made in a region to get the relative statistical reputation of the company or brand in that region.

Reputation is tangible but few have the resources to do the necessary statistical gathering with questionnaires so it is erroneously assumed that because a tangible reputation is unknown it is therefore an intangible asset or physically non existent concept. Believe me a good reputation or a belief that this is so exists in the minds of humans and it is not an intangible asset.

Brand loyalty can be determined by the frequency of repeat customers for a product(s) and this information is only available to a company which keeps good records of sales and who bought the product(s) repeatedly.

A patent is tangible property if it specifies the material which it is made of and the actual size or dimensions. A generalized patent is possible where the material and dimensions are not accurately specified but this should be a rarity in future patent rights. Material and dimensions are critical to any real functioning device and no future patents should be given for generalized ideas or concepts.

Trademarks and copyrights are visual images which can be enlarged in size or reduced in size and if enough is added and/or subtracted from them then a new trademark and copyright is possible. For written work, word by word copying is plagiarism but the same basic topics or ideas may be rewritten without fear of copyright intrusion.

Copyrighting software programs is possible but patents should not be granted to those programs.

Business methodologies are not really intangible assets because they are hidden tangible assets which the company just doesn’t want to become public knowledge. A true methodology is one with clearly defined behaviors or behavior sequences and it all is quite tangible.


There is no such thing as an intangible asset unless it is an unproven theory or an untrue or fake financial document not connected to a tangible asset. Everything which exists and is logically connected to the real world can be defined and represented as a tangible asset(s).

Even a promise is tangible if the time(s), place(s), and action(s) are specified and can be considered to be an oral agreement. If it is printed and signed it is the foundation of what a legal binding contract is.


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Kobus leche

Kobus leche

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Ulterior: adj. an existing deceptive and/or hidden goal(s)

A human can be kind and nice to you but the ulterior motivation may be to sell you something in the future which may not be revealed in the initial contacts.

A boss may suddenly give you greater responsibilities and/or free training and the ulterior motivation may be that the boss may want to promote you to head another department with similar responsibilities.

Ulterior behavior can be considered to be deceptive behavior designed to reach a hidden and/or covert goal(s).

An ulterior goal may just be a hidden one and one not intuitively obvious.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Gibberish: n. random communication with no and/or minimal logical correspondences

I will not make many friends with this opinion or observation but I find most poetry to be gibberish. Most poetry is filled with emotional words with little connection to specified reality, with vague analogies, and with random juxtaposition of though snippets which usually have no cohesion or relationship with one another. Poetry has very little if any logic and I frankly find it mostly gibberish.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Glad: v. to be happy because a fact(s) is communicated

Glad and happy mean the same thing unless you define glad as happiness when a fact(s) is communicated. “I am glad that you told me that” is then the appropriate way of saying “I am happy that you told me that”. “I’ll be glad if you show me how to do that” is also an example of being happy when some facts are communicated to you.

“I am thankful that you told me that” or thankful approximates what glad means because there is usually very little emotion associated with communicating facts.

If you don’t like this distinction then don’t use the word glad at all and stick with being happy instead.

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Gloat: v. to sense great satisfaction for another’s misfortune

Gloating is hard to avoid if someone’s misfortune benefits you personally and the same applies to business failures which surviving businesses probably gloat about to some extent. Excluding competition encourages a gloating response later on and it is unfortunately a truism about the human condition and its institutions.

The urge to monopolize is great and that means misfortune for some as they either get destroyed financially or become absorbed or purchased by a bigger conglomerate.

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Glorify: v. to give honorable and very intense praise to a subset(s) which should have as much natural and/or functional beauty as possible

Nature deserves to be glorified and all the animals and plants in it. The only exception to the rule is the human animal who is infrequently deserving of glorification because in most parts of the world the human animal is destroying nature and not living in harmony or in a symbiotic relationship with it.

Human pollution is not only causing health problems in humans but many animals and some plants are also being irreversibly changed by human pollution and many are threatened with extinction due also to the destruction of habitat as well as the introduction of foreign species which take over the native biome to some extent.

Historically humans have glorified religions and unfortunately almost all of them do not preach the conservation of biodiversity which is vital to the long duration survival of humans on the face of this precious endangered planet.

