Tag Archives: robots


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 5000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 5000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Parents, teachers, business leaders, the establishment media, the FBI, judges, regional and local police, the military, religious leaders, politicians, and authority figures in general are having their reputations ruined by what can broadly be categorized as immoral or unethical behavior such as lying, stealing, and adultery.  Add to this very bad behavior such as excessive drinking, drug taking, promiscuity, pornography, gambling, compulsive shopping, etc. and you have a recipe for dysfunctional role models for parents, teachers, celebrities, politicians, etc.

There is a desperate attempt at maintaining some semblance of order out of the chaos with a ruthless left wing ideology which just exacerbates distrust because it tries to destroy politically incorrect views with emotionally charged insults, name calling, put downs, ridicule, and humiliation instead of rational debate and discussion which is the civilized non violent approach to confronting dissenting facts, views, opinions, and beliefs.

Without a moral or ethical rudder to maintain integrity and steer human behavior and decisions along rational paths, emotional insanity reigns supreme and concepts such as libel, slander, and deception which are just rules of moral or ethical free speech no longer apply.

On the bright side, when human authority figures are no longer respected then technological moral or ethical authority figures can play a larger role. Smart moral or ethical interactive audio visual computer instruction can replace dysfunctional parents and teachers and smart audio visual surveillance cameras can replace police officers to a large extent. Automation or robots can replace badly educated laborers who are doing relatively repetitive functions and even assist traditional highly educated professions with smart computer software and artificial intelligence. Yes, humans are increasingly badly educated but computers and robots will soon relatively easily replace most of the important functions which humans can do or were traditionally trained to do.

I personally see a bright future ahead of us but there will have to be a radical change in the economic systems of the world and the welfare programs which will have to handle a lot of dislocated workers who will be training for new jobs or will wind up on permanent welfare. A guaranteed national minimum income may be necessary to accommodate the under educated and those without adequate mental ability to function in a highly rational complex technological world of the future. Yes, a huge class of unemployed humans will populate the world but they will be living a relatively frugal lifestyle and maybe wilderness and wildlife will be saved in the process. Rule by the technological elite is coming down the pike if it is not here already to a large extent.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Big money is increasingly ruling the world internationally with international banks,  international corporations, and international internet or communications beginning to have more impact on the lives of humans than any one country or national organization. In almost every country this globalized money supply is impacting the political leadership of almost every country and a global ideology is beginning to form which is much more collective and tyrannical in nature.  Individual rights are being assaulted with more of an emphasis on group rights and group think or group ideology.  Putting it another way it is collective rights and collective thinking or collective ideology which is becoming more dominant.

Ironically in its beginning the internet held a promise of individual freedom of expression and individual creativity. With time, money and information power became concentrated in search engines, social media, cellphone companies, and internet commerce all of which now dominate the internet with relatively few corporations being major players and all being able to crush or buy up competitors to increase their profit margin which favors established monied companies which includes monied media companies. Discrimination based on money is rampant but more sinister is the ability to promote collective left wing ideology and censor right wing ideology which still promotes individual rights. It is beginning to look like the tyranny of big money power is being fused with the tyranny of thought control or censorship of politically incorrect thought which champions individual rights and moral or ethical individual free speech.

Economics is now largely a global phenomenon with international trade promoting the rich in every country and more power in the hands of the globally rich. Technology is also increasing the concentration of this money in the hands of the rich nationals and rich internationals but this would not be all bad if it weren’t for the fact that most of the rich have a tyrannical collectivist ideology which threatens to make most individuals little more than impoverished humans living on welfare or working for a pittance often not enough to support a family. This may be an effective form of population control but living an impoverished life seldom helps the culture of a nation to thrive.


Money power is being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands worldwide, the individual is increasingly being oppressed financially and ideologically, and it becomes harder for one to climb the economic and social status ladder, especially if you start out at the poverty level. For all the members of the technologically educated and elite the future is bright but most jobs will be replaced by computer software and robots. A political and ideological revolution will be necessary to fit the new economic realities where most will not be technologically educated nor smart and ambitious enough so they will largely become dependent on some form of permanent government welfare.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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The age of liberal arts is fast being replaced by the age of technological arts and science. Computer software is outperforming many tasks done by humans in the past by being more efficient, faster, and making fewer errors. In the past smart, moral, inspiring human role models were all that we had and these role models are going to be replaced by smart, somewhat moral, inspiring computer software and robots who will perform parental, teacher, and professional functions with greater skill than 99% of humans on the face of the earth.

