Tag Archives: useful education


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 5300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTHUPDATED NEW QUOTES, and DON’T BE INEFFICIENT, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 5200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTHUPDATED NEW QUOTES, and DON’T BE INEFFICIENT, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4800 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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The age of liberal arts is fast being replaced by the age of technological arts and science. Computer software is outperforming many tasks done by humans in the past by being more efficient, faster, and making fewer errors. In the past smart, moral, inspiring human role models were all that we had and these role models are going to be replaced by smart, somewhat moral, inspiring computer software and robots who will perform parental, teacher, and professional functions with greater skill than 99% of humans on the face of the earth.

Computer software will function mostly autonomously without human assistance but there will still be a symbiotic relationship with technologically knowledgeable humans, especially in the realm of morality and creativity which will continue to need human input because of inherent complexity and logical inconsistencies which will probably never be subject to mathematical formulations but merely statistical norms at best.

Human emotions, unpredictability, and somewhat irrational behavior is a real challenge to try and predict or even control so artificial intelligence or AI will always be less than totally human in it’s functionality. Yes, robot role models will always be less than human in some respects but their predominant functioning will be acceptable in most cases.

If you are rich and genetically endowed with the potential to be above average in mental and physical functioning then a good useful education with an abundance of math and science, smart hard work, and monetary backing should almost guarantee success in life. Success should come if you value integrity, work smart and hard, stay away from very bad addictions, and have gained some moral emotional intelligence along the way from your parents and friends which you associate with.

If you are dirt poor, get a largely useless education, have dysfunctional parents and friends, are addicted to alcohol and drugs, and live in a bad neighborhood then the probability that you will succeed in life is minimal and the probability that you will reproduce is also rather low.

If you are rich, get a largely useless education, are addicted to alcohol, drugs, partying, and compulsive shopping then your chances of succeeding in life are very bad so merely having money is not all that you need in life to be successful.

The rich and successful will always want to be richer, more powerful, and more successful so genetic engineering or human genetically modified organisms will soon become a reality. The possibility of a superior endowed genetic gene population may arise which will rule the world in an aristocratic way and positions of leadership authority will largely be genetic as was the way in ancient history. Does history repeat itself? Yes, it appears to be case in the not too distant future.

Already Russia is largely ruled by rich autocrats, China is ruled by rich members of the communist party, and the United States is largely ruled by rich politicians with worldwide connections with the rich and powerful. All that the rich and powerful worldwide need is a unified ideology and propaganda machine to promote it and keep the masses content in a servile role.

The Democratic party is already promoting such an ideology via the media, academia, and celebrities. All are ruthlessly trying to promote their ideology and ruthlessly suppressing and censoring opposing views. Whether they will succeed in the long duration is still debatable but the writing is on the wall for all to see and evaluate and experience.

Human teachers in poor neighborhoods will never be able to provide a quality education for the disadvantaged youth but audio visual interactive computer education will offer the hope of a useful quality education for the disadvantaged in poor neighborhoods at a fraction of the cost of real human teachers. The hope for a better future for poor humans can only come with a good useful education which technology will soon be able to provide. Yes, students will still have to put in the time and effort to learn and advance in life but that is nothing new and self motivation and inherent ability ultimately will determine who succeeds and who doesn’t.

Ultimately a good useful education is what determines success in life to a great degree and displaced humans due to technology will have to retrain in new and more advanced jobs with the passage of time. Not every human is capable of nor wants to retrain education wise so they may wind up on permanent welfare. Free useful education for anyone at any age will have to be instituted at some point in the future so that hopelessness does not pervade the majority of the population for a lifetime.

So a monied aristocratic genetically superior breed of humans will eventually rule over the use of technology in the future world. The hope is that technology will also be used to give the poorest some hope for useful educational advancement in this very competitive world. The quality of a society is largely determined by the quality of the moral and informative useful education which the population receives. An investment in a useful education pays the best interest. I paraphrased a quote by Benjamin Franklin.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4800 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4600 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4600 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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The biggest threat to the United States is moral decay about which I have written in past articles. That said Globalization is also partially to blame for the current state of moral and economic dysfunction.

