Monthly Archives: October 2014



Rehabilitation: n. restoring from bad (health and/or behavior(s)) to normal (health and/or behavior(s))

In the news the most popular form of rehabilitation is for drug addictions, especially of some celebrities. There is also criminal, work, education, and health rehabilitation which is an attempt at getting humans to live normal lives by educating them with the proper skills needed to lead independent healthy lives.

Some rehabilitation succeeds but many drug addicts and criminals can’t be rehabilitated no matter how hard you try and no matter how much attention you lavish on them. Relapses into addictions or crime are common and it is one reason why attempts at rehabilitation are sometimes fruitless and the only solution seems to be permanent incarceration.

The major reason for the relapses is that once the patient  or offender is placed back in the same environment with the same friends, the old stimuli trigger the same old behavior once again and the good effects of the rehabilitation are short lived.

Health rehabilitation after an accident or severe trauma is frequently successful although some geriatric illnesses are just incurable and the best that you can hope for is a masking of the symptoms but no real cure or successful rehabilitation.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Unproven: n. not having convinced that a subset(s) exists and/or has existed and/or will exist beyond a reasonable doubt and/or not having used the scientific method

Many things in life are unproven but are highly probable which helps us to make sense out of human interactions and physical events and guides us in our decision making process.

There is basically judicial “proof” and scientific proof. Judicial proof is not very rigorous and the veracity of the proof to a large extent depends on the trustworthiness of the witnesses and the accuracy of the facts and professional testimony.

Interpreting the consequences of human past events and circumstantial facts is merely a statistical probabilistic communication(s) and proof in a court of law has an emotional component which is not very rational or logical and can lead to faulty convictions in more than just a few circumstances. Unless there is audio and video evidence which hasn’t been changed with computer software, proof beyond a reasonable doubt always has some guesswork involved.

Can you prove that a common morality is essential for a society to interact peacefully and have trusting relationships between its members? There is no scientific evidence which will ever prove the need for a commonly held moral code but it is an intuitive conclusion reached by personal experience and historical precedent.

Absolute scientific proof is possible but statistical norms are not really cause and effect absolute proofs and there are many real life exceptions to these statistical norms. Many things in life are unprovable in the absolute sense but statistical norms help us to make sense out of an otherwise confusing non absolute or frequently relative world.

Most of us are not really that concerned if something is unprovable as long as it is predictable to some extent. Good and bad habits, beliefs and opinions make humans predictable if you know them well. If you are a good judge of character then you can frequently predict their behavior to some extent and act accordingly.

Official proof beyond a reasonable doubt only exists in the courtroom and a scientific laboratory. There are informal proofs of the existence of something outside the lab and courtroom where you persuade someone that what you are saying or doing is in fact the truth and provable by demonstration or convincing discussion.

Unprovable supernatural phenomenon are simply accepted on faith and for the believer there is no need for proof because the indoctrination has been so successful that they are convinced supernatural phenomenon actually exist in all its varied forms.

Proving that there are ghosts, good and evil spirits, and paranormal activity is the realm of convincing charlatans who frequently make a good living off of their promoted mythologies. Some humans love to hear about miracles or the impossible or unprovable phenomenon and it is a human weakness which has plagued humanity since time immemorial.

Life after death is a perennial subject wished for by everyone and there are deceptive manipulators who promise it for their own personal benefit. Religions themselves are the greatest offenders of reason and logic but there is a saying that if you indoctrinate someone young enough they will be a true believer perhaps for a lifetime and believe almost any absurdity imaginable.

The sad part is that some of these believers want to protect their beliefs by sacrificing their lives and so conflict and wars are never ending in human history and on into the foreseeable future.

The world needs a commonly held secular moral code to keep it unified and operating peacefully and as long as traditional religions oppose such change then we are going to repeat history tragically and I don’t foresee any good consequences resulting from archaic mythological human beliefs passed on from generation to generation unrelentingly.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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You scored!

You hit a home run!

You landed it!

Great work!

Nice work!

You’re great at that!

You’re the best at that!

I approve of it!

I support you!

I think that’s great!

I couldn’t do it better!

You did it perfectly!

I’m giving you a raise for that!

You did your homework well!

That is an exciting new approach!

It’s new but I like it!


I can answer that right now!

Let’s find a solution which works for you!

Let’s look at your information!

Let’s check your data!

I’ll be honest with you!

The company supports you!

I approve of that!

Let’s start again!

What’s holding you back?

Make a suggestion!

Why the delay?

Tell me your reasons!


Let’s table that topic for now!

We’ll get back to this later!

Let’s discuss this further at a later time!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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There are fundamentally three classes of humans in society.

  1. The “unemployed” who have large financial reserves and invest their money in the hopes of making more money.
  2. The working class who have income from paying jobs.
  3. The unemployed or those without jobs who are also destitute and have no financial reserves.

The right to private property is essential.

The working class must have an incentive to learn useful skills and must be rewarded with adequate income when they do productive work. Private property is essential because communal property is not respected and poorly taken care of. Propertyless humans on total welfare have no incentive to work and can’t improve their skills without free reeducation opportunities.

There must be a standardized minimum safety net for the jobless and destitute with realistic possibilities for some to join or rejoin the working class.

Advancing technology, smart computer software, and robotization makes unemployment inevitable for what will be a majority of the citizens of a nation. The safety net must have a low enough standard of living so that the working class is not incentivized to land in the safety net and live there for a lifetime.

There must be an incentive to reeducate yourself out of the safety net no matter what your age. Internet interactive audio visual computer technological education must be part of the safety net so that all those willing to put in the time, effort, and achievement can have a hope of rejoining the working class status and be performing productive useful work and not make work which is an unacceptable social and economic blight.

It is the responsibility of the monied class and government to stabilize the currency or its value with minimal or no inflation so that the value of the currency does not lose value in the long duration.

Predatory financing with inflation steals the property accumulated by the working class and encourages profligate spending and no saving for emergencies and retirement. A healthy vital thrifty self-sustaining working class is essential for the long duration if the economy is to remain healthy, productive, and not always on the verge of bankruptcy.

A secular moral code must be taught to all impressionable young minds in elementary school so that the peaceful interaction of its citizens is possible and family units become successful relationships and raise productive offspring who are not socially dysfunctional for future generations.

The voting power of the jobless and destitute will have to be reduced by a percentage when their numbers reach about 30% of the population. If this is not done then the working class will become the slaves of those not working who will demand a luxurious standard of living which will bankrupt the system. Equal political rights for all citizens is the big lie which will no longer be sustainable in the 21st century technological economy.

Special collective rights for the jobless and destitute and realistic incentives to join or rejoin a productive working class at any age is vital for social justice in the 21st century.

Promoting healthy organic nutrient rich food and drink without taxation of the industry is vital to the long duration health of the nation or the medical bills for bad health will help to bankrupt the economy in the long duration.


Need or want more details? Search and continue reading my writing.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Reform: v. to make changes to a human(s) and/or to a (law(s) and/or rule(s)) to eliminate what is bad in a human(s) and/or in an organization(s) and thus trying to remove (a deviant behavior(s) and/or an abuse(s)) and/or an injustice(s)

To reform a human when it is possible you need rehabilitation and to reform an organization such as a government, court, or education system you need a change in laws and/or rules.

Almost every institution needs reform of some kind in this fast changing technological century and sometimes all that is needed is an efficient software program which accurately defines the operations and needs minimal human input to function.

