Tag Archives: personality


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 5300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTHUPDATED NEW QUOTES, and DON’T BE INEFFICIENT, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 5000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 5000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Ideally you have great role model moral parents, have been raised with one or more siblings, have role model moral relatives, and have had good role model friends in your formative years. If this is the case then you probably also have a good personality which needs little improvement.

On the other hand if you haven’t had good moral role model parents, are an only child, have had bad role model relatives, and have had bad role model friends in your formative years then your personality is probably pretty bad and needs a radical change. Fortunately relatively few of us fall into these two extremes of good moral role models and bad somewhat immoral role models.

If you want to radically improve your very bad personality then it is mostly a lost cause if you are already an adult so my recommendations for improving a personality apply to humans who are flawed but not extremely flawed personality types.

Why is being moral or ethically sound so important? It is because trust is the bond which attracts and keeps relationships going and without trust relationships fall apart sooner or later. To establish trust you must have integrity which basically means being honest and moral. Being moral or ethical is not lying, not stealing, not committing adultery if married, and not murdering. My morality also includes not destroying biodiversity and not being inefficient but these two important subjects are covered in my book SECULAR MORAL CODE on Amazon. So one of the most important factors in a good personality is being TRUSTWORTHY which is the foundation of almost all good relationships and personality types.

There are other factors which make for a trustworthy relationship. You must also be as dependable as possible and try to fulfill all your promises. Competence in what you do also builds trust because you can’t depend on an incompetent human who makes too many mistakes, forgets too often, or is pretentious about his or her actual abilities. Bad gossiping, spreading false rumors about someone, or lying about a human also destroys trust and back stabbing is even worse.

So if you are on the road to improving your personality then trying to become more trustworthy is priority number one on your list of things to do. If you are trustworthy then you will have a good reputation and may even be admired though some of your opinions and beliefs may be different from those with which you are communicating with or involved in relationships with.

Another very important personality trait is an honest or sincere interest in other humans, especially in those that you choose to interact with and form relationships with. A genuine interest in another human is conveyed by listening carefully to what is said, asking appropriate questions and following up on what is being said, interrupting only when the conversation gets boring or seems to be going nowhere, showing empathy with present and past circumstances, offering helpful advice where appropriate, motivating one to continue doing something good, praising one for doing something worthwhile, sharing similar experiences or interests verbally and sometimes physically, being sincere in your criticisms if any so they don’t come across harsh or rude,  interjecting humor where appropriate, and maintaining an optimistic and enthusiastic mood or atmosphere or smiling, nodding, and gesturing appropriately.

Yes, it is hard showing genuine interest in a human that is not very interesting to begin with but there is social etiquette to deal with these humans in a polite and respectful way. If you want details then read my book GOOD MODERN BEHAVIORS on Amazon.

You can be an introvert and be respected and admired by relatively few individuals or you can be an extrovert and be respected and admired by relatively many individuals. Neither being an introverted type of personality or an extroverted type of personality is good or bad. Both are good if you are trustworthy or have integrity and are basically a moral human. This is not an article designed to help you to become more extroverted or introverted since introverts generally try to avoid excessive human drama and limit human interactions and extroverts often like human drama and interactions with many humans.

Ultimately an extroverted human personality can interact with a wide variety of human personality types successfully and it is something which is called emotional intelligence. It is a learned skill and is usually acquired with a lot of experience with all kinds of humans. Many introverts may lack this emotional intelligence with a wide range of human personality types but they may have great emotional intelligence with relatively few carefully chosen individuals. I suppose you could call introvert emotional intelligence quality emotional intelligence and extroverted emotional intelligence quantity emotional intelligence. This quality versus quantity statement is just a spontaneous thought which I had and need not be taken that seriously if you are confused by it.

Happiness is contagious and if you are a happy individual then this will attract other humans. In most cases the happiest humans are those who enjoy setting and pursuing short and long duration goals and try to achieve them. They are usually the doers and not just the dreamers. The happiest are those who set realistic short and long duration goals and develop confidence and a can do attitude with successful achievement along the way.

There are the super ambitious happy entrepreneurs but you can also be considered ambitious and happy if you want to maintain or improve your health by eating organic, sleeping enough, exercising on a regular basis, self educating yourself by reading useful information which improves your knowledge and skills, and trying to prepare for a better paying or more fulfilling job and more interesting life.

Being happy is a state of mind which you are responsible for to a large extent. If you want to improve your personality then research core values or personality traits and self educate yourself about them. Find out yourself details about things such as compassion, caring, selfishness, friendship, kindness, optimism, responsibility, creativity, curiosity, sharing, etc. or read details about these concepts in my book SECULAR MORAL CODE. Yes, you can also search my encyclopedic blog at uldissprogis.com using those keywords and you shouldn’t come away disappointed.

Finally, once you determine what part of your personality you want to improve you can research it further and start taking steps trying to improve it. Best wishes. Uldis

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4800 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4600 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4600 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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16PF means – Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire

1. Abstractedness: Imaginative versus practical

2. Apprehension: Worried versus confident

3.Dominance: Forceful versus submissive

4.Emotional Stability: Calm versus high-strung

5.Liveliness: Spontaneous versus restrained

6.Openness to Change: Flexible versus attached to the familiar

7.Perfectionism: Controlled versus undisciplined

8.Privateness: Discreet versus open

9.Reasoning: Abstract versus concrete

10.Rule-Consciousness:Conforming versus non-conforming

11.Self-Reliance:Self-sufficient versus dependent

12.Sensitivity: Tender-hearted versus tough-minded.

13.Social Boldness: Uninhibited versus shy

14.Tension: Impatient versus relaxed

15.Vigilance: Suspicious versus trusting

16.Warmth: Outgoing versus reserved

Statements are used to identify the category which you are in and the degree to which you exhibit these 16 factors or traits but the problem is that there is a lot of overlap and it is really a subjective evaluation not based on actual evidence of a person’s character. At best it is a ballpark figure that you can come up with to express the degree to which you possess the 16 factors or traits.

I will use one question as an example: ‘I take control of things” -strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree or disagree, agree, and strongly agree.

If you answered strongly agree then let’s try to place the response in one or more of the factor categories. How practical, confident, forceful, attached to the familiar, controlled, concrete, conforming, self-sufficient, tough-minded, uninhibited, and impatient are you on a scale of 1 to 5 if you take control of things? There is no possible answer that makes any sense. If you are very controlling then you may be impractical, overly confident to a fault, too forceful, overly attached to the familiar, controlled but not in control, concrete or somewhat irrational, overly conforming, delusionally self-sufficient, overly tough- minded, and uninhibited to a fault, and perhaps too impatient. Once again, if you are very controlling then to what degree on a scale of 1 to 5 do you have the mentioned 11factors or traits which seem to have something to do with the degree of strong control that you have? Impossible to tell!!

If you answered strongly disagree that I take control of things then how practical, worried, submissive, flexible, undisciplined, conforming, dependent, shy, relaxed, and trusting are you on a scale of 1 to 5? It is impossible to tell although your dependency is probably very great if you let others control you. You may also be a great conformist but to what degree on a scale of 1 to 5?

“I do not like abstract ideas” was one statement in the abstractedness factor but then to what degree are you imaginative or practical on a scale of 1 to 5? If you strongly agree that abstract ideas displease you then does that make you a very practical person? Impossible to tell accurately!!

I took the questionnaire test and since I answered truthfully my results were believable to some extent. So maybe there is some ballpark figure validity to the test but if you lie because you want to radiate a sense of personal greatness, competence, and friendliness or answer randomly to many of the questions then the test is pure bunk.

One other failing of the categorization is the dubious link between what a human thinks and what he actually does or his or her actual behavior. An imaginative human is basically a human who thinks imaginatively but what is imaginative behavior? A human may think practically and we usually can assess practical behavior within a ball park figure. So is abstractedness a thinking ability or both a thinking and behaving ability? Abstractedness is never defined accurately so we just have a very vague idea of what it actually means using the imaginative vs. practical dichotomy.

Cattell doesn’t define the words that he uses and this results in vague inaccurate conceptualizations which should be degrees of a concept rather than one concept vs. another only theoretically diametrically opposed.

Abstractedness: imaginative vs. practical

If you define abstractedness: n. a concept(s) with minimal one to one correspondence with a fact(s) then the more removed from fact or reality you are then the more abstract you become. How could you possibly measure this with a questionnaire?

