Monthly Archives: September 2014



The article by Margaret Rutherford is informative but falls short in describing marriage as being pretty simple and not rocket science. Kindness, Respect, Loyalty is not all that is needed. A prerequisite is a good enough salary to support a family and commonly shared morals which means not lying, stealing, or being adulterous. Loyalty to an immoral, undependable, and abusive poor communicator is sheer stupidity and the relationship will never last long because you can’t respect such a human.

If you can’t afford a family financially then don’t get married until you can, otherwise you will have to become dependent on your parent’s handouts or welfare and pregnancy will probably destroy whatever tenuous relationship you have together.

I also disagree that marriage is getting teary-eyed together which coming from a female writer is very biased personal thinking. I have never been teary-eyed together with my wife and neither have millions of other males.

Here is a link to the article:

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Society: n. a collection of interacting and interdependent humans with important common goals but possessing much variety of personally important and many objectively unimportant goals

Moral behavior generally keeps a society functioning relatively peacefully and common goals are eating, drinking, living in shelter, working, having sex, reproducing, having friends, transportation, and being entertained.

The only area threatened with great change is the area of work. Robots, computer software, and technology is creating an almost jobless society for the average human.  

Society will just have to change and begin to accept the fact that eventually a majority of its citizens will be destitute and unemployed or on welfare. The question to seriously confront is what will be the standard of living of those on welfare?

If the standard of living is too high then there won’t be an incentive to work at all because living on the government dole will be a pleasure. It is obvious that there must be an incentive for humans to work who can become greatly skilled so the real question is what DIFFERENT rights should those on welfare have than the working class?

I recommend that mobility should be restricted for all those on welfare and that they should be denied motor vehicle transportation and that their basic standardized needs should be delivered door to door by an efficient private company. If you want to travel the world and use non standard goods then you will have to become a member of the working class.

Online personalized interactive audio visual computer education will be provided for free so that you can train yourself  or your offspring through the investment of personal time, effort, and achievement and perhaps land a useful job in society. Only if you are working will you have the opportunity of mobility and buying any goods or services which your brain desires.

The concept of EQUAL rights for all will have to be changed to the concept of JUST rights for all and this will have to be reflected in a revised constitution with new unalienable rights.

My evergreen truth books CHANGES IN WELFARE LAWS, EDUCATION REFORM, and JUSTICE detail the just changes which will have to be made so that citizens will not feel that they are being screwed by society but in fact being justly treated.

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Silliness: n. a (random behavior(s) without a serious goal(s) and/or an unknown goal(s)) which frequently causes laughter and/or a smile

Offspring running around randomly yelling bleh bleh bleh and doing random body movements is an example of silliness. Offspring putting a pot on the head and making noises may be an enactment of some fantasy whose goal we are unaware of and also consider silliness.

We frequently don’t consider adults to be silly but rather stupid if they do some childhood silliness. We frequently laugh at childhood silliness but not at adult silliness because we assume that they are socially literate and no longer should do silly things. Comedians sometimes do silly things on stage and we frequently think it is funny and we are not judgmental about their silly behavior and call them stupid.

Slapstick comedy is random harmless violence and it is really silly behavior which we laugh at yet also consider stupid.


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Evasion: n. trying to escape and/or to avoid a subset(s) such as (responsibility and/or commitment) and/or (selfrevelation and/or confrontation) by using (cleverness and/or deception) and/or (a change in behavior and/or a change in direction)

Evasive tactics are frequently used when one wants to escape or avoid confrontational or unpleasant situations. You may want to avoid responsibility, commitment, confrontation, or selfrevelation and may use excuses, change the subject, promise to answer at a later date, speak much and never get to the point, start using the cellphone, excuse yourself to leave for the restroom, or quickly leave the premises.


Beating around the bush is a phrase frequently used when you are killing time hoping that maybe the ongoing subject will go away or eventually be ignored.


In nature prey frequently zigzag and change direction trying to avoid getting caught by a predator or trying to evade it. Humans also try to evade unpleasant conversations by changing the direction of the conversation to more pleasant themes.


If you are honest, have nothing to hide, and have done nothing wrong which would embarrass you then you will rarely have to use evasive tactics. The most evasion that you will be doing is just trying to avoid or ignore the bad humans in your life.

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Shortsightendness: n. planning and doing for the short duration and ignoring planning and doing for the long duration and/or focusing on tactics and not having a strategy

There are shortsighted personal and business interactions which emphasize short duration benefits and profits and not long duration benefits and profits.

In your zeal to establish almost instant good relationships with humans you may be deceptive and even lie somewhat and use exaggerated praise and generous material gifts to try and be liked by someone. This sometimes works if you want rather immediate benefits from a relationship such as sex or sell someone on your risky idea and/or investment or get someone to buy something from you. In the long duration if you want a good reputation and relationship then you will fail since with time your phoniness will surface and the temporary trusting relationship will no longer exist and your reputation will be in the toilet.

In business the tremendous desire to get profits quickly for the short duration leads to shoddy merchandise, bad customer service, unhealthy food, very risky investments, and long duration possible financial bankruptcy.

In government shortsightedness leads to too many laws which favor big money and some small money special interests which don’t benefit the general welfare and handicap small and some relatively large minority groups and businesses.

Most dangerous is the shortsightedness of the food industry and government which no longer courageously supports true organic farming which helps to preserve the biodiversity of the food supply in society. No taxation of the truly organic food farmers, wholesalers of organic food, and organic restaurants would go a long way towards incentivizing a biodiverse healthy food industry. Refrigerated organic raw milk and organic raw milk cheeses and products sent nationally and internationally should be legalized! The health of the nation will gradually improve.

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Establishment: n. creating a subset(s) which is frequently an organization and/or system and/or rules for a hoped for permanent duration

Establishing or creating trade or an organization are the most common forms of establishment which you hope will last for a long duration.

You can also establish or create a system for processing sewage water which you hope will be broadly used into the foreseeable future.

You can also establish or create a constitution or a set of rules to base society on and hopefully it will be a constitution which can last a long time.

Whatever you establish or create you frequently need an establishment to promote the creation.

