
In the western world with so many divorces, promiscuity, and single humans many married women and some men fear adultery or unfaithfulness and feel insecure in their relationships.

Adultery causes fear of abandonment, anger, hate, jealousy, and much unhappiness for the victim and offspring if there are any. 

In a sexually permissive society where many no longer consider adultery to be immoral you are fighting an uphill battle to find and then maintain a happy lasting marital relationship.


Finding that gem of a human who has a good job, has not been historically promiscuous, is not the victim of two or more divorces, and believes that marriage should be a lifelong commitment is becoming a rather scarce commodity.


Finding that trustworthy reliable human who keeps their promises and doesn’t lie to you is becoming a rarity and if you find such a person then go for it with all of your charms and skills, become a faithful friend, and hope for or make a marriage proposal.


If you are single, with a poor job, not so attractive, and with bad communication skills then maybe you should consider staying single because the chances that a marriage will last is close to zero. Poor financial management or poor income and adultery are the two leading causes of divorce.


Seriously assess your situation because your best course of action may be to just stay single, carefree, worry free, and not get married in the first place but live a happy single life!!!!!!

Adultery:  n. stealing marital sexual fidelity


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