Computer software will function mostly autonomously without human assistance but there will still be a symbiotic relationship with technologically knowledgeable humans, especially in the realm of morality and creativity which will continue to need human input because of inherent complexity and logical inconsistencies which will probably never be subject to mathematical formulations but merely statistical norms at best.

Human emotions, unpredictability, and somewhat irrational behavior is a real challenge to try and predict or even control so artificial intelligence or AI will always be less than totally human in it’s functionality. Yes, robot role models will always be less than human in some respects but their predominant functioning will be acceptable in most cases.

If you are rich and genetically endowed with the potential to be above average in mental and physical functioning then a good useful education with an abundance of math and science, smart hard work, and monetary backing should almost guarantee success in life. Success should come if you value integrity, work smart and hard, stay away from very bad addictions, and have gained some moral emotional intelligence along the way from your parents and friends which you associate with.

If you are dirt poor, get a largely useless education, have dysfunctional parents and friends, are addicted to alcohol and drugs, and live in a bad neighborhood then the probability that you will succeed in life is minimal and the probability that you will reproduce is also rather low.

If you are rich, get a largely useless education, are addicted to alcohol, drugs, partying, and compulsive shopping then your chances of succeeding in life are very bad so merely having money is not all that you need in life to be successful.

The rich and successful will always want to be richer, more powerful, and more successful so genetic engineering or human genetically modified organisms will soon become a reality. The possibility of a superior endowed genetic gene population may arise which will rule the world in an aristocratic way and positions of leadership authority will largely be genetic as was the way in ancient history. Does history repeat itself? Yes, it appears to be case in the not too distant future.

Already Russia is largely ruled by rich autocrats, China is ruled by rich members of the communist party, and the United States is largely ruled by rich politicians with worldwide connections with the rich and powerful. All that the rich and powerful worldwide need is a unified ideology and propaganda machine to promote it and keep the masses content in a servile role.

The Democratic party is already promoting such an ideology via the media, academia, and celebrities. All are ruthlessly trying to promote their ideology and ruthlessly suppressing and censoring opposing views. Whether they will succeed in the long duration is still debatable but the writing is on the wall for all to see and evaluate and experience.

Human teachers in poor neighborhoods will never be able to provide a quality education for the disadvantaged youth but audio visual interactive computer education will offer the hope of a useful quality education for the disadvantaged in poor neighborhoods at a fraction of the cost of real human teachers. The hope for a better future for poor humans can only come with a good useful education which technology will soon be able to provide. Yes, students will still have to put in the time and effort to learn and advance in life but that is nothing new and self motivation and inherent ability ultimately will determine who succeeds and who doesn’t.

Ultimately a good useful education is what determines success in life to a great degree and displaced humans due to technology will have to retrain in new and more advanced jobs with the passage of time. Not every human is capable of nor wants to retrain education wise so they may wind up on permanent welfare. Free useful education for anyone at any age will have to be instituted at some point in the future so that hopelessness does not pervade the majority of the population for a lifetime.

So a monied aristocratic genetically superior breed of humans will eventually rule over the use of technology in the future world. The hope is that technology will also be used to give the poorest some hope for useful educational advancement in this very competitive world. The quality of a society is largely determined by the quality of the moral and informative useful education which the population receives. An investment in a useful education pays the best interest. I paraphrased a quote by Benjamin Franklin.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4800 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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The internet and technology opened the door to worldwide communications and made information from almost unlimited sources to become available. The long duration result was an atomized existence for most humans pursuing their own interests, wanting instant gratification, and not being brainwashed by a dominant media with just one basic cultural agenda.

More articles and books are published on a yearly basis than ever before but fewer and fewer humans are spending their time reading them. The traditional half hour or hour programs on radio and TV are fast losing their appeal as humans more and more want their information in short sound and video bytes and are quick to change channels, shows, or videos if they can’t maintain their interest.

The net result is a loss in cultural traditions and shared opinions on many things. Traditional moral values are being assaulted and immorality is on the rise. Almost nothing is sacred anymore and deviant lifestyles run rampant destroying family life and social cohesion. Trust in the leadership is at an all time low and relatively few leaders remain with impeccable reputations.

A descent into social chaos is occurring and almost no one has a solution on how to prevent the destructive forces and emerge with an effective antidote or solutions to the increasing problems of addictions to bad behavior and drugs.

The fundamental problem is a moral corruption which the left leaning academia, celebrities, media, and even deep state are trying to cure with a left wing ideology and censorship of opposing views which exacerbates the problem and doesn’t really cure the dysfunctional morality and lifestyles. Left wing propaganda not guided by reason, morality, and just legal traditions will not work in the long run and has to be enforced by coercive means and oppressive censorship.