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Howling wolves

Astuteness: n. having an ability to accurately assess humans and circumstances and use this to one’s advantage in the short and/or long duration

There are many human interactions and they usually benefit one or both parties in some way. If you are astute then you will derive more benefit from the interaction than the human whom you are interacting with immediately and/or in the long duration.


If you are astute then it may be some important information which you give and/or get,

it may be a small favor or gift which you give to help develop a human bond which may pay off in the long duration,

it may be a business transaction where you make a profit in the short and/or long duration, or

it may be an honest, friendly, and caring attitude which will build up a relationship of trust and maybe even admiration which may come in handy when you ask for their vote in politics or support in a consensus private or business circumstance.


The truly smart astute human will always evaluate whether giving something rather than taking something in a transaction or communication will have a greater payoff in the future. Always hoping for immediate  and overwhelming advantage is a rather selfish attitude and does not create lasting human trusting bonds which you may be interested in developing for long duration benefits.


Finally smart astute businesshumans will sell quality products and services at a reasonable price and give good customer service so that they will have loyal and satisfied customers for the long duration.


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Selfdefense: n. an action(s) done to legally maintain possession of a subset(s) and/or to save a human(s) from death and/or injury

A human will defend his or her life and personal property and a nation will defend it’s citizens and territory and this is justified selfdefense.

Not so obvious is the fact that a human will defend his or her opinions and beliefs which are his or her possessions and this is also a form of selfdefense.

When you challenge a human’s beliefs don’t be too surprised if he or she wants to defend them even to death in some circumstances because they are very emotionally attached to those beliefs. Challenge a human’s strongly held opinions and they will enter a defensive mode and not easily change them.

Selfdefense is human nature and understandable and once you realize that a human is defending themselves when under attack then you will become more empathetic with them when they become upset, rebellious, or just simply disagree with your actions.

Anger, harsh criticism, ridicule, name calling, profane language, and disagreeing are all ways that you can get humans into defensive mode and sometimes create retaliation in the form of returned anger, criticism, ridicule, name calling, and profane language. It takes good communications skills and empathy to minimize human conflicts and turn them into discussions rather than confrontational arguments and highly emotional exchanges.


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Escape: v. to try to stop an unpleasant subset(s) and frequently it is trying to move from the unpleasant subset(s)

Running away from a burning building or from captivity is a time honored way of escaping an unpleasant or dangerous circumstance. Escaping from a bad marital relationship, bad job, great debt, or a severe addiction can be more problematic and running away may not be the acceptable answer. Escaping boredom may be as easy as starting to do something interesting.

When running away or escape is not an option then trying to change circumstances through personal change and effort or with the help of others is frequently the smart thing to do.

Improve yourself by acquiring new useful skills, new useful knowledge, and good friends and chances are that you can eventually escape from the unpleasant social trap which you may be in now.

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Selfdiscipline: n. using with selfcontrol the knowledge and/or skills necessary to achieve a goal(s)

Selfdiscipline and selfcontrol are really one and the same concept but I have defined selfdiscipline with an emphasis upon goal achievement which is really the reason that control is necessary in our lives and something which we all are involved in doing during our lives.

I am not emphasizing motivation or the control over desires and emotions which is ultimately of the most importance in achieving goals but emphasizing the importance of knowledge and skills as a prerequisite to successful achievement of goals once you have been motivated to do so.


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Selfcontrol: n. mental control of one’s own (desires and/or emotions) and/or behaviors

Most of us react impulsively much of the time and we have some conscious control over our behaviors, less control over our emotions, and even less control over our desires.

Psychologists may object to my definition because there has been a historical artificial separation of mind and body or desires and emotions versus behaviors. The fact is that you can have mental control over all three and an artificial separation of mind and body behaviors is not factually correct because body behaviors include the functioning of the mind!!!!!! Trash all those historical writings which assume a mind vs. body philosophy!

Someone with much selfcontrol is less impulsive than the average human and even occasionally takes some time out to think before they react to circumstances.

Young offspring are very impulsive and will do many things which adults have learned not to do for safety or social reasons. Offspring tend to be more reckless and honest and will blurt out comments about appearance and behavior which may seem a little offensive to some adults. That is an ugly dress, you are fat, or you’re mean are sometimes honest remarks made by offspring which offend adult sensibilities.

If you are unhappy about your lifestyle chances are that you will make rather few changes unless there is a crisis because you are in a relatively satisfying rut always taking the easy way out without much selfdiscipline or the selfcontrol needed to make changes and do something about your bad circumstances.

If your behavior is largely influenced by the behavior of others, if you are not conscious of your good or bad habits, if you frequently get angry and get into arguments, then chances are great that you also have little selfcontrol over your own life.

If you want more selfcontrol in your life then you have to take some time out to meditate and think about how your life is progressing and what if anything can be done to improve upon it. Too many are tired of trying to improve their lives because they have not met with much success but too much failure and decide to accept their fate or circumstances.

If you are not learning any new useful skills or new useful knowledge and feel that you know enough about the world to make it through another day then the probability is great that you will never develop enough selfcontrol to really thrive and not just exist.

Are you conscious of or have you thought about or analyzed almost all your desires, emotions, and behaviors? If not then the probability is great that you have little if any personal control over them.


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Satisfaction: n. sensing doing a good and/or right subset(s) and (fulfilling and/or achieving) a goal(s) and frequently sensing pleasure in affected human(s) and/or animal(s)

When you achieve a goal(s) then you are frequently satisfied but may not be necessarily happy too although satisfaction and happiness are sometimes experienced together mentally.

You usually feel satisfied after a meal with a little sense of pleasure but it usually does not make you very happy unless it was an unusually tasty treat or meal.

A job well done is usually a satisfying experience. A satisfied customer is frequently the result of a product meeting customer expectations. There should be no degrees of satisfaction and if someone is very satisfied then it is just a way of saying that they are probably very happy too.


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Entrapment: n. willfully enticing someone into immoral behavior and then usually prosecuting that someone for it which is frequently stealing

Police sometimes use entrapment to catch and prosecute criminals such as Johns and hit men hirers. Police historically have posed as prostitutes and hit men to catch offenders. They entice a potential victim into crime, record the crime, and then use the evidence to prosecute the criminal act.

