Tag Archives: fraud


In the Meuller investigation the FBI will have to prove with audio and/or written visual evidence that Trump willfully ordered or demanded his associates or Russian operatives to commit fraud or a criminal action.

The willful order or demand that private Hillary or DNC emails and information or voter information should be hacked illegally is an order or demand of an intentional criminal act. An order for Russian operatives to start a media propaganda campaign against the Democrats could also be considered a criminal action or international collusion which isn’t even a crime defined by national criminal statutes.

Ricoh statutes for organized crime apply nationally and there is no way Ricoh could be used for Russian money laundering cases, tax evasion, etc. if the Russian government does not cooperate and not enforce these same criminal acts. It is possible that Trump historically did some money laundering or tax evasion in the United States and that could be prosecuted for, especially when he leaves the presidency. However, for national crimes he would have to be convicted with a trial by jury after the end of his presidency.

Even the trustworthiness of FBI associates has come into question lately largely because of political bias and the Meuller investigation has been tainted with some disclosures of biased evidence.

Constitutional impeachment for treason, bribery, and high crimes and misdemeanors is possible but the house will have to impeach and the senate try the impeachment. The midterm elections will determine if even this is a remote possibility when and if the Democrats regain control of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Could Trump be convicted of fraud such as libel or slander? Probably not while he is president since he has not libeled or slandered any private individuals but mostly public figures, although it could conceivably be called misconduct not befitting a president.

Finally only one way proof of facts is possible in the Russian investigation since the Russians are not credible witnesses and their statements would not hold up in court because their intentions and most actions couldn’t be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. In effect, any statement made by a Russian official could be considered a lie or untruth and many of their actions an intent to defraud.


If there is no audio and/or visual proof of criminal activity, then there will be no prosecution or even conviction of Trump despite his tirade of verbal abuse in the form of insults, put downs, name calling, humiliation, and ridicule.

The establishment media and the political establishment would probably like nothing better than to see the downfall of Trump, their nemesis, but as far as I can read between the lines the motivation to stick it to Trump seems to be a deep state attempt at overthrowing his legally elected presidency.

Willful obstruction of justice which caused the downfall of Nixon may be tried on Trump but there would still be serious doubt whether the obstruction claims were from willful intent or just executive incompetence of Trump, a political neophyte.

I don’t like making political predictions based on hearsay and innuendo but it seems that it is highly probable that Trump will escape the Russian probe unscathed in the long duration without any concrete evidence of wrongdoing or a criminal act being offered. Proving an international conspiracy is not something the national legal system could prosecute successfully since this is the domain of the UN international court system.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3800 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Cheat: v. to deceive to gain an unjust advantage which may or may not be a fraud which frequently is a punishable offense and at a minimum immoral behavior not punishable by law

Cheating on your spouse is adultery and cheating on your taxes is a fraud and both are punishable under the law.

Cheating on your exam or at cards is immoral behavior which is punished by your teacher if caught or punished with ostracism from future card games by your card playing buddies because both are immoral acts of stealing the rules of just behavior. In both cases it is assumed that the information which you have has not been changed from the original content in your mind with a cheat sheet or in the case of cards that the original card information has not been changed physically or with unjust covert information about the cards being held by opponents.

Using unjustly gotten information to help you take a test or win at cards is immoral stealing of information from authorities or card playing buddies who should be justly informed of your wrong actions and should have been notified of the rule changes which you made or the rules of just behavior which you disobeyed or stole.

Cheating in these cases was either stealing information which you had no right to or adding information physically such as a cheat sheet or extra cards to gain an unjust advantage.

What does to gain an unjust advantage mean? It means to add and/or subtract a forbidden subset(s)

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Slam: v. to willfully and fraudulently steal a customer’s original telephone and/or cell phone service by changing service from one company to another without asking permission


Slamming is unauthorized switching of cell phone or phone service from one company to another without permission.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1800 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Swindle: v. to willfully and fraudulently steal money and/or property


If you have been coned out of money or property with untrue promises or clever manipulation then you have been swindled. Fraudulent contracts are also swindles but most swindles are done without any necessary paperwork. If you are the victim of deceptive practices and have lost money and/or property then you have been swindled.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1700 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Jedi_Mind_Trick 2

Trick: n. events and/or a subset(s) used in a deception and/or fraud


Tricks can be benevolent such as deceptions practiced by magicians and illusionists. Tricks can also be used to defraud you or deceive you into believing something untrue to be true or can be used to sell you stuff which you don’t really need but may be convinced to want with trickery.

