Monthly Archives: December 2018


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Did you ever notice how hard it is to share posts with other tech sites like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Minds, etc.?

If you try to share a post chances are good that you will not be able to do so thanks to the new big tech censorship. I therefore predict that fewer and fewer humans will utilize big tech for their creative output and big tech will mostly become a wasteland of mediocrity. Fake information and fake news is probably the major factor in neutering the internet and the cause for the sharing paranoia.

First I couldn’t share my blog posts with Facebook, then Twitter, most of Reddit, and Quora also no longer posts to Facebook and Twitter. About the only big tech firms which still accept posts is Pinterest and I expect this to be discontinued in the near future.

Google is also censoring websites and web content via its encrypted format and sometimes it just posts a statement saying the website is not secure. Pretty soon I predict the internet will only be used by registered humans who have been vetted for honesty without a criminal record and new websites similarly will have to go through a universal vetting procedure to minimize fraud and other forms of criminality including political incorrectness. It will be the age of moral free speech and not any and all free speech which has decimated trust in the internet and its publications.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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When first meeting someone it is wise not to ask very personal questions but to be very general in the questions which you ask to determine whether he or she may make a good friend or even a potential mate. It is important to find out quickly whether you have some mutual interests upon which you can build a further relationship.

What kind of work do you do?

Are you married?

Do you have children?

Do you have any hobbies?

What do you do in your spare time?

Where do you live?

If you do find out that you have some things in common then you can continue to ask more detailed questions.

How long have you worked at your current job?

Are you happy with your job?

Do you intend to move up the ladder or will you be switching companies?

Where do you think you’ll be ten years from today?

What will you be doing in your retirement?

What do you like the most?

What do you hate the most?

What do you get angry about the most?

What do you do for entertainment?

Do you follow any sports?

If you could live your life over what would you change?

What characteristic do you most admire in others?

Once you have asked these questions and any others which popped up during the conversation you can further ask more intimate questions about family and friends and specifically what the spouse or friends do for a living. After asking the 18 or more questions you will be in a pretty good position to know if you have enough mutual interests to pursue the relationship or to merely categorize it as a casual acquaintance or relationship.


Ultimately the manager or boss sets the tone of the workplace. If the manager is competent, optimistic, almost always in a good mood, greets workers before work, is willing to give advice and ask for advice when appropriate, engages in solving problems, gives appropriate praise or rewards for work well done, fairly punishes or disciplines when necessary, shows concern for the emotional state of employees and empathizes with them, is kind and considerate, has a sense of humor, and generally has a positive can do attitude then you can’t really ask for much more.

The ideal manager has integrity, is moral, trustworthy, not pretentious, dependable, competent, respected, a good communicator, and has emotional intelligence. Respect is usually earned with time so trying to maintain respectability under almost all circumstances is important for the long haul.

Emotional intelligence: n. the ability to accurately assess a human’s emotional circumstance and to proceed to communicate appropriately and/or to motivate samer human to achieve a goal(s)

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to impulsively control your impulsive desires to express intense anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, frustration and not offend or greatly threaten the human whom you are communicating with and not stimulate them into defensive intense emotional reactions. It is the ability to communicate these “negative” emotions where appropriate in a calm controlled way.  

EQ is also the ability to confidently communicate loving, caring, empathetic, praising, or inspiring emotions which motivate a human to do their best at achieving a goal(s).

Emotional intelligence can be used to do good and/or bad things and to some extent it is also the ability to manipulate other humans to achieve desired goal(s). That is why managers with high emotional intelligence are sought after in business and institutional enterprises.

Good management means mostly staying emotionally cool or businesslike, listening intently to complaints, suggestions, or problems needing a solution, asking questions and follow up questions to pinpoint the problem, not arguing but being in discussion mode, attacking or trying to solve the problem without personal attacks, getting feedback on the progress of a job when necessary, being courteous and being polite can help in some instances, maintaining high standards of work and good behavior, and not micromanaging.

Employee disputes should be addressed by listening intently to both arguing sides, asking for or giving possible solutions, not taking sides and so not trying to embitter or create unneeded drama and hurt feelings, and letting the employees work it out for themselves if possible. Communicating your expectations and having a clear plan in mind on what to do is important in any dispute and job performance issue which needs guidance.

Mentoring and delegating authority in small steps may be done for employees who hope to advance in the organization to a managerial level.

A written warning can be issued and a little time given to resolve performance issues of a serious kind which may result in firing if not corrected.

We might mention that there is a big difference in managing well defined jobs such as cashiers, stock personnel, and janitors where you can be more authoritative and strict in your management style and managing a team of specialists who are all working together to fulfill project goals.

Managing a team of specialists or creative personnel where you have no detailed knowledge of their job skills is mainly a question of assessing possible cost of the project, length of the project time wise, number and type of personnel necessary, resources needed now, during, and at the end of the project, getting skillful feedback on progress during the project, and finally having the emotional intelligence to keep everyone motivated and working hard at achieving the stated goals of the project.

What you say to your employees and the tone of voice is also important. Sincerely saying good morning, how are you doing? anything new? how’s your family? is everything going smoothly? and any problems? can show a genuine interest in the well being of an employee. Saying – sorry I was wrong, I made a mistake, it was my fault, I could have done better, or laughing at an error shows humility and makes you more respected since employees realize that you are not claiming to be perfect and have some vulnerabilities.

