Tag Archives: abortion



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STD: n. sexually transmitted disease

Promiscuity: n. a human having transient sexual relationships with many different humans


In the United States, more people have genital herpes than all other sexually transmitted infections combined -– 50 million people in total. If there are 6 humans that you know then chances are great that one promiscuous one has herpes! There are more mind-boggling statistics but I leave you to research this further on the web.

Having many transient relationships with many different humans not only develops a bad habit but makes faithfulness with one partner much less probable in the future which frequently results in adultery and failed marriages. Add to this the inevitable danger of contracting an STD virus which can make your sex life a living annoying, painful, and even deadly process.

CONDOMS ARE NOT EFFECTIVE against herpes simplex virus and human papilloma virus. Herpes causes annoying pain and the papilloma virus can cause cancer.

Experts say being exposed to at least one STD virus is virtually inevitable. Viral STDs make up the modern “4-H club.” Herpes simplex virus (HSV), human papilloma virus (HPV), hepatitis (B and C), and HIV are the most common STDs, causing pain, cancer, liver disease and AIDS, respectively.

Here is a link to bacterial sexually transmitted diseases which you should also be aware of and oral sex can transmit them:


Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis, are relatively easy to cure with antibiotics if detected and treated early. Genitalherpes, genital warts, Hepatitis B and HIV are viral infections that cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be treated and managed but are a pain in the butt if you have them and you carry the stigma of being sexually diseased for the rest of your life!!!!!!

A hedonistic lifestyle has its cost in bad relationship problems, a bad reputation, and inevitable health problems. It is frankly not worth the transient pleasure which it gives and forgetting to use a condom or birth control pill can result in an unwanted pregnancy and possible abortion.

If you are smart then you will limit as much as possible sexual relationships with humans whom you consider to be very good friends and good potential mates and not have any sexual relationships with other casual acquaintances.

In this era of rampant promiscuity I personally would ask for an STD medical checkup with anyone that I decided to have sex with. That is a cold hard truth that I would live with since oral sex can transmit sexual diseases and virginity is no longer a guarantee of a disease free mate.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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common_sense (1)



You are a teenage unwed woman without a job and made the mistake of unwillingly getting pregnant. You are pregnant and find out that the offspring will be a lifelong financial and emotional burden on you because of a severe handicap or debilitating disease. Your pregnancy complications are threatening your life.

What do you do? You have made a mistake conceiving an unwanted offspring so you should be punished with an unwanted offspring and an unwanted financial burden for a lifetime. That form of lifetime anguishing punishment is much too severe when the solution is so simple- Abortion.

The easy answer is abortion because you should have a right to have offspring only when you think you are ready and financially able to support the offspring. Yes, adoption is a way out of conceiving unwanted healthy offspring which you can’t afford to financially support but who in their right mind would want to adopt offspring with a severe debilitating lifetime disease?

Ideally offspring should be raised in a loving supportive environment with two parents and if it is an unwanted offspring with a single head of household who is not financially able to support the offspring then abortion is a logical way out of a very undesirable circumstance.

Infanticide historically used to be the solution in some cultures for unwanted offspring, especially the severely handicapped ones. There is no logical reason why this escape valve should not be available for modern parents with abortion or death before giving birth rather than after giving birth.

Offspring can be the source of much major happiness in a marital relationship but if the offspring is unwanted then the emotional scars on parent and offspring can be devastating. We should all be interested in quality offspring and a quality lifestyle which optimizes the happiness possible in a parent offspring relationship.

Some argue that killing a fetus cheapens the respect for human life but this attitude does not address a respect for the quality of the life after birth which is much more important. With the population of the world approaching 8 billion humans who are overpopulating and radically polluting the planet the danger of us running out of human life should not be a serious moral question but the quality of human life should take precedence in our value judgments. We have been very successful in promoting the quantity of human life on this precious planet and it is now time for placing emphasis on the quality of human life and lifestyles.

Abortion in the 21st century is not immoral because murder of a fetus in this emergency which is an unwanted or severely debilitated offspring is moral for the future benefit of humanity.

If you have a strong religious belief that abortion is immoral then you should be given the right to give birth to a severely debilitated offspring but you and your religious organization should be forced to support that life financially and not at taxpayer’s expense.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.