It is no great secret that whether it is Republicans or Democrats in power the establishment is in favor of big international banks and international corporations and big national corporations and organizations. The middle class is not high on the list of priority legislation.

Corporations and banks are communal enterprises or consist of many more than one individual so collective leftist ideology is dominant and designed to ultimately oppress the individual and favor collective enterprises and collective group thinking and causes. Globalism and big money is winning and laughing all the way to the bank while the average human is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy or is already dependent on some socialist welfare.


For the collective to triumph along with big government, the Democratic party and leftist ideology has taken over most of the media, about 90% of university staff, most big corporations and institutions, most celebrities, even the top echelons of the deep state, and is dominant in promoting an even greater welfare state with over 50% getting some form of welfare support.


The only recent area where the Democrats and their ideology has not triumphed is in the Supreme Court. Despite this the majority of lawyers graduating from law school and the top universities are democrats who are hell bent on changing the constitution to benefit their ideological persuasion. Already some state laws are just ignoring the constitution and passing unconstitutional laws which persist because no one is really challenging them in the left leaning courts.


The middle class is rapidly disappearing and most are moving to big cities mostly run by Democrats which is rather disheartening news. Mostly low income humans subsidized by some welfare from the government seem to be an undeniable future trend favoring Democrats.  The only reason a majority of registered Democrats sometimes don’t win is because they are too lazy to vote or think that voting will make no difference anyway.


Financially responsible moral family units are becoming scarce. Promiscuity and pornography is popular. Most families are either in debt or living from paycheck to paycheck with little or no money for emergencies. Mental illness now afflicts more than 30% of the population. Legal and illegal drug and legal alcohol abuse is reaching crisis proportions.  About 50% of college and high school graduates can’t find jobs and many continue living with their parents. The national debt is high and rising rapidly with no end in sight. Democrats basically just want bigger government, more spending on costly social programs, higher taxes, and more debt.


The establishment media has morphed into a tabloid like press hell bent on destroying the reputations of naysayers and political rivals with insults, name calling, belittlement, ridicule,  humiliation and sometimes even lawsuits. Identity politics is also dominant and shows no signs of decreasing. The media love to stereotype humans, especially if they are not Democrats, and call them racists, Nazis, Islamaphobes, homophobes, misogynists and love to character assassinate humans further with guilt by association, statements taken out of context, and deplatforming which often is a form of unjust censorship.


There probably will be no solution for the illegal immigrant invasion with the gradual breakdown of law and order aided by sanctuary cities and leniency on criminals such as a right to vote for felons who have served their sentence in Florida. Bipartisanship is a policy rapidly dying as politics becomes more polarized or divided into intolerant party warfare. The political leadership is corrupt and getting more corrupt and immoral with each passing year. The leadership is not solving economic or social problems but mostly exacerbating them with new legal riders on spending bills to make the system even more problematic and dysfunctional.


Traditional conservative social values are moral, coherent family units with financial responsibility, and independent selfsufficiency or selfreliance. This is rapidly being replaced by progressive considerable immorality, tenuous financially irresponsible family units, and dependency on government welfare. The corrupt monied class is growing in wealth as the rest of the population is steadily becoming little more than indentured servants dependent on the government teat.


After Trump leaves the presidency it will probably be business as usual with nothing standing in the way of Democratic dominance on into the foreseeable future. Only time will tell whether the future is one of dysfunctional socialism followed by possible ultimate tyranny by an indoctrinated elite who will rule by proclamation without any checks and balances on their power. Yes, first the citizenry will have to be disarmed but that can and ultimately will be done in small stages until any resistance to tyranny will be ruthlessly and violently suppressed.


Yes, there is an improbable solution that unfortunately will need political backing. The solution is a smaller more efficient government with fewer laws favoring special interests, a radically reformed educational and welfare system designed to encourage learning of useful knowledge and providing door to door basic welfare assistance to the destitute and also unemployed but no motorized vehicle.


I have extensively written in detail about the solutions in my blog and over 17 selfpublished books. If you ever hope to be a leader in government or industry I would highly recommend that you read about my proposed solutions and hope that you will make some of them your own someday and try to disseminate them further.

