Monthly Archives: May 2013


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Holding a grudge against someone can lead to depression, anxiety, and unnecessary stress. Being offended for too long will take away time for happier moments. Forgive and try to forget behavior which makes you unhappy but is not important enough to waste time and effort trying to correct.

Focusing too much on relatively small and trivial events in your life will take away time which you can use focusing on important things in your life. Stressing out excessively about unimportant things will cause more unhappiness than it is worth.

Comparing yourself with other seemingly more successful social and professional people and feeling inadequate and jealous can cause great unhappiness. Focus on improving yourself and giving others some praise for their achievements and try to learn useful skills from them which you can try to apply to your own life.

Seeking approval from everyone will frequently lead to frustration and disappointment when no approval is forthcoming and cause unhappiness. Do the best that you can but don’t waste mental effort worrying if someone will approve or disapprove of what you did. You will never be able to please everyone that you interact with so why try pleasing everyone.

Making excuses for your mistakes, bad behavior, or failures and not acknowledging your faults will create more unhappiness in the future. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, bad behavior, and failures and don’t try to improve or eliminate them in the future then this is continuing behavior which will lead to more unhappiness.

Refusing to change when it becomes obvious that change is necessary for progress to be made can make you very unhappy. Stubbornness and inability to admit that you can be wrong some of the time will make you unhappy and make you continue to exist in a delusional world of impossible perfection.


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Achievement means that goals will be made and many of those goals will be gotten.


An action is frequently a simple movement done to achieve a goal(s).  Actions are a sign that activity and/or change exists and is necessary if any goal is to be achieved.


Failing to reach a goal with a first attempt may mean that you will have to adapt or change your method to reach that goal.


Adventure is frequently a risky activity whose primary goal is excitement and not profit.


Ambition is the setting of goals with an intense desire and they are usually goals with a relatively great level of importance in society.


An optimistic attitude is frequently preferable to a pessimistic attitude when attempts are made to achieve a goal(s).  Optimism can be contagious in motivating others to also try to achieve a goal(s) and pessimism can frequently be a demotivating factor for others.

If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog read more of them, about 800 so far, and read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a world filled with myths and deceptions.


You can access a complete list of about 800 of my evergreen truth blogs at or you can search my blog with keywords that you are interested in such as dating, marriage, education, honesty, etc.

*****Free bonus: If you live in a country without Kindle access I will send you a free copy of any of my evergreen truth books if you email me at!!!!!!

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The following 8 statements are true and if you don’t believe them then you believe in one or more food myths.

All calorie sources are the same (Calories from proteins and fats will satiate you sooner and you won’t have to overeat which is likely if you get most of your calories from carbs and sugars.)

Eating much protein will not harm your kidneys and cause osteoporosis

A low fat diet is not the healthiest way to eat

Salt is not dangerous to eat unless you have high blood pressure

Saturated fat from meat and other sources does not raise your cholesterol nor does it cause heart attacks and death

Coffee in moderation is not bad for you

Eggs rich in cholesterol can’t give you heart disease

Low carb diets with much saturated fat does not increase your risk for heart disease and other chronic illnesses

To get more detailed information about the 8 myths read the following Popular Science article. 

CONCLUSION: Humans are omnivores who can eat natural proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Eat a great variety of all kinds of certified organic foods which can include fast food once in a while and eat only when you are hungry. Stop eating when you feel full and eat only about once a day. If you are not hungry don’t eat at all. You can not eat anything all day long and you will not starve or die!

EXPERIMENT with new foods and eat them if they taste good, are not artificially sweetened with added sugar, and are not overly processed. Don’t be afraid that new foods will poison you or make you sick in some way. Natural unprocessed food is not bad for you so don’t get paranoid about eating something new. Variety is the spice and health of life!!!!!!

 If you like this evergreen blog read more of them and maybe even read one or more of my evergreen books like COMMON SENSE.




If you are inspired by the greatness of the universe and the galaxies and stars which make it up then click on these links for a truly awesome experience!!!!!!

After viewing the pictures it should be obvious that modern theoretical physics with its simple mathematics will simply not be the solution to explaining the complex star formations which exist in the universe. Relatively simple theories like the big bang, relativity, general relativity, and black holes are simple minded theories with logical inconsistencies which will never explain complex star formations which are a billion times more complicated than a simple solar system model.

The Hubble telescope has revealed the complexity of the interacting forces in nature and the only hope of eventually explaining the intricacies lies in super computer calculations and even with them we may never know in detail how the universe really works or exists. There is turbulence in space and simple gravitational explanations alone are not enough to explain it.

Turbulence in space implies that space is really not empty as thought but in fact influences the life cycles of stars and the concept of dark matter or aether seems to have some impact on how the universe functions. We have no scientific tools to measure dark matter so until we do theoretical physics is in a dead end and has nothing to say nor will it have anything to say  on the subject in the near foreseeable future.

It is time to focus all our energies on the planet earth and its threatened wilderness plants and animals so we can realistically delay the time of human, plant, and animal extinction.

If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




You will probably not make any money blogging. There are some scam artists who promise you the easy life with almost no effort if only you part with a few of your hard earned dollars and join their scam so don’t fall for it.

You won’t sell very many of your books blogging because even if you have thousands of followers you need to interest and reach at least a million to sell a few thousand books.

Moderating and replying to comments is mostly a waste of time and at best you will maybe find a few casual acquaintances with casual rather useless trivial knowledge or information to share with you.

You can’t choose what followers you don’t want such as those who like to use profanities or those who are scam artists.

Quality blogging escapes most of us because most are not passionate about anything of importance in human’s lives. Most bloggers run out of material to write about rather quickly and if they continue to write it is about random thoughts and ideas which few are interested in.

If you don’t have a passion or passions to write about and if you are not spending hours a day researching your passion for new developments and interesting facts then chances are you won’t have a quality blog which humans will be returning to.

Blogging is an interesting hobby but not a serious profession. If you want your blogs to be published professionally you will have to have the credentials and writing ability or celebrity status. You will also probably have to conform to and promote the corrupt mythology of the media and corporations who control the official press.

Finally, if you are hoping to write a block busting novel someday don’t delude yourself because the younger generation does not like to read lengthy novels or books and prefer instant gratification and not verbose writing. The internet is killing book writing as a profession.

Knowing the truth, do you still want to blog for the fun of it?


If you liked this evergreen blog then read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




You can be honest, sincere, and truthful with close friends because they are honest, sincere, and truthful with you.

Close friends will accept you with your flaws and the mistakes that you make in life without advertising or gossiping about them with others. You can let your hair down or be yourself without fear that some of the bad thingsthat you do will become public knowledge in the future and threaten your reputation. They are loyal.

Close friends share at least one or more of your passions in life and sharing information and activities about those passions on a regular basis is what bonds you together.

Close friends will try to help you in times of need with reassuring emotional support, advice when needed, and occasionally even financial advice or help.

The farther away a close friend is and the less you interact or communicate with them on a regular basis the less intense your friendship becomes.


Conclusion: If you want a close friendship make sure you have one or more passions in common which you can share and discuss and participate in. Be honest and truthful with your friend but not in a mean or very critical way. Don’t gossip about any personal flaws, mistakes, hardships, and personal secrets which they may have.

Nurture your close friendship by investing enough personal time with your friend so that it doesn’t gradually fade and maybe even disappear through neglect.

If you have one close friend in life consider yourself fortunate because most people have no close friends!!!!!!

 If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.



Friends - one teenage girl comforts another

Helping someone frequently means an investment of time, energy, and rarely money. If money is the issue then it is best not to give any but recommend that they better manage their finances.

Loaning money to friends and relatives in need frequently results in broken friendships and relationships because the money is never paid back and lingering resentment ends the relationship sooner or later.

If they are employed recommend short duration loan companies like Amscot to get emergency money and if they are unemployed recommend that they apply for food stamps but refuse to give financial help.

Most financial problems are caused by overwhelming credit card debt, not budgeting money, and not having a savings account for financial emergencies. My evergreen book HOW TO SAVE MONEY is a very good reference for humans with money problems.

Very frequently when a friend is in trouble all they really want and frequently need is emotional support and empathy with their plight. Unless they ask for advice don’t always offer some because they will assume that you are criticizing them for not leading their lives in a proper way and may resent the advice given. If they do ask for help or advice then do the following.

Helping a friend is usually in the form of good intentioned advice after listening carefully to the problems that the friend is expressing and experiencing. Use your personal life experiences and personal knowledge to add to helpful advice which you think you can make.

If you can’t give advice maybe you can refer your friend to someone who can better help. Friendship is usually sharing life experiences both conversationally and physically.

If a friend seems to need help or advice give it to the best of your ability and be sincere. If there is something physical that you can do for a friend to help and it will not cost too much of your valuable time and effort and money then do it.

Some people just have friends so that they can “hang out” and have some company to use up their free time. Don’t do this because it will not help your life if you are not learning anything new or not experiencing a pleasurable pastime together.

Sometimes people make a mistake and don’t realize they have made one. Go through a description of their actions and see if they will begin to realize what the mistake was. If they still don’t see that they made a mistake or mistakes be sincere and communicate “That seems like a mistake(s) to me. What do you think?” If this question has no response then you will probably not be able to help in any rational way and you are probably wasting your time and should move on.

