Tag Archives: big money


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Big money is increasingly ruling the world internationally with international banks,  international corporations, and international internet or communications beginning to have more impact on the lives of humans than any one country or national organization. In almost every country this globalized money supply is impacting the political leadership of almost every country and a global ideology is beginning to form which is much more collective and tyrannical in nature.  Individual rights are being assaulted with more of an emphasis on group rights and group think or group ideology.  Putting it another way it is collective rights and collective thinking or collective ideology which is becoming more dominant.

Ironically in its beginning the internet held a promise of individual freedom of expression and individual creativity. With time, money and information power became concentrated in search engines, social media, cellphone companies, and internet commerce all of which now dominate the internet with relatively few corporations being major players and all being able to crush or buy up competitors to increase their profit margin which favors established monied companies which includes monied media companies. Discrimination based on money is rampant but more sinister is the ability to promote collective left wing ideology and censor right wing ideology which still promotes individual rights. It is beginning to look like the tyranny of big money power is being fused with the tyranny of thought control or censorship of politically incorrect thought which champions individual rights and moral or ethical individual free speech.

Economics is now largely a global phenomenon with international trade promoting the rich in every country and more power in the hands of the globally rich. Technology is also increasing the concentration of this money in the hands of the rich nationals and rich internationals but this would not be all bad if it weren’t for the fact that most of the rich have a tyrannical collectivist ideology which threatens to make most individuals little more than impoverished humans living on welfare or working for a pittance often not enough to support a family. This may be an effective form of population control but living an impoverished life seldom helps the culture of a nation to thrive.


Money power is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands worldwide, the individual is increasingly being oppressed financially and ideologically, and it becomes harder for one to climb the economic and social status ladder, especially if you start out at the poverty level. For all the members of the technologically educated and elite the future is bright but most jobs will be replaced by computer software and robots. A political and ideological revolution will be necessary to fit the new economic realities where most will not be technologically educated nor smart and ambitious enough so they will largely become dependent on some form of permanent government welfare.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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One thing not so obvious in the age of international big money globalism is that national laws in the United States and other countries are not being enforced due to lobbying by globalist interests within the country which results in unfavorable circumstances for a sovereign country.

A perfect example is the immigration laws of the United States which are not being obeyed because the congress is deadlocked politically and neither the Republicans nor the Democrats want to secure the boarders lawfully. It thus becomes the role of the executive branch to enforce the immigration laws of the land. The executive branch should have the right to transfer funds from one branch of government to another by executive order since it is obvious that congress does not want to enforce or fund the immigration laws and this leads to lawlessness, sanctuary cities, lax criminal enforcement, and other dysfunctional or bad side effects on the nation as a whole.

Now you may ask what department should finance the enforcement of immigration laws? The logical department would be the Defense Department or the military which is responsible for the border integrity of any nation.

The media is influenced by globalist ideology and money as are international banks and corporations. So one can assume that the media no longer has the best interests of a nation in mind when it publishes its biased opinion pieces of news which is often now fake news designed to make things worse for a nation in the long duration and not better.

I would venture to say that eventually the president of the United States will have to have the power to suppress the censorship of moral or ethical free speech in the media largely now in the hands of international internet companies. Big international money endangers the liberty of individuals to exercise their freedom of moral or ethical free speech on the internet so steps will have to be made to protect whistle blowers and opposing views which run counter to globalist ideology which is increasingly socialist and ultimately totalitarian communism or totalitarian tyranny or dictatorship.

The executive branch or the presidency has long been just a puppet figurehead with little power to act except in times of war. If the president can justify his or her actions on the basis of enforcement of the laws of the land to minimize internal criminality and external aggression which may also be economic then the president should have the right to do so. Tariffs are definitely an economic weapon which can be used by the executive branch only.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Big money has always been dominant in the stock market, big money used to be reliably powerful in politics before Trump’s election and will continue to be the prime motivating factor beyond his presidency, big money international corporations and banks are pushing leftist ideology and using it to discriminate against new workers who do not seem to fit the ideological mold. Big money technological companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft are also censoring info based on big money media suggestions which are also heavily left wing biased. Big pharma and big agriculture is creating untrustworthy medication with disastrous side effects and bad nutrient deficient food. Big universities give an overabundance of degrees in job poor areas.

