Tag Archives: free speech

Bad censorship

Overall, bad censorship can have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the suppression of specific content, impacting fundamental human rights, democratic principles, the overall health of society, and undermining trust in institutions and individuals. Here are some examples of bad censorship:

Bad political censorship is when governments censor information to control public opinion or suppress dissenting voices. This can lead to citizens being misinformed or deprived of their right to access diverse viewpoints.

Censorship aimed at altering or erasing historical facts or events to fit particular narrative. This distorts collective memory and undermines understanding of past events.

Companies or platforms restricting or removing content based on their own interests or to comply with government regulations. This can limit access to information and impede free expression, mislead consumers, and undermine transparency.

When religious institutions or groups censor information or expression that contradicts their beliefs. This can hinder intellectual inquiry and restrict freedom of conscience.

Suppressing scientific research or information that goes against certain ideologies or economic interests. This can impede progress and lead to the spread of misinformation.

Individuals or groups voluntarily refraining from expressing certain opinions or ideas due to fear of backlash or reprisal. This can inhibit open discourse and lead to a chilling effect on free speech.

Governments or internet service providers blocking or filtering online content, restricting access to information, and limiting freedom of expression. This can hinder communication and innovation in the digital age.

When a government censors criticism or opposition to its policies, it suppresses freedom of expression and undermines democracy.

Blocking the coverage of important events or news stories prevents the public from being informed and can lead to ignorance and misinformation.

Blocking or filtering internet online content restricts access to information and hampers free expression.

Threatening or harassing journalists who report on sensitive issues can lead to self-censorship and undermine investigative journalism.

Restricting academic research or teaching materials inhibit intellectual inquiry and stifles academic freedom.

Altering or censoring historical records distorts the truth and can be used to manipulate public perception.

Social media platforms censoring user-generated content based on arbitrary rules  or faulty algorithms can suppress free speech and limit the exchange of ideas.

Banning or censoring satirical content undermines the role of satire in social commentary and stifles political discourse.

Linguistic censorship such as changing the meaning of words or inventing new words to replace old ones with different meanings restricts communication and can perpetuate discrimination or undesirable hidden ideological ramifications.

Restricting access to certain ideas or viewpoints in educational settings limits critical thinking and intellectual development.

Silencing whistleblower individuals who expose wrongdoing or corruption prevents accountability and undermines democracy.

Suppressing the voices of moral or ethical minority groups perpetuates inequality and marginalization.

Suppressing access to accurate medical information can endanger public health and safety.

Suppressing information about environmental degradation inhibits public awareness and hampers efforts to address these issues which have long term detrimental health and wilderness destruction concerns.

Denying or censoring information about past atrocities prevents reconciliation and perpetuates injustice.

Banning or censoring adult comedic content restricts freedom of expression and limits cultural exchange.

Suppressing protests or demonstrations restricts the right to peaceful assembly and undermines democracy.

In all these cases, censorship can have detrimental effects on society, including hindering freedom of expression, limiting access to information, distorting public discourse, and undermining democratic principles. In an era of increasing bad censorship it is getting increasingly hard to separate fact from fiction and who to trust and who to be wary of.

Most bad censorship originates from flawed moral or ethical humans who lie about information or try to steal or deny you useful and sometimes necessary information and it is generally a descent into lawlessness.

Anatomy of free speech

Free speech is guaranteed by the first amendment of the United States constitution. But we know that some free speech is unacceptable in the public sphere. Intentionally lying about a human, unjustly calling one a thief, adulterer, or addict and threatening to murder one are all immoral or unethical actions which should have legal consequences, especially if done so publicly. If you intentionally lie to someone in private then trust is destroyed and the relationship will probably end without legal consequences.

Morality is slightly different in different cultures and is really a personal code of ethics which one believes in, especially in a nation where diverse religions are permitted and morality differs slightly in each religion. For practical purposes when I use the word ethics then it also means moral values and unethical means immoral values.

Then there is a problem of labeling free speech private or public since social media sites like Twitter and Facebook blur the line between what is truly private and what is public discourse. It is a fact that Twitter and Facebook are both considered private corporations which are private in name only but have many of the characteristics of a public forum such as cable TV and public radio which are regulated by government laws. Policing and censoring cable TV and radio discourse is relatively easy compared to the insurmountable problem of policing and censoring the spontaneous audio visual speech of billions of private humans on Twitter and Facebook.

Between private individuals insults, name calling, put downs, ridicule, humiliation, profanities, and severe criticism could theoretically be called “hate speech” but there are no legal consequences. In a public forum how do you censor “hate speech” without destroying comedy and satire which depends on the freedom to insult, ridicule, name call, etc.? Publicly censoring this freedom of expression threatens to make discourse between humans sterile and robotic with an emphasis on being politically correct and super civil rather than on being free to indulge in some of the joys of humorous ribbing discourse.