Everyone has the infrequent experience which greatly upsets and challenges their belief that they have the answer to everything. When something is troubling a friend or an acquaintance ask “what’s wrong?” and then listen to them express their fearful experience. It may upset you also but do your best to tap into your similar experiences and personal knowledge to give reassurance or some useful knowledge which might relate to the upsetting experience and try to emotionally calm the upset party.

When a person suffers a health fright their fear will often be difficult to understand. If it is a life threatening experience like a heart attack there is cause to be upset and only reassurance and listening to their fears will not help.

Suggest that most health warnings or problems are usually not fatal except for cancer and that with time the body will heal itself and the health fright will go away with the right nutrition and a localized exercise and/or rest for the area of pain. High blood pressure and signs of diabetes can be treated naturally without the need for constant medication. Offer help in the form of nutritional advice found in my blogs and you may succeed in calming down the health fright.

Helping someone to plan a visit is a logistical problem as well as a problem of scheduling things to do which may or may not be mutually beneficial. If the visiting guest can’t sleep over then suggest a nearby motel or hotel. Suggest a rental car or promise to drive them around in your own car if they don’t use their own car.

If they are not a close family relative or relatives then suggest possible interesting tourist sights which they could prepare for and visit. If it is a family affair and everyone wants to sleep over then ask them to bring air mattresses or provide them with some which you purchase yourself.

Helping someone prepare for a job interview may not be your strong point so suggest that they go on the internet and Google the information needed. In a nutshell your appearance is important and your resume should be sent prior to the interview and you should let the interviewer ask most of the questions to which you should respond in a sincerely and truthfully and enthusiastically where necessary.

Basically the job interviewer wants to know if you are experienced or a fast learner or are going to show up for work on time and if you seem to have an optimistic attitude and communication skills which will help in the job environment. Further education in the job field may also help to land a future job.

In this selfish, overly exposed to sex, modern society many humans need help with dating, family relationships, and finding close friendships. Many of my evergreen blogs cover these topics but if you want serious help and knowledge read one or more of my evergreen books LOVEALL, MODERN PARENTING, AND GOOD MODERN BEHAVIORS.

If you liked this evergreen blog then read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




Caring means that you know how to NURTURE and PROTECT your loved one or loved ones.


Each time talk about what your significant other cares about, it could be a present or future job or career, close friends, family, a favorite hobby, food, a favorite pastime, a prized possession, a favorite future travel destination, successful or pleasant moments, mutual plans for the future, plans for further education, and politics unless you are for opposing parties.

 Money and possessions can’t buy love but knowing a little about the possessions which are dear to your significant other is important because it will give you a better idea of what gifts to buy for special occasions which will not be disappointments and will really be what your significant other values the most.


Going to extremes and trying to overprotect your loved ones is bad but teaching them and trying to protect them to some extent from bad influences such as excessive debt, overeating, gambling, alcohol or drug abuse, pornography, impulse shopping, overindulgence in trivia, unrealistic goals, interference from inlaws, bad friends and bad acquaintances is a way of showing that you care by trying to protect them from harm or potential harm.


You can nurture or support your loved one by communicating about the things which he or she cares about. You can communicate in person, by phone, by Skype, by texting, and even occasionally by letter.

Ask more questions about what your significant other cares about and learn to LISTEN to what he or she has to say about the topics. Talk more about him or her rather than yourself and when you talk about yourself be short and sweet and to the point.


Share a favorite food and drink with your significant other either at home or in a restaurant.

Share some time together at events which your significant other enjoys. You may not like the same sports or talk shows or TV shows or hobbies or fashion but at least spend a little time getting to know some basic facts about them and you will become more knowledgeable and will be able to talk a little about them when the need arises.

You don’t have to fake interest if you don’t have any but consider it time well invested if you research something you don’t care about but which your significant other may actually like or love much. Caring about what goes on in the “men’s” or “women’s” world if you are of the opposite gender leads to healthier relationships and better understanding of the gender.


Teamwork or having mutual goals in life are important to establish early on in a relationship. If you can’t find mutual goals in life which you both want then end the relationship because it won’t work in the long duration.

If you are married and have offspring then nurture your offspring also and give them of your time and energy. Teach them how to become skilled and knowledgeable in household chores and responsibilities with younger siblings as soon as possible.

This way they can become as independent as soon as possible without the bad effects of overprotection. In effect, teach them how to do almost everything for themselves and teach them all you know that is significant to their lives in the present or future as soon as possible

Team up with your partner and share the responsibility of disciplining and teaching your offspring what you think is valuable in life.

Protect your young offspring from bad adult role models, including bad relatives, and bad friends and teach them the reasons they should be avoided if asked.

For more detailed knowledge about nurturing and protecting or caring read my evergreen book LOVEALL.


If you like this evergreen blog read more of them and maybe even read one or more of my evergreen books like COMMON SENSE.



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Can’t buy back good health once you have lost it

Can’t buy back a good reputation with respect and trust once you have lost it

Can’t buy a good personality with honesty, sincerity, common sense, a guiltless conscience, an open mind, a tranquil mind, patience, a strong work ethic, an optimistic attitude, humility sharing, teamwork, nurturing, patience, courtesy, loyalty, controlled generosity, good temper, and kindness

Can’t buy back extinct wilderness plants and animals

Can’t buy lasting love and affection

Can’t buy responsible, good adjusted offspring

Can’t buy a close cooperative family or a happy home

Can’t buy natural beauty

Can’t buy talent or inborn ability

Can’t buy good sincere friends

Can’t buy back youth once you are old

Can’t buy wisdom and COMMON SENSE

Can’t buy peace in the world

For more detailed information about the above topics which money can’t buy read my evergreen books LOVEALL, MODERN PARENTING, and GOOD MODERN BEHAVIORS.

If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




If you argue for entertainment or fun stop the bad habit because you will start unnecessary arguments impulsively with other humans when it is not appropriate.

Arguing with someone’s opinion which you disagree with will only lead to random emotional behavior which will waste time and energy without achieving a useful goal. You will not change a person’s mind with emotional righteousness and little logic but if you emphasize the important points with firmly said words you may succeed in updating their opinions which will adjust more with your own.

Don’t argue but try to discuss a topic as unemotionally as possible. If your opinion is weak and has only one or a few important provable facts use those to express disagreement. Permit your opponent to make the important points first and agree with the important ones which you also agree with. If you can’t answer an opinion with facts then remain silent and don’t push the topic further. Avoid as many arguments as you can because arguments frequently only express emotional disapproval and don’t solve any important problems.

There is no right method to argue or a wrong method to argue. All arguments are bad for you and your family and society. You will get angry at many things in your life but decrease anger as much as possible and count to 10 or even more until you are calm enough to continue a discussion and not an argument. If you can’t control your anger seek anger management help from a professional or start reading as much factual information as possible and not emotion filled literary works and hyped up emotional shows on TV and the media.

CONCLUSION: Arguing is verbal fighting or verbal abuse and one of you or both will get emotionally hurt by an argument. If you discuss any problem and use as many facts as you can come up with without getting emotional over it you will have a better chance of finding a solution. An attempted logical discussion, even if it fails, will not hurt your feelings as much and not leave you emotionally scared and wanting revenge or an apology.

If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




She genuinely enjoys sex and has escaped being victimized and forced into the job by an aggressive pimp or organized crime.

She is coherent and sober and shows no signs of drug use or abuse and turns down clients who are on drugs or want to use them during sex.

She has not been sexually abused as a child and knows mentally and physically what she is doing and is proud of her profession and enjoys it.

She is an expensive prostitute and can make a good living with prostitution alone and is not doing it just to supplement her usual income.

She can limit the clients to two or three a week or one or two per day and is impeccably clean, not dirty, and not reeking from the smell of cheap perfume.

She does her best to minimize STD diseases by insisting on the use of a condom and never permits bareback sex.

She has a college degree and actually doesn’t mind spending extra time and companionship on a client and has long term goals and ambitions beyond prostitution.

She is not manipulative and will try to scam you in some way.

She will not do all the kinky things which you ask of her and has her limits or standards or what they will do or not do.

****She will ask the client whether he is married and decline service if he is. This almost never happens and that is why moral prostitutes are so rare if they exist at all in real life.

Conclusion: No matter how moral or nice a prostitute or “escort” wants to be she is still promoting adultery in a male which is an immoral act and all the other seemingly good qualities or characteristics do not make up for this fundamental immoral flaw. She is in fact a serious potential marriage destroyer.

If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




One important goal in life is to have a few good friends and not waste too much time with acquaintances and casual friendships. Here are some tips on how you can increase the odds that you will get quality good friendships.

Truth: Some honest and interesting humans have one or two very close friends and most of us have casual good friends or none at all.

Being truthful, honest, and sincere creates trust in a relationship and without it a strong bond with a person or a strong relationship is not possible. If you find that a potential new friend is a BS artist, exaggerates much, or even lies to you then drop them immediately.

Truth: Be realistic, don’t expect to find new very close friendships because it is like searching for a needle in a haystack these days. You will have to settle for a good friend and not a new devoted one.

First determine what your likes and dislikes and your loves and hates are. When you have determined what you like very much or love to talk about such as a job, career, hobbies, family, traveling, fashion, cooking, music, sports, etc. make a list of them in order of importance in your life. Pursue your major or most important passions and try to find others who also have them and who can share them with you.

When you meet a new acquaintance who has at least one of your favorite passions in common don’t be afraid or embarrassed to probe a little more and ask them about their other favorite and not so favorite things to do. The more that the human’s tastes and likes and loves match up with your own the greater is the probability that you can establish stronger bonds of friendship in the future.

