Monthly Archives: November 2018


Most no longer use global warming as a political weapon but rather climate change which is even harder to prove or disprove scientifically, especially how humans cause more climate change or less. However, climate change is definitely not CO2 caused or caused by human activity and is probably due to the sun’s sunspot or cycle changes.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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There are supposedly as many as 31 defense mechanisms in psychology and the truth is that there are basically only 4 which are an excuse, denial, blame, and compensation. There are also combinations of two or more simultaneously such as denial and compensation which can be considered to be a multiple defense mechanism.

Repression is the most controversial defense mechanism since it is supposedly a conscious desire to suppress a painful, unpleasant, or traumatic event in our lives. The very conscious attempt at trying to forget actually reinforces the ability of the brain to remember the incident so conscious repression is really not chemically or mentally possible in the first place. Whether the incident was painful or pleasurable we can’t repress the memory consciously and it really has to fade in our memories through enough elapsed time which causes forgetting pure and simple. Repression is a mythical defense mechanism which has no validity in reality and is just a form of a conscious form of attempted but failed denial.

According to psychologists denial is supposedly an unconscious rejection of an unpleasant event or idea when in fact it is an impulsive rejection of any event whether pleasant or unpleasant. Denying that you will die of cancer or denying that you will have a good time while visiting the Sahara desert is an impulsive opinion which clashes or is different than reality or what existence really is. Denial is conscious or unconscious and there is no fundamental difference in what it really is or pure denial.

Suppression: n. trying to exclude an anxiety producing subset(s) from awareness. Not wanting to talk about a recent divorce or not wanting to think about a good event thinking that it is too good to be true and therefore not wanting to think about it is an attempt at denial which may not succeed all the time. Suppression is really a form of denial or not wanting to think about or deal with a good or bad situation for the time being or trying to deny thoughts for duration.

Rationalization is just an excuse for a behavior whether it is rational or irrational. You can defend a behavior of getting a C on a test by either saying that you didn’t spend enough time studying which is probably true or lying that the teacher asked  stupid questions thus lying and blaming the teacher somewhat irrationally. Any excuse is either rational or irrational, either the truth or a lie, and either reality or a fiction. Yes, there is partial rationality, partial truths, and partial realities which are combinations of the two extremes or antonyms. A rationalization is really just an excuse with all its possible combinations. There are scientific excuses which are just proven concepts using the scientific method. Yes, you can have a scientific excuse or a nonscientific excuse for doing or thinking something.

Intellectualization is assessing a situation without any associated emotions being present. A wife may have dented a fender and feel no guilt or a wife may feel a son’s death by cancer was merciful and feel no sadness or anger. Intellectualization is really accepting a subset(s) or event(s) and suppressing the stereotypic or common feelings or emotions associated with the subset(s). You could consider intellectualization as really being a denial of emotional counterparts for an event(s).

Identification is the conscious and/or impulsive attempt at imitating a respected human. There is really a question as to whether this is really a defense mechanism because what are you really defending against? Imitation is not defending yourself against anything but rather trying to be like someone else and you may in fact not be defending yourself against some imagined inadequacy or lack of ability. If you do have some inadequacy or lack of ability then you are perhaps just trying to compensate for your weakness(s).

Introjection is really a form of compensation where you are imitating the attitudes and behaviors of someone else and making them your own so you feel better about yourself or feel more important thus feeding your ego.  A psychiatric patient analyzing other patients like a psychiatrist and a daughter disciplining like her mother is really an imitation of someone else done in a conscious or impulsive way.

Reaction formation is a conscious behavior which seems to run contrary to the actual feelings or emotions felt for a human. It would seem to make sense that if you hate or don’t like someone then you would not send them any gifts or lie and say that you like or love them to others. Some humans are capable of this form of dissonant behavior and it is called reaction formation which may be considered to be denial or a defense mechanism which tries to hide or lie about your true feelings in public about a human.

Sublimation is the diversion of energy from an immediate sexual and/or biological impulse to a more acceptable social goal(s). Aggressive or violent tendencies in a human may be diverted from actual violence on a human to participation in an aggressive sport, competitive game, or a violent video game or movies. A desire to have sex with an actual human may be diverted to masturbation, pornography, or just working hard. Hyperactive or very energetic individuals may use exercise or hard physical labor as a way to work off some of that extra biological energy. Sublimation can be thought of as defending yourself from unacceptable behavior by doing something else instead or compensating for a weakness perceived as an unacceptable urge by doing something acceptable and a strength.

Displacement is discharging pent up feelings on a less threatening subset(s). Instead of yelling at the boss you may wait until you get home and yell at your spouse. A psychiatric patient may pick a fight with another patient after being told by the psychiatrist that she may not have an 8 hour pass to leave. Displacement is really a form of compensation where you feel weak or inappropriate thus suppressing your feelings for a duration and then expressing them at some point in the future and showing strength although not always appropriate for the occasion.

Projection is really blaming someone else for your bad behavior or bad thinking. It is really blaming and considering the action a personal excuse or justification for your behavior. Projection is really a form of lying about the contributory cause of your bad behavior and/or thoughts and lying that it was someone else’s fault. Defense mechanisms are sometimes real or imagined excuses and sometimes outright intentional or unintentional lies about your behavior and/or thoughts.