Yes, real solutions means proposing and passing specific laws regulating education and welfare and the government in general so relevant issues should be proposed and enacted into law and many old laws rescinded or terminated on the local and national level.

Unfortunately the badly informed public just wants to vote for whom they like and vote against whom they hate. We really need statesmanship, which is presently nonexistent, in public office to pass laws which benefit moral financially responsible family units and not big money globalists. What we are getting recently is charlatan politicians who are power hungry and little else. A secular moral code taught to most impressionable young minds, peace, and prosperity towards a greater tomorrow is a laudable goal, if that is still a possibility!

I prefer ending on an optimistic note so I see some hope in pulling society out of a moral free fall into chaos and dissatisfaction. Technology with the help of artificial intelligence, smart robots, and smart audio visual software should become the new moral role models of the future, raising the new generation and taming the emotional beast in most adult humans.

Sustainable technology living in harmony with nature is the semi Utopian future with potentially optimistic results. Yes, oppressive technology is also possible in the form of too much mind control and political correctness extremes but I prefer to view the future with optimism and not the pessimistic future that doomsayers predict will actually occur.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!



If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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There is some scientific evidence to suggest that if your life is going along relatively smoothly with physical health, a moral outlook, a useful education, a few good friends, good social interaction, a good paying job, financial responsibility, a happy marriage, and generally a feeling that you are contributing to society in some meaningful way that the probability that you will need or do drugs is minimal. Basically if you are moral, eat healthy, have drug free good friends, and are gainfully employed then you will seldom have a serious drug habit.

But seriously ask yourself whether society or any social program can offer equal opportunity to achieve such desirable happiness or circumstances once you have fallen through the cracks and become a habitual drug user? To gain desirable circumstances requires time, effort, sacrifice, achievement, optimization of ability, money, a moral family, and a useful educational background. Just do what feels good or follow your passion will definitely not work under most circumstances. Life is not fair for most and those are the humans more prone to drug use.

On the other hand if you are in bad physical health, don’t have a moral family, have dysfunctional friends who gamble, are promiscuous, and are financially unstable then you are in danger. If you are bad at social interaction, are badly educated, depressed, have a lousy job or no job at all, are unhappily married or not married at all, and feel that you are contributing nothing to society then drugs can be a very tempting escape mechanism to try and feel good for a change.

Increasingly western society is being filled with dysfunctional individuals isolated from wholesome human contact who do drugs to try and escape their desperate isolated or confusing lives. Others socialize with dysfunctional hedonistic friends who are lousy role models to imitate. When teenage and adult peer pressure is hedonistic then it is just a question of time before you crash and burn and potentially ruin your life and whatever future you still have ahead of you.

A society filled with rehab centers is not a very stable society and the more drugs that are legalized the greater will be the percentage of humans using them on a regular basis which many now still call an addiction problem. The opiod crisis is just the tip of the legal and illegal iceberg and legalizing all drugs as in Portugal will unfortunately eventually result in a large percentage of the largely hedonistic drug taking population being bad contributing members to society.

Maybe eventually an unhappy dysfunctional human workforce will largely be replaced with dependable, trustworthy, competent robots. What may then happen is that most of the population will be strung out on mind altering drugs most of the time and on government welfare. There is an old saying which still applies in modern times even though you don’t have to believe in devils. “Idle minds and hands are the devil’s workshop”. Simply put, if you have nothing useful to do in life then you will probably get yourself into trouble personally and socially.

If drugs are legalized then there will be more children, students, nannies, teachers,  vocational and professional workers in responsible positions strung out on drugs and making the workforce more dangerous and inefficient than it already is. Can any nation with legalized drugs survive and be powerful, respected, and morally functional in other than a third world status? I highly doubt that this is possible.

I hope the crisis never becomes so acute that drug pushers or dealers will have to be executed but that may be the only sane alternative to continuing to do nothing constructive and gradually letting the nation slide into a mind altering drug haze both legal and illegal.

If there is a moral to be gleaned from history it is- “don’t become a hedonistic individual and participate in a hedonistic society”. Hedonistic individuals and societies don’t last long.