 If you find the human has very little in common with you then don’t try to continue the relationship in a serious way. One parting question which you can ask such a human with which you seem to have very little in common is to ask whether they know of anyone who has a strong interest in one of your passions. If yes then you can ask a favor of them to reveal who that person is so that you can potentially contact them and use their name as an introductory reference.

When first starting out a relationship don’t push too hard for time and information from them which might scare them away from revealing the information which you would really like to know. Start off with a casual relationship with mostly nondemanding interactions and some sharing which you can increase in frequency as time goes on.

Don’t gossip or tell them about all the minute details of your life because you are wasting their time and they are not really interested in hearing you out.

Keep all your communications with any friend or potential friend short and sweet and to the point. Don’t ramble randomly about unimportant events in your life. No one wants to waste time listening to you go on and on without a useful goal in mind.

Once you find something important in common with each other then more intensely share information on the topic as time passes which can even include personal visits to home and common places of interest.

You may be rejected at some point in the relationship because the human simply has more important priorities in life then to communicate with you. Don’t give up right away at the first rejection but try again.  If you fail at communicating three times in a row maybe you should reassess whether you are considered important enough in the human’s life for the relationship to continue growing stronger.

Make your friendships a priority in your life by setting aside time, energy, and maybe even some money to nurture friendships.

Don’t limit potential friends to your age group only but reach out to some older or younger than you too. Strong interests in activities are seldom limited to one age group and you can share common interests with any aged human.

A virtual friend can turn into a physically interacting friend especially if they are located close to you and some foreign friends may come in handy if you intend to travel to their country at some point in the future.

Most of your new friendships will start on the internet and you should join internet clubs, specialty social networks, and even blogs to optimize your potential friendship base.

Once you have made contact with a potential new friend and find no passionate interests in common drop them like a hot potato because you will only be wasting your precious time, energy, and money which you can spend trying to find and interact with new potential good friends.

Truth: Modern society has mostly lost the behavioral rules necessary to form lasting good friendships so don’t be too disappointed with most of the new selfish generation which doesn’t know how to find and maintain good friendships.

CONCLUSION: Share your passions with friends who also have your passions.

If you don’t have a passion or passions then find and develop a passion or passions by developing in depth knowledge about them. Only then try to share the passion or passions with other potential friends. It will increase the probability of a good friendship more than anything else!!!!!!

My passion is finding the truth in everything and spreading it with evergreen blogging and evergreen book publishing. Join me if that is also your passion!!!!!!

If you like this evergreen blog read more of them and maybe even read one or more of my evergreen books like COMMON SENSE.



Young Couple Jogging at the Beach

If you burn about 200 calories working out for about half an hour you are losing 200 calories of fat.

You lose almost no fat at all because your body first uses up its glycogen calorie reserves in the muscles and liver. You may lose very little weight because of water dehydration but you quickly gain back the water weight lost when you drink something. If you are using an exercise machine and it says that you have used up 200 calories that does not mean that you have lost 200 calories of fat.

Exercising turns fat into muscle

Fat cells and muscle cells are located in different parts of the body and a fat cell does not change into a muscle cell when you exercise.

Working on your abs muscles will reduce belly fat.

You will not lose belly fat because any loss in fat is distributed throughout the whole body and just exercising your abs will not only not reduce belly fat but will not reduce fat in your body during exercise. Only much less caloric intake or eating much less will reduce some weight if any and if you are eating more than 500 calories a day you will probably not lose any weight at all.

Stretching is best before a workout

Cardio is best before a workout because it starts blood flow and warms up the muscles preparing them for a strenuous workout and preventing injury. You really don’t need a strenuous workout so cardio and stretching is a waste of time. Stretching after a workout is fine but there is no scientific evidence that it does anything beneficial to your body.

Weight lifting will bulk up women

Women do not have testosterone levels which are needed to build muscle mass so lifting heavy weights will not bulk you up during a regular exercise session.

You need 8 glasses of water daily

Drink only when thirsty because you get most of your water from the food you eat and that will probably be only one or two glasses of water a day.

Going gluten free with energy bars etc. will make you lose more weight

Unless you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, there is no reason to avoid gluten and realistically most gluten free foods have twice the carbs and much more sugar than regular versions of the same food. There is no scientific evidence that gluten affects weight loss.

You are too old to get in shape.

You are never too old to get in shape as long as you can move your feet or arms. If you have never exercised then start off with five to ten minute walks and gradually increase it to about 20 minutes. You don’t have to exercise every day and two to three times a week is usually all the exercise that you need.

You need a long workout

As mentioned in the first myth you don’t lose fat during regular exercise and if you do go and exercise for very long periods of time you will probably only burn about 200 calories per hour or lose about half an ounce of fat per hour beyond the first hour of exercise.

You will get back the fat by only eating about two slices of bread after exercising so there is no point in exercising a long time to reduce weight because you won’t lose weight unless you starve yourself by taking in less than the minimum amount of calories which you need on a daily basis.

You need a gym membership to get results

Weight lifting for 30 minutes will not lose any fat because your glycogen will be burned up first. Any exercise done at home is just as beneficial to your health.

No pain no gain

The truth is that if you are experiencing pain your body is telling you to stop or at least slow down what you are doing until the pain goes away.

Exercising at night interferes with sleep

Exercising before going to sleep makes you more tired and more likely to fall asleep but you do need a few minutes to relax from strenuous exercise just before sleeping. Moderate exercise will not interfere with sleep but strenuous exercise is not recommended immediately before bedtime.

More hard exercise is always better

The truth is that too much exercise of the same kind will burn you out. Your muscles need relaxation and quality varied exercise is better than quantity single type exercise.

If you liked this evergreen blog then read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




There are many things offspring can do inside and outside the house which will exercise them and teach responsibility and will help them to lead independent lives sooner, especially when they start living on their own as adults.

The added bonus is that if both parents are working the offspring will be able to take care of themselves and household responsibilities no matter what their gender and will get enough exercise doing so.

All of the following exercise skills can be taught before they become teenagers and if they can’t do so you are not being responsible good teaching parents but overprotective fools.

Walk and/or running with the dog and feeding the dog

Cleaning and refilling the cat litter box and feeding the cat

Taking out the garbage and removing the trashcan from the curb

If you have a yard pulling weeds, raking yard trash, planting flowers and herbs and vegetables and older children can mow the yard and trim bushes

Vacuuming or cleaning floors

Washing windows and provide them with a ladder if necessary

Wash the car exterior and clean the interior (a stepladder can be used to wash the roof of the car)

Preparing and plating frozen food and/or certified organic food and favorite family recipes if there are any

Putting and removing the dishes and tableware into and out of the dishwasher or having them wash everything by hand

Have them put food on the table and then clear the table when finished

Teaching them to shop for food for the whole family in the supermarket and/or health food store

Cleaning kitchen cabinets, kitchen appliances, and the bath room

To gain access to a high microwave, stove, and high refrigerator shelves provide them with a sturdy non slip foot stool, custom made if necessary

Doing the laundry and put away clothes where they belong

Cleaning and organizing their rooms

Supervising younger offspring if there is more than one offspring in the family

Doing individualized exercises like pushups, jumping jacks, squat thrusts, sit ups, aerobic exercises, yoga, martial arts, and family agility training with cotennis as explained in my evergreen book COMMON SENSE.

For those that have the luxury to go out have offspring do swimming, snorkel diving, canoeing, skating, skiing, rollerblading, skate boarding,  and bicycling.

As adults offspring will frequently not have the luxury of playing team sports so individual sports are much more beneficial for a lifetime of healthy personal exercise which can be done anywhere and anytime.

If you teach your offspring all the above skills you won’t have to worry about them living on their own as adults and you will have peace of mind knowing that they will not be living messy and disorganized lives and will be getting plenty of exercise on their own.


If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




Some parents fear that if they send their children off to college they may start binge drinking and kill themselves.

I have included the following article in my blog which reveals the truth about binge drinking.


Not only does marijuana use increase the dropout risk but new synthetic legal drugs are also fast becoming problems and the internet is polluted with descriptions of young people using them and promoting them. It has not yet been documented but heavy combinations of synthetic drug use masquerading as herbal incense, plant food, and bath salts etc. combined with alcohol can really mess up your mind and lead to all kinds of mental psychosis which definitely impairs studying ability in school.




If you like this evergreen blog continue reading my blogs and read one or more of my evergreen books. especially COMMON SENSE.



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A troublemaker who makes more problems than the achievements or contributions are worth is someone you don’t want working for you.

Someone with an ego problem who boasts or makes promises they can’t fulfill is someone who needs a shrink and not a job.

Someone with bad social skills or a bad attitude towards customers will just ruin the reputation of your company and not make any new loyal customers.

With training and instruction and enough chances to do the job right the employee still can’t or won’t do the job right and should be fired.

Unreliable employees who can’t do the job under occasional stress, don’t show up on time to do the job, or don’t show up at all should be fired.

Employees who whine and complain when someone doesn’t do the job right and even threaten the employer with litigation are not humans you want on board. They may throw a fit and sue you but it will be only once and you will have fired them permanently.

They ignore company rules of good conduct, are insubordinate to a boss, or have lied on their resume then it is reason enough to fire them.

CONCLUSION: Your job is stressful enough and the last thing you need is an employee who is destroying and threatening the whole organization little by little every day.