Conversion is the psychic stress manifesting itself as a physical symptom. A husbands impotence after discovery of his infidelity or a physical paralysis of a body part or blindness after psychological trauma are examples of conversion. Conversion can be thought of as an unconscious reaction of the body to a conscious psychological extreme stress. Conversion is not a defense mechanism but an example of the body malfunctioning under extreme psychic stress. If it is a defense mechanism then the body is not doing a very good job of defending itself.

Undoing is really compensating for doing and/or thinking something wrong or bad. A mother may make a son’s favorite cookies after disciplining him rather harshly or a human may have violent thoughts and be especially nice to the human being affected after the thoughts subside. It can be thought of as a defense mechanism to avoid continuing feelings of guilt or compensating for feelings of guilt.

Dissociation is ignoring a usually very unpleasant event(s) which you don’t want to think about or make a decision about. An example may be saying that he meant well after a husband spends money unwisely or ignoring abusive statements or behavior in an abusive relationship because we don’t like the bad feelings which the behavior is trying to cause. Dissociation is really a form of denial of a usually traumatic event(s) which we would rather forget if given the choice and our own personal excuse for it.

Regression is a return to a former level of development or a childlike state such as a human assuming the fetal position in his room after admitting to being responsible for bad behavior or a college student going to bed with a teddy bear as a security blanket. It is really debatable whether a human can really regress to a childlike state which is really just doing something in a childlike way again and not really assuming a childlike state with very many childlike behaviors which a state implies.

Acting out is supposedly a unique defense mechanism. A person may want to curse after falling over in a busy street, but the ego, perceiving this as contradicting social etiquette, will often lead to them holding back on the expletives. This is really just a denial of an impulse. On some occasions, however, we may not be able to balance our impulses and will defend the ego by simply acting out the irrational desires.

For example a person might “act out” by theatrically storming out of a stressful meeting when they would otherwise stay calm and hide their unease. This is really an example of compensation where you are compensating for extreme stress by storming out physically.

Anticipation is supposedly a unique defense mechanism. The anticipation of a potentially stressful event is one way a person might mentally prepare for it. Anticipation might involve rehearsing possible outcomes in one’s mind or telling oneself that it will not be as bad as they imagine. A person with a phobia of dentists might anticipate an appointment to have a tooth filling by telling themselves that the procedure will be over in just a few minutes, and reminding themselves that they have had one previously without any problems. Anticipation is really an example of compensation or compensating for anxiety by mentally convincing yourself that the source of the anxiety is really not as bad as it seems.

An act of goodwill towards another person, known as altruistic behavior, can be used as a way of diffusing a potentially anxious situation. Altruism supposedly may be used as a defense mechanism, for example, by being particularly helpful to a person who we feel might dislike us or neutralizing an argument with kind words and positivity. This is really compensating for our bad feelings or bad impressions by being kind and positive towards someone hoping that they will be more positive towards us or return the favor.

Avoidance seems to be a unique defense mechanism but it is not. When a perceived situation creates anxiety, one convenient option is sometimes to avoid it. Although avoidance can provide an escape from a particular event, it neglects to deal with the cause of the anxiety. For example, a person might know that they are due to give a stressful presentation to colleagues at work, and take a sick day in order to avoid giving it. Avoidance in this situation might be only a short term option, however, if the presentation is rescheduled to another day. Someone may also avoid thinking about something which causes anxiety, preferring to leave it unresolved instead of confronting it. Avoidance is usually a temporary denial of an unpleasant situation or circumstance and trying to compensate for anxiety by effectively moving or running away from the source of the anxiety.

Fantasy for some mundane and distressed humans is just trying to deny reality and compensating for a bad situation with pleasant or good unrealistic thoughts. Fantasy is not a unique defense mechanism.

Humor can be sued as an adaptive technique to help us to cope with tense or stressful situations. Looking for a funny aspect in an environment in which we lack control can help us to endure it, and can even be an altruistic act in helping other to better cope as well. Humor is sometimes used as a personal partial denial of a bad or good situation or event(s) and compensating for anxiety by joking about the anxiety causing event(s).

Showing humility involves lowering our expectations and view of our self importance, sacrificing our pride and often focusing on others. Humility can enable us to pacify those around us in tense conflicts and encourage cooperation with other people to take place. For example, someone who is known to boast about their abilities may show humility whilst trying to complete a difficult task. This might encourage others to empathize with, and help, them. Humility is really denying ourselves excessive pride and is not a unique defense mechanism.

Idealization involves creating an ideal impression of a person, place or object by emphasizing their positive qualities and neglecting those that are negative. Idealization adjusts the way in which we perceive the world around us and can lead us to make judgements that support our idealized concepts. People often idealize their recollections of being on holiday or memories from childhood, seeing them as “happier times”, but fail to recollect arguments or stresses during those periods. We often idealize the image we hold of people we admire – relatives, partners or celebrities, making excuses for their failures and emphasizing their more admirable qualities. Idealization is really a largely unconscious partial denial of reality or it is more like an absolutist way of thinking.