World government, national government, the welfare system, and the educational system need radical reform to reflect the advancement in the technological 21st century and this is covered in detail in my evergreen truth books GLOBALISM, JUSTICE, CHANGES IN WELFARE LAWS, and EDUCATION REFORM.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Marriage should be sharing the good and the bad times but sometimes you will have to give in, sometimes you will get your way, sometimes you will have to be controlling, sometimes you will argue instead of compromise, and sometimes problems or irritations will remain unsolved for long periods of time. Being supported emotionally and financially in the good times is easy but being supported emotionally and financially in the bad times is evidence that the marriage can last.

You also have to share the workload and if one brings home most of the money then the other will have to take over most of the workload of keeping the house in order and spending more time with the offspring. Where both spouses work then housework and offspring rearing will have to be a shared responsibility. Marriage is responsible hard work and working out a just share of the responsibility will frequently determine to a large extent the success and happiness in the marriage. The extreme of I have to do everything and you do nothing is not a viable option.

Frequently one member is more domineering or is better at making decisions and solving problems than the other or you may have strengths in one area such as finance and weaknesses in another area such as offspring rearing. Letting a spouse dominate at something which they are good at should be encouraged.

Marriage is trying to balance things or coordinating effort to reach common  goals but it is also some independent behavior or pursuing your personal interests and getting support for those efforts from your spouse. Working together and sharing a business is rare and what makes interesting conversation possible is pursuing some independent goals, activities, or jobs and sharing those exploits with each other.

You are alike in many ways but also different in many ways and the dynamic interplay of these characteristics can make or break a relationship. If your communication skills are good, you are honest with each other and trust one another, and are good at sharing the load of responsibility then you will have a much more pleasant relationship than if you don’t honestly communicate and act irresponsibly.

A good marriage is a relatively safe intimate haven from a tumultuous sometimes crazy world but a stagnant marriage can also be quite boring so developing new or better interests, finding better jobs, and focusing on good long duration goals will help make the journey together more interesting and pleasantly challenging.

Bad times can really test a marriage and if you get through many of them successfully then your confidence that you will not be abandoned will be greater and you will know that you may have a lasting secure relationship and a truly best friend when times are tough.

When the offspring are leading independent lives and sex has ended then your major reasons for staying married may be challenged and unless you have maintained mutual respect and still enjoy being together and sharing your daily events with each other which have nothing to do with offspring, then a potential breakup is possible because you may find that you no longer have anything in common to enjoy.

Kindness, forgiveness, apologizing were appropriate, empathy, honesty, sincerity, dependability, competence, confidence, loyalty, optimism, caring, a common morality, mutual respect, mutual and independent goals, responsibility, good humor, and commitment are just some of the major characteristics which can make for a happy long duration marriage.

As long as you don’t lie to each other, are not adulterous, and are financially stable then you can have some personality drawbacks which won’t necessarily end a trusting relationship which is the bond which ultimately can keep you together despite your weaknesses and differences.

Few of us have loyal true friends and a spouse can be that one true loyal friend so you don’t have to live life as a loner without dependable human support or relationships. When you have something to bitch about then you will have a confidential trusting concerned listener to support you emotionally if not in other ways and you will not have to stew in your troubles alone. Confidentially confessing your troubles to someone is frequently therapeutic and lessens the misery.

Living alone with or without friends is an option which you should not feel bad about because you can spend most of your life pleasing yourself. Being married is more challenging and you can’t always please yourself but it can also be more rewarding in the long duration and your relationship skills with humans can improve if you learn from and master the marital relationship.

Many modern men are not good conversationalists, aren’t very caring, have been brainwashed with much promiscuous behavior, and have led rather irresponsible selfish indulgent lives as offspring,  and have bad jobs which don’t make them good potential husbands. If added to these basic facts a male comes from a dysfunctional family then the odds that a marriage will end in divorce are rather high and marriage should usually not be attempted.

Modern life no longer stresses important family values so your best bet is a husband who comes from a family which still values family values and a man who still gets along well with his family members. There are no guarantees in life that a good responsible childhood will mean a good responsible spouse but a messed up, carefree, or abused childhood and bad job are primary causes of messed up marriages and divorce.

Historically a husband who is a good provider, is moral, and has integrity was a great catch. Modern society’s values have changed and divorce has skyrocketed because the same basic historical values still apply to happy long duration modern marriages. Many modern women are good providers but unfortunately most men have not been taught to adjust to the new realities and few without the help of a nanny can do most of the young child rearing responsibilities well by themselves. Two working spouses with meager incomes and offspring is a recipe for disaster in the modern world.

In the modern world you can live together on meager incomes but whatever you do don’t get married, especially if that means offspring in your lives. Living together is an option while you are struggling to survive financially but once financial security is reached and you still don’t marry then that probably means that one significant other is hoping for a better partner to come along.

Marriage is a duty or responsibility to spouse and offspring and if you are not very responsible with your own life then don’t marry and ruin someone else’s life!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Recycle: v. to make a used subset(s) into a different subset(s) which can be used again

Nature recycles everything and it is only humans who create materials which aren’t properly recycled and cause pollution in the environment. We should create as much biodegradable waste as possible and limit industrial pollutants which are toxic to the environment to a minimum.

Glass, paper, metals, and plastic is recyclable but antifreeze, synthetic oils, radioactive waste, medical waste, and synthetic drugs pose a real recycling problem which causes much pollution which is non biodegradable.

Sustainability is a word used which signifies the use and reuse of materials which are not harmful to the environment and we should pursue this goal fervently to prevent future generations from paying for our irresponsible behavior with bad health and a toxic environment. The goal should be to recycle almost everything with minimal or no pollution at all.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Be punctual with a client because no one wants to wait and waste their time and not showing up on time is equivalent to lack of promise fulfillment or a lie.

If there is no immediate or historical proof to the contrary that a client is wrong then assume that the client is right and make appropriate accommodations.  As soon as possible check if other clients have had the same complaint and address it as soon as possible if that is the case. If the client problem surfaces more than once then further questioning or investigation may be necessary to avoid future recurrences.

Clients are long duration relationships so don’t be tempted to make a killing on one transaction at client’s expense which will reflect badly on your organization if the client finds out you overcharged by a great amount for something they could have gotten elsewhere much more cheaply.

Don’t do the transaction unless it is in the client’s best interest, is what the client really needs, is at a reasonable price, and doesn’t hurt the client financially or in other ways. Don’t make pushy sales designed for instant profit but stress the needs it will fulfill or problems solved in the client’s best interest. “You may want this at extra expense but you really don’t need it” will prove to the client that you can be trusted to have their best interest at heart.

Before making an agreement with a first time client don’t be afraid to question or probe what needs you will be fulfilling or problems that you will be solving by entering a client relationship. If the client is not sure what needs they have then you can offer the needs which are usually fulfilled by your organization and get useful feedback from the client if it is a good fit. If “what do you need which we can provide?” does not get a response then “do you have this need which the organization can provide?” can start a mutually beneficial conversation. Remember that what a client wants may not be what they need and the closer you fulfill a need the happier will be the client without superfluous wants which may cost much more.

Contracts can be made but try to settle legal disputes out of court if possible and don’t enter contracts which don’t benefit you in the long duration and doesn’t make short duration financial sense.

If a client relationship is no longer profitable or the client is trying to take advantage of you unjustly then don’t be afraid to terminate the relationship.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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up up away

Charismatic (the ideal leader is charismatic and that means that they have as many of the 7 following characteristics in abundance as possible)

COMPETENT (the ideal leader is competent or has a history of success in leadership positions, is experienced, skillful, and knowledgeable enough to know with feedback what to do and radiates confidence and determination and has an exceptional memory for names and events.)

INTEGRITY (the ideal leader is honest and moral which creates a trusting bond, respect, and sometimes admiration and loyalty from the led.)