Imagine: v. to creatively think and visualize in the mind

Practical: adj. utilitarian

 Abstract: adj. a concept(s) with minimal one to one correspondence with a fact(s)

With these basic definitions you could assume that abstractedness is a question of creativity vs. utilitarian but how do you assess creativity and utilitarian tendencies with a questionnaire? Impossible to assess or do accurately and use a scale of 1 to 5.

Let’s continue with apprehension or worried vs. confident.

Apprehension: n. sensing anxiety about a future bad subset(s)

 Worry: v. to be excessively (concerned and anxious and uncertain) and wasting thinking time with a (real and/or imagined) (future and/or present)(danger(s) and/or event(s)) and/or subset(s)

Confident: adj. sensing freedom from most doubt when trying to achieve a subset(s) and this frequently exists with a large belief in oneself and in one’s abilities

Apprehension is basically sensing anxiety about a future bad event and/or circumstance. You can worry about all kinds of dangerous possibilities and it is basically an emotional response to your environment and past experiences. Confidence or courageousness is also an emotional disposition which depends on how successful you have been in life setting goals and achieving them and creates a belief in oneself and in one’s ability to get things done.

Do confident or courageous humans also worry to some extent? Yes, they do but they more quickly overcome the worry and proceed with action rather than remaining in a worried state of mind. To determine confidence you have to ask questions about courage and competence and the time it takes for one to proceed with action and I found no such questions.

Concern, anxiousness, and uncertainty about present or future, real or imagined dangers is what worrying is all about. How much is the worry a question of concern, uncertainty, and anxiousness about one’s lack of ability to do something was not tested with appropriate statements. How long you worry about something is also important because few humans realistically worry all the time.

Worry and confidence are not pure opposites and there are plenty of humans who have little confidence but do not worry about their lack of confidence or are not necessarily worriers. Determining the degree of apprehension on a scale of 1 to 5 is extremely subjective and I would venture to say that there is no statistical evidence to verify the degree of apprehension in any one individual.

Dominance: forceful vs. submissive

Dominance: n. controlling the most and/or having the largest effect(s) on a subset(s)

Forceful: adj. causing a subset(s) to move and with a lifeform(s) it is when moved against its will bodily

Submissive: adj. obeying a superior force and/or authority

Aggressive: adj. pursuing a goal(s) forcefully and/or threateningly which may include (body contact and/or violence) and/or a ((verbal threat(s) and/or verbal attack(s)) and/or physical attack(s))

Forceful is a badly chosen word since it implies the use of physical force against a human. More appropriate would be to use the word aggressive which implies appeals to authority, verbal threats, verbal attacks, and only rarely physical attacks.

Can you really determine how dominant an individual is? A human can be relatively submissive at work but very dominant in the home or with his or her spouse and offspring. In an hierarchical structure dominance is very important but in team leadership aggressiveness is frowned upon by employees to some extent and you have to be able to lead motivationally with emotional intelligence which is only occasionally overt aggressiveness.

I found no questions which dealt with dominance in the workplace or at home so once again the questionnaire is highly subjective and determining the degree of obedience to authority or dominance with questions is highly inaccurate.

Emotional stability: calm vs. high-strung

Emotional: adj. a very intense mental and/or brain sensation and/or the behaviors which exist with samer sensation

Calm: v. to decrease excitement and frequently to a minimum

High-strung: n. nervous and easily upset   (dictionary definition)

Nervous: adj. low intensity anxiety

Defining emotional stability in terms of calm vs. easily upset and low intensity anxiety is incredibly simplistic. Emotional intelligence determines to a large extent whether you are emotionally stable or not. Humans are usually calm when doing habitual behaviors or when demonstrating competence in a skill set that they have. They may be very prone to becoming upset if they are being abused or are placed in an insecure environment which they are not used to.

Then there are the bipolar and depressed calm individuals who really have “mental illness” issues and can’t be considered to be an emotionally healthy part of the population. Their numbers are approximately 25% of the population which could be considered to be emotionally unstable. Even psychiatrists are very subjective in their evaluation of emotional stability and to make a claim that a questionnaire can determine your emotional stability is preposterous!

Emotional intelligence: n. the ability to accurately assess a human’s emotional circumstance and to proceed to communicate appropriately and/or to motivate samer human to achieve a goal(s)

The emotionally intelligent do not speak in a monotone calm voice when they communicate but express degrees of emotional intensity to get others to listen to them and motivate others to do well. If you raise your voice does that mean that you are upset or just trying to boldly get your point across with passion? The audacity to claim that emotional stability is just a question of being calm or high-strung is preposterous and very ignorant. An absence of accurate definitions is really the crux of the problem which no amount of verbosity will overcome.

Liveliness: spontaneous vs. restrained

Spontaneous: adj. existing as a result of sudden impulsive and/or speedy action(s) without premeditation and/or external stimulus

Impulsive: adj. doing a subset(s) almost instantly without conscientious forethought

Restrain: v. to limit and/or to prevent free movement and/or free expression

Liveliness: n. the quality of being outgoing, energetic, and enthusiastic (dictionary definition)

What in the world is liveliness? How frequently is a human lively and under what circumstances is the human lively?  Are you outgoing, energetic, and enthusiastic all the time, once or twice a day, once or twice a week, or almost never? When are you being outgoing or energetic or enthusiastic or are you all these 3 things simultaneously and all the time? No questionnaire even hints at these variables which are very important if you are going to say something valid about the state of a human’s liveliness.

Are impulsive or spontaneous humans really more outgoing, energetic, and enthusiastic or are they more outgoing, energetic, and enthusiastic when they are among friends rather than in a public situation? Once again it depends on the time, location, and the humans that you are interacting with when discussing how lively a human is. Pick the wrong time, place, and humans and the liveliness disappears.

Is outgoing just another word for friendliness? Is verbal enthusiasm what we are talking about or is it active enthusiasm at some activity or both?

Does a restrained personality mean an inhibited one? Inhibited seems to be a more inclusive word to use but it is more complex and how do all of it’s components relate to liveliness? If you are inhibited then are you less lively under most circumstances and what circumstances are they?

Inhibit: v. to sense selfrestraint primarily because of some (doubt and/or anxiety) and/or absence of selfconfidence

Once again if you have inaccurate definitions for the words that you are using then there is no certainty in measuring something in terms of degree from 1 to 5.

At this point I am tempted to call Cattell’s 16 personality factors or traits and the claimed ability to measure them in degrees of 1 to 5 a sham and unworthy of further discussion but I frankly don’t have many other more important things to do at the moment so I will continue the putdown.

Perfection: controlled vs. undisciplined

Undisciplined: adj. using inadequate selfcontrol and/or disobeying many good and/or right behaviors and/or rules

Controlled: adj. leading with (an action(s) and/or an authoritative word(s)) and/or having power over a (personal action(s) and/or event(s))

Perfection: n. accurately and totally completing using the standards and/or goals which humans have tried to create for completeness

Shouldn’t disciplined replace controlled as the opposite of undisciplined? So perfection would be disciplined vs. undisciplined. Perfection would thus be degrees of discipline and control is just one way to become disciplined since it also requires much practice and standards of excellence. There are disciplined humans who are not perfectionists in life as a whole so once again if you don’t define perfection accurately then you have no complete grasp over the subject. Perfect behavior is impossible to achieve since there are so many personality dimensions or traits and you are probably not perfect in all of them.

Seeking to be perfect at a job or profession may be admirable but does that automatically translate into perfect marital and human relationships? What are you a perfectionist at and where are you a perfectionist are two very important questions to ask before you can label a personality as being perfectionist. Orderly, repetitive, disciplined, controlled, and seeking to fulfill standards of excellence is a much better way of trying to get at the meaning of perfection as a human trait but an accurate definition of perfection is preferred.

Privateness: discrete vs. open

Privacy: n. behaviors of one or more human(s) which are hidden and frequently not public knowledge     Privateness is really an invented word which means privacy.

 Discreet: adj. careful and cautious in one’s speech and/or actions to avoid offense and/or to gain advantage

Ask yourself is a person who believes in privacy one who is also socially correct and tries not to offend others and/or to gain advantage. Chances are many private individuals are not very discreet in their interactions with others and are merely trying to hide all the bad things which they have done in their lives and use privacy as a cover up for their transgressions or ill health. Discreet humans are often shrewd and want to put their best foot forward and want to seem better than they really are in public and are really posturing or pretending to some extent.

