Tag Archives: establishment media


Historically the establishment media had some clout when it published current events, political opinions, and tried to convince a mass audience to think a certain way. Today in an atmosphere of constant fake news, fake opinions, emotionally charged sound bytes, deceptions, and remorseless lying many Americans have had enough and are tuning out of the political BS and finding better things to do elsewhere with their time.

An obsession with poll taking and pontificating based on them is a perfect example of the ineffectiveness of the establishment media to sway public opinion in a major way. Opinion polls are basically the same as they were three years ago and the media has changed few opinions while their reputations have continued a downward spiral with fewer and fewer humans trusting the media for unbiased reportage.

Many have turned to cellphone apps, social media, search engines, and YouTube like videos and podcasts as sources for information and entertainment. Newspapers and traditional cable channels are rapidly losing viewership since reading lengthy articles and viewing lengthy programs is going out of style in an age of instant gratification demanded by almost everyone.

Yes, the tabloid press with its emotionally charged BS is in a chaotic state from which it will probably never escape since its reputation is in the toilet with just fringe group fanatics still genuinely interested in the crap. Will there ever be a national consensus on important national issues again? Probably not, but the new internet technology companies will probably try very hard to push their globalist political ideology and try to give it mass appeal.

I personally don’t mind the political chaos because out of it will emerge rule by the technological elite with a corresponding relatively rational ideology which may or may not trample individual social rights in favor of collectivist social dogma. Yes, a more tyrannical government may emerge but without a secular moral or ethical reawakening stressing individual rights and responsible behavior, the prospects for more legal intervention in our lives or more oppression is a more likely outcome.

In the near future, executive power may be wielded more often because frankly the establishment Republicans and Democrats are interested in maintaining the status quo which basically means doing nothing unless it seems to be a national emergency. Yes, the rich are in control of the government and included are the international rich. The future executive branch will probably have to act independent of a deadlocked congress to promote action in times of national crises. Unfortunately more tyranny will result and especially so and more quickly if the Democrats with their socialist globalist agenda emerge or come to power.

Conclusion: The establishment media sucks but better though perhaps more tyrannical times are ahead of us thanks to the technological elite.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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The historical tabloid press was and still is a sensationalized form of current events information replete with seemingly unbelievable statements, events, and deceptive pronouncements designed to impulsively promote a buying gullible customer who wants their emotions titillated.

Today the establishment media is following in the footsteps of the tabloids and becoming more sensational and raunchier by the month. Investigative reporting and a factual reporting of current events is becoming a dying art and is being largely replaced by blatant biased opinions and editorials often accented with insults, put downs, name calling, humiliation, and ridicule of humans with opposing opinions.

Brief sometimes shocking sound bites and talking heads repeating their communal ideology is dominant in the mass media today and their listeners and viewers are decreasing in number as each human retreats into their isolated social media, cellphone world.

How long will this form of unprincipled malicious verbal combat and censorship be tolerated? Since news is increasingly a popularity contest with viewer statistics having a dominant influence, the answer is that abusive verbal combat will last as long as the public does not become bored stiff with the crappy repetitious disinformation or propaganda being published and broadcast.

The masses have always been partial to comforting lies rather than the truth so hoping that comforting lies will diminish in the future is highly unlikely. It seems that the artificial intelligence bots are becoming more intelligent than even human debaters so I see salvation in censorship by media software bots who will eventually tell humans what to say and eventually what to think.

Of course the humans in control of these bots will ultimately determine the  information inputted into the information processing system so some form of censoring ideology will have to exist and it will be human determined to some extent. If you input trashy information into a software program then your output will also be trashy information so some reliable human or computer algorithm is necessary to exclude the unreliable garbage information from being inputted.

To regain and maintain some degree of trust in the reporting of news, important questions to ask and answer are- How factual is the information? How trustworthy is the author or source of the information? Has the trustworthiness lasted many years? What is the goal of the article? What are the reputable sources and information which seems to back up the purpose or goal  of the article or presentation? Will this information be promoted via podcast, video, or written format and where will it appear?

Note: the objective purpose of any communication should be to promote the truth about factual information but the reality is that ideology often plays a dominant role in the communication and reality is often misrepresented to fit a politically correct mold. Effective useful communication means that the facts are truthful and the communicator is trusted as somewhat of an expert in his or her field of expertise.

An alternative media with anti monopolistic information censorship and ideology has arisen and is doing rather well but it will probably never become what used to be the establishment media and widely respected by the average human. Once trust in the establishment media is lost it is almost an impossible task to get it back any time soon.

It takes more aggressive searching to find and use alternative media but thankfully it is still there and surviving if not thriving. As long as someone is permitted to exercise moral free speech on the internet and present opposing views in a civilized manner, I see no great need to panic and believe that all media is just going to become and stay a biased cesspool of censored unprincipled politics, news, and general information.