You don’t want very inefficient employees working for you and all the above reasons make an employee inefficient and one who will waste much company time, energy, and money. They are a serious threat to a healthy profitable organization. Fire them as soon as possible!

If you liked this evergreen blog then read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




Don’t make unrealistic comparisons to others

Other people may seem to be leading more interesting lives by traveling, going places, buying new cars and big homes, being more popular with humans, dressing stylishly, and being seeming happier than you. Chances are that they may have a larger income or may be financing all that activity with credit card debt which will lead to great financial difficulty at some point in the future.

All that selfindulgent inefficient activity is costing much time, energy, and money and not all of us can afford it nor is it desirable or necessary in the first place. If you are money poor get on the internet and virtually travel to all the exciting places on earth, look at all the expensive cars, homes, clothes, and join a social network on the internet, and find all the friends which you can handle from all over the world.

You will get much happiness by spending time and not money on the internet and you can do so on a very thrifty budget.

Don’t obsess over things which you can’t control

Politics, society, and national economics is something which you can’t control so don’t spend much time on the subjects. Limit your concerns to your finances, present job, potential future jobs, family, and friends and things which you have control over.

Trying to make realistic small changes in your life and succeeding at it will give you much greater happiness than disappointingly and unhappily obsessing over general events which you have no control over and can’t change.

Don’t make promises which you can’t keep

Not fulfilling a promise or breaking a promise is a form of lying which leads to disappointment, distrust, and unhappiness in others because their hopes have been denied and you have frequently wasted their time, energy, and money with your empty promises, especially if it is a question of punctuality and you don’t show up on time or don’t show up at all. No one will trust you or your future promises if you don’t fulfill too many of them.

Don’t complain that you never have time to do what is important

Even busy people can learn not to waste time by scheduling their time in a logical way. So much time is wasted in trivial pursuits or activities and trivial conversations with family, friends, and acquaintances that we can all cut back on them to some extent and save up enough time to do the important priorities in life.

My evergreen book HOW TO IMPROVE YOURSELF: HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT: HOW TO SAVE TIME AND MONEY is an excellent source which will help you to get more free time in your life by eliminating bad habits, marginal hobbies, and trivial pursuits which may give some pleasure but are great time wasters and should be replaced by better habits.

Don’t spend much time hating things which includes humans

Hate: v. to sense very intense displeasure which one feels when one wants to destroy a (bad and/or wrong) subset(s) which may be morally (bad and/or wrong) and/or may be (bad and/or wrong) because it is the primary reason why one can’t achieve a desired goal(s) and/ or it is (bad and/or wrong) because it is a source of mental displeasure and/or bodily pain

Everyone hates something at some point in their life because they feel that it is bad, wrong, or immoral and one may also hate something because it seems to be the primary reason you can’t achieve a desired goal in life which you desperately desire to achieve. You may also hate something which is causing mental displeasure or bodily pain.

Be realistic and judge whether what you hate can be changed into something which you won’t hate. If the answer to this question is no, I can’t change or destroy the source of my hate, then it is better to try to not think about the object of your hate and to try to ignore it or move away as far from it as possible so you are not reminded of it on a daily basis.

Spending time in hateful emotions is not only bad for your emotional health but humans around you will be repulsed by its display and you will never be a loved or admired person among the emotionally happy humans.

The wisest thing to sometimes do is to forgive and try to forget the hated action. If it is a family matter you can forgive if you get a promise that it will not happen again and you don’t have to completely forget the incident which has probably registered prominently in your mind.

Don’t focus your time on past mistakes and inflicted wrongs

If you think about past mistakes and wrongs and try to find ways of avoiding them in the future or preventing them from happening again then it is not a waste of time.

If you are obsessed about past mistakes and inflicted wrongs and have no solutions to them in the future then it is best to not waste your time thinking about them because it is a dead end activity.

Try to forget them and move on if they are insolvable.

Don’t try to win every argument about unimportant things

If the argument or an emotional exchange of differing opinions is not important or will not affect your daily life in a significant way then don’t waste time trying to dominate and change the opinion to your way of thinking.

No one likes to be proven wrong or to be bossed around and if you don’t have compelling facts to back up your point of view then don’t push it and only use pure emotion to try and get the upper hand.

You should be discussing problems in your life and not arguing about them at a fevered emotional pitch.

Don’t waste time plotting to destroy other people with rumors and gossip

One way to get even after being offended is to seek revenge and create rumors and gossip about the offending human. The chances are that if the rumors and gossip is not the truth you will be found out and labeled a liar and your reputation will hit the toilet.

Some people try to destroy the reputation of others so that they can obtain a position of greater authority or a job promotion. If you are using immoral tactics like lying to get into positions of greater authority or power it may work in the short duration but in the long duration you will not be respected by humans working under you and you will definitely have a bad reputation amongst your subordinates.

The bottom line is that lying destroys trust and without trust your organization will not bond successfully with you.

If you remain in power despite your immorality your leadership reputation will be similar to that of a ruthless dictator.

Don’t waste time and energy thinking about what others are thinking about you

You can’t read human minds and most humans do not want to hurt your feelings by being critical of you even when it is obvious you deserve criticism. Humans have the ability to be deceptive and behave in one way and think about something entirely differently than what the behavior implies.

Trying to read minds, based only upon overt behavior is sometimes wrong and a waste of time among coworkers and between you and the boss.

If you desperately need to know what others are thinking about you then ask them a direct question about something you did which you have doubts about. You may be surprised that frequently they don’t think that what you did was all that bad or important and hidden personal opinions about you is definitely not something you should be wasting your time obsessing about.

Don’t waste your time and energy listening to unpleasant, irritating, oversexed, angry, sad, boring, depressing songs

Here’s a new sample song which you may like which is emotionally pleasant:

If you liked the song check out my evergreen book BEST OF THE BEST SONGS IN THE WORLD for more happy, energetic, and emotionally satisfying songs.  

If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




Learn to laugh at some of your mistakes and misfortunes

Everyone makes mistakes and has unfortunate circumstances in their lives. If you don’t learn to laugh a little at some of your misfortune, if you worry and think too much about the bad event, if you take it all too seriously, if you try to make unnecessary and illogical excuses and justifications for your problems, then you will feel miserable and humans will be laughing at you behind your back.

Daydream or meditate realistically about your future goals or possible realistic goals

Wasting time daydreaming about celebrity status in society or about limitless wealth is just a useless trivial pursuit with no benefits. If you daydream or meditate about more realistic future goals in life it will help you to prioritize your present life so that you can make realistic changes in your life. This will make those desired goals more realistically achievable. Taking about 5 minutes on the job to meditate or think about your job can eventually increase your efficiency at doing it. Meditating or thinking can also help you make plans to get a better job if you hate your present one.

Do recommit your life to morality when tempted to be immoral

The world is filled with temptations to cut corners, cheat, lie, steal, be adulterous, be promiscuous, drink alcohol too much, gamble too much, use too much pornography, use addictive drugs, and try to make much money in a risky or deceptively effortless easy way. Say no to all those temptations because you will come to regret your immoral actions and your trustworthy reputation with others will hit the toilet sooner or later when you are caught in your immorality or remain in it for too long.

It may seem that extreme gambling, alcoholic consumption, pornography, and promiscuity is not immoral but too much of it definitely is bad because you are being inefficient or wasting time, energy, and money doing things which leave less time, energy, and money to do the important things in life. Important priorities are working, having time by yourself to improve your life through education, spending time with family and friends, and maintaining a good reputation in society.

Wild nature is not inefficient and inefficiency is frequently punished by starvation and even death. Human society is more merciful but it still punishes inefficiency with much unhappiness. Inefficiently waste too much of your time, energy, and money and you will be very unhappy.

Being immoral may give you short term happiness if no one seems to know about it because you have succeeded in hiding it well, but it will inevitably result in much probable  misery when you are caught and ostracized or rejected by family, close friends, or by society.

You are responsible for your happiness

If you are unhappy about something then it is your responsibility to try and change the source of your unhappiness, to avoid it, or at least to make plans to be able to avoid it in the future.

If you are unhappy about your job or coworkers then start making plans for a new job and a new set of coworkers. If you are unhappy about your relationships with significant others then start reading books and articles on what makes for successful relationships and change your wrong behavior.

Some of my evergreen blogs and my evergreen book LOVEALL can greatly help you to solve the problem. If your family is making you unhappy and you are the primary cause of the unhappiness then make plans to change your behavior for the better. If you can’t change your behavior that easily then let your family interact without you as much as possible. Sometimes family life can deteriorate so much and become so unbearable that you may have to divorce.

My evergreen book MODERN PARENTING can be very useful to better smart parenting.

 Any bad or good circumstance will change given enough time

Change is inevitable in life and no matter how good or bad something may seem now it is something which will change in the near future or the distant future. Almost nothing lasts forever in life.

Most of us worry about bad circumstances but be confident that most bad circumstances can be dealt with successfully unless they are severe addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling, pornography, and promiscuity which may require severe rehabilitation efforts to cure. Time heals most diseases, emotional hurts, and bad behavior during a lifetime and if it doesn’t heal it will probably kill you at some point prematurely in your life or create much unhappiness.

Get rid of everything which is useless and ugly

If it is something which you no longer use or you feel it is ugly or too old then throw it away or recycle it. Make room for more useful and beautiful things in your life which will make it happier and more efficient or practical.

You can be happy at any age

Unless you have a painful severely debilitating disease even at 90 you can jump on the internet and learn new things, get entertained, and meet new people with which to communicate.