What in the world does an open human do? Is that human one who has no secrets and reveals any information about themselves which another human may ask? Even very honest and moral humans do not reveal all of their secrets or intimate details or facts about their lives. So is open just another word for appropriate honesty?

Ok, assume that you want to determine degrees of privacy or privateness in an individual. What kind of questions would you ask? How many secrets do you have? Are you more secretive than others? What things don’t you tell others about?

I answer all questions asked me -strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, strongly agree. I guess if the human miraculously answered strongly agree then he or she would be an extremely open human or an incredibly honest one.

What does privateness really mean? Does it mean that you have many bad secrets to hide or that you just do not want to reveal all the intimate details of your private life? How do you honestly determine the degree of privateness on a scale of 1 to 5 when the human is trying to hide their private information. Mission impossible!

Reasoning: abstract vs. concrete

Reason: v. to try to achieve an accurate (right conclusion(s) and/or judgment(s)) and/ or (inference(s) from a fact(s)) and/or (hypothesis(s)) and/or opinion(s)) and/or belief(s) and/or sensing with the use of the probabilities between cause(s) and effect(s) correspondences and/or set(s) and subset(s) correspondences

Is reasoning a personality trait or merely a way in which the mind processes information? The human has an abstract or concrete personality. Absurd! Yes, and try to determine the degrees of reasoning ability on a scale of 1 to 5 when you have no clue as to the real meaning or definition of reason.

Rule-consciousness: conforming vs. non-conforming

Conformity: n. relatively accurately corresponding within accepted limits for a normative subset(s) which is frequently within one standard of deviation

Rule: n. controlling with demanded behaviors which are frequently recorded and enforced and obeyed for (safety and/or order) and/or (predictable similarity and/or social bonding)

There are many humans who obey the rules on the job but are notorious non-conformists in private and sometimes even in public away from the job. Rule-consciousness is then degrees of conformity which could be measured with statements to some degree of accuracy if you considered both on the job conformity and private life conformity but the test questionnaire did not make this important distinction.

I try to follow the rules, I break rules, I oppose authority, and I resist authority followed by strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree, strongly agree could to some extent determine the degree of conformity of an individual as long as he or she was honest in their response. I really believe that almost no one would answer I strongly oppose authority, I strongly resist authority, and I strongly break rules.

Sensitivity:   tender-hearted vs. tough-minded

Sensitivity: n. having and/or displaying a quick and discerning empathy

What in the world is tender-hearted? Is it an empathetic, gentle, kind, sentimental, and generous to a fault human? And what is a tough-minded Human? A human who is strong, determined, and able to face up to reality. If tender-hearted is the opposite of tough-minded then shouldn’t tender-hearted be a weak, mercurial, and indecisive human not able to face up to reality?

It seems obvious that tough-minded should mean insensitive or showing or feeling no concern for other’s feelings. An insensitive human is more likely to be called and inconsiderate human rather than a tough-minded one. So it would make sensitivity more a question of empathetic vs. inconsiderate since if you are empathetic then chances are you are also potentially gentler, kinder, more sentimental than your average human. The classification of sensitivity in terms of tender-hearted vs. tough-minded is just basically inaccurate and also wrong to a large degree. Many tough-minded individuals have emotional intelligence and can get along well with other humans so that does not make them insensitive to other’s feelings.

Once again, if you don’t define the words that you are using you run into vague concepts with little meaning or relevance.

Social boldness: uninhibited vs. shy

Uninhibited: n. expressing one’s feelings or thoughts unselfconsciously and without restraint    (dictionary definition)

Shy: adj. being timid mostly (because of a fear of social embarrassment and/or because of an absence of many social skills) and/or because of unattractiveness

Isn’t social boldness really extroversion so it would be a question of extroversion vs. introversion rather than uninhibited which is a relatively wild form of expression and/or behavior without much restraint. Shy which is often a small child afraid of social embarrassment because of an absence of many social skills or maybe because of unattractiveness. Many introverts could be falsely mislabeled as being shy when in reality they just don’t like social drama as much as extroverted individuals.

If you are trying to determine Sociability or social-boldness which is a question of extroversion vs. introversion then you could probably come up with ball park figures on a scale of 1 to 5.

Tension: impatient vs. relaxed

Tension: n. mental and/or emotional strain

Tension is therefore the degree of mental and/or emotional anxiety, stress, or worry and is not just a measure of impatience vs. patience which is the opposite of impatience and not relaxed.

Impatient: adj. eager anxiety for a subset(s) to end existence and/or begin existence

 Relax: v. to decrease the impact and/or strength of a lifeform subset(s) such as (anxiety and/or excitement) and/or (muscles and/or rules) and/or behavior

Eager anxiety vs. minimal anxiety and/or excitement is apparently what tension means so what statements would separate anxiety from stress and from worry which are two other forms of tension?

Tension is definitely more than just impatience vs. patience so the definition of tension is vague and inaccurate and determining the degree of tension is fraught with error.

Vigilance: suspicious vs. trusting

Vigilance: n. carefully observing for potential (dangers and/or difficulties) and/or for actual suspicious activity(s)

Trusting: n. having confidence that one will rarely be (disappointed and/or victimized) and/or (defrauded and/or deceived) and/or lied to by another

Suspicious: adj. judging intuitively with little evidence that a subset(s) is a probable cause of an event(s) in the past and/or the future

Vigilance is more than just being suspicious or not and includes carefully observing the environment for potential dangers and/or difficulties. Mistrustful vs. trusting would be a more accurate representation but trust needs integrity, sincerity, dependability, competence, and commitment. You probably didn’t realize that vigilance should include these five personality elements in any valid discussion of the topic of vigilance.

Mistrust forms when a human detects an absence of some integrity or honesty and morality, when a human is undependable, insincere, incompetent, and non committal and it is more than just a question of being suspicious which arises when we sense some mistrust in an individual. Initial suspicion is possible and is often transient and is soon replaced by mistrust which is what eventually develops when a human violates honest and ethical behavior to too great a degree or becomes untrustworthy.

Determining degrees of vigilance is much more complex than just questions or statements of mistrusting vs. trusting or untrustworthy vs. trusting. Once again Cattell is groping in the dark and doesn’t know what he is talking about because he never defines his words and is just working by the seat of his pants with vague intuitiveness.

Warmth: outgoing vs. reserved

Outgoing: n. friendly and socially confident  (dictionary definition)

Reserved: n. slow to reveal emotions and/or opinions  (dictionary definition)

This one takes the cake of absurdity. What in the world is a warm personality trait? Outgoing just basically means an extroverted human who is friendly and socially confident. Reserved could just basically mean an introverted human who is slow to reveal his or her emotions and/or opinions. What in the world is a warm and cold personality trait? Does empathy, kindness, consideration, gentleness, sentimentality, sympathy, etc. make you a warmer person? And if this is the case then outgoing and reserved aren’t even close approximations to what warmth really means. Is a cold person one who is non empathetic, unkind, inconsiderate, abusive, unsympathetic, etc.? What statements would you use to test for degrees of warmth or degrees of empathy, kindness, considerateness, sympathy, etc.?

As I have hinted many times before, Cattell does not have a very logical mind and has not defined the words that he uses. The result is a polyglot of word juxtapositions which are not polar opposites and the words that they represent or the 16 factors or traits are often not personality traits at all and remain undefined.

Cattell is a typical historical psychologist working in a very subjective, biased, and intuitive way.  His questionnaire has some nice questions from which you can learn something if they are honestly answered but using the results to counsel humans on future career paths is frankly an exercise in futility, especially when you try to pigeon hole the answers into 16 poorly defined factors or traits. Yes, you could probably find out the degree of sociability and conformity the human has but not much beyond that.


Until psychologist and psychiatrists start to define the words that they use their profession will frankly be a very subjective, personally biased, intuitive world that no serious logical human will respect. A vague, inaccurate, and subjective profession is sadly the state of psychology and psychiatry today and on into the foreseeable future until someone has the balls or brains to start defining the words that they use and spreads the definitions throughout the professions.


That said I personally liked the questionnaire and you can learn some useful information about yourself if you answer it truthfully. Go to https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/16PF.php, view the questionnaire and after answering it, view the results.

Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree not disagree, Agree, Strongly


I tried to categorize the statements by factors and found 19 related to Social Boldness, 16 for Rule Consciousness, and 13 for Privateness and Reason. Sensitivity has 11, Emotional Stability has 10, Apprehension has 9, Dominance 8, Open to Change 7, Vigilance and Liveliness 6, Perfection 5, Abstractness and Warmth 4, Self-Reliance 3, and I found 0 statements for Tension. Also interesting was that I couldn’t place a handful of statements into any category so I left them blank.

I should mention that REVERSE Social Boldness means that uninhibited vs. shy was reversed to shy vs. uninhibited for some statements. Cattell probably wanted test takers to answer strongly disagree or disagree to some of the statements instead of always answering strongly agree or agree. If you don’t understand what I mean then it is not really important for comprehension since this is a testing technique used and does not generally affect the understanding of the statements.

I take time out for others. Privateness

I know that I am not a special person. Dominance

I take control of things. Sensitivity

I try to forgive and forget. Social boldness

I keep in the background. Social boldness

I can’t do without the company of others. Privateness

I trust others. Vigilance

I am not easily frustrated. Sensitivity

I cheer people up. Reverse of Warmth

I often feel uncomfortable around others. Openness to change or Reverse of Apprehension

I seldom feel blue. Reverse of Sensitivity

I dislike myself. Reverse Apprehension

I take charge. Reverse of Dominance

I let others make the decisions. Dominance

I believe in the importance of art. Reverse of Abstractness

I like to get lost in thought. Reverse of Reasoning

I wait for others to lead the way. Dominance

I am willing to talk about myself. Privateness

I find it difficult to approach others. Social boldness

I enjoy my privacy. Reverse of Privateness

I swim against the current. Rule-Consciousness

I feel guilty when I say “no.” Dominance

I am hard to get to know. Reverse of Privateness or Warmth

I don’t talk a lot. Social Boldness or Reverse of Privateness

I believe in one true religion. Reverse of Rule-Consciousness

I am not easily annoyed. Reverse of Emotional Stability

I feel crushed by setbacks. Openness to Change

I am afraid that I will do the wrong thing. Reverse of Rule-Consciousness

I enjoy being part of a loud crowd. Reverse of Social Boldness

I weigh the pros against the cons. Reasoning

I do unexpected things. Reverse of Social Boldness

I get angry easily. Emotional Stability

I am quiet around strangers. Reverse of Privateness or Reverse of Vigilance

I don’t mind eating alone.

I make people feel at ease. Reverse of Warmth

I use my brain. Reasoning

I have a good word for everyone. Reverse of Sensitivity

I feel desperate. Reverse of Tension or Emotional Stability

I want to be in charge. Reverse of Dominance

I feel comfortable around people. Apprehension

I am the life of the party. Reverse of Social Boldness

I don’t let others discourage me. Apprehension

I enjoy being part of a group. Reverse of Social Boldness

I love to daydream. Reverse of Abstractedness

I distrust people. Reverse of Vigilance

I worry about things. Reverse of Apprehension

I am not easily bothered by things. Reverse of Self-Reliance

I respect authority. Reverse of Rule-Consciousness

I do things that others find strange. Rule-Consciousness

I skip difficult words while reading. Openness to Change

I feel comfortable with myself. Reverse of Self-Reliance

I am exacting in my work. Reverse of Perfectionism

I tend to analyze things. Reasoning

I continue until everything is perfect. Reverse of Perfectionism

I believe that people are basically moral. Vigilance

I am quick to judge others. Reverse of Liveliness

I am relaxed most of the time. Reverse of Emotional Stability

I enjoy silence. Reverse Emotional Stability

I show my feelings. Emotional Stability

I judge people by their appearance. Openness to Change

I prefer variety to routine. Reverse Openness to Change

I never challenge things. Reverse of Rule-Consciousness

I can’t stand being contradicted. Emotional Stability

I try not to think about the needy. Sensitivity

I am easily put out.

I prefer to do things by myself. Reverse Self-Reliance

I get irritated easily. Emotional Stability

I know the answers to many questions.  Reasoning

I trust what people say. Vigilance

I like to stand during the national anthem. Reverse Rule-Consciousness

I love flowers. Reverse Sensitivity

I find it hard to forgive others. Emotional Stability

I leave my belongings around. Perfectionism

I feel others’ emotions. Reverse Sensitivity

I let myself be pushed around. Dominance

I don’t like crowded events. Social Boldness

I enjoy hearing new ideas. Rule-Consciousness

I act wild and crazy. Reverse Social Boldness

I read a lot. Reasoning

I try to follow the rules. Reverse Rule-Consciousness

I enjoy wild flights of fantasy. Reverse Abstractedness

I use swear words. Rule-Consciousness

I don’t worry about things that have already happened. Apprehension

I say what I think. Reverse Social Boldness

I am easily hurt. Reverse Sensitivity

I enjoy spending time by myself. Social Boldness

I don’t mind being the center of attention. Reverse Social Boldness

I seldom get lost in thought. Reasoning

I seldom daydream. Reasoning

I suspect hidden motives in others. Reverse Vigilance

I am not interested in abstract ideas. Reasoning

I am easily discouraged. Emotional Stability

I am not afraid of providing criticism. Reverse Dominance

I disclose my intimate thoughts.  Privateness

I don’t like action movies. Liveliness

I want everything to be “just right.” Reverse Perfectionism

I feel threatened easily. Reverse Apprehension

I am the last to laugh at a joke. Liveliness

I enjoy discussing movies and books with others. Privateness

I joke around a lot. Reverse Social Boldness

I have a poor vocabulary. Reverse Apprehension

I dislike loud music. Liveliness

I make insightful remarks. Reasoning

I enjoy bringing people together. Reverse Warmth

I get chores done right away. Reverse Perfectionism

I reflect on things before acting. Reasoning

I am not bothered by disorder. Rule-Consciousness

I don’t like to get involved in other people’s problems. Social Boldness

I break rules. Rule-Consciousness

I can take strong measures. Reverse Dominance

I love large parties. Reverse Liveliness

I do not like poetry. Reasoning

I believe that others have good intentions. Vigilance

I leave a mess in my room. Perfectionism

I put off unpleasant tasks.

I oppose authority. Rule-Consciousness

I resist authority. Rule-Consciousness

I readily overcome setbacks. Reverse Self-Reliance

I get confused easily. Openness to Change

I know how to comfort others. Reverse Sensitivity

I am open about myself to others. Privateness

I rarely notice my emotional reactions. Sensitivity

I amuse my friends. Reverse Warmth or Reverse Liveliness

I love to think up new ways of doing things. Reverse Openness to Change

I dislike works of fiction. Reverse Abstractedness

I do not enjoy watching dance performances. Liveliness

I start conversations. Reverse Social Boldness

I make friends easily. Reverse Social Boldness

I often feel blue. Reverse Apprehension

I counter others’ arguments. Reverse Dominance

I am not interested in theoretical discussions. Reverse Abstractedness

I seek quiet. Social boldness

I have frequent mood swings. Emotional Stability

I learn quickly. Reasoning

I rarely look for a deeper meaning in things. Openness to Change

I like to read. Reverse Openness to Change

I keep my thoughts to myself. Reverse Privateness

I try to avoid complex people.

I reveal little about myself. Reverse Privateness

I am not bothered by messy people. Apprehension

I consider myself an average person. Reverse Rule-Consciousness

I like order. Reverse Perfectionism

I avoid philosophical discussions. Reverse Reasoning

I am annoyed by others’ mistakes. Emotional Stability

I cry during movies. Reverse Sensitivity

I am not really interested in others. Social Boldness

I believe that people are essentially evil. Reverse Vigilance

I know how to get around the rules. Rule-Consciousness

I seldom joke around. Warmth

I carry the conversation to a higher level.

I spend time thinking about past mistakes. Reverse Apprehension

I talk to a lot of different people at parties. Reverse Social Boldness

I bottle up my feelings. Reverse Emotional Stability or Warmth

I want to be left alone. Social Boldness

I take an interest in other people’s lives. Reverse Openness to Change

I am wary of others. Social Boldness

I enjoy teamwork.  Reverse Social Boldness

I have little to say. Warmth

I believe laws should be strictly enforced. Reverse Rule-Consciousness

I do things by the book. Openness to Change

I am open about my feelings. Privateness

I believe that people seldom tell you the whole truth. Reverse Vigilance

I take deviant positions. Rule Consciousness













If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!