Is there room for optimistic views about the future? Yes, smart robots and smart interactive audio visual software will eventually teach young offspring a commonly believed secular moral code and by the age of about 13 most will know what is impulsively right or wrong to do. A useful education which includes math and basic scientific principles will be taught to everyone who puts in the time and effort to learn to the best of their ability and the rest will be destined to live on welfare with free useful education available to all who want to rejoin the workforce and become contributing members of society. The amount of welfare given will be directly proportional to the amount of useful education which they have learned even if they remain unemployed.

We can have a moral nation or world where ability and effort will be rewarded and if you chose not to participate in usefully educating yourself further for free then you will exist for the rest of your life on a safety net of minimal welfare support, and probably without a family.

What is this secular moral code? In non emergency situations- don’t destroy biodiversity, don’t lie, don’t be inefficient, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery if married, and don’t murder.

Call this social proposal a dystopian or utopian world but it is the most just social order imaginable for all practical purposes in a future world ruled by a technological elite with most of the population effectively unemployed for a lifetime.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4700 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4700 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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It is somewhat of a miracle that a celebrity real estate tycoon was elected president after fighting against the Republican political establishment and then having to fight against the Democratic establishment, the Democratic media establishment, and yes even the leadership of the deep state establishment. One man fighting the leadership of the establishment and yet ironically being a member of the establishment elite.

Say what you will about his flawed character or personality but he is by far the one with the most balls or courage to come down the pike in recent history. He has unmasked the corrupt ruthlessness and biases of the elite establishment and I think politics will never be the same old dribble as long as he is in office. It would be nice but Utopian to believe that one man could cure what ails the corrupt dysfunctional leadership of the United States but he has succeeded in unmasking the charade or deceptions of the leadership elite. Regaining obedient trust in the wisdom of the leadership has been shattered and the only way that the leadership will regain that trust is through smart actions and results which will benefit the nation in the long duration.

Trump has made skeptics out of many of us. Many of us now doubt that the leadership is working towards our benefit and not just for the benefit of the monied ruling elite. Already we are seeing some politicians promising everyone free medicine, free schooling, and more welfare goodies but not being too concerned about telling them where the bulk of the money will be coming from to pay for the free stuff.

Big money has always been influential and a priority in politics. In a global economy the Special interests of international banks and corporations is wielding a heavy foot on the fiscal and ideological policy of every nation including the United States.

It is not outside the realm of possibility that soon there will be a guaranteed national basic income for everyone because most will soon not be able to find work in an increasingly technological, robotized, and computer software workplace. There will probably be the technological ruling elite and most will be little more than obedient serfs strung out on feel good drugs and living off of a fixed low income. The well off at the top of the income ladder and the vast majority at the lower end of the income ladder. Most of the middle class will have been destroyed.

Yes, votes will then count and most will be voting for an increase in the national basic income. Unless their votes are reduced to a fraction of a vote, their luxurious demands will quickly bankrupt the welfare economy of the nation. Yes, we may wind up having to tax the robots and computer software that will be doing most of the labor or work and thinking in the nation and not tax the humans on welfare with no income earned.

This all sounds like a doomsday scenario but unless the mechanics of running the nation are radically changed a Democratic Republic will be transformed into an ideological one party tyranny from which there will be no return.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4700 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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When computer automation takes over most jobs, who will be in a position to consume products and services without earned income? Well, obviously those maintaining the technology will be in the forefront with more than decent wages but the vast majority will be on some form of government welfare and on a fixed income.

Politically this is a little scary because the overwhelming majority will always vote for more welfare money and this could enslave the remaining elite working class and make them slaves supporting the welfare class. I would strongly suggest that we reduce the votes of those on welfare to a fraction of one vote so that the vote of the minority working class has more clout. Of course this will need a constitutional amendment which is probably highly unlikely to pass.

The robots will be the new dominant workers and it makes sense that they will eventually be taxed to fund all the humans which they have replaced and now will be living on welfare. A guaranteed annual minimum wage without working has already been proposed so effectively most will not be working but just spending money given by the government. The political and social ramifications are revolutionary but the financial ramifications are revolutionary also where financial growth is going to be dependent on an increase in robot productivity and not human productivity.

There will be no credit for those on welfare so spending and their income will only rise if their government benefits will. Inflation will be less of a problem because there will be over production. Monopolistic production may be in the hands of relatively few so prices and inflation may rise because of product price increases in the monopolistic economy.

Most humans will no longer own their own cars, own homes, and recreational vehicles but will be renting them if they save up enough money. They will be riding around in hired driverless vehicles, living in apartments, having few if any offspring, and spending most of their time at home. They will be eating, drinking, doing drugs, having sex, and spending most of their time online in search of entertainment or if smart, seeking further useful educational advancement.