STRATEGIC (the ideal leader has vision and can keep a focus on long duration goals and communicate this to others and has the courage, ambition, boldness, commitment, and stamina to keep pursuing the long duration goals.)

EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (the ideal leader can interact and communicate well, has an intuitive sense, is aware of or has empathy and frequently senses how another feels and what they basically have to do, has composure and rarely loses emotional control, is optimistic, encouraging, and inspirational or is a good motivator.)

ACCOUNTABILITY (the ideal leader is responsible and expects responsible behavior from employees who are expected to follow contractual, legal, and moral behavioral rules. The leader knows how to delegate some authority, especially  to those with leadership potential, and how to keep humans accountable for their work with appropriate rewards and punishments which frequently are verbal praise, helpful criticism, promises, an occasional threat, and not necessarily always physical consequences in the short duration but physical consequences are important in the long duration.)

CONTROLLING (the ideal leader is decisive and judgmental or is not afraid to take control and make decisions when they have to be made, is flexible or resilient and can adjust goals to unexpected circumstances, can be creative or is open to new tactics to achieve goals, is selfefficatious or confident that goals can be achieved, and has a sense of humor when shit happens.)

HUMILITY (Finally a great leader is not a braggart and has the humility to understand that success at reaching important goals is the result of team effort and not just personal effort. Understands that much of the success is due to the efforts of all the team members of an organization and gives earned praise to successful team effort. A great leader also has the humility to know that the customer of his information, service, and products needs to be satisfied with quality output  and good customer service or the business or organization will not survive in the long duration even with a monopoly.)


A competent leader must have competent employees and if  the employee does not meet the necessary criteria for excellence then the leader must have the courage to replace, fire, and hire the employee at will.

Finally a wealthy pinnacle leader who has stopped promoting and effectively leading must pass the baton to younger and more capable competent leaders or in effect delegate most of the authority which they have accumulated over the years.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Recommendation: n. communicating approval of a subset(s) and to desire that others also (approve and/or help) and/or do the subset(s)

You have probably recommended a product or a human to solve a problem or even recommended that someone take your advice or agree with your opinion. If we approve of something or think it will help then we frequently recommend it.

Testimonials by celebrities are recommendations that you buy something and are frequently successful if they are admired and respected by humans.

Most recommendations are successful if the humans making them are trusted and maybe even admired by humans. Sometimes a recommendation is accepted because we feel that the human has expertise in a subject area and we need some guidance there.

If we disrespect or don’t trust a human then we frequently don’t take their recommendation because we don’t believe it will benefit us.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Tell about the promiscuity of a male or female to family and close friends but don’t advertise it to everyone that you come into contact with. Let the promiscuous humans self-destruct socially on their own in the long duration without your help.

Try to avoid comments about human bodies as being either too fat or too skinny or even ugly which is branded on recipient human memory and hurts.

Unverified comments about weight gain or loss should be omitted unless the difference in weight is substantial and about 25 pounds or 13 kilograms. “You look like you lost some weight” will not make anyone feel better if they haven’t lost it.

Don’t go after another’s significant other unless they are a great catch and worth the decrease in your reputation. Such behavior is frequently not worth the social humiliation for being a stealer of affection.

Don’t be jealous of another human’s accomplishments but compliment or celebrate accomplishments because they probably worked hard for them.

Don’t exaggerate compliments and then offer improvements to make something better. “Your perfume or cologne smells great but I wouldn’t use so much.”

Don’t commit adultery if you are basically satisfied with the marriage or know that you can successfully improve it to your liking. Divorce with offspring involved is expensive and unless you are miserable and terribly unhappy it is not worth the expense.

Don’t spread rumors because you will hurt your own reputation if they turn out to be untrue.

Don’t avoid conversations with humans whom you have conflicts with but confront them head on like and adult. Don’t only advertise the conflict to others behind the back of the one you have conflicts with or you will be guilty of a form of backstabbing.

Don’t constantly compare yourself to someone else in body looks or possessions because you will usually be disappointed and fail in the look alike and behave alike personal contest.

Don’t pretend with other humans in their presence because you don’t want to be labeled a phony. Avoid associating with humans if you don’t like them instead of telling others how terrible they are.

Don’t resent each other’s significant other for taking time away from your friendship because the hate will decrease the bond of trust which you have.

Don’t harshly criticize another’s decisions just to feel more confident in your own.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Reaction: n. causing an action(s) by a subset(s) after impacting by samer subset(s)

All of us react to our environment and the humans around us in rather impulsive intuitive ways most of the time and it is only occasionally that we take a few seconds out of our time to think about what we will do next.


Reactions are a fact of life in human behavior and we react almost instantly to most of the things which happen around us. Delayed reactions are underrated and it is one way that we can analyze whether our daily reactions really benefit us or trap us into behaving with many bad behaviors which we should try and eliminate from our lives.


How many times have we really stopped and asked ourselves. Is what I am about to do really necessary or am I just doing it out of unconscious habit?


Before you buy anything have you really asked yourself- do I really need it or just want it and can I wait a few days or weeks before I purchase what I impulsively think I want? If you can wait a week or months before buying then don’t buy!


If we more frequently stopped to ask a question about what we will do next then we can become more aware of our impulsive behaviors and be in a position to maybe modify the behavior into a better one.


Stop and think before you act is good advice if you want to improve on your behavior in a conscious logical way. Know thyself. If you analyze what you do and why you do it then you will be more aware and in a position to then improve upon yourself and your reactions in the future if you want improvement in your life.


Always thinking or asking questions before reacting is rather unnatural and can be a real pain in the butt but do it occasionally and you may be surprised by what you can learn about yourself.


Before you purchase food or eat, once in a while ask yourself-could I be eating something more nutritious or healthier that may be just as tasty? This may lead you into deciding to eat more and more organic food in your diet and a healthier you will be the payoff.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Vanity: n. conceitad in one’s (appearance and/or abilities) and/or value

An excessive pride or conceit in one’s accomplishments and good looks is important for selfconfidence but if it is excessive and you begin to feel superior and think that the world revolves around you then vanity can begin to destroy your good reputation if you have one.

Vanity will make you become boastful and you will begin to minimize the important contributions of others. Humans around you may still interact with you if they are dependent on you to some extent but you will never get true admiration and respect from them and secretly most of them will think of you as an inflated narcissistic asshole.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Make a shopping list of things you really need and try sticking to only the items on it without buying anything extra.

Before you buy small money items ask yourself “do I want it” or “really need it” and is it something for which I can wait a week, or month before purchasing. If you don’t need it right away or the next few days then don’t buy it.

Before buying big money items take some time out to do research or comparison shopping from more than one store or location.

Budget your money and don’t overspend your monthly limit. Except for food and gas for work try to shop once a month, save about 10% for emergencies such as car repairs, and don’t exceed your budget unless it is an emergency.

Don’t use a credit card but use cash which you bring along or a debit card which prevents you from going into debt for it.

Take a picture of the item which you impulsively want to buy with the price tag and comparison shop at home.

If you are actually shopping for an item to buy and you find that it is on sale then that is the time to buy and don’t buy something only because it is on sale and you probably don’t really need it right away or within a few days if at all.

Shop in your clothing closet first for long unworn items which may be exactly what you think you need to buy new.

Don’t shop when angry or upset because you will be tempted to buy just to make you feel better.

Instead of satisfying an urge to shop focus on some crafting or interesting hobby instead until the urge to shop goes away. Find something to do which is almost as pleasurable as shopping and develop a good frugal habit by doing it more frequently.

If your friends are compulsive shoppers then avoid shopping with them if you can’t abandon them.

Find new friends whose life does not revolve around shopping.

