Daily Archives: February 28, 2014



Historically war was the way to expand empires and subjugate different cultures. Today because of assured mutual nuclear destruction it is highly improbable that war will break out between major powers like Russia, China, and the USA.

Regional wars are still possible but increasingly big money is being used to rule the world. Iran may seem like a warlike threat but economic sanctions by almost all the nations of the world brought Iran to the negotiating table about it’s nuclear ambitions.

Extreme Muslim fundamentalism may be a regional concern but the probability that they will become a nuclear terrorist threat to other nations in the world is highly improbable unless Iran goes nuclear.


Future nuclear war is highly improbable and for regional military conflicts Special Forces and a Marine Corps backup should be all the military force which is necessary to prevent the expansionist ambitions of small local tyrants.

A cyber threat to the military and a nation’s electrical infrastructure is the only realistic threat which must be planned for and defended against.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.




The truth is that there should be no need for a future huge conventional fighting machine because no wars between countries should be fought with massive ground troops in the future.   The United States has strategic nuclear weapons so it can scratch most of that expensive sea and air fighting equipment which is realistically a waste of energy, money, and material resources.

Most countries won’t need an army, tanks, aircraft carriers, destroyers or any other massive offensive or defensive fighting equipment. The United States should still have a few aircraft carriers and more than a handful of submarines to maintain localized superior air power in the short run anywhere in the world but that is all.

Because strategic nuclear weapons can be used efficiently by the United States and other major powers to protect any country on the face of this earth from invasion, we no longer need large standing armies. The military industrial complex will have to be downsized quite a bit and made more efficient with small fast strike force capability and a Marine Corp backup as priority number one and two.

In 20 years we may not even need a national guard but only an internal police force which will coordinate its activities with an Interpol type of international police force cooperation.

Nuclear submarines should roam the seas in the transition period to a worldwide police force better than Interpol and Special Forces can emerge from submarines to do special assignments for international smuggling and international drug trafficking and piracy.  Nuclear bombs on some of those submarines should be prepared to exclude an enemy who becomes aggressive and ignores national boundaries. The potential threat of force is the only real insurance against a violent tyrant’s desired aggressive actions. The threat of greater violence or the fear of its usage will prevent a tyrant attack.

The military is dependent to some degree on GPS electronic signals which can be spoofed and jammed and especially susceptible are drones. Smart bombs can also be spoofed and jammed but there are backup inertial guidance systems and laser guided systems which can be installed which don’t have to depend on GPS signals alone. North Korea has tried to use jamming devices to interfere with South Koreas GPS signals as a test by the Chinese helped espionage but those attempts more than once have largely failed to completely stop activity because there are reserve devices for GPS also.

In the United States and maybe elsewhere trucks with very expensive products have been highjacked with relatively inexpensive bubble jammers which destroy GPS tracking capability and make cell phone use and GPS useless. Sophisticated thieves can do great economic damage if they want to and open source electronic information on the internet is making this possible for clever crooks. In the future not only the FBI but the military may have to be involved to prevent this theft from exceeding minimum amounts. The installation of reserve systems for civilian GPS which is used by the government and private individuals will have to be done.

As long as there are independent tyrannical regions in the world such as China and Russia where there is a unique currency and an independent military the United States will need a military nuclear force to prevent the potentially aggressive actions of megalomaniacal tyrants.

A voluntary military force which is paid adequately is what any dominant military power should have.  If there are not enough voluntary military personnel for national security then the most just way to compensate is to increase military pay to the point where adequate personnel enlist.

Cyber warfare is the biggest threat to any nation and the military should be concentrating on protecting a nation’s infrastructure which is dependent on computers from being sabotaged in the future. The internet has created a largely electronic world and it is the new primary function of the military to protect this vulnerable resource from foreign attack or secretive invasion.

Theoretically you can jam any electronic device and a military dependent on electronics should be vigilant and should have backup devices or systems ready if an attempt is made to deactivate or destroy the electronic communications system both military and civilian.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.




HOW MUCH you learn is no longer as important as WHAT you learn and HOW you learn it. Many are studying liberal arts and finding the job market to be very poor and are ending up unemployed.

If you are talented and with an excellent memory then computer technology and engineering is still a good field to study and not job poor but that information should be taught as early as possible so they don’t waste their talent sitting through mediocre classes in public school.

The educational system is outdated with teachers still inefficiently trying to teach 20 or 30 students at a time and turning out high school graduates only qualified to do minimum wage work. There should be much more teaching of useful technological skills, basic math, and science and the ideal way is to teach with much individualized interactive AUDIO visual computer education so that students can proceed at their own pace whether very slow or very fast or in between. Same age students can still be in the same classroom but each can be at their own level of achievement thus optimizing education efficiency.

Scientific studies show that text book reading and studying from books results on average only remembering about 10% of what was read after two weeks. AUDIO visual interaction where the students actually speak about what they are learning increases the retention to about 70%. It is obvious that modern students should be speaking about what they are learning and not quietly absorbing what the teacher is teaching the classroom which is very inefficient education.

Poor neighborhoods have bad schools where very little useful knowledge is learned and individualized audio visual education offers the possibility of a good quality education even in a bad quality school system. Ultimately computer education from home will replace public schools with the exception of elementary school where all students must be taught to interact morally with other students with differing learning abilities.

Offspring in poor countries can be educated via a cell phone or computer powered by solar energy where electricity is not available.

Graduate education is becoming prohibitively expensive and a liberal arts education frequently only qualifies you for minimum wage work with a huge student loan to pay back.

Not only WHAT is taught in school has to be changed but HOW it is being taught has to be radically overhauled to make education once again relevant to the technological 21st century.

Education should not be mostly useless information taught students who will not use it in real life when they become adults. History, music, drama, team sports, crafts, and literature is information which very few will use again in real life and should be eliminated from the curriculum. Budgeting with the use of a calculator and computer skills are vital to a good education where the student should be taught the joys of self-education by being able to use search engines to gain useful information.

EDUCATION REFORM is my evergreen truth book which details WHAT should be taught in schools and HOW education must be changed to make education relevant and not just a time killing boring pastime for offspring.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.
