Tag Archives: the truth about courtesy


common courtesy

Courtesy: n. using good and/or right etiquette

Social etiquette varies slightly from culture to culture but kindness and consideration for another’s needs is what courtesy is all about.

Holding the door for the next human, making more room in an elevator, letting a customer with few items go first at the checkout line, giving up your seat for the handicapped on a bus, not using profanities, saying “please” and “thank you”, not talking loudly, dressing appropriately, not pointing at someone, not staring at someone, etc. are just a few examples of courteous behavior.

Meanness and/or rudeness is what frequently happens when courtesy is ignored and humans will instantly think less of you as a human.

What is true is that private household etiquette is frequently much different than social etiquette and it is easy for offspring who have been living a sheltered existence at home to lack courtesy in public, especially saying “please” and “thank you” where appropriate. Youth is frequently more selfish and rebellious against proper social etiquette and it sometimes takes them much more social exposure to learn the acceptable cultural norms which are gradually changing too.

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