Tag Archives: court of law



Conviction: n. declaring a human(s) to be guilty of a criminal offense by jury verdict and/or the decision of a judge in a court of law

In the US and in most civilized democratic countries a jury can convict you or a judge can under the proper procedural conditions.

Private individuals can make personal judgments about circumstances and/or behavior of offspring and can commit to an action(s) which is erroneously considered a personal private conviction. It is really not one done from a position of formal legal authority. Convicting your offspring is a phrase seldom used in real life and is inappropriate to use. Evidence beyond a reasonable doubt and punishment for offspring is called discipline and not conviction.

A human of conviction is really a judgmental human and the phrase should not be used any more by smart humans.

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Testimony: n. communicating evidence formally and frequently in a court of law

Testimonial: n. a formal communication by an authority figure frequently worthy of respect on the merits of a subset(s)

Most of us know that testimonies are evidence presented in a court of law but there are also testimonials by celebrities and respected humans promoting a human(s), a point of view, or promoting information and/or goods and/or services.


Whether you believe the testimony depends to a large degree on how much trust, respect, and admiration you may have for the individual giving the testimony. If it is a disreputable or controversial human doing the testimonial then the chances are that you will not believe or respect the contents of the testimony that much and may even chose to ignore it.


Reputable moral humans are the source for the best testimony and anyone falling short of this idealized standard should be suspected of some possible deception or even lying.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1700 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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