A passive aggressive person may be uncooperative in carrying out their duties or other tasks, may deliberately ignore someone when spoken to and might adopt a negative view of their situation, such as their job, and of those around them such as colleagues. Passive aggression is a denial of personal physical and/or verbal aggression and compensating for the unsocial tendency with other dysfunctional behaviors.

The self serving bias arises from our need to protect the ego from self criticism and to defend ourselves from the complaints of others. We show a self serving bias when we exaggerate the importance of our own achievements – after passing a test, we might over-estimate the significance of that particular exam, and take credit for completing it without acknowledging the role that tutors played in our success. Similarly, when faced with potential criticism we might deflect blame, apportioning responsibility for failure to anybody but ourselves. Whilst many of us show signs of this self serving bias, it can be an ineffective method of defense as it distorts our view of reality and our ability to rationalize and interpret events effectively. Self serving bias is really a partial denial of reality by exaggerating our abilities, making excuses for our behavior, or blaming others.

Social comparison is supposedly a defense mechanism used sometimes. When people feel that they have been victims of unjust actions, they may defend the ego by comparing themselves to those worse off. Similarly, we may se similarities between ourselves and others in a better position to improve our self image. These defense mechanisms are known as download or upward social comparisons. For example, a man who has broken a leg and is confined to a wheelchair may make a downwards social comparison with a person who has been diagnosed with a more serious condition to make their own situation seem less troublesome. Alternatively, a person might seek to identify with a person of a perceived higher social position, such as when they learn that a celebrity is eating at the same restaurant as they are. These social comparisons are sometimes really a denial of personal injustice and trying to compensate for the injustice by thinking about more pleasant social comparisons which feed our ego.

Splitting is really not a defense mechanism but merely someone trying to think of the world in absolutist terms of black or white, yes or no, good or bad, right or wrong, and either or. This approach stems from ignorance and is a lazy and stupid way of looking at the world and not a defense mechanism.

Wishful thinking is not a unique defense mechanism. Rather it is an attempt at denying reality and compensating for the distressing realities with unrealistic wishes.


Excuse: v. to attempt to (delay and/or escape) and/or avoid a subset(s) and/or to attempt to subtract blame for an (unfulfilled promise and/or mistake) and/or offense and trying to defend and/or justify the action(s) and/or inaction(s) with a real valid reason and/or lie


Deny: v. to refuse acknowledgement of the truth of a subset(s) and/or to refuse a request


Blame: v. to judge responsibility for a (mistake(s) and/or wrong(s) and/or (injustice(s) and/or immorality(s)) and/or bad circumstance(s)

Compensate: v. to give and/or to do to someone and/or to oneself a subset(s) such as money and/or a behavior(s) in recognition of loss and/or suffering and/or injury incurred         note: psychologically that subset(s) may be a thought(s) and/or word(s) and/or behavior(s) that you have or demonstrate.


A defense mechanism or a defense of yourself happens by making an excuse for or denying that a thought and/or behavior existed or exists. Sometimes you defend yourself by trying to compensate for doing and/or thinking something bad and/or wrong. Sometimes you try to defend yourself by blaming someone else for your bad behavior and/or thoughts.

An excuse may be real or imagined and if it is imagined then you are intentionally or unintentionally lying to yourself or others about the thought and/or behavior. In a nutshell all defense mechanisms are either and excuse, denial, blame, and/or compensation.

Trying to stereotype a handful of behaviors and giving them a fancy name all classified as a defense mechanism is misleading the public and perpetuating psychological unproven myths. It is time to rethink psychological defense mechanisms and simplify them to what they really are and not what they should be with misguided historical intellectualization.

Thoughts and/or behaviors are either intentional or unintentional and they can be either real or imagined. In the process of defending ourselves we often do so intentionally or unintentionally and we do so with a firm grip on reality or we descend into an imaginary world of thoughts and/or behaviors which are really lies about reality as it exists. We sometimes lie to ourselves and lie to others either intentionally or unintentionally trying to defend ourselves and this is ultimately the cause of so much psychological stress and trauma in the real world.

Our subconscious brain processes these basic four defense mechanisms and when we impulsively make an excuse, deny, blame, and/or compensate the origins of the defense mechanisms are the subconscious sometimes modified by a conscious defense too.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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I am suggesting that biological enhancements or genetic deviations from the norm will only perhaps have long duration effects on human morality which is fundamentally learned and not inborn. Whether you are healthy, attractive, smart, and intelligent or unhealthy, repulsive, and rather ignorant your morality should basically be the same. In nonemergency situations- don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder.


Some have argued that genetic enhancements could potentially lead to an elite ruling class of gifted individuals who will rule over humans from generation to generation- a genetic aristocracy. Concepts such as humility and a genetic reproductive indeterminacy will no longer exist or be tolerated. The rich and talented will get even richer and more talented and the rest will merely be looked upon as indentured servants or slaves.


Today we have the rich and not so talented ruling over us and the results are not very pretty. Wilderness and wildlife is being destroyed at an alarming rate as most humans in this world are little less than consuming, eating, and reproducing machines polluting the environment and contributing very little to the actual progress of humanity and creative achievement. History repeats itself because the basic genetic material is the same for humans and every generation is born with violent, destructive, irresponsible, selfish tendencies which have to be civilized in some way to avoid utter chaos and social disintegration.