What is the result? The stock market is no longer a trusted viable long term investment and traditional stock brokers are having a hard time finding new gullible clients. No reputable politician has a chance to be elected into high office, especially the presidency. Small successful companies are soon bought up by conglomerates and competition and innovation is severely reduced. Internet technology companies are censoring controversial and conservative ideas making a single ruling party highly likely in the future where competition of ideas will be almost nonexistent. Medicine and non organic food is of very poor quality. A university degree no longer means a guaranteed job but probably a lifetime of paying back outrageously expensive student loans.

Due to fake information, fake news, and politically correct yet flawed ideology there is generally a distrust of the media, politicians, corporate leaders, big pharma, big agriculture, big education, and big celebrities.

Can trust in our large institutions and leadership ever be recovered? The answer is probably not for a long time since once trust disappears it takes as much as a new generation of censored leadership to regain some semblance of trust which now seems like a highly unlikely scenario. The powerful monied class will just get more powerful and corrupt with the passing of time and only a slow moral revival from the ground up can hope to revitalize the morality of the citizenry and then that of the leadership.

Yes, censorship will try to reestablish a sense of order from the chaos but bot censorship will be highly unjust and cynicism will prevail for a long time among the common humans in society. If alternative media is permitted to exist then it will become the source of a revitalized morality which will create a renewed sense of trust in what appears on the internet in certain selective places.

Globalism and globalist propaganda will reign supreme and minority voices will be suppressed in favor of a mind numbing propagandistic status quo. Future brainwashing will be on a scale heretofore unprecedented as a handful of companies will control all published info with a minimum of dissenting voices permitted.

Sanctuary cities, successful attempts at voter fraud such as illegal aliens being given the right to vote in some places and ballot stacking in others, convicted felons who have served their time have been given the right to vote in Florida, the law favors open borders, laws are legalizing pot, opioids, mind altering drugs, and heavy medication of over 30% of the population with psychiatric drugs are just some of the signs of further moral decay all creating more and more chaos or disruption with each passing year.

Only about 15 % of the population is metabolically healthy according to one report, a majority of the population is overweight, a vast majority are on medications of some sort, moral financially responsible family units are struggling to survive and those that still exist are often living from paycheck to paycheck with no emergency funds for backup emergencies. The United States is not only in a moral crisis but a financial one with deficit spending running out of control and getting worse with each passing year.

So is there any reason for some optimism? Yes, the population of developed nations is shrinking since not enough are born to replace those that die off. Robots and computer software is replacing many boring and repetitive jobs. Interactive audio visual internet education may supplement an archaic dysfunctional educational system. Smartphones means more internet communication and less social driving around. Self driving cars will replace the need for private transportation and waste less energy in the long duration since many goods will be delivered door to door more efficiently.

Sure, this means most will be living on some kind of welfare or welfare assistance and leading rather boring purposeless lives. But life has never been fair, especially for those with little or no money making ability.

Will there eventually be a revolt of the oppressed masses? Probably not because too many will be strung out on alcohol and drugs to really care much about the sad state of affairs around them. Existence for most will be the bare basics-food, alcohol, drugs, and sex. Not a pretty sight but a highly likely future reality for most judging by current trends on into the future. Can a nation survive under these conditions? Yes, but the government will have to be a tyrannical one which it is getting more tyrannical with each passing year.

Is a more optimistic future possible? Yes, I have written in detail about such an optimistic scenario in my books and encyclopedic blog but the question is -will enough humans read it all and how many will pick up the gauntlet and run with it, especially those hoping to be in future leadership positions?