There are many types of incompetent managers who may also have personality problems. They are not confident that they will climb the corporate ladder any further and are fearful that their job will be replaced by someone lower in the pecking order. They may be secretive and sometimes exert their authority with bossy threats, rudeness, and inconsiderate behavior. Added to this they may have a high turnover of employees fearing that one of them will eventually replace them and that they will be without a job or have to move on to another one. If you are this kind of a bad manager then you deserve what you will ultimately get-replaced.

Summarizing one could say that it is most important for a good manager or supervisor to be authentic and not pretentious, to motivate, communicate well and often enough with employees, and be a manager who is willing to learn something new and improve one’s job and human skill set. A good manager is a good role model, a leader, a teacher, a motivator, and a disciplinarian if necessary.

If you are interested in more detailed management knowledge then read a book on emotional intelligence such as Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry, and use a search engine to look up topics or words used in this article such as motivating employees, feedback, communicating in the workplace, leadership, teamwork, solving problems, disciplining employees, toxic employees, etc.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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When computer automation takes over most jobs, who will be in a position to consume products and services without earned income? Well, obviously those maintaining the technology will be in the forefront with more than decent wages but the vast majority will be on some form of government welfare and on a fixed income.

Politically this is a little scary because the overwhelming majority will always vote for more welfare money and this could enslave the remaining elite working class and make them slaves supporting the welfare class. I would strongly suggest that we reduce the votes of those on welfare to a fraction of one vote so that the vote of the minority working class has more clout. Of course this will need a constitutional amendment which is probably highly unlikely to pass.

The robots will be the new dominant workers and it makes sense that they will eventually be taxed to fund all the humans which they have replaced and now will be living on welfare. A guaranteed annual minimum wage without working has already been proposed so effectively most will not be working but just spending money given by the government. The political and social ramifications are revolutionary but the financial ramifications are revolutionary also where financial growth is going to be dependent on an increase in robot productivity and not human productivity.

There will be no credit for those on welfare so spending and their income will only rise if their government benefits will. Inflation will be less of a problem because there will be over production. Monopolistic production may be in the hands of relatively few so prices and inflation may rise because of product price increases in the monopolistic economy.

Most humans will no longer own their own cars, own homes, and recreational vehicles but will be renting them if they save up enough money. They will be riding around in hired driverless vehicles, living in apartments, having few if any offspring, and spending most of their time at home. They will be eating, drinking, doing drugs, having sex, and spending most of their time online in search of entertainment or if smart, seeking further useful educational advancement.

For some, not having to work sounds like utopia but for others it is a kind of dystopia or permanent retirement from life with all its possible adventures, anxieties, stresses, and tragedies. Was human kind meant to live in retirement mode or will it cause a dramatic increase in health problems, addictions, and mental illness? Only time will tell.

Small businesses will dramatically decrease because the initial capital investment in them will be huge and the probability of failure extremely high. Specialty internet small businesses may still thrive but employed workers for these enterprises will probably be minimal.

Actually what I have outlined so far is a likely scenario if a country is self sustaining  or self supporting and produces everything that it consumes. Realistically we are in a competitive worldwide environment of relatively free trade and the threat of financial national bankruptcy is a greater threat than is that of robotization. If you just keep spending and producing very little for consumption or export bankruptcy is inevitable.

Other countries are becoming more competitive and are producing products more cheaply than we could ever hope to. The United States will have relatively cheap products from around the world but the budget deficit will grow by leaps and bounds.

International banks, corporations, and institutions have more political clout than that of any one nation. Wealth is being spread worldwide and the United States unfortunately is on a never ending slide in standard of living. A more likely scenario is that the United States will just become another third world nation with relatively few in a wealthy upper class and the vast majority will be in a relatively poor lower class as far as income is concerned.

Unless made in the United States has a rebirth and there are things which the world needs from the United States, besides food, energy, and military protection, the United States will continue its almost inevitable economic slide downwards on into the foreseeable future.

Much more could be written about automation such as bot content creators for almost everything we see and read, bot actors, bot musicians, bot teachers, bot nannies, bot sexual partners, drone deliveries, etc. No human field is safe from robotization or a symbiosis between humans and machines. How fast this trend will continue is debatable but this kind of change is inevitable to the detriment of future generations of average not exceptional humans. If you are part of the technological revolution then you will do just fine. If not, your life may seem rather meaningless without a job that you can derive satisfaction and purpose from.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!


Does free will exist?


Most of us are free to set short and long duration goals for ourselves and try to achieve them to the best of our ability. We make choices on a daily basis and proceed to follow through with actions. So it seems that we are free to lead the life that we choose or have free will.

Unfortunately we have physical and moral boundaries to the choices that we make in life and we have been brought up with certain opinions and beliefs which limit the free choices which we make. We are a product of our environment which also shapes our approach to life so free will is not that free after all. We are “programmed” throughout life which affects the choices which we make impulsively and otherwise.

We usually are not free to rape, pillage, and murder so we choose alternate lifestyles that are socially acceptable. You could say that we have free will to choose to do things but that the things that we choose to do have limits or boundaries to them both mental and physical.

You have the free will to become a serial killer or mass shooter if you chose but the probability that you will actually do so if you are mentally healthy is miniscule or almost zero.


What is the meaning of life and how does it differ from animals?


For animals it is survival of the fittest and reproduction or survival for those who can best adapt to environmental circumstances and for those who can reproduce. For humans those who best adapt to environmental and social circumstances usually reproduce and their genes survive into future generations.

You could say that eating, drinking, sleeping, setting goals, achieving goals, and conservatively reproducing along the way is the meaning of life. I say conservatively reproduce because overpopulation if not reduced can mean the end of humanity as we know it.