The general key to self improvement is analyzing yourself and your circumstances by writing it all down first, doing some research and writing it all down, and finally making a decision on what you would like to change and what you would like to stay the same and writing it all down.

If you don’t like writing things down then you will need an excellent memory to bypass this critical writing task. Writing it down will help you to THINK which is what most humans no longer do much of.

If you have nothing new to think about then you will just be impulsively rethinking what you already know and won’t be making any serious useful changes in your life.

Research: v. to investigate systematically

Make a list of healthy foods to eat. Research good or healthy foods if you don’t know where to start or what they are.

Make a list of your good and bad habits. Research good and bad habits if you don’t know where to start or what they are.

List your personality traits. Research personality traits or characteristics if you don’t know where to start or what they are.

Keep a diary of things that you do every day and about how much time you spend doing those things. After a month review your entries and find out what your priorities in life are by noting what you spend the most time at doing.

Write down important goals to do in a week, month, year, and five years from now. Research important goals if you don’t know where to start or what they are.

Google something which interests you or research interesting things to do, read, view, etc.

Learn to budget your money and time.

Take a free online course in your field.

Learn to do something new and useful with YouTube tutorials.

Write an e-book and self publish it if you enjoy writing and have a specialty.

The basic key to self improvement is – Find out detailed information about yourself or who you are and what you do. Then decide what you would like to be like, and what you would like to do that you are not doing already.

Finally have the courage, determination, and selfmotivation to make the changes in your life for hopefully the better. Courageously make those new goals and take action to make them a reality or achieve them.

Improve: v. to change a subset(s) so that it is more in (value and/or (goodness and or rightness)) and/or (quality and/or usefulness) and/or (desirability and/or health).

The change may be done by adding what is absent and/or needed and/or desired and/or by subtracting what is nonessential or undesirable

 *Search my encyclopedic blog since I have researched most of those many topics to some extent for you. eg. bad habits, good habits, characteristics, goals, healthy foods, etc.

Happy reading, writing, thinking, and doing!!!



If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3700 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3700 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Selfesteem or a sense of selfworth is really a balancing act between two extremes. At one extreme too much selfesteem can translate into a very narcissistic selfish human who ignores others too much and at the other extreme too little selfesteem can translate into a very depressed, lonely, unhappy human with a sense of great inferiority.

Society values attractive, well educated, professional, and wealthy humans with good families if they chose to have them. Society also values celebrities and if you evaluate your selfesteem based on celebrity performance then you will always feel wanting more out of your life.

If you are unattractive, badly educated, have a bad job or no job, and have a dysfunctional family life then chances are that you will not have a healthy balance of selfesteem.

Useful education or an ability to selfeducate yourself as an adult is the primary path to better selfesteem. Learning new useful knowledge and skills for a better job or better relationships is the only real way to improve yourself to the point where you begin to feel good about yourself and your life and start having justified healthy selfesteem.

If you come from a dysfunctional family then unfortunately you will have a hard time developing healthy selfesteem because chances are great that your relationships with others will also be highly dysfunctional.

How does an adult improve their personality if it has many flaws originating in a bad childhood? Some are fortunate and with dogged determination and making connections with moral healthy optimistic adults or good role models gradually work their way out of personality handicaps. Most are handicapped for life and just try to make the best of what they took from society and what they were given by the role models whom they associated with.

If you are an adult struggling with low selfesteem then you can try to do something about it by researching personality traits and pinpointing your weaknesses and strengths or bad and good habits. Then gradually work at improving your weaknesses or bad habits and get rid of your bad role model friends. Start replacing them with better role model friends once you get your own personality in better shape so you will be more readily accepted by these better role model friends.

A good life is having useful abilities and associating with good humans so start acquiring those useful abilities as soon as possible and start improving your life so your selfesteem will improve with it!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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You will be more persuasive if humans like, respect, or admire you for your expertise and/or personality. If you are assertive and confident, smile, and custom fit your presentation to your audience then you increase the probability that you will be persuasive. There are 13 more things which you can do to optimize your persuasive potential as outlined in the following article by Dr. Travis Bradberry.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Worth: n. having adequate meritorious and/or useful characteristics to achieve a goal(s) and/or a monetary value assessment

The worth of an object can usually be relatively easily determined but when it comes to evaluating the worth of a human or wilderness then assigning a monetary value is not that simple.

Human worth is usually judged by meritorious proven behavior and number of useful characteristics needed to achieve a goal(s) when merit has not yet been proven.

Worthy or desirable characteristics of humans are trustworthiness, integrity, friendliness, empathy, etc. which can’t be directly quantified or given a monetary value even though most will agree that a trustworthy friendly individual has more worth than an untrustworthy unfriendly human.

Competence is easier to judge the worth of and frequently the more competent and trustworthy or worthy a human is then they are the ones with the best reputations and they frequently also make more money in any profession which they chose to pursue.

The worth of a human is judged by personality and one’s ability to achieve desired goals.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Narcissism: n. excessively preoccupied with oneself mostly erotically and/or in one’s physical appearance

Psychology and psychiatry has tried to define narcissism as a personality disorder using vague analogies and badly defined words to describe the supposed personality disorder.

Narcissists believe the world revolves around them is another way of saying that a human feels that the world exists to benefit them personally. They supposedly like to be the center of attention in extreme ways and can’t empathize that well with others. Well most of us probably at some point have wanted to be the center of attention and many can’t empathize that much with other humans. Should we call ourselves closet narcissists?

Narcissists by definition are humans with exceptionally good looks and sexual appeal who are trying to use those gifted attributes to their advantage. If they are a little cocky at times, manipulative, selfish, and think highly of themselves then that is not a sign of extreme personality disorder but merely a sign that they are trying to make the best of their assets to benefit themselves.

Narcissists supposedly really feel insecure about themselves and their real ability but this is only true if they are not very smart and talented also and are just trying to make it in this world on their good looks alone.

Psychiatry would classify many attractive celebrities with an inflated ego or inflated sense of selfworth as humans with a narcissistic personality disorder. Many seem to act like the world revolves around them with many having human entourages that follow them around and try their best to cater to the celebrity’s every whim and wish.

A disorder should by definition be an extreme and someone who is extremely cocky, extremely manipulative, extremely selfish, and extremely attractive. This would be a delusional human barely able to function in the real world. Narcissistic personality disorder is a myth perpetuated on the gullible public by charlatans who don’t accurately define what they are talking about and try to play the role of know it all Godlike “professionals”.

There is a PSYCHIATRIC PERSONALITY DISORDER which is fallible humans trying to make disorders out of human personalities which don’t exist in real life or are conditions so rare that they are inconsequential and not worth talking about!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Having the 11 things listed will make your life with little money bearable, if you have them then making money will be easier, and if you get money then you will be closer to what could be called an ideal existence on the face of this earth.

Good health:

Good health is not truly appreciated by most as being the most important thing to have until you start losing it.

Eating organic food as much as possible, eating a wide variety of it, and adding sea salt or Himalayan pink salt, mountain flower bee pollen, and seafood for micro nutrients is also a smart thing to do.

Avoid overly processed food and foods with added sugar as much as possible for optimum health.

Paying a little more for good food will bring a payoff of great health for a lifetime as long as you also stay away from debilitating accidents and severe addictions to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and sweets.


Good and/or moral personality:

Moral humans don’t lie, don’t steal, and don’t commit adultery if married.

You can further improve your personality if you are friendly, sincere, have a guiltless conscience, an open mind, a tranquil mind, patience, a strong work ethic, an optimistic attitude, humility, sharing, teamwork, nurturing, patience, courtesy, loyalty, controlled generosity, good temper, competence, and kindness.

Not everyone has a good balance of the above characteristics but the closer that you get to the ideal the more respected you will be as a human and if you have integrity in abundance then you may even be charismatic and admired by others.


A good reputation among humans that you know:

Once you lose a good public or personal reputation among humans that you know it is usually impossible to get it back no matter how much money you spend.

Some con artists who have made a killing cheating humans and have gotten a bad reputation move to different parts of the country or a foreign nation and try to reestablish a good reputation and it is a definite possibility.