Yes, theoretically you could conceivably breed less violent, less destructive, less irresponsible, and less selfish humans but realistically the more violent, more destructive, more irresponsible, and more selfish would probably rule over the more peaceful humans anyway in the long duration.


Artificial intelligent machines or AI, robots, and computer software is even beginning to dwarf the intelligent capacity of genius humans so we really should be keeping pace genetically so that machines don’t become too smart for humans to be able to handle or live in symbiosis with. Yes, most humans are lousy parents and not very smart so machines or robots of the future will probably take over most of the parenting tasks and raise offspring to function morally in the world of the future.


That said let us briefly investigate the short and long duration potential of genetic human enhancement. Human genetic enhancement is really an experiment which can go terribly wrong. Enhance a human with better looks, more strength, taller height, certain hair, eye, and skin color and the results may be very unhealthy humans with debilitating diseases, shorter lifespans, skeletal abnormalities, allergies, and mental defects.


Judging by human breeding of animals such as cats, dogs, and livestock based on such minimal criteria as looks, speed, size, and fat content there have been a lot of new varieties created with terrible health problems such as urinary, breeding, and skeletal abnormalities which make them undesirable in the long duration.


Animal breeding is mostly a disaster in the long duration so it seems that human genetic selections will also be plagued with health problems. Perhaps one way to insure human genetic experiments from going bad and costing society an arm and a leg for maintenance would be to have to set up a monetary escrow of about a million dollars or so to take care of human genetic health abnormalities.


To genetically modify humans for strength, such as weight lifters, speed, such as runners, and height, such as basketball players and high jumpers, it seems that they would have a huge advantage over naturally conceived humans and some may consider this an unfair advantage. I don’t. You could probably divide up humans into genetically enhanced ones and those naturally born. The genetically enhanced ones could be something like a super freak show of human extremes. But once again an obscenely muscular weight lifter would probably not be very healthy in the long duration and would die a premature death.


Human genetic selection based on looks could result in a large percentage of the population looking like attractive celebrities but frankly once there was an abundance of good looking humans then they could become rather boring to look at, especially if they were celebrity clones.


Enhancing intelligence is more problematic unless you are talking about cloning genius humans. There are so many geniuses who are socially dysfunctional and stick out like sore thumbs in society. In society where tribalism and the herd instinct is so dominant I sincerely wonder whether a society of geniuses would be able to function and interact with normal or common human beings without living a life of effete isolated snobbism.




In the short duration the problem of genetic enhancement is not a moral one but it is a serious health question. There is no guarantee that a genetic enhancement will be healthy in the long duration so some insurance measures will have to be instituted with laws pertaining to genetic enhancements.


In the long duration genetic enhancement may lead to specialized humans very good at intellectual pursuits and/or sports activities. Whether genetic manipulation will lead to an elite ruling class is debatable but if it does then we will have a worldwide aristocracy which will rule into the distant future. Democracy is slowly dying almost everywhere so it seems that a genetic aristocracy will continue to rule the earth on into the distant future as it does today to some extent already.


What we need most in this world is a universal secular moral code taught to all impressionable young minds so that offspring are indoctrinated with moral behavior or how to interact relatively peacefully with other humans, even worldwide. All the genetic enhancement in the world will not help humanity if we ignore a necessary moral upbringing for all. Yes, a consensus will be necessary because morality currently differs from culture to culture worldwide. More important than genetic enhancement is a secular morality which almost anyone can agree with anywhere in the world. Mission impossible? I hope not because our future survival depends on it.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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The biggest threat to the United States is moral decay about which I have written in past articles. That said Globalization is also partially to blame for the current state of moral and economic dysfunction.

It is no great secret that whether it is Republicans or Democrats in power the establishment is in favor of big international banks and international corporations and big national corporations and organizations. The middle class is not high on the list of priority legislation.

Corporations and banks are communal enterprises or consist of many more than one individual so collective leftist ideology is dominant and designed to ultimately oppress the individual and favor collective enterprises and collective group thinking and causes. Globalism and big money is winning and laughing all the way to the bank while the average human is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy or is already dependent on some socialist welfare.


For the collective to triumph along with big government, the Democratic party and leftist ideology has taken over most of the media, about 90% of university staff, most big corporations and institutions, most celebrities, even the top echelons of the deep state, and is dominant in promoting an even greater welfare state with over 50% getting some form of welfare support.


The only recent area where the Democrats and their ideology has not triumphed is in the Supreme Court. Despite this the majority of lawyers graduating from law school and the top universities are democrats who are hell bent on changing the constitution to benefit their ideological persuasion. Already some state laws are just ignoring the constitution and passing unconstitutional laws which persist because no one is really challenging them in the left leaning courts.


The middle class is rapidly disappearing and most are moving to big cities mostly run by Democrats which is rather disheartening news. Mostly low income humans subsidized by some welfare from the government seem to be an undeniable future trend favoring Democrats.  The only reason a majority of registered Democrats sometimes don’t win is because they are too lazy to vote or think that voting will make no difference anyway.