Yes, you can further elaborate and include sacrifice, smart hard work, a useful education, a moral personality, integrity, love, creativity, etc. in your description of human characteristics and activities which give meaning to life in greater detail. So  the meaning of life can be simply or generally summarized by describing what humans think and do in the world. What you think and do is the personal meaning of your life no matter how shitty or tragic it may sometimes seem or be.


What should be the goal of humanity?


You can describe many goals of humanity but probably the main goal of humanity is to survive maybe even beyond the death of the sun and survive with the conservation and even expansion of the wilderness with its plant and animal abundance. It is my belief that humanity will perish or become extinct much sooner if it destroys or poisons the environment and that includes wilderness and wildlife.


Will religion ever become obsolete?


Historically religion has been used to tame the human aggressive beast into a moral human who can relatively peacefully interact with members of his or her own tribe. Science is also a kind of religion or belief system which is a powerful tool to use in solving and often creating new problems. Science will never prove experimentally the need of morality for humans but it can be useful in pointing out the exceptions to any absolutist moral code or morality.

Morality will never become obsolete but it should be transformed into a modern secular moral code such as- in nonemergency situations- don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder. This secular morality has worldwide application and if accepted as a standard worldwide it could facilitate more peaceful interactions amongst nations.

Religion someday may be close to obsolescence but some sort of morality or ethical principles will continue to exist as long as humans populate the earth.


Is suffering a necessary part of the human condition?


Suffering is really a punishment for doing something wrong or having the wrong beliefs and opinions. Suffering can vary from culture to culture but it is punishment for living an unhealthy, uneducated, financially irresponsible, disobedient, and irresponsible life in general. Break the rules of society and you usually suffer or get punished for breaking the rules in some way.

Destroy or poison the environment and you will also suffer or get punished with bad health and even death.

Yes, suffering for many is inevitable as a fact of living in a changing society always trying to avoid chaos in a relatively chaos prone world. A world where the new generation always challenges the old generations ways of thinking and doing.


Is it more important to help yourself, help your family, help your society, or help the world?


All four are important but of primary importance is yourself because only when you land a good paying job or start a successful business can you hope to support a family and contribute money towards social causes and world causes such as wilderness protection or even expansion.

Of course you can also set aside time to participate in social organizations promoting certain causes which may at minimum only be a political party. So help yourself first and then you can better help a family, society, and the world.


Can you become anything which you want to become?


Yes, you can set rather mighty goals in your life but we are all born unequal with different looks, abilities, and social and financial status. While the handicaps of average looks and low social and financial status can sometimes be overcome with a lot of smart hard work your average mental and physical abilities may handicap you if you are hoping to become exceptional in complex professions or high leadership positions.

It often requires an exceptional memory or superb physical strength or coordination to reach the top and excel in science, politics, and national and international sports. You will often become a frustrated, disappointed, and miserable human if you aim too high and your natural abilities are just not good enough to reach your lofty goal(s). So unless you are gifted at birth, you often can’t become what you want to become in life, especially if your goals exceed your natural ability.

How good your genes are often determines what your optimal potential is in life. Yes, you can have good genes and waste away opportunities by being lazy and not learning much of significance. There is a saying that talent without working smart and hard is wasted.


Does absolute power corrupt absolutely?


Yes, human power not limited by morality and just laws is impulsive, coercive, destructive, corrupt behavior. Historically caesers, emperors, pharaohs, and tyrants with absolute power became very corrupt, especially if they were corrupt to begin with. Yes, there were some great leaders in history but most of them were relatively moral and lawful with their own flock and imposed relatively just laws on those that they conquered or expected tribute of some kind from the conquered.

In an age of powerful monopolies and monied international big banks, international big corporations, big international organizations, and big government,  the temptation to be corrupt is great.


What would you genetically change about humans to make them a better species?


Healthier humans free of most debilitating diseases, humans with more efficient brains or better memory and processing ability, and finally and least important, better looking humans which is a very subjective choice.

Some may feel that making humans less genetically aggressive or violent and making them more compassionate or empathetic is the way human genetics should be modified. All that I think this would do is make a nation of obedient sheep with the more aggressive ones at the top anyway.

Still others feel that humans should be made genetically less emotional but I think this can best be done with a logical language which has less emphasis on emotional words. An example of a more logical language is LOGICAL ENGLISH DICTIONARY which I authored.

Since humans remember intense emotional experiences longer than other experiences I think that reducing emotions genetically will adversely affect human memory so I am not for reducing human emotions genetically.


What should you know about yourself?


You should realize how good – your memory is, your coordination skills, your conversation skills, your math and verbal skills, and your social skills or emotional intelligence? Those are the keys to knowing thyself rather well.

You can improve your coordination skills by learning to use tools and participating in sports, you can improve your conversation and social skills by interacting more with others, especially those with diverse backgrounds, and you can improve your math and verbal skills with practice and reading.

You can slightly improve your memory with word association skills or mnemonics which will make it easier to remember certain things. What you probably can’t improve much is your brain efficiency or how fast you think and how much you remember over a long period of time.

There is truth to the saying that practice makes perfect. Keep in mind or realize that if you are practicing a new complex skill 5 or 10 times more than someone else your age practicing a new complex skill then chances are that you will probably not excel in that complex skill at the highest levels. Yes, you will acquire many complex skills with practice but you will probably never reach celebrity status or world renown in that complex skill.

Your parents are a fairly good example of the skills which you may excel in if there are any at a high level. Whatever the situation do the best that you can at any skill but realize that you may just be handicapped, average, or above average in most skills and not exceptional. Choose your life’s profession accordingly so you don’t suffer from premature burnout or trying to do the impossible. Choose your role models and professions wisely so that they better fit your natural or inborn abilities.


