Tag Archives: damage


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Scurrilous: adj. making scandalous claims mixed with profanities and/or obscenities and designed to damage a reputation

In an evolving linguistic culture the line between the profane or obscene and acceptable public communication is being dulled and being vulgar in modern times is a little more difficult.

If you unjustly call someone a motherfucking adulterer or historically called someone a cock sucking liar you would be using scurrilous comments which could damage someone’s reputation, especially if published publicly in the media.

A pussy grabbing scumbag is a modern version of a scurrilous remark which implies female abuse and it is an unjust scurrilous remark if it is untrue.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Aspersion: n. damaging the reputation and/or integrity of a subset(s)

Aspersions can be derogatory remarks, slander, and criticism aimed at damaging the reputation and/or integrity of someone.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2600 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Damage: v. to injure a subset(s) which is frequently a possession(s) and/or a human(s) which frequently results in a decrease in (value and/or goodness) and/or (quality and/or desirability) and/or (usefulness and/or health)

You damage possessions and you injure humans but I choose to include the injury of a possession in my definition because injury is better understood by humans than damage to possessions. Injury to a subset can be either a human or a possession and is an anthropomorphic concept which I endorse.


With this definition injury to a human or injury to the environment, wilderness, or an object become just as important and can be sensed in visceral human terms.


I do not encourage the division of the world into humans and objects or things but promote the idea that both have equal importance or that humans should not be separated from their environment upon which they so vitally depend in the long duration for their health and survival. Humans are not more important than nature from which they should not be separated!!!!!!


Don’t injure your possessions but treat them with the respect and admiration which they deserve since they are a part of nature and just as important as you are in the overall scheme of things. There should not be a world of humans and things with humans being more important but a world of things or subsets where inanimate objects are just as important as humans in nature.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Insurance: n. promising compensation if damage and/or destruction to a subset(s) will exist in the future and frequently samer compensation is promised for an amount of money given


The world is filled with all kinds of dangers and potential future dangers which scare many humans and they would like assurances that if those dangers strike them then they will be protected or compensated for any physical and/or financial injuries and/or damages.


Most insurance is paid with cash monthly or yearly installments and these can become especially burdensome and very high priced such as health insurance with the general population getting unhealthier and unhealthier with each passing year.


The drug companies make the premiums even higher with costly drugs prescribed by physicians which just mask the symptoms on many occasions and just make the situation worse with many side effects treated with more expensive pills or drugs.


Healthy eating of organic food and sober living are the best preventions against the most important danger to you which is an unhealthy body and mind.


The insurance industry is increasingly becoming a monopoly where competition is no longer an insurance against exorbitantly high insurance premiums so frankly most housing, car, and health insurance should be a national standardized rate based on the standardized risk assessment of each individual citizen. There should be guaranteed insurance for preexisting conditions which most private insurance companies try to drop from their membership or coverage.


Risk assessment or actuarial tables should be public knowledge so that the risk assessment for each individual can be made and an adjustable payment into the government system proportional to the accident and health history of each individual.


The same cost of insurance for the accident prone and unhealthy citizen versus the responsible accident free and healthy individual is unjust and any just national health insurance should demand higher insurance premiums from the more irresponsible high risk members of society.


Working citizens may still choose to go with private insurance company coverage if they so desire with more compensation due to any specified injury. Those on welfare will have insurance coverage standardized to fit their welfare allotments but the accident prone unhealthy members will have to live on more meager welfare benefits than the healthy accident free members on welfare.


This is only a transitional system designed for the ultimate solution or transition to a just society which is Capsocialism with capitalism for the working class and socialism for the welfare class. The totally dependent welfare class will not get any spending money from the government but will be totally dependent on government with no money for discretionary spending.  Only free education via the internet and basic needs will be provided door to door by an efficient private supply system and no rights to motorized vehicles in which to roam the nation looking for fun and excitement.


If you are interested in further information on Capsocialism look for it by keyword search in my evergreen truth blog.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Safety: n. a large probability that injury to a person(s) and/or damage to a subset(s) will not exist in the near future

Humans generally feel safe when the probability of injury is minimal which usually means that they are also in a relatively safe environment such as at home. It is true that many accidents occur in the home but nowhere except perhaps in a padded cell is safety guaranteed 100%.

There are also some minimal precautions which can be made to be safer when driving such as seat belts and safety glass which help in the event of a car accident.