If you were a ruthless tyrant then you could have police posing as drug dealers, create a clientele, and then arrest all the users at once in a sting operation and prosecute them. This would be unethical behavior because police would actually be promoting illegal drug use. The entrapment would work and create fear in drug users but at what cost to social morality.

Entrapment is really against the law because officers should not be participants in a criminal act and offenders can frequently have the case dropped if they can prove entrapment.

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Contentment: n. experiencing a relatively long duration of satisfaction and/or happiness

When someone says that they are leading a content life then that means that they are leading a generally satisfying and/or happy life.

Yes, no one can be content all the time so there are periods of dissatisfaction and unhappiness but they are generally rather infrequent and not considered as drawbacks to a mostly content life.

Contentment last a relatively long time and it is only temporarily interrupted with some unsatisfying and unhappy moments. If you are content with your marriage then that means that you are generally satisfied and/or happy with it.

If you are satisfied and/or happy for an hour or two then you have had a period of contentment no matter how unsatisfying and unhappy your life may be the rest of the time.

You can be content with a relatively inactive life or be content with a rather dynamic and interesting life. Contentment usually means that your basic needs are fulfilled and what you do beyond these basic needs is your responsibility or your life to lead.

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Engrossment: n. being attracted to and/or interacting with for a relatively long duration and being focused on primarily one subset

Engrossed by a book or video game frequently means that you are exclusively focused on primarily one activity to the exclusion of others.

Watching a spider weave a web can also be an engrossing activity where you seem to be captivated or transfixed by one activity which is going on and really intensely focusing on it.

Impulsively improvising on a musical instrument is also an example of an engrossing experience.

We commonly don’t use the word engrossing when intensely focused on playing with a young child but the definition applies because we are interacting with the child exclusively.

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Sarcasm: n. using irony to ridicule and show contempt

A few examples will suffice but there are tens of examples.

When someone does something wrong – you contemptuously say Very good, well done, nice!

The irony is that you unexpectedly say nice or good to something bad and your tone of voice can be slightly exaggerated and demeaning or contemptuous with a hint of ridicule.


I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.


The irony is that you take long walks with humans that you like but you prefer annoying humans to take long walks alone so they don’t bother you. The contempt expressed is for annoying humans.

Let’s share. You’ll take the grenade. I’ll take the pin.

The irony is that sharing is usually done for mutual benefit and if you blow yourself up with a grenade then you kill yourself. Sharing implies liking someone and it is not someone you want killed. You are actually ridiculing the human and expressing a cloaked dislike or contempt for them.


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Convince: v. to persuade yourself without coercion using internal and external information

When you persuade yourself that a goal(s) is worth achieving then you have been convinced. You may impulsively eat or drink something which you are not convinced is healthy for you but you still do it because it is emotionally satisfying at that moment. You can do something bad and not be convinced that it is good for you to do.


Impulsive emotional reactions do not involve much logical thinking and they historically may have been started with some erroneous persuasion or convincing. What you are largely impulsively doing today is rooted in decisions and experiences which you made in the past and decided were the right thing to do at that time. Today your views of what is right may have changed but you are still being victimized impulsively by bad historical choices.


You may be convinced that your bad habits need change but you may not be able to develop enough selfcontrol to do anything about your pleasurable bad impulses or bad habits.


Convincing or persuading yourself is the eternal struggle of your impulsive self battling with your thinking self, trying to agree, and trying to make the right choices of what to do next in your life.


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Apprenticeship: n. on the job experience in any profession

Have you recently graduated with a college or university degree and can’t find a job because you don’t have on the job experience of 1 to 3 years?

The system is to blame because there should be business and professional apprenticeship programs which you pay for with your or your parents money or an apprenticeship loan.

If you fail during the apprenticeship period then you should start looking for a job elsewhere. You can also reeducate yourself in a field which doesn’t require job experience or a field in which you are really good at. You should try for a field where you can demonstrate actual ability in a profession which does not just mean the ability to get good grades. Social connections are the way that you can get employed without experience but unfortunately the rest of us wind up out of work and disillusioned.

If you are smart then you will not let your offspring pursue a liberal arts field where there will be very few jobs in the technological 21st century unless you are very talented.

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images (1)

Save: v. to prevent with an event(s) and/or action(s) possible (injury and/or death) and/or (damage and/or destruction) and/or (embarrassment and/or usage) and/or error

You can save a human from a potentially injurious fire, an accident, from death, error, and from embarrassment or you can save a building or wilderness from damage or destruction.

You can also save money from being spent to avoid future financial ruin in an emergency. Accumulating possessions is frequently confused with saving because the real reason that you are accumulating them is to prevent them from being recycled, used, damaged, or destroyed by you or someone else.

Saving is really active prevention and if you are smart then you will personally take preventative steps to exclude the possibility of having to be saved from some hazardous situation in the future. Saving possessions from wear and tear is also what many of us commonly do.

You can save a human or yourself from making a mistake or error with some preventative step or steps.

Save energy, save wilderness, save yourself, save others when necessary, save some money, and save the world!!!!!! Money is the social symbol for energy so if you are saving some money with wise purchases of energy saving devices or saving some money for emergencies or future investments then you are saving energy!!!!!! Yes, when you save money to purchase material possessions then you are buying and using stored energy. The molecules of your possessions are filled with potential energy and have some value in your life!!!!!!

Finally save your bodily energy for the truly important things in your life and get rid of as many inefficient trivial pursuits as possible. Don’t waste your energy on fruitless boring pursuits but try to focus on those with a greater payoff in satisfaction, happiness, and some material gain. 

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Irony: n. an opposite reaction to what was expected and/or a juxtaposition of opposites with relatively unique unexpected correspondences and sometimes mildly humorous

Examples are the best way to learn about what irony means.

Two married marriage councilors got divorced.

What is unique and unexpected or ironic is that two supposed marriage experts couldn’t make their own marriage work and it may evoke mild laughter in the reader.

A pet dog called Giant was smaller than a cat.