Was the universe created or has it always been around and always will be?


The problem with a creator is that you can always ask who created the creator and nobody knows the answer to this question. You can also ask what created the universe and try to answer infinite energy located at a point in space but this still doesn’t answer what existed before the infinite energy creation.

I like to think of the universe as something which always has existed and always will exist. Sure, galaxies, suns, and planets are created and then die or are reformed into other galaxies, suns, and planets but the universe in its entirety still exists on into an infinity of time and through an infinity of space.


Will humans ever know everything there is to know?


Probably not because we still have not invented accurate tools to explain the very very small and the very very big. Both extremes are still a mystery and probably will be until humans and machines evolve with greater sensing ability. Our best tools so far are light or electromagnetic radiation and gravity which we still don’t entirely understand.


How do we perceive reality?


Our senses and scientific instruments perceive reality which is spread from human to human through words and mathematics. Most thinking is done verbally, visually, and with audio.

Yes, thinking can be delusional and based on false opinions, false beliefs, and fictitious concepts or fiction and fantasy but perception of the reality is mostly through our senses such as eyes, ears, smell, touch, etc.


Is philosophy dead or has morality or ethics and science replaced it?


Science is an experimentally proven philosophy of words, mathematics, and facts about nature. The only real philosophical realm left to historical philosophy is morality or ethics. Morality and ethics can’t be proven mathematically so it is subject to some biased subjectivity which is a philosophical approach.

Morality or ethical principles vary from culture to culture and if you were to consider a modern universal secular morality applicable across most cultures then one would be- in nonemergency situations- don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder.


To what extent is government philosophical?


The ideal government should reward its moral law abiding citizens and punish the immoral or criminal humans or at least reduce criminality to tolerable levels. Government is the eternal struggle of its moral citizens against its immoral ones which unfortunately often includes the leadership or politicians.


What is the ideal government?


The reality besides a moral or philosophical question is to what extent should there be individual rights, minority rights, and collective or majority rights? Since an individual is the smallest minority how should the individual be protected against the oppressive tyranny of the majority and the government itself?

This is a governmental question with pure communism at one extreme and pure capitalism at the other extreme. My opinion is that there should be a bill of rights for the individual with mostly capitalism for the working class and socialism for the destitute and also unemployed. Call it Capsocialism if you want.

Yes, a governmental constitution of laws is necessary which often keeps evolving with time into more and more of a monopolistic and tyrannical structure from an original democratic republic of many relatively small economic units or businesses.

What an ideal government should also try to do is make sure is that humans have somewhat of an equal opportunity to succeed in society despite the fact that there will always be the very rich and the very poor at the other extreme. Since everyone is born unequal with differing natural abilities and looks, the ideal government should provide the possibility of advancement in the social structure and professions based mostly on merit rather than purely on ideology, nepotism or social status of parents.

What is the best protection against a tyrannical government? The right of every moral law abiding citizen to have guns or deadly weapons as part of a written constitution as well as free moral speech, right to assemble peacefully, and other legal defensive rights to avoid becoming the victim of oppressive acts by the government and immoral individuals and groups.


Should there be a limit on what science and technology can create?


Probably creating high frequency wireless cellphones and computers is not a smart thing to do because it can have bad effects on human health and brain health specifically. Altering human DNA is probably also not a smart thing to do because these resultant mutations might not be beneficial to human health in the long duration.

That is why we should be very careful with new science and technology creations because they can potentially have long duration bad effects on human, animal, and plant health and survival.

Artificial chemicals and drugs are already badly affecting human health and creating more toxic chemicals will just exacerbate the situation.


Finally, all philosophical answers with the exception of proven scientific facts are biased and subjective and there can be more than one answer which is deemed acceptable. If your philosophical answers are different then while free moral speech is still protected you have a right to your own opinion, belief, or answer. Best wishes. Peace!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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The stock market today is a speculative crap shoot where the whole market can decrease in value as much as 50% in a few days or weeks as during a crash and the extreme volatility in individual stocks is an indication that their price is being manipulated by big money and fast computers and not small investors. In effect, price movement is no longer based on fundamentals or evaluation of tangible assets.

New technology stocks are where much of the speculation is occurring and if it is a company with a truly innovative product or service then it can experience incredible short term growth. However, long duration growth is soon stopped by big technology firms which buy them up and incorporate them into their companies to eliminate competition or to give them a future technological competitive advantage.

Investing in an upstart IPO and holding on to it for the long duration is no longer a realistic goal for an investor hoping for million dollar gains twenty or thirty years from the start of an IPO.

Finally, the stock market is a short duration speculative investment which can tank at any moment all determined by whether the big money invests in it or withdraws its financial support to suddenly invest elsewhere. The stock market has become a short duration gambling enterprise and not a serious long duration investment.

If you want guaranteed retirement money security for old age then don’t invest in the stock market for the long duration. Stick with real estate, diversified municipal bonds, or a precious or rare commodity such as platinum and gold when it is not being sold at inflated prices because big money also manipulates commodity prices and makes them go up or down at will. The real value of a metal commodity is the price it takes to mine and refine it so if the commodity price is three or four times its production price then don’t buy it at this inflated value.

You probably won’t become a millionaire but you will maintain the value of your hard earned dollars until retirement when you can spend some of it without finding out that inflation has reduced your savings in a bank to a pittance over a forty year period.