Don’t buy anything from a store without a return policy and definitely start using the privilege if you start having second thoughts about the purchase.

Don’t consider shopping a form of entertainment. It is costly fun.

If you have a penny pincher in the family then let them do most of the shopping.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Question: v. to do a communication which usually requires a relevant information reaction or answer and is frequently used (to test the knowledge about a subset(s) and/or to test the willingness of a subset(s)) and/or to test the probability of a human(s) doing an event(s)

Why do we ask questions?

We ask questions to find out information, to determine the willingness of a human to do something, to find out what a human will do in the near future or has done in the past, and to probe the knowledge that a human has on a given subject. Sometimes we just ask questions to keep a conversation going or to switch to another subject.

Tests have questions and are designed to test our knowledge about something with the answers that we give rightly or wrongly.

Interviews are really the art of asking the right questions to get informative and/or entertaining answers.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Staying healthy should be priority number one in life by eating and drinking healthy because handicap or illness can make your remaining life miserable to live. Spend a little more on nutritious organic food now and you will spend much less on expensive drugs and medical care in the future.

Surround yourself with bad humans or befriend losers and chances are great that you will become a loser if you aren’t one already.

Make too many short duration goals and ignore long duration goals and chances are great that you won’t make much progress in your life.

If you don’t have realistic goals and good friends then you will probably make many miserable mistakes in life and have to deal with much failure.

The greatest satisfying achievements in life do not usually come from the pursuit of instant gratification or living for today and ignoring future consequences.

Learn from others the way to live a good life or learn the hard way about life by personal trial and error. Don’t read about the trial and error of others and learn from it and chances are great that you will repeat many of the same errors in life.

The only certainty in life is change. If you don’t courageously struggle to make good changes in your life then you will have to settle for the changes which life forces on you.

Some have the luxury of being happy spending much money. Most of us have to learn to be happy doing things which don’t require much money so make the necessary adjustments or be forever unsatisfied with life.

As long as you have the ability to read and acquire new useful knowledge in life then you can always find satisfaction and happiness which doesn’t require much money. For even greater satisfaction at minimum cost, write down what important things you have learned and share them with others!

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Panic: v. to sense uncontrollable fear and/or very intense anxiety and to behave irrationally with physical aggression and/or stampeding and/or random movement

Fear of imminent death frequently causes panic whose most common expression is running away. Gunfire during a demonstration, a sinking boat in the ocean, and a fire can cause panic but so few of us have ever been in panic emergency mode.

Wildlife stampedes to escape predators but there are rare instances of humans stampeding because of predators.

Some panic attacks are mental disorders and they are triggered by some stimulus or just spontaneously well up in an individual who experiences rapid heartbeat, sweating, and a sense of acute fear.

Acute phobias are also sometimes considered panic attacks and are all symptoms of extreme fear. Most phobias are irrational fears and death is not imminent so they should really not be considered true panic attacks but merely fear attacks.


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Hot: n. a temperature larger than normal human body temperature

There is less agreement on what warm and cold is to humans but if it is higher than normal human body temperature then it can be called a fever which is too hot. Usually you begin to sweat more if the temperature outside is above normal body temperature and even though humans can survive in temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit or about 40 degrees Celsius you can call these temperatures hot without having to debate further.

There is also very hot, boiling hot, and there is infinitely hot or all the energy in the universe concentrated on an infinitely small point in space but they all qualify as being hot.

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Naivete: n. a relatively small quantity of real experience and/or knowledge with innocent simplicity and/or honesty which makes one seem foolish

Offspring can be considered to be naïve because they lack worldly experience and are frequently very honest and don’t hide their feelings and opinions the way that many adults do.

A naïve adult is really one who has been largely isolated from society and still reacts with honest spontaneity which seems foolish to a hardened adult who has been taught to be deceptive under many social circumstances to avoid social embarrassment.

A naïve adult will frequently criticize a bad gift, tell you honestly that your perfume stinks, say your excess jewelry is gaudy, say they don’t like your pretentious spouse, say that your offspring are brats if they misbehave, and say that you are fat if you are overweight. Naïve adults frequently don’t understand that we all have our egos and don’t want them to be hurt. Many naïve adults are more trusting then they should be in a world filled with social  and economic predators.

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images (2)

Confrontation: v. reacting to actual and/or potential (conflict and/or challenge) by demonstrating (physical force and/or argumentation ability) and/or evidence with frequently a very intense conviction(s)

The most common form of confrontation is a very intense argument where each side tries to win with their dominant belief, opinion and/or desire. Compromise is seldom considered as an option and it can even erupt into physical violence.

Bar brawls are an example of confrontational arguments leading to physical violence and some protests which start out as relatively peaceful confrontations can degenerate into violence against the police or against opposing demonstrators.

Some confrontations between hostile nations can also lead to violence and if it weren’t for mutually assured nuclear destruction, violent wars or military conflict would be more frequent than it is today.

As long as there are unyielding religious dogmas and unyielding tyrannical governments there will be arguments about ideology and political correctness. Confrontations leading to violence in some form are the inevitable result in this world on into the foreseeable future. Where compromise is impossible confrontation is inevitable.

The classic confrontation is the threat of violence if you don’t give up your wallet in a stickup.

Extortion is also a confrontation which can convince you to behave illegally or give up a possession.

Most confrontations these days are very intense emotional arguments which sometimes escalate into violent action or assault. Abused women and men are frequently examples of violent confrontations.


A difficult situation is one where the husband beats a financially dependent wife with offspring and she fears getting a divorce because of threats to kill her if she does. Divorcing and going on welfare with a cease and desist order is frequently the only escape when the violence becomes truly intolerable or unbearable.


Other severe confrontations are when there is an addict on alcohol, drugs, or gambling and they insist that they don’t have a problem but can function in this world without problems. Unless the addict loses their job, gets involved in a serious accident, or can’t pay the bills there is probably no hope of convincing them that they have a problem which needs action or a solution such as getting off the addiction.


Confrontations where both sides have opposing die hard opinions or beliefs are almost impossible to change and you can get therapists or friends to help you trying to convince someone that they are wrong or behaving badly. If social pressure and a logical approach doesn’t help then unfortunately you may be forced to ignore or avoid the strong opinion or belief and perhaps even avoid the human if they are not your spouse.



If you sense a very intense emotional attachment to an opinion or belief then verbal confrontations are best avoided especially where the subjects may be politics, religion, or sports and they are things which you really can’t change and need not affect your personal relationships if you don’t want them to.


If you can’t turn a confrontation into a calm discussion then empathize with the viewpoint, say that you understand where they are coming from, and express the thought that you have a right to disagree, live and let live.

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Mediation: n. negotiating and solving differences of fact(s) and/or opinion(s) frequently with the help of a lawyer’s advice and/or ending a dispute with a mutual agreement with the help of a third party

A mediator is frequently a human with expertise in resolving disputes such as a lawyer who can help disputing parties to reach a settlement or mutual agreement when the parties can’t reach agreement on their own.

In offspring disputes a parent is frequently the mediator and in employee disputes the boss can sometimes be the mediator who helps resolve a dispute. In a disagreement between a doctor and patient another doctor may become the mediator or just be a second opinion which helps to resolve a medical issue.

There can be more than one mediator such as both parents mediating the dispute between offspring but it is a relatively rare exception and not the general rule and one mediator is usually used.

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Oppression: n. controlling cruelly and/or unjustly for duration

Most of us suffer under government oppression with unjust laws to obey but we can also be oppressed at work. Our boss may not give us credit for our efforts or may be a tyrannical authoritarian berating us and ridiculing our efforts.