Sometimes tricks are harmless fun but usually no one wants to be a fool who falls for tricks so try not to use tricks too often on a human who may then begin to feel that you are not really honest with them all the time.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1700 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Protection: n. defending from potential harm

Most of us want to be protected from pollution, from criminals, from crazy humans, from fraudulent contracts, from unsafe surroundings or goods, high taxes or fees, and some want privacy protection. The government can play a role in minimizing pollution, apprehending criminals, reducing fraud, and instituting safety standards for buildings and goods so some taxation and some fees are necessary.

Privacy also translates into privacy for criminals so the issue has still not been settled and probably never will be settled to the satisfaction of everyone.

There is also personal responsibility or protecting yourself and that means taking care of your offspring and family, protecting yourself from criminals and crazy humans in emergency situations, living cautiously and responsibly to avoid accidents and ill health, contributing to causes that you believe in, and voting even though that frequently seems an excursion into futility.

An entitlement attitude is increasing with many feeling that government should take care of many of your problems and disasters in life. An irresponsible nanny state is the result with many middle class citizens feeling that they slavishly have to work to support irresponsible welfare types.

Protection from human stupidity, deception, immorality, and irresponsibility is not possible with laws alone so responsible behavior should be promoted by the financial and educational system before the human stupidity, deception, immorality, and irresponsibility gets totally out of control and we largely have a nation filled with dependent adult children supported by the few remaining responsible working taxpayers.

We need protection from an unjust educational and welfare system and radical change is necessary. If you want details on what should be done then read my evergreen truth books EDUCATION REFORM and CHANGES IN WELFARE LAWS.

Finally wilderness needs protection because it will be the only safety net or source of a healthy food supply when the irresponsible use of technology makes food and drink unhealthy for human consumption.

You are what you eat and drink so I am surprised that the United States short duration profit hungry corporations are still propagandizing and promoting cheap overly processed overly chemically polluted food in restaurants and supermarkets.

Not only is human health in jeopardy but drug companies and the medical establishment are making a killing profiting and masking the symptoms of bad health and not doing much curing in the process. The basic solution is quality food for as many as possible and not prescribing more and “better” pills and drugs.

Who is going to protect us from money hungry food corporations, drug companies, and the medical profession? We can start by not taxing organic food growers, organic wholesalers, and organic restaurants!!!!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Smuggle: v. to willfully and fraudulently steal (import and/or export duties) and/or (to import and/or export illegal subset(s)) and/or to move a subset(s) across borders illegally

If you fraudulently avoid paying import or export duties, import or export illegal things, or transport something across borders illegally then you are smuggling.

There is a great temptation to avoid paying import and export duties but what is most frequently smuggled is illegal things such as drugs which have a big profit in doing so.

Elephant ivory should be illegal to transport across borders but big money in China and a relatively lax view of counterfeiting and other illegal activities is encouraging the massive slaughter of elephants and the transport of illegal ivory into China. That international cooperation is necessary in stopping this unconscionable behavior is obvious but no one is using the political and policing power to do anything about it.

Great freedom and the profit motive encourage smugglers and I see very little progress in combating the smuggling without a death penalty which I am against. Maybe lifelong incarceration is a partial solution but there are so many poor humans who will always be willing to take the risk of smuggling for a living even with a death penalty with cruel and unusual punishment. Smuggling doesn’t require extraordinary skill in many cases and there are plenty of unskilled poor humans who will always be taking the risk.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Embezzlement:  n. willfully and fraudulently stealing money and/or property with which one has been legally entrusted

If you are a lawyer in charge of a trust, an accountant in charge of money allocations, a businessman in charge of money investments, an employer, or an employee in charge of money you can potentially be an embezzler. Nothing is more important than an honest reputation which has been earned over years of trustworthy financial transactions.