Financially responsible moral family units are becoming scarce. Promiscuity and pornography is popular. Most families are either in debt or living from paycheck to paycheck with little or no money for emergencies. Mental illness now afflicts more than 30% of the population. Legal and illegal drug and legal alcohol abuse is reaching crisis proportions.  About 50% of college and high school graduates can’t find jobs and many continue living with their parents. The national debt is high and rising rapidly with no end in sight. Democrats basically just want bigger government, more spending on costly social programs, higher taxes, and more debt.


The establishment media has morphed into a tabloid like press hell bent on destroying the reputations of naysayers and political rivals with insults, name calling, belittlement, ridicule,  humiliation and sometimes even lawsuits. Identity politics is also dominant and shows no signs of decreasing. The media love to stereotype humans, especially if they are not Democrats, and call them racists, Nazis, Islamaphobes, homophobes, misogynists and love to character assassinate humans further with guilt by association, statements taken out of context, and deplatforming which often is a form of unjust censorship.


There probably will be no solution for the illegal immigrant invasion with the gradual breakdown of law and order aided by sanctuary cities and leniency on criminals such as a right to vote for felons who have served their sentence in Florida. Bipartisanship is a policy rapidly dying as politics becomes more polarized or divided into intolerant party warfare. The political leadership is corrupt and getting more corrupt and immoral with each passing year. The leadership is not solving economic or social problems but mostly exacerbating them with new legal riders on spending bills to make the system even more problematic and dysfunctional.


Traditional conservative social values are moral, coherent family units with financial responsibility, and independent selfsufficiency or selfreliance. This is rapidly being replaced by progressive considerable immorality, tenuous financially irresponsible family units, and dependency on government welfare. The corrupt monied class is growing in wealth as the rest of the population is steadily becoming little more than indentured servants dependent on the government teat.


After Trump leaves the presidency it will probably be business as usual with nothing standing in the way of Democratic dominance on into the foreseeable future. Only time will tell whether the future is one of dysfunctional socialism followed by possible ultimate tyranny by an indoctrinated elite who will rule by proclamation without any checks and balances on their power. Yes, first the citizenry will have to be disarmed but that can and ultimately will be done in small stages until any resistance to tyranny will be ruthlessly and violently suppressed.


Yes, there is an improbable solution that unfortunately will need political backing. The solution is a smaller more efficient government with fewer laws favoring special interests, a radically reformed educational and welfare system designed to encourage learning of useful knowledge and providing door to door basic welfare assistance to the destitute and also unemployed but no motorized vehicle.


I have extensively written in detail about the solutions in my blog and over 17 selfpublished books. If you ever hope to be a leader in government or industry I would highly recommend that you read about my proposed solutions and hope that you will make some of them your own someday and try to disseminate them further.

Yes, real solutions means proposing and passing specific laws regulating education and welfare and the government in general so relevant issues should be proposed and enacted into law and many old laws rescinded or terminated on the local and national level.

Unfortunately the badly informed public just wants to vote for whom they like and vote against whom they hate. We really need statesmanship, which is presently nonexistent, in public office to pass laws which benefit moral financially responsible family units and not big money globalists. What we are getting recently is charlatan politicians who are power hungry and little else. A secular moral code taught to most impressionable young minds, peace, and prosperity towards a greater tomorrow is a laudable goal, if that is still a possibility!

I prefer ending on an optimistic note so I see some hope in pulling society out of a moral free fall into chaos and dissatisfaction. Technology with the help of artificial intelligence, smart robots, and smart audio visual software should become the new moral role models of the future, raising the new generation and taming the emotional beast in most adult humans.

Sustainable technology living in harmony with nature is the semi Utopian future with potentially optimistic results. Yes, oppressive technology is also possible in the form of too much mind control and political correctness extremes but I prefer to view the future with optimism and not the pessimistic future that doomsayers predict will actually occur.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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A secular moral code or any morality defines what bad behavior is or should be. Without a secular moral code or some form of morality there is no way to define bad behavior and it results in chaos or anarchy where no behavior is considered bad behavior. So with a consensus on morality there is bad behavior and without morality no one knows what bad behavior is.

With widely accepted ethical principles which is what morality is you have structure and order in society. Without an indoctrination and enforcement of these ethical principles or morality there is no order possible in society.

That said the hardest thing to do is to gain consensus or agreement on what those ethical principles or morality should be to optimize social cohesion. A consensus morality results in mostly peaceful interactions in society among its members. I have come up with my own version of what a universal secular moral code should be and feel that the world would be a more peaceful place if impressionable young minds were indoctrinated with this secular moral code.

Once you have a stated morality then you can proceed to define what bad behavior is in detail by analyzing the implications of those general moral or ethical principles.

A secular moral code which can guide your decisions about human behavior is- in nonemergency situations- don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder.

A serious verbal assault is often considered bad behavior. A verbal assault is not a physical assault or forced assault on someone but it can feel similar to a physical assault if done in a loud, angry, hateful, intense voice designed to make you feel defensive and perhaps bad about yourself.

Verbal assaults can be considered to be a form of STEALING – verbally willfully trying to take away something of value from an individual or group. A verbal assault is either punishment for some bad behavior or a verbal assault is trying to minimally steal something usually of some value such as one’s pride, dignity, reputation, self-esteem, happiness, sense of security, etc.