If you want money security in your retirement years, don’t invest in the stock market for the long duration. If you want to gamble with your hard earned money and probably lose most of it then play and get burned in the stock market!!!!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Big international banking is probably why the danger of  World War 3 is highly unlikely since the world is so economically interdependent and no major nation wants a physical war nor much less an all out cyber war designed to incapacitate a major economic nation in the world. Yes, if the total military system of a nation is neutralized or totally incapacitated with cyber attacks then blackmail is a distinct possibility but I doubt that it would lead to a physical world war. There is a war on to try and control your mind with socialist and communist propaganda internationally but this will take a few generations to achieve unless big internet tech is determined to make it happen sooner.

That said bigness in general has many drawbacks since monopoly or big business size has a tendency to corrupt an organizational structure and any products or information which it may choose to disseminate or sell to customers. Quality service, quality products, and quality information suffers whenever something gets too big.

The big food business or monoculture big agribusiness in general is largely producing cheap food and polluting and losing the topsoil which it is so heavily dependent on. The soil is being poisoned by artificial fertilizers, artificial pesticides and herbicides, questionable GMO’s, and the topsoil is decreasing with each passing year. Big factory farming is producing too many livestock with unnatural doses of antibiotics, hormones, and genetically modified livestock which no longer reproduce the natural way but do so only with artificial insemination.

Over processing of limited biodiverse produce and adding too much sugar, preservatives, color, and artificial chemicals is further degrading the quality of the food and drink. If the old adage that you are what you eat is true then the bad quality of limited fast food and food and drink in general is causing severe health problems for most of the humans in a nation.

Going organic is a smart move but when big corporations take over companies such as Whole Foods which was promising to go organic then organic food struggles. When Aldi supermarkets get too numerous they no longer have an incentive to sell organic produce at the accelerating rate which theoretically would be a good thing. Bigness frankly sucks. Bigness slows down organic innovation and decelerates the pace of needed change in the food and drink business towards higher quality or nutrient value.

Bad health has resulted in big medicine creating artificial drugs which treat the symptoms of an illness but don’t cure it guaranteeing permanent addicted customers. Just listen to the side effects of drugs advertised on TV. The side effects are worse than the symptoms and the possible consequences are the medical conditions which the drugs claim to obscure but not cure.

Over prescription of pain killers, opioids, mood enhancing drugs, anti psychotic drugs, antibiotics, and pills in general has made the majority of Americans dependent on medication of some kind and the number taking 5 or more pills is accelerating, especially among the elderly. Big medicine, high insurance, and medical malpractice suits are causing much disillusionment in the profession. Fewer and fewer humans are choosing  to enter the medical profession and fewer and fewer humans believe that doctors are trying to cure them but are just cynically considering them as a source for renewed prescriptions and income.

Big internet tech companies are the next great source for future lousy information and excessive censorship of ideas and news. Fake news and fake information has made the public lose trust in what they are getting from the media and internet tech companies. Almost all attempts at regaining this trust seem to be colossal failures. Once trust is lost it can take decades or lifetimes to get the trust back.

How do you censor moral free speech from fake and immoral free speech with an algorithm which is just to all law abiding humans? It is mission impossible and the only way out is to patronize smaller internet websites whose mission is clearly stated and worthwhile enough to be financially supported by a trusting readership.

Internet censorship is just one step away from a tyrannical big government with basically one party or two parties that have one and the same philosophy. Many have already complained that there is no difference in the Republican or the Democratic establishment parties. The rich get richer, the middle class is dying fast, the welfare class grows, and the average working citizen is being largely ignored by the politicians.

Many special interest laws have been passed with so many that Congress no longer can pass understandable plain English laws which mean what they say on paper. There are so many vague laws passed which rely upon the bureaucracy interpreting the laws and actually enforcing them via the legal system. Bureaucratic bias is rampant and small businesses who can’t afford an expensive lawyer to explain the laws are at a considerable disadvantage.

Big money power and bigness in general is oppressing the individual and any rights that he or she may still have by law in the constitution. Humans are being royally fucked by big money, a big economy, big medicine, big food or farming, big education, big information, and a big government system. It seems things will only get worse with the passage of time. If you are smart then you will patronize organic food, minimal medicine or minimal usage of drugs both legal and illegal, promote useful education, promote small businesses, and try to pass on your morality to your offspring if you decide to have any offspring.

The problem with big lifeforms is that they are usually too big, too slow, too inefficient, and too stupid to survive in the long duration once they have devoured all the medium sized and little lifeforms. Yes, decentralization is a possible alternative for bigness not becoming extinct but promoting small businesses is the ultimate antidote to a big or huge corrupted dying organism.

Globalism is a money tyranny trying to impose its will on the world and it is basically tyrannical in nature. Globalism has a tyrannical ideology which seeks to impose uniformity of obedient thought on the world and destroy any democracies in the process. Rumblings of nationalism have surfaced and is a weak rebellion against one ideological global tyranny. The European Union is not working out very well any more and without political unity there is little hope for long term continued economic unity.

It is true that if you control the money supply of the world then you really shouldn’t care what political system is running a nation but unfortunately big money leads inevitably to coercive tyrannical tactics and that ultimately means that all the nations of the world will eventually be led by tyrants.

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Deep fake technology outpacing security countermeasures

The above article in is truly scary on deep-fake-technology. Read it all.

Fake news is bad enough but what if that fake news was doctored audio video images of someone doing or saying things that they DIDN’T do or say. Yes, not outside the realm of possibility is a fake yet realistic image and audio of you murdering your spouse or killing someone that you hate. An incredible believable frame up!