Finding an honest lawyer, accountant, financial advisor, or financial investor who has a sterling record of past performance and happy long duration customers is difficult to find and they usually are pretty pricey too if you do find them.

For the average investor a guaranteed annual return of more than 4% should be a red flag under current economic situations of very low or no growth at all. If you are being promised an annual return of about 12% it is just a matter of time before the Ponzi scheme will crash and burn and you will definitely lose all your money investment, especially if there is another economic crash in the stock market.

Clever embezzlers steal only a little money so it goes relatively unnoticed but fortunately many start to get greedy and steal so much that many of them get caught eventually.

Is there such a thing as legal embezzling of your money? There isn’t but there should be because the government and banks are legally embezzling your money with inflation and ridiculously low interest returns on bank savings accounts.

The federal government is about as safe a guarantor of your money as you can get these days but bank savings accounts give you an almost zero return on your money invested so there is no safe guaranteed long duration return on your money any place anymore, except in real estate in the right neighborhood.

Corporate stock dividends seem like a sure thing but you can lose all of your yearly gains in a few days if the market crashes again and the value of the stock plunges and doesn’t recover to its former value.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.




Fraud: n. a willful deception frequently resulting in injury to another human(s)

Lying in public, libel or slander, is fraudulent behavior and lying privately is not legally punished by society and not considered criminal even though it frequently causes injury to human relationships and is still basically fraudulent behavior.

Inserting illegalities into legally binding contracts is an attempt at deception or is in fact fraudulent behavior and illegal.

Much health, weight loss, and cosmetic advertising is glaringly deceptive with much falsehood or untruths and should be considered fraud. Unfortunately proving the fraud is costly and time consuming since evidence must be gathered to prove it in court so much deceptive fraudulent advertising is not prosecuted at all but becomes social myth with constant exposure and brainwashing.

You can fraudulently steal without using violence or the threat of violence and deceptive stealing has become institutionalized in society. How frequently have you lost money or possessions because you believed in the deceptions or lies about the future which were offered you? They were promises or deceptive lies about big money, sexual allure, instant health, and great status frequently deceiving you into parting with your hard earned money.

Social norms ultimately determine which deceptions are legal and which deceptions are illegal or fraudulent. The fact is that almost all deceptions should be fraudulent because they cause financial and/or mental and/or health and/or relationship injury to their victims.

Yes, comforting lies are preferred by many to harsh reality or truth but the biggest victim of social mythology is the mental injury which so many in society suffer from. The mental injury reveals itself in emotional immaturity and failed relationships and an almost total absence of logical thinking and reasoning in daily life. Historically the mental stupidity of the brainwashed masses is legend and is continuing on into the foreseeable future.

Much of society is condoned deceptive or fraudulent behavior and it can be used as a primary reason for the terribly corrupt state of affairs that society is in. Lying and deceptions with hidden lies should be immoral and the more officially fraudulent it becomes in society, the healthier will the society become.

Unfortunately our language and its usage promotes deceptions of all kinds and you can readily stereotype someone as stupid or lazy if they have only been stupid or lazy two or three times. Stereotyping is deceptive language usage and it will plague society until many in powerful  positions decide to improve the language and its usage.

I am one who has shown the way to improving the language and eliminating antonym or synonym deceptive bias in language. All that I need is humans in positions of leadership to promote the necessary changes for the benefit of all humankind, since a more logical language leads inevitably to smarter humans.

The present state of language promotes deception and emotional irrationality and it is time to start taking some serious steps to change this great human social flaw which is going to continue to severely handicap future generations unless necessary radical change is undertaken.

It is time to start taking away the emphasis on how a word feels to an emphasis on what the definition or meaning of the word(s) which you are using is. MIssion impossible? For those rooting for the status quo the answer is yes. For those with a social conscience and desire for truth to ultimately triumph the answer is no!



If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.




Plagiarism: n. willfully and fraudulently stealing the communication(s) and/or idea(s) of another and pretending it(s) is yours

Plagiarism of scientific articles with new discoveries is a serious offense and word for word plagiarism of popular books and articles by relatively famous or noted professionals is also a form of fraud or stealing.