Hedonistic: adj. pursuing excessive pleasure

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Politics used to be rather boring and predictable with standard decorum and rituals or traditions which were repeated over and over again with boring regularity. Gone is the era of relative predictability and politics now is an all out slugfest where insults, put downs, name calling, ridicule, guilt by association, slander, and humiliation are standardly used against political opponents and media talking heads.

Traditional news conferences with the media are few and far between, there is no trust in the leadership of either party, the establishment or legacy media has justly been assailed as a biased source of some fake news, the highest levels of leadership positions have gone unfilled, and the current status of rational political discourse is a chaotic emotional shambles.

Economic prudence is out the window and the only area of political bipartisan agreement seems to be compromise on how much more money is going to be spent on bureaucratic entitlements while increasing the national debt.

There are no longer charismatic leaders which have been untainted by some corruption and many inexperienced and unqualified celebrities are written about as possible future presidents.

It is easy to use one human as a scapegoat and accuse Trump of being the sole cause of this chaotic political turnaround but the roots of the problem run much deeper. The cause of the current day situation is a basic moral corruption in society which glorifies promiscuity, hedonism, drug use, deviant lifestyles, and has a crude intolerant liberal ideology which has seeped into the educational system, the establishment media, and celebrities in general. Respect and admiration for the establishment has bit the dust and whether credibility and trust can be restored like the rising phoenix from the ashes of immoral behavior is debatable.

Nothing short of a moral revival can potentially cure the political and social malaise but it will take decades to reestablish. A secular moral code with real life current examples taught to all impressionable young minds in elementary schools is vital. Without this indoctrination the insecure and unpredictable state of society will not improve and trusting peaceful cooperation between citizens and between citizens and their leaders will not be possible in the long duration. Stringent media censorship and propagandizing a leftist intolerant ideology is not an easy and quick solution if the populace and leadership is basically immoral and corrupt.

What is necessary is a return to integrity or honesty and morality, family values, useful education, financial responsibility, and a media promoting objective journalism. Media not riddled with fake news using intimidation tactics, guilt by association, and ideological purity or political correctness is the only thing which will save this nation in the long duration from becoming a third world country or possibly even a tyranny.

Big money without a moral backbone corrupts internationally and nationally and it is no wonder that qualified smart humans don’t want to enter politics and get on an unending treadmill of money solicitations and molding their political discourse based on the latest dubious polling trends. Politicians sucking up to big money is proving to be the downfall of moral statesmanship which this country sorely needs more of. The health and wellbeing of the average citizen is being almost totally ignored. Religion used to help in filling the essential moral vacuum which today is becoming a moral vacuum without a common secular moral code as a trusted fervently believed behavioral guide.

Far from being pessimistic I see some hope in alternate media and the internet as long as it doesn’t become an exclusive propaganda mouthpiece of the ruling monied establishment. Ultimately if anything has the potential to improve a society it is a responsible press. In the era of the internet this means responsible moral individuals and organizations or groups with internet access to the world where they can promote their views and facts, hopefully in an open source way.

Moral communication and activity is vital. Without it society ceases to function efficiently and it degenerates into a costly bureaucratic surveillance society with safe gated communities and the rest functioning as best they can in an insecure survival of the fittest mode.

I personally don’t fear turmoil in society because it is a barometer of change in society which it definitely going on. How society will adapt and change in the face of political uncertainty is going to be an interesting circus to watch or follow. Will this circus last for another 7 years followed by more of the same is debatable but well worth the wait. Enjoy!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Big money rules the world but the success of a nation is determined by how the money is distributed to promote a useful education and good work ethic for the majority of its citizens.

Not too often discussed is the most important education and that is a moral education which is vital to the peaceful trusting cooperation between citizens and between citizens and their leadership.

Religion has traditionally filled this moral void but in increasingly secular societies young impressionable minds must be indoctrinated with a secular moral code so that they can impulsively make moral decisions without always having to stop and ask when interacting with other humans- Is what I am doing right or wrong?

Realistically, all offspring by the age of about 13 should be able to discriminate between what is morally right and what is morally wrong. In a nutshell that secular moral code should be- in nonemergency situations- don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder.

Next in importance is an education which encourages competence in basic skills such as reading, basic math, and budgeting your money or paying attention to the price of products and their relative quality. Price per pound calculations and awareness of food ingredients and all additives is vital to a healthy organic diet and a healthy society in general.