For some, not having to work sounds like utopia but for others it is a kind of dystopia or permanent retirement from life with all its possible adventures, anxieties, stresses, and tragedies. Was human kind meant to live in retirement mode or will it cause a dramatic increase in health problems, addictions, and mental illness? Only time will tell.

Small businesses will dramatically decrease because the initial capital investment in them will be huge and the probability of failure extremely high. Specialty internet small businesses may still thrive but employed workers for these enterprises will probably be minimal.

Actually what I have outlined so far is a likely scenario if a country is self sustaining  or self supporting and produces everything that it consumes. Realistically we are in a competitive worldwide environment of relatively free trade and the threat of financial national bankruptcy is a greater threat than is that of robotization. If you just keep spending and producing very little for consumption or export bankruptcy is inevitable.

Other countries are becoming more competitive and are producing products more cheaply than we could ever hope to. The United States will have relatively cheap products from around the world but the budget deficit will grow by leaps and bounds.

International banks, corporations, and institutions have more political clout than that of any one nation. Wealth is being spread worldwide and the United States unfortunately is on a never ending slide in standard of living. A more likely scenario is that the United States will just become another third world nation with relatively few in a wealthy upper class and the vast majority will be in a relatively poor lower class as far as income is concerned.

Unless made in the United States has a rebirth and there are things which the world needs from the United States, besides food, energy, and military protection, the United States will continue its almost inevitable economic slide downwards on into the foreseeable future.

Much more could be written about automation such as bot content creators for almost everything we see and read, bot actors, bot musicians, bot teachers, bot nannies, bot sexual partners, drone deliveries, etc. No human field is safe from robotization or a symbiosis between humans and machines. How fast this trend will continue is debatable but this kind of change is inevitable to the detriment of future generations of average not exceptional humans. If you are part of the technological revolution then you will do just fine. If not, your life may seem rather meaningless without a job that you can derive satisfaction and purpose from.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3800 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


If you enjoyed this blog then here is a list of my most popular ones which you may also enjoy!!!




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Fight: n. any very intense (competition and/or struggle) and/or very angry dispute with a large probability that bodily impacts will exist between two or more (humans and/or animals) and/or robots frequently without deadly weapons but sometimes with them

Fights are common among young offspring and there are even fighting sports and video games. Angry disputes among adults sometimes result in fights and physical abuse is common in some unfortunate families. Society tries to minimize fights with strict laws against them but violent fighting still breaks out in some instances.

History can be viewed as armed conflict or fighting between groups and nations and is the ultimate way of settling important disputes which have no peaceful solution. Mutually assured nuclear destruction has prevented world wars between nations but fighting is still alive and well as a solution to small territorial disputes.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Smart machines just prove how inefficient, wasteful, and time consuming most traditional liberal arts education is.

Smart machines are the new middle class workers expanding the leisure class to include the welfare class which wants to survive with no useful skills for a shrinking job market.

Smart machines are beginning to rule the world without the right to vote and when they do rule most of the world it probably will be a tyranny with one smart machine in charge but delegating authority to regional smart machines.

Humans in charge of smart machines will have a dilemma. How do you exploit a non-working leisure class at the very bottom of the economic and literacy scale?

Taxing smart machines, especially working robots, may be the solution to not having enough humans to tax. This way the most efficient smart productive robots will survive and the less efficient less smart robots will become obsolete or be replaced by a smarter more efficient generation. This way progress is never halted and humanity does not get stuck with a status quo not so smart generation of non-improving robots.

Transitioning to a leisure class society will require radical changes in politics, education, welfare, economics, and society. To make the transition as smooth as possible I have detailed the necessary changes which will have to be made to ensure a just distribution of information, goods, and services to all levels of society based on ability, effort, and achievement in the 21st technological century.

EDUCATION REFORM, CHANGES IN WELFARE LAWS, and JUSTICE are three of my evergreen truth books which I recommend for those who know that change is rapidly coming and want to be the movers and shakers of tomorrow or would like their offspring to become a mover and a shaker for the benefit of humanity.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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This Ted talk about cockroaches is a real eye opener which shows their incredible versatility and studying them can create some truly amazing robots in the future.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 800 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.




Historically competition was between humans and other humans. Today it is competition between technology or computers and humans. Unfortunately technology is winning. Not only are robots with the help of computers replacing physical jobs but soon computers will be doing much of the thinking for us also.