Verbally and willfully trying to take away something of value does not mean that the taking away will be successful, especially if the verbal assault attempt is ignored or doesn’t significantly mentally affect the intended victim. The victim of the verbal assault may be highly immoral and not feel that he or she has done anything bad or wrong so they remain unaffected by the verbal assault.

You can for example insult a human in an attacking or assaulting way and say- “You have the brain of an insect!” thus hoping to make someone feel inferior and trying to take away a sense of pride or selfworth in oneself. The victim of the assault may feel defensive and counter with an insult of their own but often such an insult is merely ignored and one’s sense of pride or selfworth in oneself is not mentally diminished in the least.

The attempted stealing by insult is minimal stealing but it really is consciously or unconsciously trying to steal or take away a little bit of your pride, dignity, reputation, self-esteem, happiness, etc. Realistically most humans will react to an insult by ignoring it and the insult really doesn’t permanently affect their pride, dignity, reputation, self-esteem, or happiness that much and is not considered a case or example of gross immorality such as a slanderous or libelous remark made in public or in print.

I have defined some forms of verbal assault below:

Insult: v. to rudely communicate and/or behave intending to (upset and/or to offend) and/or (to harm mentally and/or to rarely distress) and sometimes the intention is to make you feel inferior


Rude: adj. showing unintentional and/or intentional minimum consideration for a human(s)’ sensing and it is frequently done by showing shameless disrespect and unacceptable social etiquette


Ridicule: v. to use communication intended to shame and/or to cause contemptuous laughter


Humiliation: n. causing a human to sense shame and/or decreasing the pride of a human for duration


Belittle: v. to communicate that a human is less important than one senses and/or is

(There is minimal difference in meaning between a put down and belittle)

Name call: v. to use an abusive and/or offensive word to describe and/or shame a human

Notice that most of the verbal assaults often have the intention of shaming a human and making them feel guilty about something such as a personal inadequacy. Obviously if a human does not have shame for a bad behavior then the verbal assaults will have no permanent good effect on the victim. That is why there is an old saying that “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” An immoral human would probably say-“sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never shame me.”

A morally confident human with integrity will also not be shamed by these verbal assaults because they know with certainty that they have not done anything bad or wrong and do not feel guilty. Yes, a moral human may make a mistake once in a while and do something bad but they will usually apologize for the mistake and go on with their lives.

Shame: n. sensing displeasure caused by (guilt and/or unworthiness) and/or (disrepute and/or powerlessness) to achieve a goal(s))


Repeated insults no matter how ineffective can have a cumulative effect on one’s psyche. If enough similar insults come from a wide range of humans and especially some humans which you respect then your sense of pride in yourself, your dignity, your self-esteem, etc. can be somewhat diminished or can decrease over time if you are basically a moral human.

Sometimes you may feel that insults are justified as in the case of a braggadocious buffoon filled with excessive unjustified pride in oneself. Trying to take away some of that excessive pride is probably desirable but an insult is not the moral way to do it. Instead factual statements designed to point out the undesirability of the excessive pride are preferable. “Nobody is right all the time and you seem to be in error this time”, “Other humans have different valid viewpoints on that topic”, and “What you did was adequate but not exceptional”, etc. are examples of factual statements and not verbal assaults which in the long duration may have an impact and reduce someone’s excessive pride to some extent.

Verbal assaults can be made on bad and even good behavior which can be changed and sometimes they are done on things which you can’t change or can only change with great effort on your part.

For example, you can be assaulted for being ugly, ignorant, uncoordinated, poor, or mentally handicapped. These are all things where genetics may play a major role in your status in life and can’t be changed very much if at all.

Insults and many other verbal assaults use exaggerated truths which are effectively lies so they are slightly or grossly immoral. Saying to someone that they are the “ugliest human in the world” is an exaggeration because there are probably many more humans in the world who are uglier. The exaggerated partial truth or lie is what often offends humans and rightly so because they feel that you have lied to them with your exaggerations.

The major things which usually are verbally assaulted are your looks, your brain power, your financial status, and humans that you interact with, especially offspring, spouse, and friends. You can be insulting or you can make factual statements which are usually not that insulting and I will give a few examples of this. The insult first, followed by a factual statement in most cases.



When commenting on body looks that can’t be easily changed it is best not to say anything at all and avoid embarrassing someone. When it comes to insults about clothing which can be changed then rather than saying-  “You look like a whore in that dress”  it is best to say something like “You would look better in a less sexy outfit”. When asked for an opinion on an outfit you can respond to an ugly outfit by saying it’s ok but it’s not my favorite pattern, color, color combination, fabric, style, etc.

You can also be more honest and say that the outfit is too busy, too shiny, the colors don’t blend together well, too tight, too lose, etc. However, don’t go to extremes and say that an outfit is very ugly or lie and say that an outfit which seems ugly is beautiful.

“Do you wanna lose ten pounds of ugly fat? Cut off your head!” or “Losing about 50 pounds could improve your health”,


Here are some looks insults without a factual alternative statement:


“I would only wear that dress to a Halloween party.”


“You are wearing so much jewelry it is beginning to blind me.”


“Did you buy those cookies in a pet store?”


“You look like you survived a botched face lift.”


“Hey, you have something on your chin… no, the 3rd one down.”