“Consider these terrifying possibilities,” they posited:

• Fake videos could feature public officials taking bribes, uttering racial epithets, or engaging in adultery;
• Politicians and other government officials could appear in locations where they were not, saying or doing horrific things that they did not;
• Fake videos could place them in meetings with spies or criminals, launching public outrage, criminal investigations, or both;
• Soldiers could be shown murdering innocent civilians in a war zone, precipitating waves of violence and even strategic harms to a war effort;
• A deep fake might falsely depict a white police officer shooting an unarmed black man while shouting racial epithets;
• A fake audio clip might “reveal” criminal behavior by a candidate on the eve of an election;
• A fake video might portray an Israeli official doing or saying something so inflammatory as to cause riots in neighboring countries, potentially disrupting diplomatic ties or even motivating a wave of violence;
• False audio might convincingly depict US officials privately “admitting” a plan to commit this or that outrage overseas, exquisitely timed to disrupt an important diplomatic initiative; and,
• A fake video might depict emergency officials “announcing” an impending missile strike on Los Angeles or an emergent pandemic in New York, provoking panic and worse.

The above is just a short list of all the frame ups which could be possible and I am sure the list is probably endless and incredibly terrifying. When evidence is so compelling yet fake who will trust audio video crime evidence gathered at the scene of the crime? Our jury system may be in peril since humans will no longer believe in audio visual evidence produced in court!

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“Don’t think of it as getting fired. Think of it as finally being recognized for your incompetence.”

An incompetent employee is basically an employee who doesn’t have the necessary job skills to do a job well. That may include a dysfunctional or toxic personality or bad social skills which manifests itself with bad relationships with the boss or manager and with coworkers thus endangering good morale.

Ideally a resume and job interview should weed out the incompetent individuals but it is always possible that the candidate for the job may lie and deceive and succeed in being hired much to the later dismay of the boss or manager.

Things such as prior job experience, number of prior jobs, length of time worked at the jobs, drug tests, future plans, and reasons for leaving are all important in determining potential job competence.

Possible personality flaws are hard to diagnose during an interview but a potential job candidate should have a good communication skills and be able to answer questions relatively spontaneously, with conviction, and fluently. Showing up late, hesitancy, inability to answer some valid questions, stupid answers, a very laid back attitude, nonawareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, or inappropriate dress may all be red flags and possible personality drawbacks.

A human resource department does not exist in all organizations but a good one may filter out the bad candidates for a job before an actual interview with the boss or manager.

Once hired there are signs of job incompetence. The human may be a procrastinator and basically be unmotivated or slow and lazy, they may make many mistakes or be slow learners, and generally not do the job in a timely fashion by taking too long to do a job or rushing through and not doing the job well.

Then there is the insubordinate human, the incessant complainer, the overly argumentative or bullying type, the back stabber, the chronic gossiper, and one constantly making excuses and blaming others or circumstances for not doing the job right.

These personality flaws can become very toxic in the work environment and ruin company morale so it is important to act on the problem sooner rather than later and it is important to document all the unfortunate incidents if firing becomes necessary. Legally you don’t have to give a reason for firing someone if they are not a member of a union but if you have documented all the bad incidents then you yourself can have confidence in your decision to let someone go and not further ruin company morale.

There can be infrequent insubordination, occasional complaints, occasional arguments, some bullying, some gossip, and some excuses and blaming. If infrequent you may choose to ignore the rare bad incidents but if it is a complaint then you should listen carefully and determine if anything can be done to solve the problem which comes with the complaint.

There are some humans who complain out of habit. They complain about their family, about their friends, about coworkers, about the boss, about the weather, about their job, and about everything in general. These humans are toxic to morale and even if they do their job competently they are still a bad apple which should be removed quickly so they don’t scare away or infect other employees with their negativity.

When two coworkers argue then you may have to involve yourself in a calm manner, listen to both sides of the argument and then suggest ways that they can work things out themselves without taking sides and creating more drama and bad feelings. Arguing with an incompetent boss may be a problem without a solution unless the boss or manager is replaced.

Determining why someone is being insubordinate, complaining, arguing, bullying, or blaming is important if it has not gotten out of hand because you may be able to resolve the problem so it doesn’t happen again. Listen carefully, ask questions, and request suggestions on what may be done to solve the problem.

One important point to make is that the frequency of incompetent behavior is important. Does the incompetence happen once a day, once a week, once a month, or even once a year? If rather infrequent then the incompetence may be bearable and can maybe even be overlooked.

The severity of the incompetence is also a consideration so if it leads to two or more coworkers quitting their jobs then it is definitely severe incompetence which should not have been permitted in the first place.

There is outright insubordination or breaking company rules or not doing what you are ordered or asked to do. This is serious insubordination but sometimes a worker may have a different yet valid way of doing things which still gets the job done in a timely fashion. You may ask someone to do something a certain way and they may come up with a different but just as good way of doing something. This is not outright insubordination but merely a different way of doing something and basically getting the same results. Call it an example of creativity if you want, but don’t object to it in a condescending brutal way if you still want them to do it exactly your way.

Some workers may make excuses and blame others or circumstances for being late or not doing the job right. I got up late, I partied last night, I argued with my spouse, I was caught in traffic, I had a death in the family, I had a headache, my child had an accident, I had a flat tire, I’m tired, I didn’t have enough time, I had too many interruptions, I had an argument, I was given the wrong advice, I don’t feel good, etc. are all possible excuses for not showing up on time or bad job performance.

The procrastinator or unmotivated lazy employee still doing marginal work can be a real dilemma. Setting time deadlines for a task or tasks can be tried, praise for doing a job quickly may help but ultimately an unmotivated employee is an irritant to fellow coworkers who may have to work extra hard and do some of the workload of the unmotivated one. If the procrastinator shows up to work on time then you may have to fire them without cause and maybe simply say there is not enough work around here anymore for you to do. Effectively we are laying off the workforce and you are included.