Robots will become our slaves but they can also put most of the liberal arts population out of work which means armies of citizens on government welfare. It is entirely possible that the new leisure class will be humans on welfare killing time, browsing the internet for entertainment, getting high on alcohol and drugs, and essentially unemployable for a lifetime.

My only hope is that for a just society to continue to exist there should be the opportunity of anyone at any age to reeducate themselves on the internet for free in a useful technological job. Those willing to put in the time, effort, and achievement can reenter the job market thus not making the welfare trap a permanent trap for everyone in society.

Competition is now global and China is a future serious threat since it is getting good at making any kind of counterfeit product. Intellectual property will have to have worldwide patents to avoid its theft by unscrupulous manufacturers but this is really a government issue and of little private concern for most humans.


Competition is global, between nations, and between humans and computers. How well humans and politics will adjust to the new realities will determine whether humanity will learn to adjust successfully and benefit from technology and not be enslaved by its progress instead.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, approximately 600 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.




Technology is a tool which can be used for good or bad purposes.

Technology is being used to destroy the quality and diversity of the food supply with overly processed foods, GMO’s, and many artificial pollutants in the form of pesticides, herbicides, artificial fertilizers, growth hormones, antibiotics, preservatives, lopsided vitamin and mineral supplements, factory farming, and monoculture agribusiness.

The human body is not invincible to unhealthy food and the more technology that we apply to food the less natural the food becomes. It is not surprising that the general population is becoming more unhealthy, getting addicted to artificial technological drugs, and dying of more diabetes complications, cancer, heart disease, and drug complications than previous generations.

For the first time future generations can look forward to worse health thanks largely to the misuse of technology.

Technology is fast killing traditional jobs and that is a good thing for the wilderness but unfortunately future generations will be getting by on less and not more and there will be armies of unskilled labor on welfare killing time, getting involved in dysfunctional relationships, getting high on alcohol and drugs, and effectively making themselves unemployable until death.

A technological elite should eventually rule the world and maybe there will be a chance that biodiversity will survive the current onslaught of human protoplasm and the inevitable environmental pollution which accompanies it.

I am still struggling to survive in my retirement years after having changed careers five times in life due to big banks, big business, big government, and technology making small businesses almost obsolete.

I was a physics teacher, computer programmer and systems analyst, home builder, home rehabber, and landlord. The real estate bubble made my residential home rental business almost obsolete and only made apartment rental profitable.

A lifetime of hard work and effort almost totally down the tubes!!! Why I am not bitter at the injustice is still a mystery to me since I was royally screwed over by the unjust actions of big banks, big mortgage companies, big government collusion with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and the deep recession since 2008.

If I had to struggle to survive in this job market then I honestly don’t know what line of work I would train for because with my background in science and technology I see little optimism for the common man and woman in the brave new world which is coming around the bend at a furious pace.

Working for the government seems to be the only source of steady future work since it is growing annually but even here I see technology replacing many government bureaucrats.

Yes, even blogging is becoming obsolete and soon only social media will be left as a relevant source of communication among small select groups!!!

Intelligent discourse in the media will be effectively dead for the majority of the population who don’t access websites such as TED, Popsci, Phys.org, and a handful of other websites which still give out useful information for free and haven’t been closed down for lack of funding.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, approximately 600 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.




Studies have shown that after two weeks have passed we only remember about 10% of what we have read. On the other hand we remember as much as 70% of what we say and 90% of what we see and do physically.

It makes sense to make computer education as interactive as possible with required verbal feedback from subject matter presented audio visually. This means that education should be noisy with the student speaking to the computer screen as much as possible and the computer answering back with audio.

Also for math and science subjects it might be smart to incorporate physical science equipment and mathematical shapes and sizes which the students can manipulate with their hands.

A smart robot teacher interacting with the students physically one on one is the ideal educational model for the future but until such a time a computer screen demanding as much participation on the part of the student as possible is the most efficient economical way of teaching a student with present day technology.

Yes, classrooms of the future will be incredibly noisy with students talking to the computer screen so it would make sense to teach all future students in a sound proof cubicle, have them wear headphones and microphone, or even learn at home in a room where they don’t disturb anyone else.

Reading voluminous amounts of information and reading lengthy textbook material is just not the most efficient way of teaching or learning and it is no great surprise why modern students don’t like to read because it is so passive an experience which we remember very little of.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them and read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE.




Some attempts at making robots may seem creepy but this is just a view of imperfect robots on the road to ultimate perfection or imitation of human behavior faithfully and perhaps eventually surpassing humans in functionality.

This is a link to the cracked.com article.



If you liked this evergreen blog then read more of them and one or more of my evergreen books, especially COMMON SENSE.

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