The globalists are in charge and they probably know where they want the world to be twenty years from now and even further down the road. In the meantime, lead your life with integrity, morality, sincerity, dependability, competence, friendliness, courage, useful selfeducation, and contribute to causes that you believe in with some of your hard earned money. If you succeed in doing that then you will have made a small part of the world a better place to live in. May your struggle be as peaceful as possible. Best wishes.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Americans like to be entertained but the role models in the entertainment industry are a disaster. Many celebrities struggle with drug addiction, sexual promiscuity, have psychotherapists or shrinks to try and deal with their social and mental dysfunctions, use profanity, have dysfunctional families, and fundamentally are not humans with integrity. Sports celebrities have many of the above problems and ruin their long duration health with steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. Many aspiring sports celebrities crash and burn with extreme sports related injuries and find themselves addicted to pain relief drugs.

It is also obvious that most celebrities are left wing democrats and if you are not then there are many attempts at blacklisting or making it hard as hell to make it to the top in the profession. Blacklisting or making it hard to reach positions of importance is also rampant in academia where over 90% of professors and teachers are democrats. The legacy media overflows with democrats and left wing democrat ideology has even begun to overtake big business and big tech companies who think that maintaining a good reputation means being in bed with left wing ideology.

An elitist moral decay is obvious and there are fruitless attempts at getting some order back with draconian censoring attempts. Apparently female sexual abuse is no longer to be tolerated so the Me-too movement has tried to circumvent legal procedures and tried to claim that an allegation of female sexual abuse is sufficient to prove the guilt of a man or for that matter any man despite a sterling reputation.

Guilty of an allegation and the burden of proof is on the accused rather than on the  victim. Apparently innocent until proven guilty is no longer the standard by which all alleged accusations must follow because all women don’t lie about sexual assault just because they are women not men. Morally this means that all women are saints and that all men are evil and we owe this absolutist terminal mindset to radical feminist ideology which pits all women against all men who are to be hated as less than human examples in society.

The legacy media has rapidly deteriorated into a tabloid like media where insults, put downs, name calling, ridicule, guilt by association, slander, and humiliation are used to enforce a biased politically correct view on dissenters whose reputation is assaulted and destroyed if they dare to be different or mention an opposing view.

The legacy media is no longer trusted to be impartial and to fairly present opposing views but is now known for ruthless suppression of dissenting views. Alternate media is thriving as support for and trust in legacy media is rapidly declining.

Politics has deteriorated into mob rule where broadcasted judicial committees are interrupted with many disruptive vocal outbursts and politicians are confronted with group verbal assaults in restaurants and other public places. Apparently might makes right and if you verbally abuse a politician or any dissenting human then that is now an acceptable standard of conduct. Breaking the law and uncivil conduct is apparently OK especially if they are illegal immigrants crossing the border and potential future democratic voters.

Very few politicians and those in the legacy media have integrity and they are engaged in biased reporting and biased op-ed articles. The moral corruption is rampant in leadership positions and nothing short of a moral revival will rehabilitate them in the long duration.

The day to day struggles and concerns of the average American are largely being ignored as the political conflict gets more and more polarized and bipartisan cooperation has become a thing of the past. The gap between the very wealthy and the poor is getting larger as more and more middle class humans become members of the poor and struggling.  Automation just threatens to make the inequality gap even bigger and over 50% on some kind of welfare assistance is now becoming a reality hard to escape.

The future seems to be an even larger welfare state and the politicians running it are going to flourish. The establishment democrats are poised to further lead everyone down the path of government assistance and dependency and want a political monopoly on the left wing ideology which will run the country in the future.

Trump is just a temporary aberration on the road to total ideological and economic dominance by one globalist party which will be democratic once they get their corrupt act together and purge the party of irrational leadership and dysfunctional propaganda. If all the democrats can do is call others racist, homophobic, misogynist, and opposition fundamentally evil for not believing in their delusional egalitarian causes, then they may even fail to win the hearts and minds of the American people who are also struggling without a moral rudder to lead them.