Social media is not only humans speaking freely but behaving freely such as on Tik Tok and Instagram so a further question arises. What free audio video behavior is acceptable and what behavior is to be censored? Do we permit humans to behave violently towards each other, engage in simulated rape scenes, display pedophelia or child porn, display beastiality or sex with animals, bondage, bullying, murder, and suicide? Free speech now becomes a question of free behavior too. The question of what is a simulated crime scene done by actors vs what is a real crime scene becomes blurred on audio visual social media.

The tragedy is that absolute or total free speech is a precursor to absolute or total free behavior which ultimately leads to chaos and an increase in criminal behavior. It is really a question of what we consider to be unethical or what we consider to be criminal and punishable by law. So the apparent solution is really one of agreeing on which universal cultural norms are to be considered ethically acceptable and legal and which ones are to be considered unethical and not acceptable and illegal.

So what is to be done? One possibility is a constitutional amendment to change free speech to ethical free speech. Of course you can then argue who will determine what is ethical free speech and who will be in charge of the censorship? Self censorship is an inescapable responsible option which will have to be made by corporations and individuals if they don’t want to be punished by the law which makes unethical speech and behavior illegal.

Historically religion determined what is morally or ethically acceptable normative behavior but in this modern era where secular humans are playing the role of God it may be necessary to define what we mean by desirable integrity which is what honesty and ethical behavior means. If you are dishonest or lie then trust or the bond which makes peaceful human interaction between humans possible is destroyed leading to chaos and anarchy followed by tyranny.

A largely secular state will have to define a universal secular ethical code to be obeyed by all or we will descend into totalitarianism which will arbitrarily determine what is ethical based on the whim of one dictator or one political party. An example of a universal secular ethical code which could be formalized in the constitution would be- in non emergency situations- don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder.

But we are really talking here about the indoctrination of ignorant, impressionable, secular elementary school students with a simple universal secular ethical code or normative values. This code or normative values should be practiced even in adulthood as much as possible for a peacefully interacting society where trust has not been destroyed for the vast majority.

Ethical free speech followed by ethical free behavior should be the ideal goal of any ongoing society if it is considered to be a just society where individual rights and individual responsibility are protected for the benefit of most law abiding humans within the collective society.

The internet has blurred the difference between what was once considered private speech and behavior and what is considered public speech and behavior and there is really a battle going on to protect what little personal privacy there is left. When all privacy is gone then who will be in charge of all this audio visual information and who will be judging whether this information is to be prosecuted by the law for illegalities? Will we all be cowering in fear for fear that the government will find out and punish us for disagreeing with it? It is scary to hypothetically foresee a day when the land of the free and brave will be the land of the cowering timid slaves living under a tyrannical censoring government.

Despite this hypothetical doomsday scenario I feel optimistic that in the long run the spirit of the American people will survive along with most of the constitution. The land of the ethical, free and brave will endure for many more generations to come. To be vigilant, be aware of and understanding the anatomy of free speech is the first step towards taking actions to ensure that ethical free speech will be guaranteed for every law abiding human in the nation of the free and brave on into the foreseeable future.

Analyzing the anatomy of free speech really reveals the eternal human struggle to try and define ethical speech and behavior vs absolute or total free speech and free behavior which can be very destructive in the short and long run for society to tolerate since an overabundance of absolute free speech always leads to chaos and criminality. While there is religion, separation of church and state is important but in a predominantly secular nation of the future, a secular ethical code as part of the constitution is essential for the nation to peacefully and justly survive without tyranny.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 5300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTHUPDATED NEW QUOTES, and DON’T BE INEFFICIENT, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Moral or ethical free speech vs. free speech!!!

Unabridged free speech is enshrined in the constitution but this also implies an absolute freedom which means that you are theoretically free to slander and libel or lie, threaten, insult, name call, put down, ridicule, use profanities, and humiliate at will. Free speech can be abused if it is excessive aggression without limits and results in uncivilized discourse not worthy of moral or ethical human behavior.

One could argue that the only kind of immoral or unethical free speech is intentional slandering and libeling or lying about someone or something. Threats on the life of someone could also be considered to be immoral or unethical. With insults, name calling, put downs, ridicule, profanity, and humiliation you could argue that this is not really immoral or unethical but only bad behavior.

However, this bad behavior can just as easily destroy someone’s good public reputation. If you destroy or try to verbally destroy someone’s good public reputation then you may effectively be killing that human financially and socially so this public bad behavior can become a serious threat on a human lifestyle for many.