No amount of money will get back a good reputation among humans who know you so if you want to continue to live in a community with good repute then don’t ruin your reputation.


Responsible offspring:

Money can’t buy responsible offspring. In fact much money in childhood frequently results in spoiled offspring overly dependent on a handout who were never encouraged to manage their money well and work hard for it.

Money can’t buy financial responsibility and responsibility in general but it must be taught and learned.


Lasting love and affection from spouse and/or offspring:

Money makes a spouse with offspring possible but once you lose the money or turn off the money spigot you will only have lasting love and affection if you have earned it with moral good behavior which lasts a lifetime.


Loyal devoted friends:

Fair weather friends are easy to come by with money but loyal devoted friends when you are down and out are rare and must be earned with more than just financial generosity.


Youth in old age:

Money can’t buy back your youth once you age but you can maintain a youthful attitude on into old age if you remain relatively healthy with an active mental life.


Talent or inborn ability including natural beauty:

Money can’t buy personal inborn talent, ability, and natural beauty. You can get cosmetic surgery and hire talented humans to do things which you want done with money but unfortunately you can’t choose your parents and you have to live with the inborn talents which they gave you.


A fit body:

No magic pill or food will give you a fit body and this is something which you also can’t buy but must do for yourself with active participation and effort.



Once wilderness plants and animals are destroyed no amount of money will buy them back. Money can conserve wilderness and even expand it but once it is destroyed then no amount of money will bring it back and it is lost forever.



Money and good educated parents will increase the probability that you too will be good with a good useful education but it is no guarantee.

Ultimately it is your responsibility to usefully educate yourself throughout a lifetime in a changing world.

A good useful education is usually more important than money but it can also be very helpful in making money and ensuring a lifelong bonus of happiness or happy pursuits.

Healthy, moral, smart humans are more important than money. Wilderness and the important lessons learned from it will help those humans on into the foreseeable future.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!


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They are irresponsible with money or don’t think it is important in life.

They’re unfaithful, cheat on you, or are adulterous if married.

They intentionally lie to you and make future lies or promises they don’t intend to fulfill.

They can’t take no for an answer but will persist unrelentingly.

They insist that they are right almost always and expect you do almost everything which they suggest. They are egomaniacal control freaks.

They use abusive or profane language when talking to you or even slap or hit you  physically as a sign of an abusive personality.

They will almost never admit they were wrong, don’t apologize, or always have an excuse even when it is obvious that they were wrong.

They’re still chatty with their ex even though they claim that they hate him or her. This is a not so obvious example of lying or saying one thing and doing something totally opposite to what you say or claim.

They’re rude and don’t apologize even when you point out the rudeness to them and tell them that your feelings were hurt.

They’re disrespectful and can’t empathize with truthful just criticism when offered.

They can’t tolerate you spending some time on your own doing stuff which only you like or taking a break by yourself.

They aren’t concerned about their health with bad eating and drinking habits, addictive alcohol or drug taking, and top it all off with inactivity or couch potato tendencies.

They will do almost anything to please you even when you don’t deserve it.

They think that they can buy your affection with generous gifts and material possessions even after repeated very bad behavior.

They give you exaggerated praise for almost anything which you do using an abundance of superlative expressions.

They don’t honestly criticize you no matter how bad your behavior is or how bad your taste in goods is.

They like to associate with bad friends who also have some or many of the above extreme personality flaws.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!



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More misery exists because of the following things:

You don’t have enough annoying strangers and friends in your life which builds good character and a tolerance for shittyness.

Texting and online company is poor communication where you don’t learn to read important body language and you limit your tolerance to a circle of humans who only agree with you.

Online criticism and name calling seldom causes us to reform ourselves as needed.

We have become victims of online outrage and put downs which portray humans and events as worse than they actually are.

We feel more worthless because we no longer have to spend our precious time helping humans in need and giving them lengthy emotional reassurance.

For a more detailed expose read this link of the cracked.com article:



If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE,  rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.



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Give sincere earned compliments and praise and a close friendship grows in strength, the potential for new close friendships grows, and your good reputation grows with acquaintances too.

Exaggerated compliments and praise may con the gullible and insecure humans in the short duration but the honest human will consider you an insincere dishonest BS artist.

A good reputation which has taken years to create can be destroyed almost overnight with intentional lies, intentional deceptions, incompetence, or fraud.

Name calling, put downs, ridicule, and accusations of incompetence frequently stereotype a human unjustly causing hurt feelings and a sense that one has been attacked verbally which causes that human to think less highly of you and it damages your reputation.

Hate, resentment, jealousy, revenge, anger, and fear can make your life miserable if you obsess yourself with those emotions. If you think that other humans are your enemy then your venom will spill over into your everyday life and affect it adversely. If you can ignore or avoid bad humans then do so but don’t let their misdeeds linger in your mind for too long. If you are the victim of abuse then make plans to escape it and if you are abused on the job then make plans for a better job.

A human who listens much, accurately reads your emotions, and responds briefly with appropriate comments will appear smarter and more likeable than one who talks much about themselves and almost always tries to impose their opinions on you or show you that their point of view is always right.

Interruptions are rude unless there is an emergency or the speaker is boring you to death and can’t seem to stop talking or is doing nothing of importance.

If you don’t understand what is being communicated or what is going on or aren’t sure of an emotional state then ask some appropriate questions before reacting impulsively and frequently wrongly to a confusing situation.

When in doubt then ask more relevant questions or gather more useful information about the subject matter or situation.

If logically thinking about a problem does not seem to lead to a response which must be made quickly or urgently, then go with your impulsive feelings if you have any at the time.

If you have nothing good to say about a human then don’t say anything at all unless that human is a threat to your profit margin or someone else’s profit margin.

The best friends are honest, sincere, dependable, caring, and trustworthy. Settle for less in friendships and chances are that they will only be friends when things are going good in your life but will be unreliable disappointments when you need some help in tough times.

If you are verbally attacked for doing or saying something first make sure that you don’t deserve to be attacked for doing or saying something inappropriate or wrong. Apologize if you are at fault and only defend yourself if you are not to blame for the criticism.

Charismatic leaders are confident, honest, sincere, dependable, trustworthy, competent, caring humans. For most of us being honest, sincere, dependable, and trustworthy will go a long way at bonding successfully with others. You can always work at being more caring and competent later which will increase your confidence and personal charisma.

Identifying your bad habits is the first step towards self-improvement but what you must realize is that without personal determination, persistence, and perseverance or self-control your chances of eliminating or greatly reducing the bad habits is highly unlikely. Getting support or motivation from others to change your bad habits can sometimes greatly help if you are willing to listen to them and take their advice.

Success in life largely depends on setting small and large realistic goals which you avidly pursue with unrelenting persistence despite many setbacks. The smart human thinks about and learns from failure and frequently makes new plans or different ways of getting to the same realistic goal(s).

Stuck in an unsatisfying lifestyle? Learn new useful skills, new useful knowledge, and talk to interesting humans who don’t seem to be unsatisfied and maybe they will offer you some useful advice on how to get out of your unsatisfying lifestyle.

Create a valuable product(s) with friendly service and you will have many customers. Create a paid membership with discounts and free services and you will create many loyal customers who shop more at your establishment.

Finally if you feel abused or oppressed by the system of government then share your views with as many humans as you can openly or secretly with like minded humans if your views are being censored by the government.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE,  rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.




Can you maintain a trusting bond after arguing and hurting feelings?

Call someone stupid, an ass hole, crazy, nuts, or a profanity such as motherf**ker or bitch. After such a careless outburst can you properly apologize and retain a trusting bond or do you get lasting resentment and wanting revenge for hurt feelings which weakens a trusting caring relationship.


Do you get violent and/or cruel during an argument and/or after it?

Abuse is frequently verbal but it can also be physical. If you plan to have offspring then it is definitely not a good idea to have a violently abusive spouse.


Are you emotionally addicted to impulsive irrational spending or shopping?

Getting emotionally high on impulsive spending is something you should definitely try to control or correct before making a marital commitment. Bad money management is the leading cause of divorce.


Do you persist beyond frustration?

There are plenty of frustrations in family life and on the job and persistence is frequently what you need to overcome the problem. Can you continue to pursue a frustrating goal despite much failure or are you one who easily gives up and accepts permanent failure rather quickly? Having no courage to overcome important frustrations is a great handicap in a relationship.