It is ironic or unusual that an expected giant dog would actually be physically very small and it is also somewhat humorous.

The stray dog was killed by an animal rescue truck.

It is unexpected that a truck designed to rescue animals actually winds up killing one in need and it is mildly humorous for one with a macabre sense of humor.


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Embezzlement:  n. willfully and fraudulently stealing money and/or property with which one has been legally entrusted

If you are a lawyer in charge of a trust, an accountant in charge of money allocations, a businessman in charge of money investments, an employer, or an employee in charge of money you can potentially be an embezzler. Nothing is more important than an honest reputation which has been earned over years of trustworthy financial transactions.

Finding an honest lawyer, accountant, financial advisor, or financial investor who has a sterling record of past performance and happy long duration customers is difficult to find and they usually are pretty pricey too if you do find them.

For the average investor a guaranteed annual return of more than 4% should be a red flag under current economic situations of very low or no growth at all. If you are being promised an annual return of about 12% it is just a matter of time before the Ponzi scheme will crash and burn and you will definitely lose all your money investment, especially if there is another economic crash in the stock market.

Clever embezzlers steal only a little money so it goes relatively unnoticed but fortunately many start to get greedy and steal so much that many of them get caught eventually.

Is there such a thing as legal embezzling of your money? There isn’t but there should be because the government and banks are legally embezzling your money with inflation and ridiculously low interest returns on bank savings accounts.

The federal government is about as safe a guarantor of your money as you can get these days but bank savings accounts give you an almost zero return on your money invested so there is no safe guaranteed long duration return on your money any place anymore, except in real estate in the right neighborhood.

Corporate stock dividends seem like a sure thing but you can lose all of your yearly gains in a few days if the market crashes again and the value of the stock plunges and doesn’t recover to its former value.

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Rule: v. to control with demanded behaviors which are frequently recorded and enforced and obeyed for safety and/or orderliness and/or predictable similarity and/or social bonding

Rules are made to create a sense of orderliness, safety, predictability, and social bonding. Rules are frequently recorded and enforced by an authority who tries to control human behavior in acceptable ways.

The hardest rules to enforce are those for social etiquette because they vary greatly depending on the social group which you are talking about. This is especially true when comparing different cultures with different rules for social behavior.

The most challenging part about organizational rules is that they are frequently not absolute rules and there are plenty of exceptions to them which must be understood and tolerated.

The customer is always right is a perfect example of an absolute rule which isn’t really absolute. The customer may have intentionally damaged a product, may have used it three or four times such as clothes and then decided to return it for a refund, and may have used the product improperly and gotten terrible results.

Customer negligence or fraudulent deception may be the real reason for wanting a refund and organizational rules must be made to try and minimize the damage to profits in the organization resulting from these deviant untrustworthy customers. Fortunately computer software will be so good that a customer who tries to get too many refunds for products can be stopped after a handful of returns but I don’t know of any company which is doing this currently.

Government bureaucracy is a perfect example of absolute rules or laws which should not be absolute because they are far removed from reality in many situations or there are plenty of real world exceptions to these rules which make them unjust for large minorities. One size fits all is simply a stupid rule to have in the efficient governing of humans who are basically different in their needs and desires.

The larger the government or the more rules it has the LESS JUST an organization it becomes because it crushes healthy minorities in its stupid zeal to make everyone equal. Yes, it is dysfunctional communism or socialism as an end product.

Big government tries to change humans into a mass of homogeneous shit!!!!!! Yes, big food and drug corporations are also guilty of trying to change food and drugs into a mass of unhealthy shit to be consumed by a mass of equally unhealthy humans.

Humans are getting increasingly irresponsible and deviant in their behavior so government rules must be made to rehabilitate or save humans from their irresponsibility and deviance with armies of government case workers. Wrong! Teach impressionable young minds in elementary school a functional secular moral code and they will impulsively interact peacefully with other humans when they get older and not be so irresponsible, deviant, and socially dysfunctional. They will also demand a more just government and save it from a tyrannical inevitable takeover.

I can go on and on writing about real solutions to human, national, and international problems but I don’t want to bore you if it doesn’t interest you.


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Critical Disillusionment

Disillusionment: n. very intensely disappointing because a subset(s) is much less good than believed in the beginning

Some if not many of us have been disillusioned at some point in our lives. We got all excited about a dream job or a potential soul mate only to discover that the dream job was not that dreamy and a potential soul mate had many undesirable characteristics which we could not live with for the long duration. Those two are examples of disillusionment.

Disillusionment does not happen that frequently but disillusionment with a favorite celebrity or someone whom we greatly admired and respected is possible if we find out that in person they are really mean and nasty individuals or even have drug problems. Disillusionment only happens if we greatly admire and respect something which upon further investigation turns out not to be as worthy of our intense respect or admiration.

As a general principle, don’t create and believe in unrealistic illusions, don’t create idealized visions, or don’t be deceived by humans and things and chances are that you may be disappointed occasionally but you won’t be disillusioned.


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Cat Dreaming

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

I didn’t fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.

I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted a paycheck.

Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.

If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of payments.

A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don’t need it.

A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist.

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.

We live in a society where pizza gets to your house speedier than the police.

We have gun control. What we need is idiot control.

Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason.

A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip.

Some humans say “If you can’t beat them, join them”. I say “If you can’t beat them, beat them”, because they will be expecting you to join them, so you will have the element of surprise.

If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.

He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.

Laugh at your problems, everyone else does.

We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.

If sex is a pain in the ass, then you’re doing it wrong…

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Worrying works! 90% of the things I worry about never happen.

My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion. He said okay, you’re ugly too.

When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.

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When you add two or more numbers or when you multiply two numbers you get a BIGGER number than the ones you started out with. Whether you do the calculation longhand or use a solar calculator you get the same BIGGER results. Why go through 13 or more years of math schooling to learn longhand calculating when a four year old who can count to a hundred or more can get the same result using a calculator? The four year old can start solving everyday math problems where addition and subtraction is required!!! The concept of MORE or LESS is important but you don’t need a high school diploma to understand this basic concept which involves comparisons of two or more numbers.

