Tag Archives: the truth about wanting



Want: v. to desire a subset(s) which is sometimes not essential and/or not a need

Needing is a subset of wanting and what you may want you may not actually need. Impulsive shopping is a perfect example of wanting something and buying it but not really needing it.  

If we all stopped for a few moments and asked the question “do I just want it?” or “do I really need it?” then you could save much money by buying only what you need.

Do I want to be loved, admired, and respected by everyone that I meet or is it more appropriate to say that I need to be loved, admired, and respected by my spouse or closest friend. If you recognize that you can’t please everyone that you meet then you won’t create needless anxiety and fear in your life by wanting what is not important and what you really don’t need. Rid yourself of wanting the superficial and impossible things in your life.

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