The European Union is already censoring free alternative media so please support free alternative media with your money because the same fate may befall the United States alternative media in the not too distant future.

Some sense of order will probably arise out of the current chaos so promote with your money all the sources which you feel are as truthful as is reasonably possible.

Bots can also be stupid or malicious and try to trap you in an isolated echo chamber of information which you like rather than also expose you to information which you should know about to be truly informed. Media bots whose main purpose is to make money try to keep you satisfied with the world which you like or agree with so historical brainwashing by bots this time will continue into the foreseeable future.

Artificial intelligence is becoming smarter than the average human so bots will rule the media of the future to a very large extent.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Ann Curry makes a plea for a return to truthful journalism in an era of big money corporate control over the establishment media and internet. Establishment media is incredibly biased and opinionated and often uses dubious statistical results and opinion polls to back up their propaganda which has existed for years and is mostly left wing biased. Advertising revenue and viewing statistics largely determine what is presented to the public and the ultimate result is that the information keeps you ignorant and uninformed on facts but is rich in politically correct ideology.

To put it bluntly, most media is no longer trusted and restoring that trust will have to take many years of truthful reporting or the establishment media will never be trusted again.

The only way to restore credible journalism is to support credible internet media with your monetary donations or subscriptions and promote alternate truthful media or websites with tens of thousands of subscribers.

The truth is not popular and is either right or wrong and if you pursue it then you will probably soon begin to call yourself an independent who agrees with the truth that the left and right have to offer or the best truth that the conservative and liberal have to offer.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Politics used to be rather boring and predictable with standard decorum and rituals or traditions which were repeated over and over again with boring regularity. Gone is the era of relative predictability and politics now is an all out slugfest where insults, put downs, name calling, ridicule, guilt by association, slander, and humiliation are standardly used against political opponents and media talking heads.

Traditional news conferences with the media are few and far between, there is no trust in the leadership of either party, the establishment or legacy media has justly been assailed as a biased source of some fake news, the highest levels of leadership positions have gone unfilled, and the current status of rational political discourse is a chaotic emotional shambles.

Economic prudence is out the window and the only area of political bipartisan agreement seems to be compromise on how much more money is going to be spent on bureaucratic entitlements while increasing the national debt.

There are no longer charismatic leaders which have been untainted by some corruption and many inexperienced and unqualified celebrities are written about as possible future presidents.

It is easy to use one human as a scapegoat and accuse Trump of being the sole cause of this chaotic political turnaround but the roots of the problem run much deeper. The cause of the current day situation is a basic moral corruption in society which glorifies promiscuity, hedonism, drug use, deviant lifestyles, and has a crude intolerant liberal ideology which has seeped into the educational system, the establishment media, and celebrities in general. Respect and admiration for the establishment has bit the dust and whether credibility and trust can be restored like the rising phoenix from the ashes of immoral behavior is debatable.

Nothing short of a moral revival can potentially cure the political and social malaise but it will take decades to reestablish. A secular moral code with real life current examples taught to all impressionable young minds in elementary schools is vital. Without this indoctrination the insecure and unpredictable state of society will not improve and trusting peaceful cooperation between citizens and between citizens and their leaders will not be possible in the long duration. Stringent media censorship and propagandizing a leftist intolerant ideology is not an easy and quick solution if the populace and leadership is basically immoral and corrupt.

What is necessary is a return to integrity or honesty and morality, family values, useful education, financial responsibility, and a media promoting objective journalism. Media not riddled with fake news using intimidation tactics, guilt by association, and ideological purity or political correctness is the only thing which will save this nation in the long duration from becoming a third world country or possibly even a tyranny.

Big money without a moral backbone corrupts internationally and nationally and it is no wonder that qualified smart humans don’t want to enter politics and get on an unending treadmill of money solicitations and molding their political discourse based on the latest dubious polling trends. Politicians sucking up to big money is proving to be the downfall of moral statesmanship which this country sorely needs more of. The health and wellbeing of the average citizen is being almost totally ignored. Religion used to help in filling the essential moral vacuum which today is becoming a moral vacuum without a common secular moral code as a trusted fervently believed behavioral guide.

Far from being pessimistic I see some hope in alternate media and the internet as long as it doesn’t become an exclusive propaganda mouthpiece of the ruling monied establishment. Ultimately if anything has the potential to improve a society it is a responsible press. In the era of the internet this means responsible moral individuals and organizations or groups with internet access to the world where they can promote their views and facts, hopefully in an open source way.

Moral communication and activity is vital. Without it society ceases to function efficiently and it degenerates into a costly bureaucratic surveillance society with safe gated communities and the rest functioning as best they can in an insecure survival of the fittest mode.

I personally don’t fear turmoil in society because it is a barometer of change in society which it definitely going on. How society will adapt and change in the face of political uncertainty is going to be an interesting circus to watch or follow. Will this circus last for another 7 years followed by more of the same is debatable but well worth the wait. Enjoy!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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