“Looks like you traded in your neck for an extra chin!”


“I love what you’ve done with your hair. How do you get it to come out of your nostrils like that?”


“I may be fat, but you’re ugly, and I can lose weight.” (a counter insult, not recommended, if you are accused of being fat)


“I’m not saying she’s ugly, but if she was cast as Lady Godiva, the horse would steal the show.”


Brain power:

“I’ve known sheep that could outwit you.” or “You are not as smart as you think you are.”

“Your brain is so minute it would lose in a biggest pea contest.” or “You are not very smart or intelligent.”

“You’re so dumb you think that lions lay eggs”, “You’re an idiot”, “You’re so dense, light bends around you”, “If you were twice as smart you would still be stupid”, or “You did something stupid and made a mistake”



“You are about as much use as a condom machine in the Vatican.” or “You are incompetent in what you do.”,

“You’re as useless as a screen door on a submarine.” or “You are not very competent.”


“You’re as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.” or “It doesn’t look like you can help me.”




“I desire that we be better strangers.” or “I’d like to have to interact with you much less than now.”

“With a friend like you I don’t need enemies.” or “Don’t lie behind my back.”



“Look, we all have something to bring to this discussion. But I think from now on the thing you should bring is silence.” or “You talk too much, try to do so a little less.”

“Your accent could kill roaches.” or “Your accent makes it hard to understand you.”



“Copernicus just called. You are not the center of the universe.”  or “You are trying too hard to be the center of attention.”

“I like small balloons but your pride is the size of a hot air balloon.” or “Your pride is often too excessive.”



“You’re a pain in the butt.” or “Try to be a little less annoying.”

“Watching you work with others is water torture.” or “I look at the way you work and it annoys me.”



“Allow me to congratulate you. You have the most closed mind that I have ever met.” or “You are not very open minded.”

“You change partners like a rooster.” or “You are promiscuous.”



“Your family tree must be a cactus because everybody on it is a prick.” or “Your family tree has some notoriety.”


“Please tell me you don’t home-school your kids.” or “Your kids don’t seem to be learning enough.”





“I’m not saying you’re lazy, but you should try out for “American Idle.”” or “Try to do a little more for mutual benefit.”


“You would lose a speed contest with a slug.” or “Speed up your work a little.”


Verbal assaults on an individual or group are made with an insult, name calling, a put down or belittlement, ridicule, and humiliation. None of these verbal assaults are well defined in the dictionary and most humans often can’t tell the difference between one and the other. It is often hard to categorize which kind of verbal assault something really is because a verbal assault depending on the individual can have multiple effects on a human who might feel insulted, belittled, ridiculed, and humiliated all at the same time! In effect an attack on personal dignity, pride, selfesteem, reputation, and even happiness is something which does and would offend any normal moral human on many levels.

A verbal assault can be considered to be STEALING or taking away something of value without a probable cause or reason or stealing or taking away something of value with a probable cause or reason.

If there is no probable cause or reason for verbal aggression then it can be considered to be the STEALING of or an assault on one’s dignity, reputation, pride, self-esteem, happiness, sense of security, etc. even though the wrong justification may be the use of free speech rather than moral free speech. Free speech has no boundaries so it can be moral or immoral, just or slanderous and/or libelous.

Free speech is theoretically protected in the constitution of the United States but the reality is that it should have been written as moral free speech since freedom of expression can get out of hand and can be used to unjustly slander someone in private and slander can have devastating results when done in public or in the printed media.

Trump and the establishment media is a perfect example where free speech can get out of hand and verbal assaults on individuals are tolerated much to the detriment of civil responsible discussion. Reputations are smeared and sometimes destroyed with slander, guilt by association, statements taken out of context, and verbal assaults sometimes justified but often over exaggerated and harmful and therefore immoral. When free speech degenerates into lies and deceptions in public and the press, the very foundations of a Democratic Republic are in danger of being destroyed with malicious propaganda. Verbal warfare without moral rules to guide it is an ugly divisive destructive public display.


If there is a probable cause or a reason for the verbal aggression then there is still the attempt at STEALING a little bit of one’s dignity or stealing or violating the right to be treated with dignity. Just because there is a reason or probable cause, verbal aggression is not the best way to deal with bad behavior because it is still slightly immoral. Verbal aggression should be replaced with verbal discipline in the form of a just factual verbal punishment followed by actual punishment for the bad or wrong behavior.

Not trying to ruin or verbally STEAL or take away a person’s good reputation can also be a justification for not putting up with verbal assaults, especially if the insult, belittlement, ridicule, name calling, or humiliation is done in public with other humans present. Verbal assaults done in private are not as serious a transgression as verbal assaults done in public which can seriously negatively affect your reputation.

Stealing something of value from someone can to some extent be considered a form of injury. Thus you could also say that you are slightly injuring a human’s pride, dignity, reputation, self-esteem, happiness, sense of security, etc. with a verbal assault. Stealing dignity or injuring dignity effectively means the same thing and is bad behavior.