Toy manufacturers also have to obey safety guidelines such as non toxic paint and no small parts which a young offspring could potentially choke on.

It is one thing to make safety rules when someone is acting responsibly but it is almost impossible to pass safety measures for irresponsibly behaving humans. Ultimately humans have a responsibility to act in safe ways themselves without extra burdensome government regulations.

Safety rules should not ensure maximum safety unless hundreds of lives are at stake such as airlines.

Safety rules should assume the need for some responsible smart behavior on the part of the humans using a device and/or tool. Warnings about improper usage should appear on the product and it is ultimately the responsibility of the user to read them and act accordingly.

When you are not in danger of being injured or when a house is hurricane proof or can’t be damaged then you can say that you are safe or that your house is relatively safe.

Most humans behave safely because they are afraid of getting hurt and the government sometimes goes to great length to protect you from harm by passing safety laws causing the installation of home smoke detectors and car seat belts.

 It seems that there is an attempt to legislate proper human behavior or an attempt to reduce the bad consequences of irresponsibility. DUI laws, helmet laws, lead paint laws, mold laws, toy laws, and building laws are just a few of the examples of laws passed trying to optimize a safe environment for humans to live in.

Some complain of the government trying to be a nanny state for adults trying too much to protect them from irresponsible behavior with too many laws all in the name of safety.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1800 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Violence: n. using (relatively very intense force and/or relatively much energy) and/or (electrocorpus without permission and/or a relatively very intense action(s)) and is frequently against a lifeform(s) to (hurt and/or damage) and/or kill

If you are being violent against a human then you are using enough force and energy to hurt, incapacitate, or kill them which is usually against the law if you are not an arresting officer dealing with a violent arrestee.

Violently destroying or damaging property which is not yours is also usually against the law but there is visceral pleasure which many humans get from explosions and other violent acts which are not meant to hurt or kill humans. Violence is a demonstration of the application of force and energy and it is a demonstration of power in action which humans respect and frequently admire or fear.

Violent video games appeal to the predatory nature in many human males and they are sometimes overly blamed for creating aggressive tendencies in offspring and adults.

Violence and fighting has historically been a way to settle disputes between tribes and nations and it is still alive and well in the Middle East and the Ukraine. When reason fails to settle disputes then unfortunately violence is seen as the only way to a swift and speedy resolution. When violence succeeds and it is not met with superior violence or punishing economic sanctions then it is usually just a question of time before it is used again.

A potent ideology, poverty, and a willingness to die for a cause is hard to combat if surrounding humans are sympathetic to your cause. Superior intel and an ability to destroy the leadership at will is the only way to combat virulent expansionism and ultimately achieve a peaceful political settlement.

Domestic and criminal violence is an ongoing continuous struggle from generation to generation because we are all born with violent fighting tendencies which have to be tamed in each generation. Teaching a secular moral code in elementary school to all impressionable young minds is the surest way to exclude most of the violent tendencies from society.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Save: v. to prevent with an event(s) and/or action(s) possible (injury and/or death) and/or (damage and/or destruction) and/or (embarrassment and/or usage) and/or error

You can save a human from a potentially injurious fire, an accident, from death, error, and from embarrassment or you can save a building or wilderness from damage or destruction.

You can also save money from being spent to avoid future financial ruin in an emergency. Accumulating possessions is frequently confused with saving because the real reason that you are accumulating them is to prevent them from being recycled, used, damaged, or destroyed by you or someone else.

Saving is really active prevention and if you are smart then you will personally take preventative steps to exclude the possibility of having to be saved from some hazardous situation in the future. Saving possessions from wear and tear is also what many of us commonly do.

You can save a human or yourself from making a mistake or error with some preventative step or steps.

Save energy, save wilderness, save yourself, save others when necessary, save some money, and save the world!!!!!! Money is the social symbol for energy so if you are saving some money with wise purchases of energy saving devices or saving some money for emergencies or future investments then you are saving energy!!!!!! Yes, when you save money to purchase material possessions then you are buying and using stored energy. The molecules of your possessions are filled with potential energy and have some value in your life!!!!!!

Finally save your bodily energy for the truly important things in your life and get rid of as many inefficient trivial pursuits as possible. Don’t waste your energy on fruitless boring pursuits but try to focus on those with a greater payoff in satisfaction, happiness, and some material gain. 

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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