When you divide two numbers you get a SMALLER number unless you divide by a fraction or numbers after the decimal point. Fractions, ratios, or division is a harder concept to learn but even here long hand calculations are not necessary to get the answer which you are expecting if you use a calculator.

Teaching decimals or learning the concept of multiplying by 10 or dividing by 10 is important but this can all be done with the help of a calculator much sooner.

Common core for math is a nightmare which theoretically teaches you to play games with numbers to understand math concepts better. The real result is that you complicate math long hand calculations even more and it takes longer to get a math result longhand and you really don’t understand math concepts more.

Math is just understanding the concepts of MORE and LESS and getting to the result of this BIGGER or SMALLER number should not take forever or involve a boring time consuming procedure.

The average citizen will not need algebra or calculus so why teach it in school to non math or non technology majors?

The only thing which the average citizen needs to understand is how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide and understand the concept of ratios or fractions so that they can calculate the cost per pound or kilogram of food or the unit price and do a budget with the help of a calculator.

The concepts of length, area, volume, density, frequency, and temperature are important but they can all be easily taught with the help of geometric diagrams and a calculator.

Math is easy with a solar calculator so why complicate it with years of useless schooling which teaches you how to do math longhand? Learning times tables and division tables should be things of the past for those not interested in math or even those who want to learn more math since plumbers, electricians, and scientists should all use calculators.

It is time to teach elementary students how to do real life calculations with a calculator as a great time saving assistant!!!

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Relatively unimportant misunderstandings are bound to happen in partnerships and they should frequently be for a relatively short duration. Forgive and forget the transient misunderstandings and move on to more important concerns.

You should trust your partner and if you reach a point where trust is no longer possible then consider breaking off the partnership. Being honest, sincere, dependable, competent, and friendly is vital if a relationship is to last for a long duration. If lying and irresponsibility starts to interfere with the relationship then it won’t last long if not corrected in time so that trustworthiness can continue. Trust is the vital bond which ensures a lasting relationship and without it you really don’t have a good relationship.

Learn the art of compromising and not fighting for win or lose situations all the time. Learn to give a little and get a little or give much and get much of what you really want. There will also be times when you give much and get little or get much and give little all depending on the circumstances. If you give much in one circumstance and get little maybe the next time around you will be able to get much and give only a little. If you want a female spouse to work to help much with the income then give much and learn to do the dishes, prepare a meal, do the laundry, vacuum the carpet, and spend more time with offspring.

Don’t be afraid to pursue different interests in a partnership which may separate you time wise to some extent. When you reunite then you will have many more interesting things to share and talk about and the relationship will not become that boring. Support your partner in his or her interests so you can mutually benefit from the new job or new experiences.

Don’t be afraid to reveal your weaknesses to your partner because they also have some and you should get more caring support in the areas where you are not that strong if your partner is capable of expressing empathy. If your partner has a weakness then try to help or do things to lessen the impact of that weakness.

Sometimes there are problems which are unfixable or bad childhood experiences which have made your personality less than perfect. You may be stuck with your problems and the best thing to do is to just learn to live with the problems or find ways to work around them and lessen their handicapping effects. With time you can hope to improve the situation but must realize that some problems and personality traits will probably not go away permanently.

Fights or severe arguments may erupt once in a while where there is no clear winner or loser. Don’t suffer through lasting resentment but learn to quickly forgive and forget to some extent. No relationship will last if resentment lasts long and the fight is recurrently brought up in future confrontations which should be discussions and compromises instead as much as possible.

Don’t expect your partner to read your mind or always tune in to your true emotional mood. Clearly tell what you want your partner to do and tell them if you are upset about something. If you are exhausted or angry at someone and want emotional support then tell your partner that you are exhausted or angry at someone or had a terrible day. Communicate your problems and feelings in words so that your partner does not misunderstand your true state of mind. You may get more consideration and empathy by being open and up front with your emotional and physical circumstances.

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Diligence: n. doing something frequently quietly and relatively constantly and carefully and energetically and persistently and frequently doing it in detail and/or exactness

Diligent workmanship is frequently the way a perfectionist works. A perfectionist will frequently work carefully, energetically, persistently, and with attention to detail and/or exactness.

The less of a perfectionist that you are then probably the less diligent you are and are sometimes handicapped with carelessness, spurts of activity, some mistakes, and occasional negligence.

Diligence can be a virtue but sometimes too much diligence can slow down creative effort and spurts of inspiration which require some randomness of behavior. Creative work is more than just a strict regime of dedicated diligent workmanship.


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They are irresponsible with money or don’t think it is important in life.

They’re unfaithful, cheat on you, or are adulterous if married.

They intentionally lie to you and make future lies or promises they don’t intend to fulfill.

They can’t take no for an answer but will persist unrelentingly.

They insist that they are right almost always and expect you do almost everything which they suggest. They are egomaniacal control freaks.

They use abusive or profane language when talking to you or even slap or hit you  physically as a sign of an abusive personality.

They will almost never admit they were wrong, don’t apologize, or always have an excuse even when it is obvious that they were wrong.

They’re still chatty with their ex even though they claim that they hate him or her. This is a not so obvious example of lying or saying one thing and doing something totally opposite to what you say or claim.

They’re rude and don’t apologize even when you point out the rudeness to them and tell them that your feelings were hurt.

They’re disrespectful and can’t empathize with truthful just criticism when offered.

They can’t tolerate you spending some time on your own doing stuff which only you like or taking a break by yourself.

They aren’t concerned about their health with bad eating and drinking habits, addictive alcohol or drug taking, and top it all off with inactivity or couch potato tendencies.

They will do almost anything to please you even when you don’t deserve it.

They think that they can buy your affection with generous gifts and material possessions even after repeated very bad behavior.

They give you exaggerated praise for almost anything which you do using an abundance of superlative expressions.

They don’t honestly criticize you no matter how bad your behavior is or how bad your taste in goods is.

They like to associate with bad friends who also have some or many of the above extreme personality flaws.

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Destitution: n. not having money and possessions and job

Next to death the thing most of us fear most is destitution or being without money and possessions and a job. If you have no relationship to help you out of the predicament or you can’t get welfare assistance then you will definitely be in panic or crisis mode.