Injury: n. stealing health intentionally and if the injury is selfinflicted you are stealing your own health intentionally and/or ((personal and/or group) rights violation(s)) and/or (financial damage(s) and/or emotional trauma)


You could argue that you are minimally injuring the mental health of someone with a verbal assault on their pride, dignity, reputation, self-esteem, happiness, sense of security, etc. However, there are degrees of emotional trauma caused by verbal assaults with mostly minimal emotional trauma. In some cases major emotional trauma is possible by being verbally assaulted in public thus perhaps causing irreparable damage to one’s reputation.


Name calling by calling someone four eyes, mental midget, butt head, dick head, ignoramus, asshole, etc. is usually a partial truth exaggerated and becomes mostly a LIE that offends the victim and is often used as a form of bullying. If you exaggerate and call someone stupid and they are not stupid even though they may occasionally do some stupid things, then you are really mostly lying and that can be called slightly immoral.

Not all name calling is inaccurate or a lie so if you call someone smart who is not that smart and this is an attempt at praise then this is not considered a verbal assault and is considered good or positive behavior by some psychologists. However, it is still an exaggerated partial truth and can be considered to be a lie. This is why exaggerated ongoing praise for a child does not often bring good end results because you have really lied to him or her and given them a false sense of confidence or an inflated ego. Positive or negative name calling are both slightly immoral because they are mostly lies or exaggerated partial truths.

Name calling usually has a bad connotation, especially when used to bully kids. The reason is that it is either an exaggerated partial truth thus becoming a lie which can be considered to be slightly immoral OR the name calling is a verbal attempt at stealing a little bit of one’s dignity or self-esteem which should also be considered to be slightly immoral.

Verbal punishment is just if it is done with a probable cause of willful bad behavior. Unfortunately verbal aggression or verbal assaults are often used to try and punish a punishment deserving human. However, verbal assaults are not verbal moral punishments if they are not done in a dignified or polite manner. Also verbal assaults are not moral punishments if you erroneously verbally punish for good behavior.

Ridicule is really laughing at someone’s inappropriate behavior or persona and ridicule is a more subtle form of verbal aggression or assault sometimes designed to punish an individual or group for bad or inappropriate behavior. Merely laughing at something funny is not slightly immoral unless it is willfully done as an assault on one’s human dignity. Tone of voice, bad or inappropriate behavior, and circumstances under which the behavior occurs all determine whether it is serious ridicule or more flippant in nature and not to be taken seriously.

Judging from comedians jokes we can laugh at almost anything so it is important to differentiate between a human laughing at bad, stupid, or tragic behavior in general and laughing at a specific human involved in bad, stupid, or tragic behavior, belittling him or her for the behavior, and potentially offending him or her with the ridicule OR punishing with condescending laughing.

Can ridicule really be minimally immoral? Yes, it is a little bit immoral if it is a brutal verbal assault on the dignity or reputation of someone. Yes, ridicule is often merely a form of enjoyable banter without malicious intent between close friends who don’t get offended by the jovial ridicule. Even insults, name calling, put downs or belittlement, and humiliation are tolerated with the proper tone of voice among close friends. This is slightly tragic but unfortunately a fact of real life these days.

Yes, there is a difference between angry or hateful ridicule and seemingly innocent ridicule done in a mild tone of voice and done for minimally bad, stupid, or tragic behavior.

You can also ridicule someone without a probable cause or reason so this and other verbal assaults can also often be considered mean behavior. The meanness can sometimes just be attributed to a mean personality. He or she is mean just because they enjoy being mean or are habitually mean without an underlying reason or probable cause!

Humiliation is often used to make someone feel guilty about some bad, wrong, or inappropriate behavior. Humiliation done in a gentle tone of voice, in private, and for minor bad or wrong behavior is not as serious a moral transgression as is humiliation done in an angry tone of voice and in public where your reputation can be severely affected and thus the humiliation is much more than just slightly immoral.

Some may argue that my approach to verbal assaults is a form of moral relativism which is determined by tone of voice, type of bad behavior, closeness of the relationship, private or public verbal assault, and type of personality. Yes, to some extent I am a moral relativist in the sense that I believe that there are degrees of immorality from very minimal degrees to severe degrees of immorality.

Most can tolerate minimal degrees of immorality because that is just how real life is currently lived but very few of us will tolerate for long severe degrees of immorality with willful malicious verbal assaults which can potentially ruin our reputation publically for example or adversely affect our mental health with great emotional trauma which can lead to depression, desperation, and other dysfunctions which are socially undesirable.

Moral relativists often argue that the end justifies the means and that if a severe verbal assault ends bad behavior then it is justified. I believe that all verbal assaults are immoral but vary in degree of immoral severity. I don’t believe that verbal assaults really end some bad behavior but mere postpone the bad behavior for another time and place in many instances.

I have shown that verbal assaults have degrees of immorality and breaking many laws also can be considered to be degrees of immorality in many instances. For example, playing loud music after 11 PM can be considered as disturbing the peace or taking away the right of others to peaceful rest after 11 PM. Stealing or taking away the right of others to peaceful rest after 11 PM could be considered to be slightly immoral.

Yes, there are some exceptions to the law such as the 4th of July when private fireworks go off often past 12 PM but in general such a law is valid throughout most of the year and violating the law can be considered to be slightly immoral. This principle can be extended to other laws, some just and others not so just but I will leave this discussion to another article at a later date.

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