Tag Archives: colluding


It is tragic when money becomes the primary motivation and morality takes a back seat in an anything goes power struggle for dominance.

Top universities accept bribes or donations which predominate in many enrollment decisions and phony enhanced resumes are made for a fee by shady enterprises and then submitted by the children of wealthy parents to top universities.

A financially failing establishment media resorts to tabloid sensationalism to try and enhance their ratings and hopefully boost their bottom line.

The leadership of the deep state colludes with the media and justice department in a more than two year drawn out systematic investigation of Russian collusion by the president only to find out after spending millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money that there was no Russian collusion. During those more than two years it was trial by public media without any real evidence but a stated certitude of guilt by association and circumstantial dubious so called evidence.

Celebrities joined the media in the BS fest with profanities, ridicule, insults, put downs, name calling, humiliations, and merciless criticism. Promiscuity and female abuse and exploitation was and probably still is quite rampant and acceptable in the entertainment business.

Neither the Democratic nor the Republican party has any charismatic and morally sound candidates either in office or running for office. Since the establishment media is on a steep decline it is debatable whether any candidate will be able to work their way up to enough name recognition to challenge Trump with a somewhat notorious nationwide celebrity name recognition.

Big money tech firms and international and national corporations are showing an ideological left wing bias which is further evidence of international globalist collusion with monetary world domination as a goal.

There was and perhaps always has been a politicization of the Supreme Court and recently there are overt attempts at making ideology dominant over constitutional principles.

Opioid and drug abuse is killing more young adults than car accidents, ruining many lives, and marijuana stocks are the new business money craze.

No serious legislative attempts are made to solve illegal border crossings and fundamentally Congress is deadlocked and thus dysfunctional. Can cheap labor and future Democrats be the reason for the Congressional deadlock which goes back about 30 years?

I could go on and on bitching about the sorry state of affairs the United States is in and unfortunately the only solution is more transparency or public internet knowledge of governmental functions, government workers, and special interests which are humans, institutions, businesses, and foreign nations lobbying Congress and their relatives with sweetheart deals.

I left out the most important long duration solution to corruption and that is a fundamentally moral public. A secular moral code should be taught to all impressionable young elementary students so that they know what is right and what is wrong by the age of about 13 so they can be considered to be moral adults.

Knowing what is right or wrong, moral or immoral is a fundamental necessity for humans since the dawn of human cultural history and ethical or moral relativity is just not a good foundation for impulsively judging humans who comprise the vast majority of any national population. By the age of about 13 children should IMPULSIVELY know what is right or wrong from a moral and if you prefer an ethical viewpoint.

Believing in a secular moral or ethical code is a form of self government over one’s behaviors in society because forced morality from above is impossible to enforce if the public does not believe in it and has not been indoctrinated from early childhood. What is that secular moral code? I have offered my suggestion for one in my blog and book titled Secular Moral Code.

If interested the secular moral code is- in nonemergency situations-don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder.

Religion is on the decline worldwide and has been the major repository of morality or advice on how to live peacefully with your fellow humans. Take away religion and a moral indoctrination and you have chaotic dysfunctional behavior in humans. Religious morality has some drawbacks because of all the mythology which is no longer believable in the modern world. But religious morality absolutely must be replaced with a secular morality which most can agree with and form a necessary consensus of opinion.

Join me in trying to make a secular morality popular among the movers and shakers of this world. More realistically try practicing this morality in your own and children’s lives. Of course you will need details so start searching my encyclopedic blog by keyword and if you are not interested in morality questions and answers then pick topics like parenting, relationships, marriage, dating, love, integrity, trustworthiness, honesty, truth, etc. Happy hunting!