Living on the street or in some poor shelter is what many of us fear, especially if we have family to support and are not alone.

Destitution for many young adult liberal arts graduates is a guaranteed fact of life if you are trying to live independently. If it weren’t for the fact that many still have some family members or relatives who are still living and are a source of some money, many would be out on the street or in some poor shelter.

Welfare reform or a safety net for the destitute at whatever age should be mandatory.

My evergreen truth books CHANGES IN WELFARE LAWS and EDUCATION REFORM address this problem realistically and offers the hope of reeducation in a useful technological field for those willing to put in the time, effort, and achievement over the internet from a secure location with their most basic needs taken care of door to door. That does not include personal vehicle transportation nor cash money for discretionary spending on luxuries and drugs. The advocated changes are revolutionary but that is exactly what is needed to address the destitution of young adults too in the technological 21st century.


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Retaliation: n. revengeving without hatred and sometimes with conditional forgiveness

Revengev: v. to impact with a desire to punish for some offense(s) which is usually done with intense hatred  (a new verb for revenge)

Retaliation is the same thing as revenge unless you exclude hatred from it’s expression and occasionally include conditional forgiveness as an option. You can retaliate or want to punish an offender for injuring and/or offending you but it need not be done with hatred and you hope that the retaliation will teach the offender a lesson so that they don’t offend again. Sometimes embarrassment is the only punishment needed if it is a family member or close friend but unfortunately the world is filled with humans without shame and embarrassment is not an option and some form of punishment is necessary in the retaliation.

Trade wars start because tariffs are used as a form of retaliation for unjust trade practices and unless those trade practices are corrected the retaliation is frequently not reversed. If you begin to hate whom you are retaliating against then chances are great that you will never reach a just resolution of the problem because your hateful emotions will dominate in any future trade agreements. Cool logical mutually beneficial compromise is necessary and not the vengeful hateful feelings frequently found in an eye for an eye philosophy or hateful human interaction.

In human relationships retaliation is preferable to revenge and if the offender feels that you hate them then chances are great that they will hate you back and never reform their behavior. “You hurt my feelings by doing or saying that and I hope that you won’t do or say that again” is better than saying “I hate you for hurting my feelings or doing that”.

In close relationships judicious retaliation is frequently the best approach with much conditional forgiveness.  Forgive and forget is NO retaliation for relatively unimportant bad things and is sometimes necessary to avoid resentment and hatred from polluting an otherwise healthy trusting relationship.

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Repetition: n. doing an event(s) more than once with or without duration(s) in between

Repetition is a fact of life. We walk, talk, eat, drink, sit, and go to and from work many times. Walking and talking and eating is not considered repetition unless we walk to the same place, say the same words, or eat the same food, etc.. Some jobs are relatively repetitious and maybe even boring with nothing new happening but merely a repetition of a daily routine.

Sometimes we are asked to repeat something that we said and repeating words such as hi, good bye, please, and thank you are a very common occurrence.

Practice is also a form of repetition and it is something done to learn a new skill or new knowledge. Once we learn something that we practice we frequently repeat it in our lives when necessary. Good and bad habits are really behaviors which are repeated over and over again frequently for a lifetime.

If you don’t like a bad habit then don’t repeat it so frequently. If you want to develop a good habit then you have to repeat some behavior over and over again as many times as is needed to form a good new habit which is eventually done automatically.


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Despair: v. to sense complete hopelessness due primarily to very bad circumstances

Few of us feel so hopeless in life or in such despair that we commit suicide but there are other situations in life where despair is possible. Being lost in a jungle, being the victim of a fatal illness, or not having enough time to complete an important task can all bring on feelings of despair or total helplessness.

Most despair does not result in death but despair is a very real rather infrequent life situation which most survive to live another day. The financial despair of too much debt to handle may have bankruptcy as a possible solution so it is not a fatal situation as are most situations which we despair about.


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Replacement: n. removing a subset(s) and using a different subset(s)

When something breaks or is worn out or used up we frequently replace it with something new. Sometimes the new item is the same brand or make but new clothes may be different and we may not always buy the same food.

When we replace something with the same thing then it has become a habit and we seem to have a kind of loyalty to it since it is frequently something which we consider valuable or a good thing. When we are unhappy with a product we frequently replace it with something new and different which we hope will be a wiser choice.

Much of what life is all about is replacing things and frequently hoping that the replacement will be just as good or even better than the original choice that we made.

Getting fired or replaced by someone else on the job is a traumatic experience but being replaced by computer software is even more traumatic because it frequently means having to learn new job skills to stay employed.

Hip and joint replacement is a medical procedure where something artificial replaces something organic and makes mobility possible for some who have lost mobility with worn out  or damaged joints and bone body parts.


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Decision: n. making an impulsive judgment and/or a judgment after some thought and/or inquiry and frequently doing and/or not doing a subset(s)

There are basically impulsive decisions and delayed decisions which require some thought and/or inquiry first.

Many of our decisions are rather impulsive or spontaneous requiring little thought. When we are hungry or thirsty we eat or drink or wait till the appropriate time. When we are physically exhausted we impulsively rest and when it is bedtime we feel tired and go to sleep.

When asked a common or everyday question we respond impulsively and quickly with an answer and only have to think a little if the question is rather unusual and requires some thought. Cashiers and fast food workers respond or act rather impulsively and are only slowed down or have to think if there is a special request or special order.

A decision to solve a problem may be very impulsive but thinking about the problem and reaching a decision on what to do about it may be very time consuming and require some research.

Making a judgment may be impulsive or take some time but ultimately for every decision one must decide whether to do something or not do anything.

We may decide that we are not eating healthy but may not be willing to put in the time and effort to do anything about it and do nothing to change our eating habits. Not changing to better eating is also a decision so if you continue to eat badly then you are ultimately the one to blame for your inaction.

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Resistance: n. opposing a (force(s) and/or desire(s)) and/or subset(s)

If you oppose force, a desire or temptation, a command, or a concept or belief then you are offering resistance.