Are you willing to courageously discuss difficult problems or do you ignore or try to avoid them?

Difficult problems are very emotionally stressing and if you are the type who tries to always avoid or ignore them with silence then the relationship will not endure and the problems may even get worse with delay.


Do you have the patience to wait or delay impulsive gratification or are you one who needs to act on an impulse immediately?

Impulsively buy a cheap product now or wait until you can afford a quality product later by saving up. Impulsively eat a snack right away or wait for the main meal to eat. These are two examples which require waiting or delaying gratification which has a greater reward with patience and waiting. Excessive credit card debt is an example of not delaying gratification enough and frequently bordering on imminent bankruptcy as a bad end result.


Are you emotionally too defensive when confronted with a mistake?

Some emotional egos are so large that those humans will almost never admit to a mistake and even lie with implausible excuses to avoid blame. Being easily offended by blame leads to many undesirable arguments and bad feelings.


Can’t detect or identify low intensity emotions such as anxiety, affection, sadness, loneliness, sincerity, and liking?

Failure to note low intensity emotions means that one may fail to communicate emotional support for emotional hardship. You may not be able to verbalize empathy with minor failures or bad events which personally affect a human and need to be noticed or acknowledged frequently with emotional support. Most men are currently very bad at identifying low intensity emotions and disappoint women frequently by not picking up subtle emotional cues.


Do you give praise or emotional support for successes in someone’s life?

Financial support for worthwhile important goals is essential but you should should be able to also praise and give emotional support when one achieves those desirable important goals in life.


Do you know how to regain optimism by interacting with good friends or activities which increase your morale when needed?

Ultimately happiness is something which you are personally responsible for and if you are unhappy then you should have enough self-motivation to get yourself back into an optimistic happy mood if it has been temporarily decreased by a bad personal event or personal failure.



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She gets upset and displeased but communicates clearly what is bothering her without throwing emotional tantrums, complaining too much, or expressing loud anger.

She is honest, sincere, and truthful, has standards or a clear morality, and does not feel that she is owed attention and affection or to be treated as a princess just because she exists.

She feels that she should be valued or loved for her smarts, integrity, and personality as well as for what physical attractiveness and sexuality she might possess.

She has a good paying job or career and realizes that she may have to temporarily depend on the husband’s income alone and sacrifice a job temporarily for a stay at home mom with young offspring to raise unless her income is so good that she can afford babysitters or a nanny. She does not want to become a permanent financial burden on the husband by remaining unemployed and with offspring.

She has domestic skills such as cooking and cleaning which can come in handy if financially the family can’t afford domestic help.

She is not sexually promiscuous.

She has clear goals of what she would want or desire to accomplish in her life in and outside of marriage.

She values a man based on his integrity, smarts, communication skills, caring, and emotional stability and not primarily on how popular he might be, his physical appearance, and wealth.

She is not one who will try to manipulate or change the husband greatly but is mostly satisfied with his current job, personality or behavior, and future plans.

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Not enough money and an adulterous personality are the two major reasons which lead to a divorce and they are also the two major reasons for failed relationships.  Avoid dating playboys and especially playboys and lazy uneducated men without a good job.

It is a mistake to date anyone who asks you for a date including losers and then having a very low opinion of men and assuming that all of them are irresponsible uncaring manipulative personalities unworthy of your attention. The best way to avoid disappointment and heartache is to avoid men without a job or men with jobs which are not stable or have poor income.

Stay away from men with no jobs and those who are bartenders, disk jockeys, musicians, models, actors, sports jocks, photographers, landscapers, cashiers and service workers working at minimum wage without an education and no plans for bettering themselves.

On online profiles avoid the handsome men, the ones who sound too good to be true, and those looking for a good time or fun in life. Once again follow up with a question about a job and possible future job plans to determine whether he will be worth your investment of time, energy, and money.

If he is divorced then really probe for as many reasons as you can find for why the marriage was not a success. If it was adultery or financial bankruptcy which was caused by overspending then avoid a date with that man.

This basic principle works both ways and unless you are very attractive then you should not be dating if you don’t have a job.


If you are stuck on an exhusband and are still in love with him then you will have a hard time learning to trust another man.  You will have difficulty investing optimistic time not being convinced that there is not more than one soul mate in your life which you can find if you look hard enough and frequently enough.


Expecting the man to make the first move all the time is a mistake because the male ego hates rejection and some appropriate flirting may be advisable if you find someone whom you would really like to know better but seems to be ignoring you.


Dating only potential soul mates or twin flames means that you have probably set your standards too high and are overlooking the somewhat geeky or minimally attractive man with a good job and perhaps a better caring personality.


Not being courteous and polite on a date and not saying thank you to compliments and good behavior towards you such as paying for a meal is a mistake even if you think your date is a loser and you can’t wait for the date to end. You may not have a high opinion of him but he will have a better opinion of you if you are nice to him nevertheless.


Don’t pretend or be dishonest in the way that you behave on a date because in the short duration a misleading hope of appearing more desirable will kill the possibility of a trusting intimate relationship developing further along in the relationship if your lies are discovered which they eventually will be given enough time. Be honest, truthful, and sincere always and you should have no regrets no matter what happens.


Don’t ask uninteresting questions which are boring or without personal connections. Ask about family, best friends, exspouse, good and bad experiences, and favorite and not so favorite things in life. Birds of a feather tend to flock together and you will find out much useful information about your date if you find out who his favorite family member is or what interests his best friend has. You will also find out whether he blames his ex for the divorce or whether he feels he is partially to blame for the breakup. Near the end of the date you can ask what his plans are for the future if any or if there is something he would like to do in life which he can’t do right now.


Don’t talk too much about an exspouse and avoid laying all the blame on them for the relationship not working out. You can keep an answer short and sweet by stating that the relationship just didn’t work out and you both decided to move on with your lives.


Stay away from addictive (drugs, gambling, or alcohol) and abusive personalities which should be a red flag but which may be a dangerous personality which you are attracted to because of past bad experiences with addictive and abusive humans in your life which you now almost consider normal and attractive.


Not knowing your core needs. Although some core needs may differ there are generalized needs which most women have. They don’t want someone who is irresponsible with money, can’t be faithful, isn’t honest and sincere so he can’t be trusted, is a poor communicator with many personality flaws, and does not want offspring at any point in his life. If you are in a relationship just for the fling then core values are not important but you can develop a reputation as a loose woman and other knowing males will treat you accordingly without much respect.


You give sex too early in the relationship. In an era of sexual freedom women are encouraged to be as free with sex as the men. Unfortunately, men respect women more who don’t give sex freely but make them earn it by forming a close platonic relationship first. Just as most women are repulsed by promiscuous males most males consider promiscuous females to not be as worthy as mothers. Only have sex once you have learned enough about the male to consider him a potential keeper and not just a good time buddy.


Only when you learn that the man has decided to choose you as an exclusive partner should you completely turn off your non sexual relationships with other potential males. If a woman has more than one male non sexual friend she will be more desirable in the eyes of a potential suitor.

If it is an online profile don’t lie about your weight, age, or use a picture which is old or doctored. Your date will be very disappointed and wonder what else you are lying about and will start out not trusting you.



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They are thankful for the good and bad things in their life

Optimists not only remind themselves of the good things in their lives and are grateful but they look on bad things as a challenge for improvement and a learning experience which can be used for a better tomorrow.  If something bad can’t be changed by them or others they learn to accept, ignore, or live with the bad things and don’t stress over them.

Optimists share their good and bad moments with others

Not all optimists are sociable extroverts who share their experiences with others and sometimes get valuable feedback and sometimes even encouragement from others. Introverts too can benefit by sharing their good and bad experiences with family and close friends for mutual benefit. Feeling that you are alone in your struggles in the world can sometimes be depressing and being able to share with others can frequently lessen any signs of depression which you may be fighting with from time to time.

Optimists are more forgiving than your average human

Optimists frequently forgive others if the behavior is not immoral and don’t hold grudges against others. They accept the past as unchangeable and don’t let bad experiences and mistakes cause by others to overly affect their future plans, actions, and thoughts.

Optimists listen more and talk less

Optimists radiate confidence and are respected more by others because they listen and let others do most of the talking. They give relatively short and to the point answers or responses whenever possible.