Ultimately the manager or boss sets the tone of the workplace. If the manager is competent, optimistic, almost always in a good mood, greets workers before work, is willing to give advice and ask for advice when appropriate, engages in solving problems, gives appropriate praise or rewards for work well done, fairly punishes when necessary, shows concern for the emotional state of employees and empathizes with them, is kind and considerate, has a sense of humor, and generally has a positive can do attitude then you can’t really ask for much more.

Not hiring incompetent workers in the first place is the smart thing to do. If there is severe or glaring incompetence after hiring then firing or laying off is the right thing to do to avoid future morale problems in the company.

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From a cost perspective we need four things to make the border more secure. We need a wall along the most populated border areas, surveillance cameras along vast open areas of the border so that wildlife can cross unimpaired, and a permanent outpost of border patrols along the border with temporary fenced in tent holding areas, and simple legal deporting procedures with trained personnel to deliver illegal crossers back across the border.

I personally would favor sending all illegal crossers to a remote island and advertising this as a place that you will wind up in to a worldwide audience. Unfortunately this is not a viable political option although it could realistically become a successful scare tactic once the law was largely publicized and enforced.

Chances are great that nothing will be done into the foreseeable future because of political polarization even though the four options are a rational cost effective way to mostly solve the border crossing problem.

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Big money has always been dominant in the stock market, big money used to be reliably powerful in politics before Trump’s election and will continue to be the prime motivating factor beyond his presidency, big money international corporations and banks are pushing leftist ideology and using it to discriminate against new workers who do not seem to fit the ideological mold. Big money technological companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft are also censoring info based on big money media suggestions which are also heavily left wing biased. Big pharma and big agriculture is creating untrustworthy medication with disastrous side effects and bad nutrient deficient food. Big universities give an overabundance of degrees in job poor areas.

What is the result? The stock market is no longer a trusted viable long term investment and traditional stock brokers are having a hard time finding new gullible clients. No reputable politician has a chance to be elected into high office, especially the presidency. Small successful companies are soon bought up by conglomerates and competition and innovation is severely reduced. Internet technology companies are censoring controversial and conservative ideas making a single ruling party highly likely in the future where competition of ideas will be almost nonexistent. Medicine and non organic food is of very poor quality. A university degree no longer means a guaranteed job but probably a lifetime of paying back outrageously expensive student loans.

Due to fake information, fake news, and politically correct yet flawed ideology there is generally a distrust of the media, politicians, corporate leaders, big pharma, big agriculture, big education, and big celebrities.

Can trust in our large institutions and leadership ever be recovered? The answer is probably not for a long time since once trust disappears it takes as much as a new generation of censored leadership to regain some semblance of trust which now seems like a highly unlikely scenario. The powerful monied class will just get more powerful and corrupt with the passing of time and only a slow moral revival from the ground up can hope to revitalize the morality of the citizenry and then that of the leadership.

Yes, censorship will try to reestablish a sense of order from the chaos but bot censorship will be highly unjust and cynicism will prevail for a long time among the common humans in society. If alternative media is permitted to exist then it will become the source of a revitalized morality which will create a renewed sense of trust in what appears on the internet in certain selective places.

Globalism and globalist propaganda will reign supreme and minority voices will be suppressed in favor of a mind numbing propagandistic status quo. Future brainwashing will be on a scale heretofore unprecedented as a handful of companies will control all published info with a minimum of dissenting voices permitted.

Sanctuary cities, successful attempts at voter fraud such as illegal aliens being given the right to vote in some places and ballot stacking in others, convicted felons who have served their time have been given the right to vote in Florida, the law favors open borders, laws are legalizing pot, opioids, mind altering drugs, and heavy medication of over 30% of the population with psychiatric drugs are just some of the signs of further moral decay all creating more and more chaos or disruption with each passing year.

Only about 15 % of the population is metabolically healthy according to one report, a majority of the population is overweight, a vast majority are on medications of some sort, moral financially responsible family units are struggling to survive and those that still exist are often living from paycheck to paycheck with no emergency funds for backup emergencies. The United States is not only in a moral crisis but a financial one with deficit spending running out of control and getting worse with each passing year.

So is there any reason for some optimism? Yes, the population of developed nations is shrinking since not enough are born to replace those that die off. Robots and computer software is replacing many boring and repetitive jobs. Interactive audio visual internet education may supplement an archaic dysfunctional educational system. Smartphones means more internet communication and less social driving around. Self driving cars will replace the need for private transportation and waste less energy in the long duration since many goods will be delivered door to door more efficiently.

Sure, this means most will be living on some kind of welfare or welfare assistance and leading rather boring purposeless lives. But life has never been fair, especially for those with little or no money making ability.

Will there eventually be a revolt of the oppressed masses? Probably not because too many will be strung out on alcohol and drugs to really care much about the sad state of affairs around them. Existence for most will be the bare basics-food, alcohol, drugs, and sex. Not a pretty sight but a highly likely future reality for most judging by current trends on into the future. Can a nation survive under these conditions? Yes, but the government will have to be a tyrannical one which it is getting more tyrannical with each passing year.

Is a more optimistic future possible? Yes, I have written in detail about such an optimistic scenario in my books and encyclopedic blog but the question is -will enough humans read it all and how many will pick up the gauntlet and run with it, especially those hoping to be in future leadership positions?

