
SUCCESSFUL HUMANS:                                     UNSUCCESSFUL HUMANS:

Research and read useful information        Watch TV every day and waste

almost every day                                                time and energy on social media                                           

Talk about concepts, ideas, or topics            Talk about other humans

Judiciously compliment when appropriate  Complain, criticize, put down,

                                                                                   name call, insult, and ridicule

Embrace change as a welcome challenge      Fear change

Forgive but remember immoral behavior      Hold grudges

so they are not victimized again  

Learn constantly and listen much                     Often behave like know-it-alls

Pursue selfimprovement                                      Are content to live with their

                                                                                      bad habits 

Accept responsibility for their failures            Blame others for their failures

Have a sense of gratitude                                     Have a sense of entitlement

Set goals and develop life plans                          Don’t set goals but just wing


Don’t waste time, energy, and money on        Waste time, energy, and  

trivial pursuits                                                         money on trivial pursuits and

                                                                                     impulsive shopping


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