Tag Archives: the truth about chatting



Chat: v. to talk abundantly and informally and about relatively unimportant subset(s) and wasting much time and energy

Have you ever been invited to a chat room or over to someone’s house for a chat? If you accept the invitation then you are definitely wasting your time and energy and even money because all energy costs money no matter how small the energy may seem to you.

The sun does not charge us for it’s abundant energy but all other energy on this planet has a price and it takes money to own it.

Chatting is trivial behavior without a useful goal other than to waste your precious time and energy on this precious planet.

Humans with nothing better to do or humans who want to spend their lives doing unimportant things chat.

If you want to do important things with your life then communicate about those important topics, spend time researching those important topics, and you will make progress towards getting to those important goals.

Getting involved in trivia will also make your life more or almost totally trivial and you will find that you have nothing of importance that humans want to talk about or listen to. You will be called boring and uninteresting and someone not worthy of friendship. In effect you become a trivial or chatty personality not worthy of admiration or respect from almost anyone.

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