Oppression is a fact of life in this world and with an ever growing government the oppression will just get worse with the passage of time. Compared to other exploitative governments ours is still not the worst but it is getting there by leaps and bounds.

The liberty to morally speak your mind and publish it is the most important right but ultimately your right to bear arms if you are a law abiding citizen is the most important long duration guarantee against total tyrannical government oppression.

Fortunately none of us are slaves suffering under the oppression of slave owners but there is other social oppression such as handicaps, gender, ethnic, and ageism discrimination.

Colonialism used to be national oppression and tyrannies are still political forms of oppression.

Some of us feel oppressed by corrupt laws and too much taxation and still others feel oppressed by a bad job with little prospects for advancement. Some are in abusive or oppressive marriages and are desperate to get out but may not be able to for financial reasons.

If you are trapped in cruel relationships or suffering injustices then you can consider yourself to be oppressed in some way.



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Manipulation: n. deceptively changing a human(s)’ mind(s) and/or behavior(s) frequently for personal benefit

Politicians, advertisers, brokers, and spouses sometimes cleverly manipulate the emotions of a human(s) for personal benefit. Making promises that they don’t intend to keep or feeding misleading information can cause someone to change their mind and/or behavior to their detriment later on.

A politician may get you to vote for them but not keep his promises, an advertiser may get you to buy a product which you regret having purchased later on, a broker may convince you to buy or sell a stock just to get a commission, or a spouse may convince you that they were not unfaithful when actually they were.

Manipulation is frequently deceptively feeding you half truths which sound plausible but will actually hurt you in some way if you go through with their suggestions. Most successful manipulations manipulate your fears and basic desires to get you to do something which you frequently regret later on.

You can also be rarely deceptively manipulated into doing something which benefits you or is good for you but that is the exception to the rule and is a rarity. Parents sometimes try to manipulate offspring with promises that eating something healthy will make them strong or beautiful and it sometimes works on young impressionable believing offspring.

If something sounds too good to be true then chances are great that you are being manipulated and will regret it if you follow through with it. The media and society is filled with manipulators and the probability that most of your opinions and beliefs are actually products of manipulation are great.

Read my evergreen truth blogs and you will gradually lose most of the social deceptions which you believe in.

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Manage: v. to control the action(s) of a human(s)  (with a command(s) and/or by showing what is to be done) and/or (by interacting and trying to solve a problem(s) and/or by trying to use emotional intelligence) and achieve a desired goal(s)

You can manage someone by commanding them and/or by showing them what is to be done. “Do your job” may be an authoritarian style of management where there is relatively minimal interaction between the manager and the managed.

The more interaction there is between the manager and managed the more it becomes a teamwork effort where both interchange ideas on how to do the job. In teamwork the manager frequently interacts with the managed and tries to solve a problem(s) together for optimal effect.

Management styles vary depending on how well defined the job is. If the job has clear rules and operates with little management then an authoritarian form of leadership can work relatively well.

If on the other hand the job is dynamic with many variations and no clear rules of operation then more interaction between the leader and led may be necessary to reach desired goals. Teamwork is frequently more effective in situations where the goals change from job to job or where different skills may be necessary with different personnel changes to achieve a goal(s).

Effective management means much emotional intelligence or the ability to make the managed feel good about their job and feel that they are a vital contributing factor in a job or project. Maintaining a sense of selfworth in the managed is important. Harsh or mean criticism, put downs, name calling, unnecessary threats, and ridicule should not be used in management managed interactions which can all create a dysfunctional,  inefficient working atmosphere.

Management is a leadership skill which can vary and be different depending on the nature of the job but emotional intelligence is necessary in leading any job and the humans in it.

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Wallow: v. to exist in a circumstance which is frequently pleasurable for a relatively long duration

You can wallow in a hot tub or in mud which can be relatively pleasurable but some humans wallow in misery too trying to get sympathetic attention but don’t frequently enjoy it that much.

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Yearn: v. to intensely desire a lost and/or prior experience(s)

Do you yearn to be in the presence of a deceased or divorced spouse again or do you yearn to run again after a severe leg injury? These are all desires to repeat a past experience which you may or may not be able to do again in your lifetime.

Yearning to do what you can’t do is just fond memories and if you like yearning then desire something which you can realistically do at some point in the future.

Retirement sometimes is filled with yearning to be young again and do all the exciting things which you could do in the past. It is smart to get over this yearning and concentrate on and desire the things which you still can do in your life.

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Investigation: n. a frequently formal inquiry into a subset(s) which is frequently used to help make future decisions

An investigation is frequently an inquiry into what a human(s) did or an event such as a disaster or collapse of a building which is then used in a court of law or committee to make decisions on what to do in the future. The decisions may be to find a criminal guilty or innocent or to attribute a probable cause to the collapse of a building or disaster.

Investigations can be rather simple or complex and lengthy but they are all frequently done to gain a better understanding of what happened, why, and by whom or what.

Some investigations are used to gather information which can then be used in planning for future actions such as forming a new business, new organization, or the building of roads or utilities or some other major construction project.

Investigations are basically the gathering of relevant facts and information to be used in making future decisions about something.


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Intuition: n. doing an impulsive judgment(s) which is thought to be based primarily on instinct and/or habit and it is frequently done without the use of current reasoning but past reasoning may be influential in samer impulsive judgment(s)

If you are doing something rather impulsively then you are probably using much intuition which just means that you are making snap judgments or reactions without thinking it over. Most good intuition comes from a history of experiences with similar situations and humans and even times when we logically thought about a situation or reasoned before we reacted.

Most humans, when not on a thinking job, do not usually take a few seconds time out to think about a situation before they react so much of our behavior is really intuition or going with our impulsive feelings or habits.

We also sometimes use our intuition when we have thought about a situation and can’t seem to come up with the right thing to do. Sometimes when a situation is urgent and some kind of reaction is expected from us then we may go with our impulsive feeling about the situation or use our intuition to guide us.

The superiority of women’s intuition is culturally considered a reality and probabilistically it may be true when decisions have to be made socially about humans. Most women are just more social than men and are frequently better judges of character, conversations, and social nuances than most men. What that really means is that many women have more emotional intelligence than men and would do well in leadership positions if it were not for the slightly more aggressiveness in most men.

Whether male or female most humans in leadership positions are frequently relatively good judges of character and emotions. They have much emotional intelligence although some have relatively little actual smart or intelligent behavior when it comes to solving problems or finding solutions to problems themselves.

When in doubt but you have to make an urgent decision, intuition is what you can use and make corrections later on if you have made the wrong intuitive decision. The more experienced you are with similar situations and problems the better your intuition becomes about those situations and problems.

Why do many employers want someone with job experience? Because their job intuition is better than for someone without the job experience and chances are they will make fewer mistakes on the job and show up on time.

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Want: v. to desire a subset(s) which is sometimes not essential and/or not a need

Needing is a subset of wanting and what you may want you may not actually need. Impulsive shopping is a perfect example of wanting something and buying it but not really needing it.  

If we all stopped for a few moments and asked the question “do I just want it?” or “do I really need it?” then you could save much money by buying only what you need.

Do I want to be loved, admired, and respected by everyone that I meet or is it more appropriate to say that I need to be loved, admired, and respected by my spouse or closest friend. If you recognize that you can’t please everyone that you meet then you won’t create needless anxiety and fear in your life by wanting what is not important and what you really don’t need. Rid yourself of wanting the superficial and impossible things in your life.