Opposing force may lead to fighting and opposing a desire to take drugs may lead to withdrawal symptoms and both are examples of resistance. You can also oppose a command, a concept, or a belief which can lead to punishment, disagreement, or an argument.

In an ideal world there should be no resistance to what you want to do but in the real world friction, conflict, competition, and habits exist to frequently prevent you from reaching any goal or goals which you may have.

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Repression: n. using force and/or the threat of force to control a subset(s)

A repressive government uses force and/or the threat of force to rule it’s citizens in many areas of life. Most do not prefer repression but when trust between citizens and the government breaks down then tyrannical repression is the only realistic way of ruling humans through fear of disobedience.

Everyone fears the use of force or the threat of force being used on them and this keeps primitive tyrannies in power where rule through fear and not reason or good habits is used.

 Repressing sexual or violent thoughts is an example of consciously forcing your mind not to think about them. Conscious emotional control is an example of emotion repression and it is something which we all do from time to time to avoid intense emotional outbursts or displays.

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Cry: v. to very intensely sense with identifiable body movements and tears which usually is the result of extreme suffering and/or unhappiness

Very young offspring cry readily and it is frequently because they have been abused physically or verbally, because they are in physical pain, because their toy has been taken away or have been punished with a withdrawal of a privilege, because they want attention, because their pet dies, or because they can’t get what they want desperately at the moment.

Adults cry because they have been abused, because of a death of someone close to them, because they have been cheated on, and sometimes out of sheer joy or being overwhelmed by some good event.

Crying frequently results from feeling overwhelmingly helpless or from intense grief felt at the loss of something which one considers very dear and important to them. Although I personally feel it is unmanly for males to cry the new generation seems to condone male crying in some instances.

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Request: v. to communicate a desire for a human(s) to do a subset(s)

When you ask someone to do something it is a request and it can be done politely or it can even be a formal communication in writing asking you to do something. Requests are not commands and you usually have the option of refusing the request.

Polite refusal is frequently necessary to avoid hurt feelings such as a request to attend a wedding which is refused politely due to some more pressing commitment. Refusing a request is properly done by coming up with a realistic or believable excuse or just saying- “Sorry, I can’t do it.”


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Marriage is the best way to give offspring a stable, secure, relationship learning environment.

Marriage is a legal document which does not condone adultery and gives a man a sense of pride, rightful possession, and responsibility to spouse and offspring.

Marriage is a commitment during the good and bad times and theoretically guarantees more than a fair weather friendship. It is a source of emotional and sometimes financial support in time of need during a hoped for lifetime.

Sharing the good and bad times makes the good times better and the bad not so bad or traumatic. Managing life as a committed team is frequently more satisfying.

A man would like to improve upon the family he never had or had but with needed improvements so that he can perhaps someday be proud of his offspring legacy.

He loves the idea of committing to someone who accepts and supports him with all his weaknesses or faults.

Safe and reliable sex is something which he enjoys.

He has probably fallen in love with a woman’s looks and personality and the rare man has also fallen in love with the woman’s smarts.

He can financially support a family or support a nanny for a working wife. Of all the reasons to get married this is the most important one which should almost always come first.

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common courtesy

Courtesy: n. using good and/or right etiquette

Social etiquette varies slightly from culture to culture but kindness and consideration for another’s needs is what courtesy is all about.

Holding the door for the next human, making more room in an elevator, letting a customer with few items go first at the checkout line, giving up your seat for the handicapped on a bus, not using profanities, saying “please” and “thank you”, not talking loudly, dressing appropriately, not pointing at someone, not staring at someone, etc. are just a few examples of courteous behavior.

Meanness and/or rudeness is what frequently happens when courtesy is ignored and humans will instantly think less of you as a human.

What is true is that private household etiquette is frequently much different than social etiquette and it is easy for offspring who have been living a sheltered existence at home to lack courtesy in public, especially saying “please” and “thank you” where appropriate. Youth is frequently more selfish and rebellious against proper social etiquette and it sometimes takes them much more social exposure to learn the acceptable cultural norms which are gradually changing too.

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Control: v. to lead with (an action(s) and/or an authoritative word(s)) and/or to have power over a (personal action(s) and/or event(s))

You can personally be out of control or have a classroom or group of humans under your leadership who are out of control. Not being able to control your emotions is a problem for many. Leaders fear a loss of control over the led and can sometimes exhibit rather tyrannical approaches at getting control back when it seems things are getting out of control.

Control is vital to society and it tries to control you by making you form socially acceptable habits or behaviors which impulsively guide your everyday existence to a large degree.

Few realize that with constant education for 18 or more years most of us think that we control our behavior to a great degree but are not aware that role models, friends, the media, advertising, and sometimes even celebrities have had a large influence on the way that we behave and try to control our lives.

Some of us have been taken care of with most of our needs provided for as offspring and are sometimes shocked to realize that you need to work hard to survive and make money to control your life.

When parental control no longer is a fact of life we venture out on our own and either feel that we are in control of our lives or feel helpless that we can’t seem to gain control over our lives and spending habits. Those who can’t successfully take control of their lives frequently continue to depend on parental financial support and frequently wind up back home living with their parent’s help.

Control over self, offspring, family, job, workers, bad habits, and money is a never ending struggle and those who have learned to control much of their everyday environment as needed are at a powerful advantage to those who feel lost and out of control of their lives or environment.

Control over one’s emotions is one of the most important areas where control pays off and if you can help others control their emotions too then you are truly skilled and your relationships with others will probably be good.

What we must realize in life is that we can’t control everything and that other important humans control most of what goes on around us and in the world. Knowing what you can control which is largely yourself and knowing what you can’t control can save you much worrying and misery about things which you can’t change but may not like.

The most difficult to control is military events, organizations, and movements of many humans.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Reeducation: n. adding important information and/or behaviors to a lifeform(s) and/or subtracting important information and/or behaviors from a lifeform(s) to change a bad and/or old habit(s)

In the fast changing technological 21st century it seems that reeducation will become a standard norm if you don’t want to become obsolete in your job.

If you are smart then your will continue to reeducate yourself throughout a lifetime trying to improve in your behavior and understanding of the world around you. This frequently means acquiring new skills and knowledge and applying as much of it to your life as possible.

