Daily Archives: January 26, 2015


_MG_9522-001 1aB-Red-tailed Hawk 1B-flower 3 4 (15) 9kbml 14 - 1 (2) 14 - 1 15 - 1 (1) ۲۰ ه‍.ش. - 1 volpoca by FrancoBorsiWildLife  http://goo.gl/hhqKrp 130e56f5-a584-4fda-9e29-4725a21cda3e 158_s источник: http://goo.gl/v2Qzp 2014 - 1 (6) 2014 - 1 (36) 2015 - 1 535008_773338362682548_1855189971_n 595780 1005649_426850854096973_620169573_n 1375322_630228453688983_2094521380_n 1395189_644994378879057_1919763665_n 1451409_596514770415726_678721149_n 1912172_831388723544178_545102956_n 346811310 1391200375_796251379 14036443274_46298be655_o 73962536680bf960ec8124838f5ce97f A western screech owl (Tara Tanaka) AAA-The Black and Red Broadbill, found in Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam 808_n Arctic Tern (Strena paradisaea) flying in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. birds-flying Black Japanese Bantam Cock Black-legged Kittiwake - 01 Black-legged Kittiwake - 03 canada-geese-031 Common Eider (Somateria mollissima) flying in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Crimson-rumped Toucanet - 02 d4d69166-0094-484d-b696-45a45d59d10b DSC_0473 Red Kite  (Milvus milvus)  - Rotmilan - Grüner See Eurasian Eagle-Owl   (Bubo bubo) - Uhu DSC_5187 Copyright 2014 William Joers ss DSC_6781-Edit-Edit Copyright Joseph Naccarato 2015 Flame-colored Tanager (Piranga bidentata) perched on a branch in Costa Rica. Green Thorntail - 13 Green-breasted Mango - 02 Green-breasted Mango - 03 Green-crowned Brilliant - 06 https%3A%2F%2Flh6.googleusercontent.com%2Fz5VIRfCqR4TygAoMJ-VwWUvASWCz2b-beegwtb-9g14%3Ds0-d hummingbird_579_600x450 IMG_6817 IMG_7307 IMG_134590891868757 just dance with me ! Lovely assemble. LOVELY OWL SWIMMING THE BREASTSTROKE IN A LAKE Major Mitchell's Cockatoo II by EOS-Husky   http://goo.gl/k5Qrd1 Northern Gannet - 01 osprey-022 osprey-092 Red-legged Honeycreeper (Cyanerpes cyaneus) perched on a branch in Costa Rica. S-82 Three-toed Woodpecker - 12 Velvet-purple Coronet (Boissonneaua jardini) perched on a branch in Ecuador. Violet Sabrewings - 07 Violet Sabrewings - 10 - Copy White-bellied Cinclodes (Cinclodes palliatus) perched on a rock in Peru. White-throated Swift - 07 zzDSC_1331

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDBtDh9Y2as        VIDEO OF BIRD PICTURES, ENJOY!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Humans take nutritional supplements to hopefully improve a bad diet or to try and cure some disease, illness, or nutrient deficiency. If you eat a wide variety of foods, especially organic ones, then the average human does not really need supplements and taking them daily is probably not a good idea because most supplements are just ball park estimations of necessary nutrients and you are bound to get too much of some of the nutrients which may even adversely affect your overall health.

Nothing is better than the natural balance of nutrients in real food and taking supplements too frequently will make your body adjust to unnatural nutrient intake which is probably not that healthy in the long duration. For example. Why take fish oil when you can get even greater benefits by eating fish in the first place especially if you eat the entire fish such as a sardine?

A truly scientific approach to nutritional supplements would be to analyze all the nutrients in your blood and really determine if you have any deficiencies. This kind of a comprehensive test is not available or is probably so expensive that the average human could not afford it.

Some herbs and supplements can even cause bad reactions with drugs which you may be taking so check with your doctor if you are both on drugs and supplements.

Humans wrongly assume that more is better and the more there is of a supplement then the better it is for you. Taking mega doses of vitamin C or extra vitamin D is not smart. You should instead investigate what foods have natural vitamin C or D in them and eat them or in the case a vitamin D then get a little bit of a suntan every year and get vitamin D naturally. Natural is always better and if you or your doctor determines that you need a nutrient supplement then eat a lot of the natural food with that nutrient in it.

When diseased or ill humans get desperate and they reach for a magic pill or supplements to try and solve their disease or illness. Instead, humans should start eating a wide variety of healthy organic food and some meat or whole milk for protein and fat.

Bombarding your body with a handful of nutrients is not a cure, but if lack of nutrients is a cause of your disease or illness then start eating right and start pumping your body full of natural foods which contain those nutrients and which also contain more necessary nutrients that you aren’t even aware of.

Nature knows best and if you are in bad health then start eating naturally!!!

Your body needs balanced nutrients and not lopsided supplements!!!!!!

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!