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Injury: n. stealing health intentionally and if the injury is selfinflicted you are stealing your own health intentionally and/or ((personal and/or group rights) violation(s)) and/or (financial damage(s) and/or emotionally traumatized)

Injuruny: n. stealing health unintentionally and if the injury is selfinflicted you are stealing your own health unintentionally

Injuries are basically intentional and unintentional and if they are unintentional and done by someone else then they can sometimes be forgiven for injuring you. You can injure yourself unintentionally with bad eating, smoking, drugs, alcohol, and an accident or another way of saying it is that you have stolen your own health and it is frequently not someone else’s fault.

Injuring someone else intentionally is stealing someone’s health and there is frequently punishment associated with the act. You may poison, spread a contagious disease, or wound someone and take away or steal their health and have to be punished for it.

It is somewhat revolutionary to say that you can steal from yourself but it is actually true that if you injure, ruin, take away, or steal your own health then you are really stealing from yourself or doing something very bad to yourself.

Health: n. living and being free of disease and/or bodily handicap(s) but with old age health decreases

 There are other personal injuries which are possible and they deal with (personal and/or group) rights violations, financial damages, and intense emotional traumas. These also may sometimes be unintentional and not intentional with correspondingly less punishment given if processed in a court of law.

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Waste: v. to use carelessly in large amounts and very inefficiently

How much time, money, and effort are you wasting on trivial and rather unimportant things in your life? If you are spending much time, money, and effort and don’t seem to be making any good progress in your life then it is time to reprioritize your life and make it more efficient.

Spend more time, money, and effort on the truly important things in your life and exclude the time, money, and effort wasters which don’t get you any closer to your goals or desired state of happiness.

Communicating too much, spending too much shopping, watching TV too much, driving around too much, losing too much sleep, drinking too much, goofing off or hanging out too much, and trying to do too much in your life are all signs that you should cut back on them and not waste so much time, money, and effort or energy on them.

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Value: n. corresponding to a degree of desirability and/or usefulness of a subset(s) as measured by its equivalence in (money and/or ingus) and/or (prestige and/or worth)

Something which is valuable is frequently desirable and has some usefulness. The value of information, goods, and services is frequently measured in money as well as prestigious positions in society.

Utilitarianism is an attempt to translate everything into monetary value but there are still things like morality and good human personality traits which are hard to quantify and they are what can be considered to be intangible assets. Immorality and bad human personality traits can be considered to be intangible liabilities.

A good personal reputation is of great value to society and a business operated by moral humans will usually also have a good reputation which can translate more readily into profit or money.

A properly educated, talented, industrious, thrifty, and moral citizen is a great asset to society but we must recognize that we also have to deal with those who are badly educated, mediocre in talent, lazy, profligate, and relatively immoral. A society which begins rewarding the later unjustly is on its way to decay, self destruction, and bankruptcy.

The one drawback of utilitarianism is that it is sometimes very bad in evaluating the value of long duration assets such as wilderness. It may not be obvious that biodiversity and wilderness is a vital safety net of healthy food when domesticated plants and animals become unhealthy and bad for human consumption.

Wilderness now is not making money for very many humans who are not in the tourist business but that does not mean that it has very little value and can be destroyed and exploited at will. Wilderness will have very great value to future generations which the present generation just simply is not adequately aware of.

The value of something goes up greatly when it is scarce or rare and we simply can’t let society make wilderness so rare that it effectively will no longer exist on this precious planet.

The tragedy is that the value of something is only realized once it is gone or has disappeared. Human death should not be the only source of human grief. The death of wilderness should be grieved for even more!!!

What do we value the most? The things which we spend most of our time, energy, and money on are frequently the things which we value the most. In fact we may also value time, energy, and money so anything in this life can have value to a human. We value what we want, do, and have and also frequently value what others want, do, and have.

At one extreme humans value money and material possessions and at the other extreme monks value mental activity which uses very little money and material possessions. Most of us fall somewhere in between and value money, material possessions, other humans, human behavior, and our beliefs and opinions.

Frequently most of us have our own priorities in life and we spend the most time, energy, and money on the most important priorities in our lives. Some have uncontrolled priorities like compulsive addictions which sidetrack a balanced healthy life and we impulsively value an unhealthy physical and mental existence as long as it lasts.

Some of us value things which we can’t have or probably will never have and spend much time thinking about them and even trying to get them.

Finally the goals which we make in life both conscious and impulsive are an indication of what we value or want in life and we spend much time, energy, and money on trying to achieve those goals.

Ingus: n. information and/or goods and/or services

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Indoctrination: n. teaching a human and/or group to accept a subset(s) of beliefs without thinking

Science will never prove the need for human morality in the laboratory or elsewhere and humans must react impulsively in a moral way so that they don’t have to stop before each behavior and ask themselves-Am I doing the right thing?

Humans reacting impulsively towards one another in a socially acceptable way is necessary for peaceful human interactions and being indoctrinated from early childhood is vital. Without an indoctrination of common moral beliefs humans will lie, steal, get violent, commit adultery, and even murder one another.

Religions have historically taught morality in a rather inefficient way and are steeped in mythology which is no longer acceptable in the modern world. What is desperately needed is a new updated secular morality which the whole world can use to formulate proper behavioral examples which reflect that morality. A unified morality must be taught which will ultimately promote unified world peace and the survival of biodiversity on the face of this precious endangered planet.

Bio-diverse nature is very efficient or uses the least amount of energy and the least amount of natural resources to survive in a non-polluting way. Nature punishes the inefficient with starvation, disease, and death and that will be the eventual destiny of human civilization if it doesn’t acknowledge this important principle or rule and try to live by it.

Inefficient eating means not getting all the nutrients without toxic chemicals necessary for healthy survival or not eating enough organic food, An inefficient lifestyle means profligate spending which leads to financial crises or even bankruptcy. Inefficient conversation is talking too much and using an archaic language which needs too many years to learn to speak. Inefficient education is promotion based on age and teaching a class of 20 or more students by lecturing beyond elementary school. You may need a scientist to help you to recognize the trivial pursuits or inefficiencies in your life but that is one of the things which I have dedicated my life to.


Science has something to offer this new secular morality and it is the discovery of the primary importance of biodiversity and efficiency in nature which should be applied to human behavior too.

The indoctrination which I recommend for all impressionable young minds in elementary school worldwide is-except in emergency situations-don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder.



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Victim: n. a lifeform who is harmed or killed by a subset(s)

Human victims are obvious but wilderness plants and animals and even domesticated ones are frequently the victims of human abuse which causes them harm and even kills them. It is time for us to broaden the concept of victimization to include other lifeforms on the face of this precious endangered planet.

Victimize or harm and kill plants and animals and the ultimate victim will be humankind itself. Unhealthy plants and animals will and are creating unhealthy humans in the long duration and only when we all begin to truly respect and admire and grow organic plants and animals and wilderness will humankind become healthy again.

A biodiverse healthy food supply without misguided technology which emphasizes quantity and not quality is the ultimate salvation of humankind.

Wilderness is the safety net of a healthy quality food supply if we destroy the health of the domesticated food supply with toxic chemicals and monoculture factory farming.

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Violence: n. using (relatively very intense force and/or relatively much energy) and/or (electrocorpus without permission and/or a relatively very intense action(s)) and is frequently against a lifeform(s) to (hurt and/or damage) and/or kill

If you are being violent against a human then you are using enough force and energy to hurt, incapacitate, or kill them which is usually against the law if you are not an arresting officer dealing with a violent arrestee.

Violently destroying or damaging property which is not yours is also usually against the law but there is visceral pleasure which many humans get from explosions and other violent acts which are not meant to hurt or kill humans. Violence is a demonstration of the application of force and energy and it is a demonstration of power in action which humans respect and frequently admire or fear.

Violent video games appeal to the predatory nature in many human males and they are sometimes overly blamed for creating aggressive tendencies in offspring and adults.