I personally do not practice the above bad behaviors. If you call these behaviors immoral or unethical free speech then comedy dies if ridicule is censored. Forbidding jovial friendly assaults without malice on one’s personality or behavior with insults, name calling, put downs, profanity, and humiliation would make life rather boring and mundane if it was labeled unethical, immoral, or a definite no no. Censure all bad speech and life becomes an unbearable strait jacket since no one is or ever will be morally or ethically perfect. Many humans do make many unintentional communication mistakes which can do more than just offend and are sometimes forgivable, especially if an apology is forthcoming.

I suppose that in private you should be able to say what you pretty damn well please but our private lives are now becoming public in a flash with social media and the internet which used to be and still is to some extent like the wild wild west. The still problematic unanswered question is- if you publish on the internet then are you still a private individual or do you automatically become a public figure?

Add to this the frightening possibility of deepfakes which are doctored videos that show humans saying and doing things which they never did or said. What has become glaringly obvious is that some censorship of public free speech is necessary or it will destroy civilized discourse. More importantly, who is responsible for censoring irresponsible free speech?

A human or organization should almost always be responsible for immoral or unethical free speech and it is them that should bear the legal responsibility for publishing their shit. On Facebook you can unfriend an offensive human source but you can’t unfriend an offensive organization publication so we have a serious situation.

Who will censor an offensive ad or article? If you are offended by the ad or article then maybe there are many others who are not offended at all. So it seems that you personally should have the right to censor what you don’t want to see from the internet. Problematically Facebook, Google, etc. should not be the sole censor or they take on the position of a publisher who is responsible for any damage to your reputation in the event of slander, libel, or a threat to your life from some Facebook, Google, etc. source.

The sad reality is that if you are the victim of slander, libel, or a threat on your life then your only recourse is to sue and good lawyers cost an arm and a leg. Suing one individual may be rather easy but often not financially rewarding. Try suing a large corporation with big bucks like Facebook or Google and you are at a severe legal disadvantage. Yes, justice for the financially limited individual is very improbable and the legal system is just not equipped to successfully deal with this unjust reality.

If you become a public figure where apparently anything goes then your good reputation can be unjustly destroyed almost overnight by the media. This is probably the main reason why there are so few brave public individuals who are not timid and overtly stand their ground and mouth their truths, especially if their opinions are not deemed to be politically correct.

Criminals and scammers prowl the internet so search engines have a responsibility to protect your data submitted via the internet from unauthorized use. Complications galore exist and some kind of censorship is definitely necessary. What should remain private information and what should become public information is an ongoing dilemma which may never be solved to the satisfaction of many.

Nowhere is the rampage of unbridled free speech more noticeable than in politics where it has taken on a form of entertainment for entertainment’s sake. The descent of the media into a tabloid press interested in shocking sound bites and the manufacture of fake news or overly biased reporting is slowly destroying civil public discourse and truthful reporting.

The media, politicians, and celebrities resorting to insults, name calling, put downs, ridicule, occasional profanity, and humiliation is a descent into school yard taunting, verbal assaults, and uncontrolled childishness. This approach makes rational discourse impossible, especially when one power hungry side is only interested in political correctness. It is a tragic tyranny when one dominant left wing ideology views everyone else with divergent views as the evil enemy who deserves destruction with verbal attacks and ostracism.

What this society badly needs is champions of moral or ethical free speech but the badly educated new generation seems to be poorly equipped ethically to know the difference between truthful discourse and irresponsible reckless free speech. The need for moral or ethical free speech is becoming apparent to many but fake morality and fake righteousness or dogmatic ideological censorship as a replacement is definitely not the answer.

Those interested in modern moral or ethical principles for society in copious detail should read my free book on Amazon entitled SECULAR MORAL CODE.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 5100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4800 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4800 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4600 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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The constitution of the United States guarantees free speech but the reality is that in the extremes of free speech you have profanity, insults, name calling, put downs, humiliation, ridicule, lies, appeals to violence and fundamentally libelous and slanderous remarks. The expression of free speech has become too chaotic and undisciplined and frankly immoral in the form of fake information and news or in effect published lies or untruths.


In the early days of the republic most had a moral training from religion and the educational system. Most published writers and readers of the articles and books where relatively literate compared to the rest of the population and had a sense of what right and wrong was as far as communication was concerned. Today with an anything goes philosophy as far as free speech is concerned, free speech is now getting out of control to the detriment of the fabric of civil discourse publically and privately.


The leaders of tomorrow are no longer getting good moral training in the educational system. Instead there is primarily an emphasis on ideological purity or politically correct thinking and the ultimate result is and will be immoral leaders and followers and oppressive censorship of the internet or a tyranny of the mind and also body. Who can you trust if the leadership no longer has integrity and can’t serve as moral role models for the led? Yes, lying information and news must be censored but the leadership must also censor itself and expunge corrupt lying, stealing, deceptive leaders and humans from their ranks. Whether it is possible to create a moral leadership from a corrupt immoral one without a moral revival in the nation is debatable.