Reeducation is a constant growth process where you hopefully get smarter and not stupider as you age. Even if you consciously do very little to try and improve or change, your life experiences and circumstances will frequently interfere with your life and almost force you to change your lifestyle in some way.

Even if you have a successful career and don’t foresee any major changes in your life, retirement will frequently force you to reassess your life and make some major changes to it.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Rape: v. to steal sex with (force and/or the threat of force)

If someone physically forces you into having sex when you don’t want it or threatens you with violence if you don’t have sex then you are being raped.

Husbands have historically been able to get away with the rape of their spouses but in modern times in western countries it is considered a form of abuse which should be considered wrong behavior.

Marauding males historically have raped women and it used to be considered an almost acceptable form of male aggressive behavior. Raping and pillaging is fortunately not condoned in most civilized parts of the world.



If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Ramble: v. to do a subset(s) randomly and largely impulsively without a transient goal(s)

If you impulsively talk and talk about random topics with seemingly no logical connection or if you just talk on and on with no seeming beginning or end then you are rambling.

Rambling can confuse you and/or it can bore you and it is frequently a symptom of talking too much and not having anything of importance to say.

 Rambling body movements are largely impulsive random movements where you are seemingly behaving like a crazy person doing one thing after another without really moving and knowing what movement will come next. You could perhaps also call it spontaneous serial random behavior.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 telling them to sit down and shut-up. Anonymous

Here are 99 more amusing quotes for your entertainment with explanations if you don’t get them!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Liberty: n. (political and/or social) and/or economic freedom to pursue a goal(s) but limited by laws and morality

Liberty and freedom are frequently confused as being one and the same meaning wise. Total political freedom is anarchy and liberty is the freedom to function within the law.

Even most libertarians who believe in minimum government and optimal social freedom believe that some social laws must exist to avoid anarchy and that a military and police force is necessary to protect a nation from invasion and from the criminals within it.

The historical slogan “give me liberty or give me death” properly rephrased would be “give me freedom or give me death” but even here the slogan is an absurdity because properly understood it would mean “give me anarchy or give me death”.

One human’s liberty is frequently another human’s oppression since the oppressiveness of laws is a matter of social debate and personal opinion. Optimizing freedom and living with acceptable liberty is going to be debated as long as tyranny does not triumph over a nation. Once tyranny puts a stranglehold on free discussion of political power, liberty is what the government says it is and the ruled humans within the nation are no longer in a position to change anything politically.

Liberty can also be thought of as the freedom from oppressive laws but oppression is very subjective and liberty would not be clearly defined. Oppression is everywhere from big government to big money, international banks, and corporations.

My major concern is the oppression from big agriculture and big pharma which is resulting in an unhealthy food supply and hundreds of drugs with unhealthy side effects which are ruining the health of millions of humans. Smaller organic farms and the use of drugs primarily only in life threatening situations, operations, debilitating diseases, and debilitating contagious diseases would go a long way towards improving the health of humans.

The conservation of biodiversity is vital if human civilization is to survive in the long duration and the world should not be in frontier mode destroying more and more wilderness. International and national laws must be changed to ensure the survival of wilderness and result in more just international trade.

True liberty is not one of the two extremes which is a law for everything or no laws at all or absolute freedom. True liberty is optimizing the just laws and minimizing the corrupt or unjust laws, especially special interest laws which favor select groups of the rich and powerful and do not promote the general welfare and individual meritorious behavior.

Liberty with just laws is what the oppressed dream of but never seem to be able to get realistically because big money rules supreme and there is no official accepted political morality which governs the formation of just laws for all citizens.

As long as politics is not guided by a common morality acceptable to all humans and as long as this common morality is no longer taught to impressionable young minds in elementary school, social corruption will increase rather than decrease and tyrannical rule is just around the corner when society can no longer interact peacefully but must be governed with force and the threat of force.

Just liberty must be grounded in a just morality and until we start teaching this morality worldwide, the world will just get more corrupt and unstable politically and even militarily.

The destruction of biodiversity must be excluded, lying and deception must not be tolerated publicly and should be ostracized privately, inefficiency must be minimized, stealing must be minimized, adultery outlawed, and murder minimized for true just liberty to reign supreme. No society will be totally just but an immoral society will not last and must ultimately be replaced by tyranny or rule by fear or the fear of punishment, death, and incarceration.

When most citizens can no longer trust one another to behave morally, peaceful human interaction breaks down and an oppressive veil of distrust and fear covers humanity.

Yes, morality is essential to liberty even though in the west personal morality is often a little different than someone else’s morality. State sponsored religious morality with laws reflecting that morality exists but unfortunately it oppresses the free practice of differing religions and personal moralities. 

That is why it is essential that one universal secular morality exists which is worldwide. My recommendation is-in non emergency situations-don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder!!!!!!

My evergreen truth books address these problems and offer solutions and the most important one is JUSTICE.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Liberation: n. freeing from human and/or behavioral and/or physical and/or legal bonds

Are you stuck in a bad relationship, bad addiction, unhealth, or legally binding contract which is bankrupting you? Then liberate yourself from your predicament and free yourself from those terrible bonds.

Easier said than done. You may not be able to readily escape a dysfunctional marriage, and addiction to an addictive drug, bad health, or credit card debt which is threatening bankruptcy.

If you want to truly liberate yourself then you will have to fight for it with much selfcontrol, the assistance of caring others if possible, and a fanatical devotion to developing some good habits to replace your slavery to bad habits. Crises situations will frequently lead to drastic measures or going cold turkey such as divorce, going into rehab, switching as soon as possible to a varied organic diet, and declaring bankruptcy.

If you are still not in crises mode then you can surf the internet or read some of my blogs and use the advice to gradually improve a situation which may have an eventual solution to your problem or problems. Remember, if you want to truly free yourself from your slavery to a bad lifestyle then you will have to do it largely on your own with or without the help of concerned friends who hopefully don’t have the same problems that you do or it will just be the blind leading the blind.

If you succeed in liberating yourself with the input of new relevant information which you smartly apply to your life then you will be “free at last, free at last within legal boundaries!”



If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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