Tag Archives: past experiences



Intuition-bannerIntuition: n. doing impulsive judgments which are thought to be based primarily on instinct and/or habit and it is frequently done without the use of reason but past experience(s) are influential in samer impulsive judgments(s)

Woman’s intuition is often lauded as being superior to male intuition. Yes women generally have good intuition about human personalities and social behavior only because they spend so much time talking about the subject matter.

Male intuition in business and the sciences is frequently better than female intuition there but it is only because the subject matter is thoroughly discussed by males and they have an experiential expertise frequently better than women.

What you experience, how frequently you experience it, and how much you communicate about the subject matter or experience frequently gives you better impulsive intuition on the subject matter whether it is male or female.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




Selfmotivation: n. motivated by one’s (desire(s) and/or emotion(s)) and/or (need(s) and/or belief(s)) and/or past experience(s) which activate and/or prevent one’s behavior(s) and/or the force(s) and brain which activates you to pursue an old and/or new goal(s)

Selfmotivation is the result of your desires, emotions, needs, beliefs, and past experiences which all relatively impulsively guide you into doing a behavior or not doing it. Selfmotivation is also the force and brain which activates you to achieve your old and/or new goal(s).

Selfmotivation is unique in every individual because each one has differences in the kind and intensity of the desires, emotions, needs, beliefs, and past experiences. Most humans share common desires, emotions, needs, beliefs, and least of all past experiences so there is much variation from one to another human and there are relatively large differences in the emotional attachment to the common desires, needs, beliefs, and past experiences.

External motivating factors trigger many of our behaviors but individual reactions to these external motivators differ widely from person to person in many cases.

Quite a few, especially the poor and some very rich, are motivated by the lottery and gambling in general. Others aware of the odds against winning have no interest at all in gambling and are not motivated.

We are all motivated to eat but what we eat varies widely from one to another person. Most of us are motivated to work but the kind of job that we work in varies widely and shapes our view of the world to a large extent.

How we behave is determined by a relatively complex mix of external and internal motivators which will never be subject to mathematical formulation because the badly defined variables are simply too great in number and vagueness to be codified mathematically. Statistical norms and big data can be studied extensively in an attempt to predict human behavior or find out what motivates a human but there will never be 100% accuracy in the predictions or a certainty of what a human will do next even when confronted with the same stimuli.

Media brainwashing, indoctrination, advertising, and education is an attempt to control selfmotivation and it works in a general sense to tame the human beast and keep society interacting relatively orderly and peaceably.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!


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Yearn: v. to intensely desire a lost and/or prior experience(s)

Do you yearn to be in the presence of a deceased or divorced spouse again or do you yearn to run again after a severe leg injury? These are all desires to repeat a past experience which you may or may not be able to do again in your lifetime.

Yearning to do what you can’t do is just fond memories and if you like yearning then desire something which you can realistically do at some point in the future.

Retirement sometimes is filled with yearning to be young again and do all the exciting things which you could do in the past. It is smart to get over this yearning and concentrate on and desire the things which you still can do in your life.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




Selfmotivation: n. motivated by one’s desire(s) and/or need(s) and/or belief(s) and/or past experiences which activate and/or prevent one’s behavior(s)

Many of us wrongly assume that all motivation is external from other humans and events which happen in our lives. The truth is that there is a complex interaction between external motivators and internal motivators which result in the behavior which we do.

The internal motivators are what is called selfmotivation and it is the desires, needs, beliefs, past experiences, and reactions to external factors which we personally possess. The internal motivation can either stimulate us to enthusiastically pursue a goal(s) or to cautiously pursue that goal(s) or to not pursue that goal(s) all mediated by what we personally largely impulsively think in our minds.

Before we do something everything in effect passes through our personal filter of desires, needs, beliefs, and past experiences which largely determines how we react to external stimuli.

If the world does not motivate you to become a better human then don’t entirely blame the world but put most of the blame on yourself and your absence of proper selfmotivation. Ultimately you have to motivate yourself to do important things in your life and that means taking time out to think about your progress throughout life and readjusting your goals accordingly.

You must push yourself or selfmotivate yourself to do important things in your life. Try to make good judgments along the way and do the right things and not the wrong things with your life.

If you are unhappy with your lifestyle then learn new useful skills and knowledge, make some new goals, associate with better humans, exclude or reduce the bad habits in your life, and push yourself with one or more small steps which will hopefully lead to a happier future. Motivate yourself to do something better with your life and chances are that it will be much happier in the long duration.

The enemy of proper selfmotivation is the deluge of external propaganda which brainwashes you with lies, deceptions, and bad advice into leading the wrong kind of life impulsively so you are not entirely to blame if your life seems purposeless, unsatisfying, and unrewarding.

If you want to seriously exclude lies, deceptions, and bad advice from your life then you can start by reading some of my evergreen truth blogs which are the antidote to untrue political, economic, social, and even scientific propaganda which has brainwashed you and most of the world.

The truth is not always pleasant to know and frequently selfdeceptions or comforting lies are more soothing to live with. It is lies which we have lived with during our entire life to date and it is subjective lies which we believe to be the truth. Changing our long held objectively untrue beliefs is very hard to do without overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Another reason that we don’t change our untrue beliefs is that there is frequently some truth in them and they are not total untruths. There is such a thing as being partially true and partially untrue and it is the partial truth which we frequently hold on for dear life. Most of us believe that something is either totally true or totally untrue without shades of grey or uncertainty.

You can thank our archaic language for this unfortunate irrational logic that everything must be either black or white, yes or no, true or untrue, antonym or synonym, and always or never. We are all guilty of falling into the logical trap that one or a few examples is evidence enough that what we believe is always true. The truth is that many more examples can show that what you believe is only true in certain circumstances or at certain times. Most humans don’t have an analytical mentality which thinks in terms of sometimes true and sometimes untrue.

Moral truth should not be relativistic most of the time but many of our opinions and beliefs about human nature and reality are relativistic and not true all the time or not true in all circumstances. Many of our beliefs are frequently, sometimes, or infrequently true and not true all the time or under all circumstances.

Most of us are committed to our physical survival as well as the survival of our strong beliefs even though the lifelong beliefs are sometimes very wrong and untrue either totally or partially.

Continue to live with your old desires, needs,  beliefs, and untruths OR reeducate yourself and start to realistically think about and make new adjustments to your desires, needs, and beliefs and view the world and your place in it slightly or radically differently. The choice is up to you!!!!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 800 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSErays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.