I am still optimistic about the future and have written extensively on a secular moral code which should be taught to all impressionable minds worldwide and have proposed educational reforms, welfare reforms, and constitutional reforms. I also have composed a logical English dictionary which should greatly reduce human emotional irrationality in the world. I am pessimistic about the destruction of biodiversity which is vital for future generations but fortunately I won’t live long enough to experience the radical extinctions which I foresee.


The globalists don’t really care what happens to any one nation and will rule the world with their financial clout no matter how much any individual nations will suffer. That said every future aspiring globalist should read my books and articles since I too am philosophically a globalist interested in improving humanity and conserving and even expanding wilderness real estate.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Even those who believe in pure freedom of speech will usually agree that libel and slanderous statements against private individuals should be censored and subject to legal enforcement for violations. No one should be in the business of destroying the good reputation of moral law abiding citizens.

Libelous and slanderous statements or lies against public officials and celebrities are deplorable, especially if they come from the establishment media. Even in public media the anything goes philosophy does not seem appropriate and some censorship is necessary. If the speech is moral then there should be no censorship of it. But who is going to define what moral free speech is and who can be trusted to enforce it?

Censorship by the powerful and monied class is especially corrosive when there is immorality in the leadership of entertainment, business, and political institutions. Powerful celebrities sometimes do practice sexual abuse and sometimes gender exploitation because they think they will get away with the behavior and whistleblowers are often ruthlessly financially destroyed or blacklisted for trying to divulge the corruption.

Criminal and fraudulent behavior and scams, child pornography, incitements to violently overthrow the government, terrorist recruiting, death threats on the internet, exposure of minors to very deviant violent sexual behavior or pornography, and trying to ruin the good reputation of an individual in the media with unproven libelous and slanderous videos are the major areas which definitely need censorship.

The internet and phone lines have been free for so long that criminals and scam artists are rampant and the security of phone lines is in jeopardy with “scam possible” messages on phone lines that don’t seem to go away. It actually is beginning to seem that scam artists are so powerful that freedom from them or exclusion of them from your home is becoming a losing battle.

I am not convinced that “hate” speech should be censored since there are so many things which humans can hate. There are individuals, ethnic groups, nations, criminal or immoral behavior, and illegal substances which some humans hate with a passion. Should this hate speech be censored too, and if so, to what degree? The borderline between “I don’t like a lot” and “I hate” is sometimes very broad and it is almost impossible to discriminate verbally between the two.

Who will censor this? Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, etc. will have to do this and yes, many may be unjustly censored, especially deviant political ideas and extremes, but the deviant ones should be able to go to other less well known websites and spew their radical views there. When the deviant websites begin to reach a much broader audience then they will have to censor their own websites too or their reputation will remain in the toilet.

Ultimately it is the youth of a nation which needs censorship from criminal, immoral, and deceptive practices. If the internet is going to be the primary source of information and entertainment then the internet will have to be censored as a public utility by someone. China is already censoring the internet to a large extent and I believe it is just a matter of time before the United States also is going to have to begin censoring the internet in a much more aggressive style than at present. Perhaps the real solution is to create an internet for minors with optimal censorship and an internet for adults with minimum censorship.

The only certain thing is that big money will continue to play a dominant role in censorship procedures and will try to make sure that their information will be prominently displayed before the public. Who will counteract the power of big money on the internet? Few to date are fulfilling that important role of monitoring the censorship of big money and making sure that small reputable businesses have a fair playing field on the internet.

I personally bemoan the fact that I can no longer easily get quality pictures and videos to share on my blog website. There are fewer and fewer websites which offer basic trustworthy online picture editing or resizing for free. Yes, plagiarism and theft of intellectual property was rampant in the old internet but the new internet is becoming a world where minority views and efforts are easily suppressed by big money and censoring search engine algorithms.

How much will the internet be censored in the future? It is hard to predict how intense the censorship will be other than the fact that there will be more of it. The little internet user will be more oppressed than ever and it will be almost impossible trying to make some money with videos and written content unless you are a celebrity to begin with.

Criminal and immoral activity on the internet must be minimized and fake news and fake facts should be policed to some extent. Trust in a website means that the website has a good reputation and we should never reach a point where no website on the internet can be trusted anymore, since society will disintegrate into dangerous chaos and instability.

Sexual promiscuity and some drug use rampantly promoted in the entertainment media is devastating the stability of family life and harmonious male female relationships. The credibility of establishment media is being assaulted with some success and they no longer have a sterling reputation. It seems that alternate media is the wave of the future since mainstream media is fast losing its credibility and with it moral trusting consumers.

How the internet will look in ten years is debatable but we can definitely look forward to more censorship and more breaches of security by unscrupulous hackers. In the meantime, try to enjoy the treacherous tumultuous ride!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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