Violence and fighting has historically been a way to settle disputes between tribes and nations and it is still alive and well in the Middle East and the Ukraine. When reason fails to settle disputes then unfortunately violence is seen as the only way to a swift and speedy resolution. When violence succeeds and it is not met with superior violence or punishing economic sanctions then it is usually just a question of time before it is used again.

A potent ideology, poverty, and a willingness to die for a cause is hard to combat if surrounding humans are sympathetic to your cause. Superior intel and an ability to destroy the leadership at will is the only way to combat virulent expansionism and ultimately achieve a peaceful political settlement.

Domestic and criminal violence is an ongoing continuous struggle from generation to generation because we are all born with violent fighting tendencies which have to be tamed in each generation. Teaching a secular moral code in elementary school to all impressionable young minds is the surest way to exclude most of the violent tendencies from society.

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team n unity

Unity: n. joining two or more subsets for a common goal(s)

A united nation(s), united organization(s), and united humans are all subsets which have joined for a common purpose(s) and/or goal(s). “United we stand and divided we fall” is frequently used to describe the power of numbers or more than one to get something done.

As much unity as possible is desirable in society if it is to function rather peacefully and orderly. A common moral code unites humans and unshared morality or widely divergent views of the world frequently divide humans.

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Deserve: v. to earn a punishment(s) and/or a reward(s) for some behavior(s) but sometimes not getting it completely and/or getting it with some delay

In an ideal world we should be instantly rewarded for doing something good and instantly punished for doing something bad. In the real world we may get a token reward or token punishment or get no reward and no punishment. Sometimes in the real world we may have to do many good things or many bad things before we get the reward or punishment or in effect there is a time delay in getting what we deserve.

Especially in human relationships it may take much time before you develop a good reputation by being honest, sincere, dependable, friendly, competent, and trustworthy. Only after a history of being moral, competent, and nice will humans begin to patronize you and say good things about you which will bring you the rewards which you deserve or hoped for.

Hard work and being nice is not always rewarded as we expect and this can sometimes lead to disappointment and unhappiness. The smart employer gives workers the praise and attention which they deserve and compensates them financially for the good work which they do.

You may feel that you deserve more out of life than what you are getting but remember that it usually takes time to develop a good work history and good relationships with others so don’t expect instant success at work or with humans as a young adult. You need time to develop a good reputation and good work history which humans will begin to respect and start giving you some of the things which you justly deserve.

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Hedonism: n. pursuing excessive pleasure

If you have devoted most of your life to gluttony, promiscuity, sexual pleasure, drugs, gambling, and alcohol then you can be considered to be a hedonist or someone who is out for extreme pleasure to the exclusion of most other important things in life.

The later Roman emperors were very hedonistic and renowned for their excessive indulgences in the pursuit of pleasure. Believe it or not they would forcefully vomit after a delicious meal only to delight in the pleasures of eating again a second and sometimes a third time! That is gluttony taken to the ultimate extreme.

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Uncertainty:  n. believing that a future and/or past subset(s) has less than a 100% probability of existing which may not be zero probability or absolute certainty and/or not believing that one is completely right about a subset(s)

We are frequently uncertain whether something is true or whether something existed in the past or will exist in the future. What is seldom asked is what is the probability of the uncertainty?

If it is a scientific fact then we can frequently say that the uncertainty is zero percent but if it is a political or economic prediction then the uncertainty may be less than 50% or only slightly better than flipping a coin. Politics and economics is a statistical evaluation with rather large margins of error in many cases and many crises situations are not very predictable at all with great uncertainty.

To help us with uncertainty we frequently consult reputable sources of information or try to get our information from humans whom we consider experts, reliable, or trustworthy. We are frequently less convinced of the information given by a stranger than a trusted friend and prestigious publications are preferred over other less known sources. Even prestigious publications and authority figures are sometimes wrong about their views or communications so there is really seldom 100% certainty in most things with the possible exception of scientific facts and observations such as the certainty that the sun rises and sets every day.

Many cling to old and sometimes unpleasant habits because they are frequently more certain than trying to change and being confronted with an uncertain future. Humans are resistant to change and that includes their beliefs and opinions which provide them with certainty and they are frequently reluctant to change because they fundamentally fear the uncertainty of change to their value system and beliefs about prior experiences.

Humans frequently try to impose certainty on things which are fundamentally uncertain such as gambling where winning a few times is assumed to be a winning streak even when it objectively is pure luck and the odds are really against the gambler in the long duration.

Call it a fear of uncertainty or a desire for certainty. They both can lead to purposeful behavior designed to achieve a goal(s). Many new goals have some uncertainty but unless you try to achieve them with purposeful effort the probability of achieving them is zero if you don’t try at all.

Uncertainty and doubt are frequently one and the same thing. There is never 100% certainty or a guarantee that something will exist or is true when it needs to be or preferably for a long duration.

A right or wrong answer on a test is perhaps one of the main areas of life where there seems to be some certainty without doubt.

Perhaps the biggest uncertainty is the lifestyle which we are living because the only certainty is that it will change as the years go by and this creates uncertainty in our lives which some humans worry too much about.

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Harassment: n. willfully stealing nonfearful anxietyless sensing stability

If someone is causing fear or anxiety in your life by stalking you, bullying you, or making unwanted sexual advances on you then you are being harassed. Basically harassment is interfering with your peace of mind but usually not in a violent way.

Verbally threatening your life is not only verbal abuse but a form of harassment which can be considered to be one step away from actual physical violence. The emotional trauma can be very severe and really cause you to fear for your life.

Some forms of harassment are merely annoying or very unpleasant such as cyber stalking where you get unwanted phone calls and emails.

Males frequently harass more than females since many are overly aggressive but harassment can come from either gender.


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Transgression: n. disobeying what is frequently a social norm(s) and/or morality

Disobeying the law, stealing, adultery, and murder are obvious transgressions. If you lie, cheat on a test, abuse a spouse, spread untrue rumors, make promises which you don’t intend to fulfill, and deceive humans then these are also transgressions which will usually ruin your reputation in the long duration or hurt other humans for which you may not be immediately punished.

A seeming transgression may be unintentional such as making a mistake or an accident which injures someone and this can sometimes be forgiven unconditionally.

A hateful confrontational argument may not seem like a serious transgression to some but in married life or close friendships it can have ruinous consequences if they are too frequent and the relationship may even end because of too much arguing.

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Impatience: n. eager anxiety for a subset(s) to end existence and/or begin existence

We may be impatient for something good to happen or we may be impatient for something bad to end. We may also be impatient for something bad to end so that something good can begin.

We may be eagerly anxious or impatient for a human date to arrive and just as impatient for a bad conversation to end. We have all dealt with impatience many times and some time must pass before the event(s) actually happens and this creates temporary eager anxiety.

Sometimes we get impatient over a problem which doesn’t seem to want to go away and this sometimes motivates us to solve the problem so that it will finally end. Some are more impatient than others and are just not comfortable with the thought of having to wait for very long.

Impatient bosses may annoy you with constant demands to do the job more quickly and impatient spouses may annoy you with many requests which they want to be done right away. Hyper individuals are frequently the most impatient humans and if you have a very laid back personality this can cause you much distress if they are in a position to place demands on you.

Young offspring are frequently very impatient and don’t want to wait very long for anything. Parents are frequently motivated to respond or act just so that annoying repetitive impatient requests from offspring end.

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Supervision: n. mostly observing and sometimes controlling the activities of a human(s) frequently with minimum teaching

Supervision is observing and sometimes controlling human behavior but usually not teaching them anything new. Parents sometimes supervise their offspring minimally and just make sure that they do not play dangerously. At other times there is almost complete supervision or teaching mode when they are teaching a new skill to offspring which may be very hazardous if done improperly.