Not often mentioned is the importance of efficiency in everyday life. To maintain an industrious, smart, hard, work ethic, vocational skills should be taught in high school. Real life work experiences should begin at about the age of 14 and definitely by the age of 16 for all those not academically inclined.

In a fast changing technological age your education should really be life long or never cease. Selfeducation is very important and all citizens should be taught how to maintain childhood curiosity and learn and relearn throughout a lifetime to keep pace with rapid societal change. For all those falling through the cracks who become unemployed and also destitute, online free internet useful education should be provided. This is so that there is always the hope of making it back into the workforce with personally devoted time, energy, effort, and ability.

Yes, soon technology, robotization, and artificial intelligence will make many repetitive menial tasks obsolete and it is entirely possible that many citizens will have to be put on permanent welfare. When the permanent welfare class exceeds 30% then it will become desirable to limit their voting power to a fraction of 1 vote or the working class will become slaves working for a luxurious permanent welfare class which doesn’t work but just consumes valuable national resources.

Working for a lifetime for a company will probably not be a viable alternative for the average worker in the future modern world. That is why the opportunity to reeducate oneself throughout a lifetime will become very important and need some monetary educational government assistance.

Government workers seldom get fired but a huge inefficient government bureaucracy is also not an acceptable answer or solution.

A dystopian society is an unhealthy, ignorant, drugged, lazy, criminal, majority on permanent welfare or in jail. If given a choice, I don’t think anyone would really want to live in such a society.

A realistic good functioning society is healthy, educated, moral, drug free, industrious, and employed for a large percentage of a human’s lifespan.  How do you incentivize a society to reward these kinds of humans? I have spent a lifetime trying to answer this question in detail in my writings.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Good health,

A moral upbringing with integrity,

A useful education,

Continuing selfeducation,

A good job,



Updated goals throughout life.

Although many humans have overcome minor and major health handicaps and succeeded in leading productive lives, it is much easier to live a life free of health concerns and genetically it is a real benefit to future generations if you have healthy parents. Having good health is nature’s wonderful gift which one should try to maintain for a lifetime.

In all your human interactions, having integrity and a strong moral foundation that you believe in will maximize trust with friends, coworkers, offspring, and spouse. You will have good relationships with humans that are important to you and not have many dysfunctional relationships.

Without integrity and a moral foundation you will never be respected and maybe even admired by other humans if that is your ultimate goal.

If you come from a dysfunctional and/or immoral family the odds that you will have integrity and moral soundness are very low. Without wholesome role models to imitate you will not be respected nor admired. You may get lucky and find a mentor or role model whom you can imitate who has integrity and morality but it will take incredible courage and determination to struggle against a bad environment and the corresponding bad influences.

Many eventually rebel in some way against traditional religious morality so here is an updated modern secular moral code which you should follow as much as possible and pass it on your impressionable offspring.

In nonemergency situations-don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder.

A technological, computer science, and scientific education is a useful education with more good job opportunities and if you are stuck in a job poor Liberal arts field then you may have to continue with further useful education and selfeducation to make a decent go of it in an age when job security is increasingly a thing of the past due to a standardization of function, parts, and robotization.

One thing is almost certain that you will have many more than just one job in your lifetime so more useful education and much selfeducation is what you should anticipate getting more of while going from job to job.

When finally you and your significant other both have relatively good jobs then is the optimal time to consider marriage and the possibility of offspring which are a great responsibility financially and time wise.

Networking and having some close friends may be important for you but be selective in which ones you choose to spend your valuable time, energy, and money on.

As we go through life our immediate and long duration goals change so be ready to update your goals throughout a lifetime to fit your immediate and hoped for circumstances.

If you start at the very bottom with dysfunctional parents and friends severely addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, entertainment, and overspending, and have a useless education then your chances of doing well in the economy will be minimal. You will ultimately probably join the ranks of those on permanent welfare or end up in prison for immoral and/or criminal behavior.

The choice is yours.  Be moral, work smart and hard or face a future filled with unhappiness, depression and trapped in a seemingly hopeless modern environment.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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