If you have the money and health you may even be able to travel the world looking for new adventures and fun with people you meet on the internet.

In old age you can blog until you drop sharing the useful life lessons which you learned in a lifetime and which can be usefully shared with the new generation.

If you liked this blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




The most important mistake is dating when you have no job or dating someone without a job.

If one or both of you are seriously studying for a job or career then that can be an exception to the general rule.

No job frequently means no money and it will turn out to be a bad date which is basically a mooching circumstance. 

No job also frequently means someone’s life is so dysfunctional that they will just become a serious financial burden on you immediately or probably further down the line in the relationship.

If you are just looking for a good time without a potential lifetime commitment, then of course no job is not a problem if you have money to burn.


Most relationships and marriages end because of financial hardships so get your finances in order before you start out on new dating relationships or marriage.

You will avoid much heartache, disappointment, failure, and relationship disasters.

You can easily fall in love with a penniless, attractive, dreamer but just realize that you may have to financially support those dreams into the foreseeable future.

In ancient history marriages were based on money or wealth only and love did not play a major role.

Today it is wise to base a relationship on both money and love which optimizes the possibility of a successful enduring relationship.


Lying on the first date even about the seemingly unimportant things in your life like your weight or height will ruin the development of a potentially trusting relationship.

Tell the complete truth in any profile if it is an internet date introduction.

Without trust in the relationship close bonding is impossible and you will never have a happy lasting marriage if it gets that far.

You can postpone the telling of some serious flaws in your health, disastrous prior relationships, and terrible family life but be prepared to even reveal those secrets soon in the relationship.

The truth will surface sooner or later and it is best that it surface sooner so deception does not become part of the relationship and severe disappointment does not break up the relationship down the line which it inevitably will.


Just talking about yourself on the first date and revealing your selfish ego will cause a date to walk away and not want to date again.

Instead of talking too much about yourself and possessions try to ask more questions about your date’s family, friends, future goals, likes and dislikes, loves and hates.

Try to find some common ground to talk about and share similar beliefs and opinions.

The more you have in common the greater will be the probability that you will have a mutually satisfying relationship.


Being open minded about a date that has some different beliefs, opinions, and behaviors is smart because stereotyping a human based on one belief, opinion, or behavior, unless it is immoral behavior, will not give you the opportunity to learn about the entire personality in depth.

Everyone has a few or more characteristics and opinions which you may disagree with so don’t be too judgmental early on in the relationship.

You may discover many more beliefs, opinions, and behaviors which you strongly agree with and find admirable.

Don’t pretend that you are perfect and hide all your embarrassing moments and secrets.

Sharing an embarrassment such as an alcoholic or drug addicted relative and revealing that you had a bad prior relationship which you ended and moved on from is desirable because we all have embarrassing humans and events in our lives.

Being honest about your embarrassments will help your date to empathize with you and reveal to you some of his or her embarrassments also.

Sharing some embarrassing secrets will help you to bond sooner since both of you will realize that perfection is not expected for a realistic relationship.

Sharing the good times and also some of the bad times in your lives will help create an honest trusting relationship without pretension which never works in the long duration.


Don’t show anger about your ex or boss and make the impression that you are being victimized by people and events in your life and that none of it is your fault.

If you are angry at humans and events in life the chances are great that you will be angry many times in the relationship and try to pin the blame for bad events on someone.

Being angry at others is a big turnoff.


Express jealousy for how well an ex-spouse or acquaintance is doing and showing how envious you are of them is a complete turnoff to a date and just shows how immature you are in thinking that life is not being fair to you.

Other’s successes should inspire you to strive harder for your own success and not become a life filled with jealous feelings and a put down of other humans.


Don’t be greedy but be patient with your time or money on a first date if you are a male.

Spending quality time with your date will show that you are interested in your date and not too preoccupied with job and obligations.

Don’t be rude and text and answer emails while on a date making your date feel like she is playing second fiddle in your life and will probably never be a first priority in your life.


If you do not have confidence in yourself and feel that you are being victimized by circumstances beyond your control then you are not a good candidate for a date.

If you insist on dating then let your date do most of the talking and ask many questions about him or her because your lack of confidence will surface sooner or later and if it surfaces on the first date it will definitely be a turnoff and will get no sympathy or understanding.

CONCLUSION: having a job or seriously learning and studying hard, being honest, being kind and considerate, being generous and patient with your time and some money, being open minded, and being empathic will all help you to become an attractive first date.

Finally, if you do not have a job, are not studying hard for a job or career, are in therapy for depression, and have no confidence in yourself or the future then you should not be dating at all.

Start dating again when you regain confidence and create a pattern of successful goal achievement in your life.


If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




Subset: n. a thing

Someone’s beliefs may sound crazy to you but these people honestly believe subsets which are completely illogical and unreasonable. It can be very difficult to listen to them coolly and maturely and respectfully. Pointing to the logical problems with their beliefs seldom helps. Understanding that another’s irrational beliefs were indoctrinated by bad historical myths and behaviors of their role models is smart. Live and let live without fighting about it is smart and silence is golden so don’t communicate about the wrong belief.

Most people try to avoid conflict but this is not always possible. When in conflict with someone listen to them and you may find common ground. Try to make them understand your position by communicating understandably but firmly. One side may give in completely or a little or the communication may increase emotionally but eventually there will be some conclusion even though it may only be a consensus that you each will remain with your own opinions or concepts.

Many employers are now using what can be called a verbal warning. The logic of a verbal warning is that it is an attempt to correct a problem before it becomes bad enough to make a formal action necessary. At that moment it is easy to become defensive and answer back with an objection but instead only listen to their topic with an open mind. Once you have heard the topic and understand what led to the verbal warning then adjust your circumstance and correct your behavior.

You may want to complain to those with some power over you since we can’t always solve our own problems ourselves. Be careful not to bother someone with a problem they’re powerless to solve. Describe the problem thoroughly without exaggeration and try to only use the facts. Once you have told your supervisor the problem let them behave the best even though you may frequently disagree with their solution or solutions. If a better solution suddenly exists in your mind then offer it respectfully and see if your supervisor will approve or maintain the same opinion.

All businesses have complaining customers. Listen carefully to the complaint to the very end since it will make the customer feel that they have been heard and understood. Continue with a question or two if you don’t understand the complaint right away. If you don’t have an immediate answer then consult with your coworkers who may have dealt with a similar problem. If your coworkers can’t solve the problem then take it to your supervisor.

One of life’s most flattering and stressful experiences is when someone asks you for constructive criticism. If you can help be honest and even tell the truth if it is bad news and not good news. Share your opinions and give them a chance to defend theirs. It’s even possible that you may change your mind. In the end what you can do is tell them the truth as you subjectively see it and they will either accept it or disagree in private.

Misunderstandings are common and you should try to easily avoid them. Don’t use random words but try to communicate as understandably and relevantly and politely as possible without emotional outbursts. Choosing the right truthful words should be enough but try to avoid using information which will make people feel intensely because they sincerely may not share your emotions or feelings on the subject.

Don’t express kindness and try to deceive people by trying to hide your personal feelings of superiority. This patronizing insults a person and tells them exactly what you really feel about them and unfortunately other people will have a tendency to react with approval to the patronizing.

Don’t talk to people when they say they are lucky or unlucky because luck should be a very small subset in your successful life and if you feel unlucky then it is usually your own fault that a subset didn’t work or perform as you wished.

When you ask what’s with a body subset such as a reddish eye or slurred speech be considerate because they are probably embarrassed before you communicate it. It may seem rude to start communicating the unpleasant fact but that is no reason why you can’t discuss it openly and honestly without implying disapproval.

Perhaps the hardest thing to master is to avoid conflict after easily saying NO or SORRY NO to a communication especially a favor. Justifying such a short answer can be very difficult. When we are asked to do a behavior which seems easy or enjoyable we frequently do it. Frequently saying yes to an asked favor can increase into unreasonable and impractical demands which sadly require you to create complete boundaries or you run the risk of becoming everybody’s servant and not getting paid for it.

Sometimes someone comes to you with a problem when they really only want emotional support to continue on and solve the problem mostly on their own. Learn to recognize a plea for emotional support and nothing more because even in close relationships at home and with friends sometimes just reassurance and empathetic expression is all that is requested when a bad situation arises and it is all that is needed in the circumstance. Probing too much at such a time may just create conflict and defensiveness which would not have arisen otherwise.

If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




Christine Gross-Loh has traveled the world and come to the conclusion that very many Americans are overprotected, are irresponsible teenagers, are poorly educated, and I will add that they become adults who can’t survive in the real world of work, achievement, and family life.

She reinforces what I have been writing about in my blogs. Offspring should have an indoctrinated moral code by the age of 13 and should be participating in real world responsibilities in their teenage years working about 4 hours a day at less than minimum wage doing urban farming, safe factory assembly line work, being cashiers, and working in fast food establishments. Parents can either shuttle teenagers to and from work or they can ride scooters or motorcycles to work on their own.

There is proof in the world from different countries that students need much less hours spent in school but need to focus more intensely on technological skills needed in the 21st century with much less purposeless, useless liberal arts education which has bad job prospects.

Here is the complete blog by Christine-

If you liked this evergreen blog then read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




In wild nature you are programmed to live only so long by your genes and the only major other influence is injuries and disease which result in starvation or death.  If wild animals are fed their natural diet and protected from lethal diseases they will live out their natural lifespan and die a natural death.