Some supervisors are teachers too so maybe a new word must be invented to cover supervision with much teaching going on. Managing your offspring may be an appropriate word which includes teaching functions. Parenting is also acceptable but not a very accurate description.

 Supervision can be thought of as telling humans what to do but usually not telling them how to do it.

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Your worst humiliation is only someone else's momentary entertainment._1313999199532

Humiliation: n. causing a human to sense shame and/or to decrease the pride of a human for duration

If someone has made you feel stupid, very embarrassed, or ashamed then you have been humiliated. The humiliation frequently does not last very long unless you have been humiliated in public and many humans will remember your humiliation and your reputation may suffer.

If you have behaved stupidly or badly but not in front of someone then humiliation is not an issue. The only time that we feel humiliation is if we know that our stupid or bad behavior has been witnessed by someone who disapproves and frequently tells us how stupid or bad they think it really was.

Parents sometimes humiliate us so that we feel bad enough so that we will not repeat the stupid or bad behavior again.

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Time: n. a concept of existence measured in numeric intervals with a clock

Historically it took days, weeks, months, and years to transport information worldwide and now with computers and the internet information can be transmitted almost instantly and huge amounts of information can be gotten in seconds and minutes. Computer switching times are  about 200 gigahertz or 200 billion cycles per second and packets of information are delivered in milliseconds.

Our mastery over electronic waves has given us mastery over time and we can even shoot missiles out of the air with other missiles who do incredibly fast calculations to make this possible.

There is frequently a statement that time is money when in fact time is neither money or energy but it is the tool we use to schedule our lives and activities and if we are making money with those activities then it makes sense that the more efficient we are with our time the more money we can potentially make with it.

Erroneously assuming that time is a dimension similar to length we get singularities or logical paradoxes. If we could travel back in time we could theoretically kill our parents and not be born at all. If we travel close to the speed of light we would not age as fast and if we could travel faster than the speed of light then we would actually get younger. 

Mathematics creates strange worlds theoretically and it is obvious that it gives us an incomplete picture of how the universe actually functions. Concepts such as dark matter, dark energy, dark gravity, and possibly dark time will be invented to describe what is actually going on in the universe.

With a clock or the concept of time we can count objects and say that we counted 45 jelly beans per minute and we can also measure distance with time and say that we traveled 100 meters per second. Time is more than just another dimension of distance which Einstein claims since you can say I’ll meet you at a secret location 2 hours from now. Time here is independent of distance and is not a dependent variable as described by relativity. Relativity is a convenient mathematical tool but it is not reality and has its limitations in the real world.

Assuming that time and distance are dependent variables assumes that the universe had a beginning and originated from nothing and expanded from nothing and took about 14 billion light years to get to the present time in history. This is just a rehash of creationist theory and whether the universe was created out of nothing 6 thousand years ago or 14 billion years ago both religious and scientific theories are creationist in principle and assume that time also started from zero and went forward in time.

Assuming that the universe is not infinite and that time is not infinite we have crazy concepts such as bubble universes all probably 14 billion light years in length all in a chain linked by worm holes which potentially offer the promise of travel from one universe to another. Link 3 of those bubble universes together and you have matter 42 billion light years in length. This is totally a myth and absurd metaphysics or a big lie masking our own ignorance and inability to answer the most fundamental questions in life. Has the universe always been around and will always be around or was it created out of nothing at some point in history?

In the real physical world we are given so much time to live and how efficiently we utilize this time to some extent determines how successful we are in life. Yes, it helps if you are born talented or rich but even the poor with talent can frequently make a rather big success of their lives.

Some not so talented with efficient use of time can make a rather good living with industriousness, thrift, determination, and persistence. Taking some time off from the rat race to meditate or take a vacation can help us to better plan our future and if you are smart then you will never stop planning or trying to achieve old or new goals in life while you still have some life left in you.

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Scientific evidence is beginning to pile up that nutrient dense organic foods have 17%  to 60% more antioxidants and 69% more flavanones  which are all vital nutrients in aiding heart health and body health against cancer. Pesticide content is 10 to 100 times less than conventional food.

Patronize organic food whenever possible and fight government attempts at lowering certified organic food standards which even now are not truly 100% organic.

Here is a link if you want to read more:

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Hijack: v. to willfully and nonfraudulently steal a motorized vehicle and/or airplane with a human(s) on board

If you use force or the threat of force to steal an airplane or other motorized vehicle then you are hijacking it if there is a human(s) in it.

Hijacking of airplanes is getting very rare because of strict security measures but truck hijacking is still a problem in some cases where the payload is very expensive.

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Threat: n. a communication with a promise(s) to do a subset(s) which is frequently a punishment judged by a human(s) recipient to be (bad and/or wrong) and/or (immoral and/or sometimes an incentive for action(s)) and most of samer promise(s) create fear

We are sometimes threatened by a boss with job loss, threatened with divorce by a spouse, threatened with violence by an abusive spouse, threatened by a stalker, and an offspring may threaten to leave home. There are also criminal business threats and bullying in and out of school with miscellaneous threats to life and limb.

Criminal threats are the violent threats but some are hard to prove and prosecution against such threats is rather difficult in many cases.

Blackmail, extortion, and a threat to strike are just a few examples of the way that threats arise in society.

An employee may threaten to leave a job, a close friend may threaten you with the loss of friendship, and a parent may threaten offspring with punishment.
Threats are sometimes used as a last resort when peaceful human interaction fails and usually a threat of punishment of some kind is used to motivate humans to alter their behavior.

Almost no one likes to be threatened but if the threat is not an illegal threat of violence it is something which we come across from time to time and parents frequently have to threaten offspring to get them to behave. The threat of withdrawing a greatly desired privilege as punishment is sometimes very effective in successfully altering behavior.

The implied threat of a fine or imprisonment is what keeps most away from criminal behavior and gets us to pay our taxes.

Loss of a good reputation or ostracism is a looming threat if we do not behave morally.

Cyber threats are a real danger to individuals, businesses, the military, and infrastructure like electrical grids. It is the primary reason why we surf the web cautiously and utilize what we think are security software and precautions to try and avoid cyber threats.

Implied and actual threats which create fear in society is the glue which keeps most humans from illegality and immorality. Take away the fear of punishment from society and it would run wild with dysfunctional and criminal behavior.

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Handicap: v. (to get and/or to be born with) an incomplete personal subset(s) which decreases ability to achieve to a relatively large extent

Some are born with handicaps and some get them at some point in their lives. Many physical handicaps can be compensated for with technology but if you have a mental handicap that is severe enough then there is usually nothing which can be done to improve the unfortunate circumstance.

What is not an obvious handicap is if you are born with a bad memory which will haunt you for the rest of your life. A bad memory frequently means great difficulty in remembering names, humans, words, and events and this frequently means being very slow at learning new skills and bad at remembering and understanding new knowledge. Much repetition or practice will frequently help a bad memory but after a while the repetition becomes an unpleasant burden and many just give up and don’t repeat as frequently as they should.

Schooling is a perfect example where after trying hard to ace exams you are forced to conclude that you are just an average student and must be satisfied with getting C grades or you may be a failing student and content yourself with getting D’s or F’s. Acing tests in school is mission impossible for many, especially in hard subjects, and many turn off the urge to compete and don’t learn much useful information in school which can help them greatly much later in life.

Almost nothing is a greater handicap in life then a bad memory and a bad liberal arts education in the technological 21st century which is a century which values mental power over physical power.



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