The globalists are in charge and they probably know where they want the world to be twenty years from now and even further down the road. In the meantime, lead your life with integrity, morality, sincerity, dependability, competence, friendliness, courage, useful selfeducation, and contribute to causes that you believe in with some of your hard earned money. If you succeed in doing that then you will have made a small part of the world a better place to live in. May your struggle be as peaceful as possible. Best wishes.

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Unit 2: Historical Documents and the U.S. Constitution.

I have compiled a list of what I think is a sane rational political view which will benefit most in a nation and world and is the best governing system which you can realistically hope for.


Guns for all law abiding citizens without felony records or convictions.

Capitalism for the employed and socialism for the destitute and also unemployed.

Constitutionalism subject to structural amendments such as eliminating state bureaucracies and only having the House of Representatives with additional local rights currently reserved for the states.

Environmentalism but no climate change laws since the change is solar caused and not human caused.

The right to choose especially in financial and health emergencies. An unwanted child is not something which should be forced on anyone.

Gay rights but no special treatment of transgender oddballs. Heterosexual, moral, financially responsible childless families should be given preference in all adoptions.

A secular moral code taught to all impressionable young minds in elementary public schools.

War to defend allies if attacked and war in self defense.

Censorship of immoral and criminal behavior.

Closed borders with relatively liberal legal immigration to fill job demands, especially in specialized and high technology fields.

Freedom for organized religion as long as it is not Sharia law which runs counter to the constitution, especially bad if the religion tries to enforce oppressive patriarchal rules.

Relatively small efficient government.

Enforcement of drug laws which will minimize the harm to children from mind altering legal and illegal adult drug use.

Social security for retired citizens and those with severe disabilities or handicaps.

Strategic free trade so that a nation does not become vulnerable to cyber or military warfare or blackmail.

Efficient robotization of work where possible.

Conservation and expansion of wilderness with wildlife.



Communism or Government tyranny.

Special interest laws or loopholes, especially for big money individuals, big corporations, and big organizations.

Progressive taxes that are not a uniform fixed percentage for all.

Taxation of organic farming and sustainable non polluting businesses both of which should be untaxed.

Inheritance tax.

The death penalty.

Gender discrimination in general unless it is very demanding physical strength ability or extreme athletic physical ability mostly reserved for males.


I have mainly stated generalities. If you are interested in details or specifics on any topic then search my encyclopedic blog at or read my books on Amazon, many of which are free with prime membership. Happy hunting. Enjoy!

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When the internet started out there was optimal freedom and it seems that you could even call it the days of the Wild Wild West. It seemed that anyone could join, create a website, and get lots of free information from it such as pictures, music, videos, and articles. Plagiarism was rampant and intellectual property was stolen on a regular basis.

Then the shit hit the fan and immoral behavior soon lead to unscrupulous malicious humans or hackers and bots infecting computers with malware, viruses, Trojans, pop up ads, and phishing scams. Today online scams continue along with an abundance of fake information, fake news, and much abusive language. Hackers invade business and government websites and get much customer information such as passwords, social security numbers, bank account numbers, and other relatively private information.

To try to exclude online criminals from stealing your information there are attempts at verifying valid users and using sophisticated encryption techniques to safeguard your information. Big tech is trying to censor the information that is available to you and doing so with algorithms which try to censor out “disreputable” users, websites, and those with radical or conservative political views.

Unfortunately computer algorithms are not good at censoring satire and comedy routines so many users are censored for no good reason whatsoever and there is often no ability to appeal the censorship and get your grievances redressed.

Money is the bottom line and many websites are now charging customers to use them or post articles. Information too is being sold and not given as freely. Marketing your information is becoming mission impossible unless you have a huge advertising budget. So the internet is favoring the rich and powerful organizations and if you are a creative individual composing useful information to publish, the chances are minimal that you will quickly get a boatload of interested followers or customers on the internet.

The internet is imprisoning individuals into small groups of mostly humans that you know and if you want to reach a wider audience then the odds are stacked against you. The rich and famous can get their message across but if you are a nobody starting off, you will probably not succeed in promoting your message to an audience larger than your immediate group of friends.

The truth is that to have a smoothly functioning internet you really have to admit moral humans and try to exclude the immoral or criminal types and no computer algorithm is capable of doing so reliably. The situation is so bad and distrust so great that information is no longer being shared across websites such as,, Facebook, and Reddit to some extent. Private website information seldom flows freely to other websites and search engines such as Google in the encrypted mode no longer post images originating from your private website.

It seems that Google no longer wants to trust you and your information if you are not rich and powerful. Major websites try to deplatform you if you are considered too controversial. If you are a website promoting free speech and expression then big money transfer organizations such as Paypal etc. will censor you and stop serving you. If you are rich and powerful then you get to the front of the line. If you have little money then it is almost guaranteed that you will be censored or discriminated against.

In principle the internet information that you get should be reliable and trustworthy. In reality that means that what you often get is fake news from rich establishment organizations and advertisements from rich companies with money clout. The internet is very poor at separating fact from fiction so just censorship with fair treatment for all is simply out of the question, especially if bots are doing the censorship.

An open source internet is quickly becoming a closed internet for the rich and powerful who are feeding you their propaganda whether you like it or not. A tyrannical internet is becoming a reality and not so much because of free speech running amok but because of fake speech and fake information trying to break into every nook and cranny of the internet. Will you be able to someday trust internet information? Not as long as internet bots do the censoring and the rich and powerful are given preferential treatment.

Solution? Patronize the websites which you consider trustworthy with your money and stay away from websites which try to screw you out of money or try to deceptively get your private information, as best you can.

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