In politics, economics, sociology, literature, and psychology old ideas are being recycled about human nature and you can frequently write a modified article in your own words with something left out and/or something added and you need not give the original author all the credit because they too are just recycling old ideas.

If they are not scientists I am not impressed by noted professionals who have biased views to promote and it is frequently propaganda with some truth mixed in with deceptions, omissions, and an appeal to current normative views.

Historical notables and current notables in non-scientific fields are all biased promoters of their opinions which can be considered to be political correctness, economics correctness, sociological correctness, and psychological correctness but it is all relative subjective truth and not with much objective truth.

I don’t have impressive academic credentials nor have I written a best seller so feel free to plagiarize my work and some relatively unique ideas. I don’t have the money to promote my writings so if you do have the money feel free to promote my ideas and take some credit for them.

Have writer’s block? Search my evergreen truth blogs and books and use them as a starting point for your future articles and books.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of the m, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.



Mobilize the social sciences

Let’s see if we can study altruism and selfishness in humans scientifically.

What is the definition of altruism and selfishness?

My definition is-

Altruism: n. excessive selfless devotion to the welfare of others

Selfishness: n. a behavior(s) which tries to optimize a personal goal(s) with little or no consideration of another lifeform(s)’s needs

Dictionary definition is-

Altruism: n. the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others.

Selfishness: n. the quality or condition of being selfish

Selfish: adj. (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure.

Assuming that we are crazy enough to consider these definitions scientific or accurate in nature what next? S is the selfish variable and A is the altruistic variable.

How many ways are there of behaving altruistically?

It you start listing altruistic behaviors the examples which you may find are as many as a hundred or more.

If you start listing the selfish behavior examples then you may find as many as a thousand or more since humans predominantly behave in selfish ways.

Ok, let’s make a formula relating altruism with selfishness.

That means about 100 examples on the left side of the equation and about a thousand examples on the right side of the equation. Is an example a variable? NO!

Scientific mathematical equations should predict outcomes with a one to one correspondence.

What can you conclude by comparing altruism and selfishness as mathematical variables and what can you predict?



You can’t study human behavior because there are far too many unknown variables and the variables are not scientifically defined and any pseudo equation which you try to come up with has no predictive value whatsoever!!!!!!

When social “scientists” try to make statistical predictive statements about vaguely defined variables such as fear, anger, love, and hate and base the knowledge based on biased questionnaires from humans they are just as incompetent. Social norms have no predictive value when it comes to evaluating individual behavior.

Social scientists are not scientists but charlatans or frauds and they should all be reeducated or join the unemployment line!!!!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.




LYING:   Willfully and fraudulently stealing the truth with untrue speech and/or untrue writing or willful and legal deceptive stealing of the truth with untrue speech and/or untrue writing.

All lying should be fraudulent or illegal someday in the distant future.  Unfortunately the human condition is such that society is filled with lies many of which are believed to be the truth.

Religions are filled with untruths and there is an abundance of social myths that people believe in.

Many businesses lie about their products especially when it deals with highly subjective personal beauty and health products and services.

We would be calling 100% of the population liars if our standards for truth were objective and absolute.  So many people are being deceived by untrue information and untrue opinions. They honestly believe those untruths so they aren’t really liars but they are promoting many untruths which have to be addressed and combated wherever possible.  Hopefully someday in a perfect world lying and untruths will be outlawed but for the time being most lying is still legal deceptive stealing of the truth and permitted.

The deception is perpetuated by those in leadership positions of power and the people are merely sheepish followers who don’t know any better.  There is also the problem of a leadership that has been deceived by historical deceptions and they too largely believe that they are in possession of the objective truth.

My books are really not designed for the masses but are designed for the political and social and economic future leaders that should be fighting ancient myths and untrue ideas and unjust laws to make this place a better world to live in.

People aren’t really willfully lying all the time because they believe those lies to be the truth and society accepts this reality.  That should not be a reason to be complacent about the situation and not continue the noble fight to exclude as many lies and untruths from society as possible.  We should all try to be myth busters because it is the right and good thing to do and it should only benefit society and the world in the long run and guarantee a more peaceful world.

Trust is the glue that keeps families and friends and organizations and society functioning smoothly.  Remove trust and human relationships and society start to decrease.  Trust basically means that honesty and sincerity without much lying is being practiced by people.