Humans are also programmed to live only so long by their genes and if they ate certified organic food all their lives and moderately moved around and were accident free they would live out their maximum lifespans.

Personality, culture, religion, education, employment, income, marriage, living single, weight, happiness, stress, and many more environmental factors have no one to one correspondence with longevity.

If you or other humans were fed properly throughout your life and had adequate shelter and basic protection from deadly infectious diseases it would not matter one bit whether you had a bad personality, lived in a lousy culture, had poor education, were not religious but had a moral code to guide you, were unemployed with no income, were not happy, and were not married. You would still live out your optimal lifespan.

There is no scientific proof and there never will be that factors such as personality, culture, etc. affect lifespan with a one to one correspondence.

Statistical analyses are just probabilities which don’t prove anything with certainty in human behavior. It just provides behavioral pseudo scientists in the behavioral field with a nice income for their families and nothing more. It is bullshit science!

Conclusion: Eat the best varied certified organic food which you can afford or get, move around moderately, and try to live accident free and you will live out your natural lifespan predetermined by nature.

Where humans eat more natural varied food that is where they live longer. France and England are genetically similar and France is about 5th in longevity compared to England which is about 14th and a more varied more natural diet is possibly the reason.

Yes, there will be manufactured live organs and replacement parts for your body in the not so distant future and this will increase your lifespan to some extent if you live long enough to be a recipient of these biological scientific miracles.

If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.



Subset: n. thing

Someone’s beliefs may sound crazy to you but these people honestly believe subsets and have opinions which are completely illogical and unreasonable. It can be very difficult to listen to them coolly and maturely and respectfully. Pointing to the logical problems with their beliefs seldom helps. Understanding that another’s irrational beliefs were indoctrinated by bad historical myths and behaviors of their role models is smart. Live and let live without fighting about it is smart and silence is golden so don’t communicate about the wrong belief.

To determine whether an opinion is a strong belief or just an opinion potentially subject to change restate the opinion in your own words and ask. “Is it a strong belief or an opinion which we can discuss?” If the answer is that it is a strong belief then the probability that you will be able to change it is almost zero and there is no point in discussing it further.

An opinion is sometimes defended as strongly as a belief. If the opinion is important and about the functioning of the business then you should use as many examples as you can to show that your opinion is right for mutual benefit. If the opinion is about a topic which does not impact the business then don’t waste any time, energy, and money trying to change it. You can end a conversation about an emotionally intense but unimportant opinion by saying that we both have a right to our opinions even though we disagree.

Some communications start to break down with personal insults and name calling. If this happens to you stop the conversation or postpone it for a time when everyone has had a chance to cool down emotionally. “Sorry, I can’t continue the conversation” or “Let’s talk about this later or tomorrow” is the smart response to personal attacks.

Most people try to avoid conflict but this is not always possible. When in conflict with someone listen to them and you may find common ground. Try to make them understand your position by communicating understandably but firmly. One side may give in completely or a little or the conversation may increase emotionally but eventually there will be some conclusion even though it may only be a consensus that you each will remain with your own opinions or concepts.

Many employers are now using what can be called a verbal warning. The logic of a verbal warning is that it is an attempt to correct a problem before it becomes bad enough to make a formal action necessary. After getting a warning it is easy to become defensive and answer back with an objection but instead only listen to the bosses explanation with an open mind. Once you have heard the authoritative view on the subject and understand what led to the verbal warning then adjust your conversation and promise to correct your behavior if you now feel that it needs correcting.

You may want to complain to those with some power over you since we can’t always solve our own problems ourselves. Be careful not to bother someone with a problem they’re powerless to solve. Describe the problem thoroughly without exaggeration and try to only use the facts. Once you have told your supervisor the problem let them behave the best even though you may frequently disagree with their solution or solutions. If a better solution suddenly exists in your mind then offer it respectfully and see if your supervisor will approve or maintain the same opinion or same method to solve the problem.

All businesses have complaining customers. Listen carefully to the complaint to the very end since it will make the customer feel that they have been heard and understood. Continue with a question or two if you don’t understand the complaint right away. If you don’t have an immediate answer then consult with your coworkers who may have dealt with a similar problem. If your coworkers can’t solve the problem then take it to your supervisor.

One of life’s most flattering and stressful experiences is when someone asks you for constructive criticism. If you can help be honest and even tell the truth if it is bad news and not good news. Share your opinions and give them a chance to defend theirs. It’s even possible that you may change your mind. In the end what you can do is tell them the truth as you subjectively see it and they will either accept it or disagree even though sometimes in private.

Misunderstandings are common and you should try to easily avoid them. Don’t use random words but try to communicate as understandably and relevantly and politely as possible without emotional outbursts. Choosing the right truthful words should be enough but try to avoid using information which will make people feel intensely because they sincerely may not share your emotions or feelings on the subject.

Don’t express kindness and try to deceive people by trying to hide your personal feelings of superiority. This patronizing insults a person and tells them exactly what you really feel about them and unfortunately other people will have a tendency to react with approval to the patronizing.

Don’t talk to people when they say they are lucky or unlucky because luck should be a very small subset in your successful life and if you feel unlucky then it is usually your own fault that a subset didn’t work or perform as you wished.

When you ask what’s with a body subset such as a reddish eye or slurred speech be considerate because they are probably embarrassed before you communicate it. It may seem rude to start communicating the unpleasant fact but that is no reason why you can’t discuss it openly and honestly without implying disapproval.

Perhaps the hardest thing to master is to avoid conflict after easily saying NO or SORRY NO to a communication especially a favor. Justifying such a short answer can be very difficult. When we are asked to do a behavior which seems easy or enjoyable we frequently do it. Frequently saying yes to an asked favor can increase into unreasonable and impractical demands which sadly require you to create complete boundaries or you run the risk of becoming everybody’s servant and not getting paid for it.

Even if only your gut feeling is a NO answer without logical justification then say so because with enough time the NO will be accepted as a valid response without the need for revenge, enduring hurt feelings, and lingering disappointment. You also will be free of lingering regrets that you wrongly said Yes when the truthful answer should have been a NO.

The logical answer to every NO is that it is inefficient or a waste of your time, energy, money, or the wrong behavior which will waste someones time, energy, or money if the behavior is accepted and not changed or eliminated!!!!!!

If you liked this evergreen blog read more and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.



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Checking your phone or emails while you are talking to someone:

It is rude and conveys the impression that you don’t care about the human who you are talking to and hurts their feelings.

Multitasking during a meeting:

It is smart to give your full attention to a meeting so you can flush out and understand hidden agendas, you can spot opportunities to build bridges, and you will find ways to make yourself indispensable to the humans who matter.

Thinking about humans who don’t make a difference in your life:

Don’t waste your time thinking about celebrities and distant acquaintances who can’t improve your life. When you have some time off, think about the important humans in your life such as family, close friends, close coworkers, and your boss who are humans that can make your life better and they truly deserve your attention.

Getting distracted and responding to every notification immediately:

Everything which pops up on your phone or computer is not something which needs your immediate attention and focusing on your work should be priority number one. Most casual notifications don’t need an immediate response.

Letting the past always affect your future:

Stop being tormented by past mistakes. It was an opportunity to learn what not to do and personal knowledge about yourself and how you can improve in the future. When others make mistakes it is an opportunity to be gracious, forgiving, and understanding. Making mistakes and correcting them is training or a learning experience which you should not let torment you.

Wait until you are sure you will succeed in a creative effort:

Success when being creative is a probability and not a certainty. Try and fail and you can learn and try again and succeed. Always expecting success on the first attempt is a perfectionist’s delusion in the real world of work. If you are too impulsive and fail too many times your confidence will be affected but waiting too long to do something because of a fear of failure is also not the proper way to work creatively.

Talking about someone behind their back:

Gossiping or frequently saying bad things about a human behind their back is poor social etiquette. If there is something which you find unpleasant about a human confront them personally and comment on their behavior. You will be respected more if you don’t speak critically of others behind their backs.

Saying “yes” when you really mean “no”:

Refusing a favor for a colleague, customer, or friend is hard because you don’t want to hurt their feelings but if you honestly don’t want to do the favor for a good reason or just a gut feeling then most people will understand. Most humans given enough time will not hold a grudge against you for saying no sincerely. If you say yes to something which you didn’t want to do you will regret it for a very long time and feel bad about it even if it is only during the time that you did the favor.



All employers prefer someone with some job experience because punctuality is important in any job since the biggest problem is employees not showing up for work. If you have held jobs in the past for more than just a few months it is an indication that you also will probably show up for work on a regular basis.

Minimum wage jobs such as fast food jobs and cashier jobs with a high turnover are frequently jobs where the manager is afraid of his or her job security and will frequently not react very well to someone who expresses a desire to move up in the business hierarchy or organization.  Many of those managers feel insecure in their jobs and do not want you to compete with them for their job.

A happy personality with good communications skills is always a plus but students studying and needing a part or full time work will frequently be hired first because they frequently don’t present a job threat to management and are sometimes more responsible than high school graduates.

Not having a motor vehicle is frequently a sign of financial hardship, financial irresponsibility, and an increased probability or assumption of drug use so it is best to have some form of personal transportation such as a car or motorcycle.

Jobs requiring creativity and thinking independently will frequently require more job experience and more proof that you can do the job successfully. Your resume will become more important with more details about your educational background, achievements, and interests and hobbies outside of work. You may be probed rather thoroughly to determine whether you will be a good team player where being a team player is important.