Optimists are not envious or jealous

Optimists don’t feel that other human successes are not deserved or unjust. They view other human accomplishments as motivations to do better in their own lives. They are not jealous and envious of others and don’t waste time thinking how unfair the world is to them.

Optimists smile more and frown less when in the company of others

Optimists don’t have to fake happiness because they frequently smile or laugh at their bad circumstances and mistakes in front of others.

An optimist is goal oriented and plans beyond intervening bad circumstances

An optimist does not worry about the future with all the possible problems which may arise but views life as a challenge to overcome obstacles and get to worthwhile goals in life.

Optimists don’t blame others for their lack of progress in life

Optimists do not blame the economy, the boss, coworkers, spouse, or someone else for their lack of progress in life. They feel personally responsible for progress in life and try to change their lives so they are prepared with the right skills and education when opportunity exists.

An optimist never gives up

No matter how bad the past may have been the optimist looks forward to a better future and makes plans and does take actions to make it so.


An optimist eats healthy and gets enough exercise

An optimist realizes that a healthy body is a prerequisite for a happy healthy mental life.

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Here are some generalized affirmations which are delusions or untrue beliefs which you should not have in your life because they boost your ego but are not true statements about you or your lifestyle. If you brainwash yourself into believing these statements are true about yourself then you will handicap your ability to grow and IMPROVE your personality and achievements in life.

Examples of untrue delusional affirmations:

I deserve to be loved, I love myself for who I am, I am loved and respected by everyone,  I feel safe and protected, I am appreciated and respected, I have everything I need in life, I approve of myself and feel great about myself, I am now a powerful and charismatic personality, I am confident and in control, my confidence and competence are exploding massively everyday, I have the willpower and discipline to do anything which I desire, I have the power to act correctly in each moment, and I am passionate and incredibly handsome or beautiful.

Revised true affirmations:

I will be honest, sincere, caring, and friendly towards others and will become a more lovable person.

I will be honest, sincere, caring, and friendly with others to develop trust, appreciation, and respect from others.

I am confident, have a strong desire, and will discipline myself so that I will get what I need in life by setting realistic desirable goals and applying enough  time, effort, and money to achieve those goals.

I would like to be powerful and more charismatic so I will improve my social skills with people and become more powerful by working towards a highly skilled professional job or a responsible high level managerial position in a company or organization.

I will become very handsome or beautiful by getting quality plastic surgery done on my face and/or body.

CONCLUSION: The true useful affirmations are not simple short untrue generalities or catch phrases because life is not simple but complex. Only developing an optimistic attitude is not sufficient to achieve improvement and success in the complex life that we are living in.

You must make a determined effort to improve your life with realistic actions which means making and achieving realistic worthwhile goals in life one step at a time. Improve your knowledge through more education much of which is selfeducation and improve the skills which you have in life to lead a more happy and successful lifestyle.

A useful true affirmation must communicate the goal or goals which you want to achieve and the steps which you will take to achieve that goal or goals. Motivate yourself with true useful affirmations and not untrue short general affirmations which will just make you feel good but not result in any useful achievements in your life.



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Holding a grudge against someone can lead to depression, anxiety, and unnecessary stress. Being offended for too long will take away time for happier moments. Forgive and try to forget behavior which makes you unhappy but is not important enough to waste time and effort trying to correct.

Focusing too much on relatively small and trivial events in your life will take away time which you can use focusing on important things in your life. Stressing out excessively about unimportant things will cause more unhappiness than it is worth.

Comparing yourself with other seemingly more successful social and professional people and feeling inadequate and jealous can cause great unhappiness. Focus on improving yourself and giving others some praise for their achievements and try to learn useful skills from them which you can try to apply to your own life.

Seeking approval from everyone will frequently lead to frustration and disappointment when no approval is forthcoming and cause unhappiness. Do the best that you can but don’t waste mental effort worrying if someone will approve or disapprove of what you did. You will never be able to please everyone that you interact with so why try pleasing everyone.

Making excuses for your mistakes, bad behavior, or failures and not acknowledging your faults will create more unhappiness in the future. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, bad behavior, and failures and don’t try to improve or eliminate them in the future then this is continuing behavior which will lead to more unhappiness.

Refusing to change when it becomes obvious that change is necessary for progress to be made can make you very unhappy. Stubbornness and inability to admit that you can be wrong some of the time will make you unhappy and make you continue to exist in a delusional world of impossible perfection.


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Charisma has very little to do with external appearances and much more important is what you do as a human.

You can have inherited wealth of billions of dollars and have expensive homes and cars and yachts and clothes and be the most boring uninteresting human with no charisma.

You can be a selfmade millionaire so dedicated to making money one basic way that you also are a boring uninteresting human with no charisma.

It is what you do and don’t do as a human that makes you charismatic and it is not something which you are born with completely but must also be doing some of the following things in your life which have become good charismatic habits.

They listen much more than they communicate

Ask relevant questions and maintain eye contact with smiling and frowning and nodding but very little speaking with some infrequent vocalizations where appropriate such as yea and that’s true and I agree and wow and uh huh and sure and etc. which are indications that you are following what is being said or that you are agreeing with an opinion or fact which is being communicated.

That is what it takes to make another human feel important and that they are being listened to and not being ignored.

Don’t immediately offer your own opinions if they are different and mostly communicate selectively about facts or opinions which help affirm what the human thinks is important to him or her and try to avoid creating conflicts of opinion.

When you do eventually say something then make it as brief and factual and relevant to what the human is communicating at the time.

They don’t selectively listen and ignore some or much of what a human is saying

Charismatic humans listen closely to everything a human is saying and try to find subsets they can agree on and promote the concept that we are all humans and have something in common even if it is only the ability to listen closely to what another human is saying.

They don’t interrupt conversations with their own personal activities

Charismatic humans try not to interrupt conversations with phone checking or texting or glancing on the computer monitor or focusing on another activity when a human is talking.

They give before they receive and don’t demand that they receive something in return

Charismatic humans don’t focus on what they can get out of a relationship immediately and thus appear selfish but try to give the other human something even if it is only in the form of good advice about something a human cares about or an agreement and mild praise for an opinion held by the human.

They don’t act selfimportant

Charismatic humans are not pretentious and bragging personalities but try to be as honest and sincere as possible so that other humans are not forced to be impressed and are not irritated and uncomfortable during the conversation which is frequently accompanied by hateful feelings too.

They feel that most people are important because you can learn a new subset from almost anyone

Charismatic humans always search for new knowledge which can be useful to them and they feel that almost anyone has something new to offer them and learn if they just listen closely enough.

Praise others for the good that they do

Find out human achievements ahead of time from valid sources and then feel free to praise the achievements you learn about directly from the human or indirectly from other sources of information which may be other humans.

They are optimistic and communicate with optimistic words

Charismatic humans are usually happy and enthusiastic and fulfilled humans who rarely express pessimistic thoughts unless the pessimism is factually justified because realistically not everything we try to achieve in life is optimistically possible. Charismatic humans are usually realists who don’t believe in pursuing impossible goals in life.

They don’t discuss the failings of others at great length

Charismatic humans don’t gossip especially about personal problems which humans may be experiencing. Recognizing failure is important and others should be notified of human mistakes and failure to reach goals but that failure should not be ridiculed or laughed at.

They admit their failings honestly and sometimes laugh about it

Charismatic humans do not try to pretend perfection since no human is perfect but are speedy to admit their mistakes and maybe even laugh a little at them. This way sharing failure with others with honest admissions and a little humor makes humans laugh with you and not at you. Humans realize that perfection is an impossible human characteristic and will like you better and feel more empathy with you if you honestly share your mistakes with them so you both can learn to not repeat the mistake or mistakes over again in the future. Mutual companionship develops better in honest sincere and sometimes humorous circumstances.

Trump is a charismatic politician who uncharacteristically likes to brag about himself, repeats the same basic themes over and over again, and is very confident, enthusiastic, and energetic. What is Trump’s political charisma is not necessarily always the same as what true charisma is in other leaders in more down to earth professions. What is true charisma and political charisma are slightly different as to style as Trump has proven. Trump may turn off intelligent humans who believe in civility in public office, so you can say that his charisma is not universal among all humans.

If you liked this evergreen blog read more of them and even one of my evergreen books COMMON SENSE. Enjoy!!!!!!


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