Dishonesty or lying or telling untruths can also mean that promises are made and never fulfilled and that bad deceptive actions are kept secret in close human relationships.  Beware of adults who don’t fulfill their promises and replace them with excuses and beware of adults who seem to be keeping too many secrets with avoidance answers to important questions.

People shouldn’t and frequently don’t trust a liar or a thief.  A liar who tells many intentional lies or untruths destroys a good reputation and is frequently socially ostracized.  A thief who is caught goes to jail.  Unintentional lies especially by offspring can be forgiven but many intentional lies should be punished by a loss of privileges.

Intentional stealing by small offspring should be severely punished even by physical spanking with a belt if the intentional stealing can not be cured by a loss of privileges or severe scolding which emphasizes that thieves go to jail.

Lying by a spouse about not being home on time due to working overtime or a meeting with some friend for entertainment reasons is sometimes done to hide an affair so become suspicious if a spouse is using too much time away from home and is found not to be working at a job.

Finding drug paraphernalia in a messy room or car is evidence that legal or illegal drugs are being used by your offspring or that he or she is associating with people who are using drugs.  If your offspring denies using drugs it is probably a lie although there is the remote possibility that the drug paraphernalia was planted by friends that wanted your offspring to get into trouble.  If actual drugs are found especially the illegal kind it is time to take severe steps to stop the use if it hasn’t reached the point where only a drug rehabilitation center is the only solution to the problem. In modern society there are many synthetic legal drugs which are even more dangerous to your offspring and they should be made illegal as soon as they appear on the market and are being manufactured here or in a foreign country. For example all dieting drugs which suppress appetite and change your mood should be illegal!!!!!!

If you lie very little or have a photographic memory and can remember all the lies told you may get away with lying but most compulsive liars are soon caught in their lies and their good reputation lands in the toilet.  This is especially true of dates that you may have who may claim that they are in love with you.  Sometimes the truth is that they are really after your money or some privilege which only you control.

In every new relationship give the person enough time to prove to you that they are really honest about their lives and about their interest in you.  The longer that the relationship lasts the greater is the probability that their true intentions and beliefs will surface and they will be caught in their lies if they have told any.   If you catch someone in a single important intentional lie there is a great possibility that he or she has been telling you many more lies which you haven’t caught.  Stay away from liars because they can’t be trusted and are immoral people and this will only lead to many future disappointments or even heartbreak.

There is a very important place for honesty and a good reputation to play in modern jury trials.  If perjury is committed then true justice is not possible in democratic republics.

If the truth and 100% of the truth and nothing but the truth is not demanded by law of the vast majority of its citizens then there is no justice possible.  A society filled with liars can’t exist for long before tyrannical rule must be enforced with force and the threat of force.  A free society with too many institutionalized lies or untruths and successful liars can’t long exist.

There are many lies being told in society that are believed to be the truth so realize that not all lies which are being told to you by adults are actually intentional lies meant to deceive you.

There are many products on the market especially drugs and inflated money making schemes and weight loss products and lopsided single or multiple food supplements and cosmetics which make untrue statements about their merits.

Educate yourself on these products by going on the internet and getting truthful opinions from people who have actually used them and are not being paid to make good testimonials on those products.

Finally if it sounds too good to be true it probably is not true.  Watch out for miracle claims for a product and remember that the buyer should always be suspicious of untrue claims.

Laws should be passed which limit the right to make non objective claims for products and services which are not truthfully advertised.  Buyer beware is not a just legal principle but is bad socially since it just rewards clever and deceptive liars.

Almost all lies are immoral and there are a few cases where they are criminal or fraudulent in the form of libel or public product misrepresentations.

White lies such as saying that you are busy when you are not to avoid an unpleasant conversation may not be considered immoral.  It is best to remain silent and communicate nothing at all if honesty will get you in trouble such as severely and honestly criticizing your boss and risking being fired.

Admit your error in making a promise that you couldn’t fulfill rather than making up a untrue excuse.  Remember honesty is still the best policy if you want to maintain good relationships with family and close friends and especially if you are aspiring to positions of leadership in organizations or politics.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially JUSTICE.