Specialty skills jobs which don’t require much teamwork will more thoroughly probe whether you have the necessary basic skills or whether you will need some follow up training or education in your field of expertise. Enthusiasm for your specialty job and confidence in your ability is important to convey because selfmotivation is important when working mostly alone without much coworker emotional and skill support.

During a minimum wage job interview let the employer ask almost all the questions unless you have been working at a specialty for many years and are sincerely looking for a job with more pay or greater opportunity to move up in the business organization. If it is a career job then showing caring and asking about benefits and possible perks and advancement potential becomes very important. The job interview should be more of a two way street where questions are asked by the employer and employee and both hope to reach mutually satisfying goals.

One final comment is probably most important to note. First impressions last and you should show up for a minimum wage job interview neat and clean in casual standard clothing without a t-shirt. Career job and executive interviews frequently create a better impression with formal clothing for men and to some extent women too. Smile if you can where appropriate and give the impression that you are generally happy with your life and optimistically moving forward in your life.

If you like this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




If you are a male then chances are you are not obsessed with skin care because the skin is naturally designed with its own oils and minerals to take care of itself naturally and beautifully.

In old age your skin starts to dry out largely due to inactivity and the absence of normal sweating. At 67 the skin on my feet started to dry out but it was mostly due to the socks absorbing the natural moisture, minerals, and oils from my foot skin. As soon as I started walking barefoot my foot skin naturally moisturized and regained a hydrated healthy look without cosmetic applications.

If you are a woman you may be obsessed about beauty and looking younger. If your wash off the natural oils and minerals with soap and water, if you use mild skin abrasives to remove dead skin tissue, if you think wrinkles are ugly, and if you use cosmetics to mask blemishes and give your skin a more even looking tone then you are trapped into a daily preoccupation with unnatural skin care in the form of moisturizers, salves, lotions, phony wrinkle creams, and skin foundations.

I list some of the skin care myths held by many gullible women:

MYTH: You need SPF protection in cosmetics to prevent premature skin aging and cancer.

TRUTH: You get an adequate dose of vitamin D from moderate sun exposure to UVB rays so moderate tanning is beneficial for your skin and body health.

UVA ultraviolet light is high frequency high energy light and it can do the most damage to your skin. If you spend much time outdoors or are going to spend hours in the sun at the beach then protect against UVA with sunscreen which contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide and oxybenzone and sulisobenzone and avobenzone and ecamsule (Mexoryl).

For UVB protection your sunscreen should contain PABA derivatives, salicylates and/or cinnamates such as oxtylmethoxycinnamate and conoxate.

MYTH: Avobenzone (parsol 1789) is the best UVA sunscreen.

TRUTH: Research has shown that parsol 1789 a common ingredient in sunscreens is one of the most irritating ingredients used in beauty products. It actually increases free radical production which promotes skin aging. Many of the unresearched unnatural ingredients in other skin care products are probably also bad in some way for your skin. If it is an unnatural artificial ingredient in your skin care product, don’t buy it and use it on your natural skin no matter how good your skin seems to look or feel after the treatment.

MYTH: A squeaky clean tight feel is desirable by washing with soap and water.

TRUTH: Soap and water removes the natural protective oils and minerals from your skin and can cause excess dead skin buildup. Leave the skin alone without soapy washing as frequently as possible and try to use as little cosmetics as possible if they can’t be removed gently with just warm water.

MYTH: Any oil is acceptable to replace removed natural skin oil.

TRUTH: Some replacement oils will clog your pores and make it harder for your skin to breathe. Mineral oil, isopropyl myristate, isopropyl palmitate, and petrolatum are notorious for clogging your skin pores and are not healthy skin oil replacement ingredients. The more ingredients that you find in your cosmetics the more natural and unnatural crap you are probably putting on your skin which should not be there in the first place and will sometimes even cause allergic skin reactions.

MYTH: It’s normal to break out after a facial

TRUTH: If you are breaking out after a facial your skin is telling you that you are allergic to one or more of the ingredients in the facial or that the abrasives in the facial are damaging your skins outer layer. Baby smooth refreshing feeling skin is frequently the description used to describe the effects after a facial and it is an unnatural skin care process which you should be using rarely if at all.

MYTH: Sun tanning beds are safer than the sun.

TRUTH: Many sun tanning beds produce more UVA radiation than the sun and thus cause more aging and increased risk for cancer and are not safer than the sun.

MYTH: If the skincare product stings your skin it is a sign that it is working.

TRUTH: If a product stings your skin it is a form of minimal pain and your skin is telling you naturally that it does not like the product. Avoid skin stinging products as much as possible.

MYTH: You can shrink your pores.

TRUTH: Pore size only remains optimal once it fills with natural oils. Removing the natural oils may cause minimal narrowing of the pores but there is not a significant enough visual difference to justify an unnatural cleansing and removal of natural skin oils. Pores don’t open and close like doors but remain constant in size.

MYTH: Clay masks draw out blackheads and impurities out of the skin.

TRUTH: Standard clay masks absorb natural skin oil and suck some moisture out of the skin and push serums into the skin but do not remove blackheads which have to be manually extracted. Clay masks are a money wasting scam because your skin does not need artificial serums nor does it need to have its natural oil and moisture removed.

MYTH: Shaving makes hair grow back thicker.

TRUTH: Shaving or hair removal does not change the growing mechanism of your hair follicle so you have the same thickness hair grow out no matter what you do. Most hair removal is a temporary solution which will have to be repeated periodically and you should definitely not use a technique which destroys the natural hair growing mechanism in your skin.

MYTH: Facials and microdermabrasion are good for the skin.

TRUTH: Facials can actually cause acne breakouts and allergic reactions in some people. Facials and microdermabrasion may help you to relax and feel good but the treatments themselves are a complete waste of money and are highly unnatural cosmetic procedures.

MYTH: Wrinkle creams or anti-aging creams actually work.

TRUTH: Most wrinkle creams just temporarily hydrate or add more water to the skin so it seems to reduce fine wrinkles to some extent for a very short period of time. You may be obsessed with the removal of fine lines or wrinkles and even go for expensive Botox treatments which work for a few months but all wrinkle creams are a waste of money and don’t make lasting changes in the natural wrinkles which you were born to be with in your life.

MYTH: Skin care with many natural ingredients is better for you.

TRUTH: The fact is that any natural botanical ingredient is unnatural compared to your natural skin oils and minerals and in fact can cause allergic reactions in some humans. The more “natural” and unnatural ingredients in your skin care product the worse it is for your natural skin health so don’t get conned into buying them. If your skin turns red, feels tingly, itches, or breaks out in some way stop using the skin care product immediately.


If you like this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




It is wrongly assumed that introverts are the polar opposite of extroverts and this leads to a great misunderstandings of the real multidimensional characteristics of introverts.

Stereotypes of introverts will mislead you into thinking that they don’t like to talk, are shy, don’t like people, are rude, are weird, do not like going to public places, can’t relax and have any fun, are aloof nerds, always want to be alone, and can reform and become extroverts. The wrong stereotype is that introverts are extremely antisocial.

Introverts usually don’t talk much unless they have something important to say or if it is a subject which personally interests them much.

Most introverts are not afraid of people nor are they very shy but they frequently don’t enjoy talking for the sake of talking about random subject matter. If you ask them an important question or start to talk about a subject which impacts the introvert he or she will respond but may take a few seconds thinking about what to answer.

Most introverts want people to react honestly and be as real as possible and do not beat around the bush with pretentious social pleasantries and small talk. They are frequently blunt and to the point and this may hurt some people’s personal feelings so some wrongly assume that introverts are rude.

Introverts go to public places but they generally don’t hang out in them for very long. They take in the experience rather quickly and if they feel there is too much purposeless activity going on they will leave and go home to recharge and process it all.

Introverts prefer being alone where they devote themselves to thinking, solving problems, and some daydreaming. They do however frequently crave an authentic and sincere connection with one person at a time when they may want to share their most recent discoveries.

Introverts may seem weird to humans who energetically follow popular and trendy activities because introverts don’t frequently follow the crowd but think for themselves and frequently challenge the norm. Introverts are different but not necessarily weird.

Introverts are frequently not thrill seekers and adrenalin junkies looking for fun in this world but prefer to be with family, alone, or with nature. Too much talking and too much noise and they start to shut down because they have different dominant neuro pathways and a somewhat different reaction to increased dopamine levels.

Without introverts there would be fewer scientists, mathematicians, doctors, writers, and philosophers. Introverts should not be pressured into becoming extroverts because it is just not their natural temperament.

If you like this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




FACT: You frequently can’t tell a millionaire when you see him or her:


Most selfmade millionaires are not pretentious and don’t flaunt their wealth like those who inherit great wealth do to compensate for their absence of true personal achievement in this world. Most selfmade millionaires got wealthy by being frugal and tend to maintain a frugal personal lifestyle in public.


 FACT: It takes money to make money if you are an investor:


It takes money to make money if you are an investor but unfortunately most investments are money losers because there are few areas of the economy which are growing rapidly enough to return a profit greater than the inflation rate or the rate at which money loses value.

It is a smart move to invest some of the money which you are earning in real estate or land which historically keeps pace with inflation. You may not make a great profit on real estate unless there is another artificially inflated real estate market but at least you can feel secure in the historical fact that no one is making more land or real estate and that the chances are good that it will increase in value if you find a good location which is not in a city slum or close to a bad neighborhood.