Sustainability is the current concept which encourages humans to live in harmony with nature utilizing natural processes as much as possible and this is especially important in agriculture with organic farming being the only sound long duration solution to the pollution being caused by toxic chemicals in the form of artificial pesticides and herbicides, GMOs, artificial fertilizers, monoculture agriculture, factory farming of domesticated animals, and artificial food additives.

Dead zones in the ocean and rivers should be a dire warning to everyone because a dead zone also means that there are huge sick zones in the ocean and rivers also which affects humans with sickness or ill health. It is time to radically start reversing pollution and start passing strict conservation laws designed to rid the oceans, rivers, lakes, and land of toxic human waste!!!!!!

Start glorifying nature and sustainability or creeping sickness and death will be inherited by future generations.

Sustainable manufacturing is possible as evidenced by the BMW plant in Chattanooga Tennessee but what we really need is sustainable mining and processing which still generates incredible pollution levels in many cases.

There are strategically important metals which China is manufacturing by ignoring pollution control requirements and cornering the world market. It is possible that in the foreseeable future that China can refuse to sell them and blackmail the United States and other countries. That is the fear of some in the defense department so stockpiling is a possible short duration solution.

Ultimately every nation in the world will have to cooperate with one another to ensure world peace or the world will slide into military aggressive chaos. Sharing up to date pollution technology with China and other developing countries and asking them to conform to worldwide mining and processing standards would be a mutually beneficial solution to both the US and China and any other country interested in competing on an equal footing.

Whatever problems confront a nation, the ultimate and only solution is worldwide cooperation and that includes cyber crime. Worldwide mutually agreed to laws are the only solution because we have entered the point of no return from the necessity to become as much a world community as possible all thinking globally for mutual benefit.

We must also think globally about saving the environment because pollution and habitat loss in one part of the world affects the other parts sooner or later.

Glorify nature and worldwide cooperation as soon as possible because humanity needs both to survive in the long duration.

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Gratitude: n. frequently praise given a human(s) for getting a pleasant subset(s) from samer human(s) and sometimes a subset(s) is also given to return the favor(s)

Usually a “thank you” is the gratitude shown for receiving something pleasant from someone but sometimes the thankfulness is so great that something tangible is also given in return.

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Groan: v. to make a low frequency inarticulate sound expressive of (pain and/or grief) and/or (disappointment and/or undesired (commands and/or requests))

Sometimes an articulate “owe!” is superimposed on a groan because of pain and an articulate “oh!”, “oh no!”, or “oh my!” is superimposed on a groan signaling large disappointment or grief. Offspring will sometimes groan when asked to do something unpleasant or when commanded to do something which they don’t want to do right away.

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Grouchiness: n. easily annoyed with a tendency to complain during a transient duration

Fortunately not very many have a grouchy personality. Grouchiness usually refers to transient moments which humans have when they are easily annoyed and have a tendency to complain much. Grouchiness can occur because of an absence of sleep, being very tired, not getting your way, or being unhappy about something for duration. Usually grouchiness without a cause does not exist.

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Gratuitous: adj. voluntarily giving and/or getting a subset(s) with no compensation requested and sometimes not desired and/or unjustified

Getting a gratuitous free sample, tip, or an unexpected gift may be a pleasant circumstance where you may actually need or want the thing. Sometimes the voluntary offering is gratuitous advice by a solicitor or gratuitous violence which is not desired and frequently unjustified.

Getting something for nothing should be viewed with some suspicion because usually there are ulterior motives associated with the free giving.

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Gregariousness: n. (desiring to be and behaving as) a member of a group

There is more than a subtle difference between a gregarious and sociable human. A gregarious human desires to be a member of at least one group and enjoys interacting with it. A sociable human may have contacts with many different group members and effectively has created his or her own group of friends and acquaintances but may choose not to be a member of other groups. A sociable human may only be making social contacts to benefit him or herself and not necessarily want to be a member of any one group or groups.

A gregarious human enjoys being a member of one or more groups and may be sociable also and have created his or her own group of friends and acquaintances. Many are gregarious and sociable but some are mostly just sociable and there are some who are basically loners and neither gregarious or sociable.

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Guarantee: n. a promise that a subset(s) will be 100% complete for duration

Many would jump at anyone guaranteeing a life free of pain, suffering, illness, and bad health. Unfortunately there are only real life guarantees on some goods and services and even those often fall short of a lifetime guarantee which some untrustworthy businesses offer or promise to gullible customers.