A welfare state of dependent citizens is what left wing democrats want and they will probably get it in the long duration. Both the globalist republican and democratic establishment leadership are corrupt and it seems that the corrupt establishment will be victorious in the long duration because international monopolies in banking and business are just getting bigger and more powerful.

Big money will ultimately triumph in the end. Their globalist left wing ideology will probably be victorious as they push their left wing ideology down the throats of a sheepish population of humans so thirsty for charismatic firm leadership of some kind.

Almost every American is thirsting for a return to moral leadership from the top but I am not sure there is enough integrity in the leadership to bring this desirable state of affairs into reality.

I have solutions to all the above problems and have written about them in my books, blog, and internet postings. All that I wish is that humans in leadership positions will read them and behave or act accordingly to solve the problems of this world which seem unsolvable now.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!



If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




Investment: n. giving a subset(s) frequently money and/or a different subset(s) and desiring a predicted profit(s) and/or a desirable change(s) in given and/or different subset(s) at some point(s) in the future

Historically the smart investor invested money where he or she could get about 6% or more of an annual return on money and could retire as a millionaire. Today most conservative investments only return about 2 to 3% on money and inflation frequently eats away what little profit the investment makes.

Real Estate investments will keep pace with inflation but if you have a mortgage on the land or property at about 5% then you are still losing wealth letting the bank make all the profit.

The stock market, rigged for big money and fast computers, is no longer a safe long duration investment for the small investor nor a large investor and the only ones making a killing are the short duration investors such as big banks, hedge funds, and billionaires. If you don’t know where the big money boys are going to invest or divest then it is almost a guarantee that you will lose money in the volatile stock market and not make any profit in the long duration.

Banks get all their investment money almost free of charge from government counterfeited money and they no longer have to depend on small investor savings accounts for their money. The result is that banks pay almost no interest on savings accounts and rip you off big time if you keep your money in a bank.

Gold prices are also inflated and deflated at will by big money and if you buy at the inflated price then you may lose about 30 to 40% of the value of your money when the deflation occurs in a matter of a few weeks or months.

Historically if you wanted to live on easy street in old age or a few years before retirement you invested your money wisely in real estate, stocks, municipal bonds, or a small business.

Today small businesses are becoming extinct, crap shoot stocks are very risky investments in small companies which are mercurial in nature and monopoly company stocks with little growth don’t keep up with inflation price wise. Municipal bonds and bank savings accounts don’t pay enough interest to keep pace with inflation. Real estate is only profitable for apartment landlords and huge corporate builders.

If you are an average wage earner then you frankly have no place to invest your money for future gains so most decide to live from paycheck to paycheck in great debt and spend it all not even worrying about retirement. Most individuals no longer have an emergency reserve of money for hard times and the government has no emergency reserve but just prints counterfeit money and adds to the national debt.

Responsible individuals can’t be independent and responsible with their money so they act irresponsibly and the government and banking system which encourages the irresponsibility itself suffers from the same irresponsible spending malaise.

The financial system does not encourage profitable investment for the average citizen so most no longer invest in anything but hope that government will bail them out in emergencies and old age.

Live for today and screw tomorrow is a recipe for social and economic disaster in the long duration for both individuals and nations.

Finally you can make an investment in your offspring, a human(s), an organization(s), or an invention(s) and hope that they will prosper some day and make you happy with a sense of accomplishment or even benefit you financially.


The financial investment industry is rigged favoring big money and if you are an average investor then there is little hope that you will make a profit on your money and chances are great that you will probably lose much of it trying to make risky investments which is the sorry state of most remaining investments these days.

The myopic economic system does not encourage conservative investments, savings, and thrift and that is why many humans are mired in debt and the nation itself is mired in debt and is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy which is becoming more ominous with each passing year.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, approximately 700 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.