FACT: You can save money without making much of it:


If you can’t save about 5 to 10% of your income on a regular basis, no matter what your income level, you will probably be living from paycheck to paycheck for the rest of your life because you haven’t learned to set financial priorities in your life and your wants will always exceed your needs financially.

My book HOW TO SAVE MONEY can help you greatly to get started on a thrifty secure life by getting rid of your bad money wasting habits which will only grow if you live from paycheck to paycheck.


FACT: You don’t always get what you pay for:


A large price tag does not always mean that you are getting the best product for the least amount of money. Pay too much for a car and it will wind up costing you more in repairs, gas, and maintenance in the long run. Buy an expensive home and you will waste much money on maintenance, taxes, and large utility bills.

Buy products cheaply which will perform the same utilitarian functions as the expensive items.

Only in food should you pay more for as much certified organic food as your budget can afford because it will translate into lower health costs in later years.


FACT: Money is frequently not the root of all evil:


You need the tool- money, for good or bad purposes or goals in life. If you LOVE money to the exclusion of other important things in life it can have very bad consequences in your life and could be called a means to evil ends.

Preoccupation with money almost all the time means that relationships with family and close friends will suffer and you will be tempted to con humans out of their money to get more of it for yourself. You will never be satisfied with the money that you have but will be wanting more to your last dying breath and you will never learn to share or give away some of that money to a worthy cause such as wildlife preservation or research into a cure for a serious human illness.


FACT: You should save some money for a financially unpredictable retirement:


Setting aside or saving about 5% to 10% of your income and avoiding risky investments like the stock market is the smart thing to do. You never know if you will lose your good paying job just before retirement and be forced to live on a greatly reduced social security check. It may even be the case that social security will go belly up financially in the not too distant future and you will be forced to live on even less than you anticipated early on in life. Because of a severely reduced social security check in the future you may have to leave the country and live in a third world country where the living standard is much lower and affordable.


FACT: You don’t have to be an expert before you get started with investing:


The internet and global monopolies are making most investments a crap shoot which just loses you money in the short and long duration. Stick with land and real estate investment but even here stay out of bad locations close to high crime rates and distressed areas in cities and towns and suburbs.

FACT: Money is frequently not the source of happiness for people above the poverty line:

Above the poverty line most people are roughly equally happy. Having more money generally translates into more debt and having greater expenses to take care of. Frequently problems with offspring exist who are spoiled by the money and have lost the ability to judge its true worth and don’t realize or understand that it takes much personal effort and financial knowledge to make and maintain much money.

Scientifically it has been shown that true happiness originates from living in the moment and doing things which make you feel that you are progressing in life such as learning something new or doing something worthwhile or doing something you like. Buying material possessions cause momentary happiness which speedily fades and can mislead you into impulsive shopping where you are trying to live a happy life with a potpourri of material possessions but wind up very unhappy and deep in debt.

Frequently immature and gullible celebrities gain early fame and can’t handle the stress and temptation of a party life and this frequently results in addiction to legal and illegal drugs, promiscuity, loss of selfrespect, and sometimes even premature ill health or even death.

FACT: A big income will frequently not keep you out of debt:

The wealthy generally have greater expenses and more debt accumulated for more luxuries. Unless they have money set aside for emergencies, they’re both a paycheck away from disaster.

Debt frequently rises with income with conspicuous consumption. What keeps you out of debt isn’t a high income or net worth. It’s not borrowing money.

FACT: Money will frequently not help you find true love:

Money will initially attract the opposite sex but if you are a shallow personality with little ambition, poor social skills, little smarts, little selfconfidence, and with a selfish large humorless ego you will not succeed in getting admiration or affection or loving devotion from the opposite sex.

If your personality is overly pretentious and you have inherited the wealth and not earned it then you may be victimized by a pretentious spouse who will try to get and/or steal as much of the money from you as they can get away with.

You will always be plagued by doubt. Does or did he or she want to marry me for my wealth or my personality?

FACT: Money will only sometimes let you meet interesting people:

The country club is filled with rich humans with inherited wealth who are vain, myopic, pretentious, and judgmental and are boring because they never had to overcome adversity which is what builds character and makes people interesting to be with. Humans who have never struggled in life are frequently shallow uninteresting personalities who are frequently boring to be with.

FACT: Money will frequently not buy close friendships:

Money will buy attention and many people who will want some of it for themselves by hanging around with you and not caring a bit about becoming true friends or humans which you can depend on in times of emotional need and sometimes financial need. Rich people frequently find that humans who they knew before they became rich are more reliable friends than people with dubious motives who befriended them after they became rich or celebrities.

Friendship based on compatible personalities is far more reliable than friendships based on what you can do for your new found friends. If you find any new friends after you become rich there is a large probability that they will also be rich friends who started from scratch and became rich themselves.

FACT: The world is filled with get rich quick schemes which don’t work:

Promises of making much money gambling, blogging, investing in risky stocks, starting an internet retail business, and working a few hours on the internet are all scams designed to part you with your money which may only be as little as a $25 investment toolkit or the cheapest penny stocks around.

A trusting sucker is born every second and there will always be con artists wanting to take advantage of this unfortunate fact by making claims which are too good to be true. Usually the fictions are in the form of promises that with very little time or money invested you can make outrageous profits or money. Beware!!!!!!

If you like this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.




MYTH: Running barefoot on a hard surface is better than shoes

An unnatural running on a hard surface with bare feet can cause high impact joint and tendon stress which deforms the foot unnaturally spreading the foot and forcing it to be flatter than necessary.

MYTH: 30 minutes of exercise will burn fat

The percentage of energy from fat burning does not appreciably increase during exercise where your body muscles use up mostly the stores of glycogen in the liver and muscles in the body and you will have about the same amount of fat after the exercise than before it. Fat is a secondary source of energy and very little of it gets used during exercise. You will definitely not lose weight due to fat burning but more so due to a depletion of water from your body.

MYTH: Exercise or movement is the best remedy for sore muscles

Sore muscles is your body telling you that you have exceeded your exercise limit and should reduce movement and give time for the temporary inflammation to die down and let the muscle repair itself before embarking on more strenuous exercise.

MYTH: Music helps in training

Energetic music can motivate you to exercise more but you won’t be as sensitive to body cues which are telling you to slow down or rest because you are exceeding the body pain threshold and the music is masking it to some extent.

MYTH: Eat carbohydrates before exercise

Carbohydrates should be eaten much before the exercise and preferably the night before so that the body has plenty of time to digest and store the energy from the carbohydrates as glycogen. For exercise lasting less than 90 minutes loading up with carbohydrates will not affect performance at all so eat a varied balanced meal instead.

MYTH: Take magnesium for muscle spasms

Usually muscle spasms are due to too much muscular stress or stressing poorly conditioned muscles and rarely are partially due to one vitamin and/or mineral deficiency but an overall deficiency in many minerals and/or vitamins so the best remedy is to eat as varied a diet as possible to ensure that you are not suffering from nutrient deficiencies. Test your body blood for nutrient deficiencies before you begin supplementing with lopsided mineral and/or vitamin supplements.

MUTH: Drinking beer after exercising is healthy

The alcohol in beer decreases the testosterone level in the body minimally so it is better to drink nonalcoholic beer or just plain water which is what you have depleted during exercise and is only what you really need. I prefer drinking beer or water flavored with chunks of fruit and herbs such as mint because it creates greater satisfaction. I drink if I feel thirsty after exercising and drink it for pleasure when I am thirsty and not exercising.

MYTH: You should drink much before exercise to avoid dehydration

You can’t absorb more than the usual amount of water into the body during exercise to compensate for the greater amount of water lost due to sweating. Only drink when you become thirsty and at no other time.  Most exercise except for marathon running does not severely dehydrate you and frequently you can even get by without drinking anything at all.

MYTH: Supplements are necessary for peak performance

Most high performing athletes do not use supplements which are lopsided nutrient doses which are unnatural and should really not be a replacement for varied balanced meals of as much certified organic food as possible which should be rich in micronutrients also.

MYTH: There is an ideal ratio of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to eat

Humans are very adaptable and can survive good on a high carbohydrate and low fat and low protein diet and can survive just as good on a high protein, high fat, and low carbohydrate diet.

 If you like this evergreen blog read more of them and maybe even read one or more of my evergreen books like COMMON SENSE.



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            The internet is revolutionizing the world and is becoming a threat to many specialty local businesses.  Book stores are threatened and video and music stores are going out of business. Movie theaters are suffering and electronic stores and greeting card stores are hurting. Internet retailers are severely impacting local retailers and winning over many customers.

Middlemen wholesalers are being severely affected by direct online sales as more and more humans buy online.

Dating and communicating on the internet is changing the way that we socialize. Socializing on the internet is also rapidly replacing the need to socialize in person and this is a great efficient change in human behavior.

More and more of us are getting our information and products on the internet.  We can surf the internet and get most of our entertainment there.

About 2.2 billion humans use the internet worldwide which means the world will soon become one great interacting community without borders. Global retailing, global socializing, and global education is what we can look forward to.

Soon schooling will be interactive audio visual education on the internet and the dysfunctional public school system with the exception of elementary school will be threatened with obsolescence.

My book EDUCATION REFORM details the inevitable changes necessary to free people from the unacceptable substandard education in this country and world.  Future lives will mostly be spent on the internet and more and more of us will be living sedentary lives.

If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.