Some joke that the only guarantees in life are taxes and death.


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Guilt-Versability-LifehackGuilt: n. deserving punishment for doing a (bad and/or immoral) and/or illegal subset(s) for which one may not be punished unless seen and caught by a witness(s) or a legal authority(s).

Intentionally do something bad, immoral, or illegal and you should have a guilty conscience. If you do something bad, immoral, or illegal often and don’t get caught, reprimanded, or punished in some way then the guilty conscience if you ever had one to begin with will disappear.

Lying, stealing, adultery, and murder should make any civilized human feel guilt yet there are plenty of criminals and psychopaths who feel no guilt doing so and can be considered to be uncivilized bad humans who should be punished with fines, jail, or social ostracism.

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Gullibility: n. a tendency to be easily persuaded to do and/or to believe a subset(s)

A human who has a tendency to be easily persuaded into doing something and/or believing something is considered gullible.

If it is a respected authority figure, an admired celebrity, a close friend, a loved family member, or someone that you trust then being persuaded is more likely to happen but true gullibility is when you are easily persuaded by relative strangers and potentially unreliable sources too.

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Happiness: n. sensing pleasure but less intense pleasure than joy and ecstasy

Almost everyone wants to be happy and few realize that joy is being very happy, ecstasy is being very very happy and it is the same basic pleasurable emotion which just varies in different intensities or strengths and the behavior usually becomes more energetic the more intense the pleasure gets.

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Hardship Banner_full

Hardship: n. (suffering and/or economic loss) and/or injury to an animal(s) and/or organization(s) from a government law(s) and/or personal bad action(s)

Hardship is suffering brought on by economic loss and/or injury to an animal. A family which losses its major breadwinner due to death or a wounded human or animal suffers hardship until health is regained or in the case of the family some welfare assistance is obtained to ease the hardship.

Wilderness animals undergo great hardship when they begin starving due to habitat destruction and humans and organizations undergo great hardship during some economic downturns often precipitated by irresponsible government and business collusion.

Hardship can have predominantly external causes but sometimes personal bad actions such as drug or gambling addictions, illness, accidents, and financial irresponsibility can cause great personal hardship.

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Harm: v. to injure (bodily and/or mentally) and/or financially to any degree short of bodily death

Harming someone physically and financially is easy to observe and understand but mental harm may not be obvious immediately. You can offend someone with ridicule, name calling, a put down, an insult, harsh criticism, or a profanity and may not realize that there may be some harm done to the long duration sense of good selfworth of the human. Too much mental harm in extreme cases can result in inferiority complexes which linger for a lifetime.

Offspring are especially vulnerable to being called and stereotyped as ugly, stupid, worthless, or incompetent losers and the healthy selfesteem of young offspring can be harmed for a lifetime.

Too much criticism from parents, peers, and adults can harm an individual and create a fearful timid introvert who is not socially very adventurous and may become somewhat of a loner.

Not so obvious is the selfharm done by individuals to themselves with bad habits, stupid or dangerous behaviors. Not so obvious is the fact that you are really harming yourself by choosing to associate with bad humans who are harming themselves with their bad behaviors and you can easily harm yourself by doing or imitating the bad behaviors yourself.

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Haughtiness: n. excessive contemptuous superiority

Excessive feelings of superiority with excessive criticizing is the evidence of a haughty human. The contemptuous nature of a haughty individual implies that deep down there is very little if any empathy with “inferior” humans who are not liked and are disrespected in general. Haughtiness is more than just looking down on humans because it is done contemptuously.

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Hobby: n. an activity(s) that you don’t get paid for and is sometimes expensive to do but frequently is a pleasurable pastime

Name any conventional hobby and chances are great that some humans are making money off of it. Yes, there are the rare and perhaps bizarre hobbies like collecting used tooth paste tubes which are not money makers for anyone but they are usually not considered serious hobbies in the first place.

A hobby will usually not make you any money but some are quite expensive and will cause you to part with a considerable amount of money if it becomes an addictive one. Choose your hobby wisely because some can start to exceed your budget rather quickly.

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Heed: v. to focus careful attention on a subset(s)

Heed is a rather infrequently used word and it should be used more broadly so that heed the teacher, heed the book, heed the music, and heed the movie have just as much meaning as heed my advice or warning. The word heed should be used with anything which you want a human to focus careful attention on.

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