Tag Archives: injury


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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4500 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 4100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 3300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially EVERGREEN TRUTH, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Accident: n. a frequently unexpected and undesirable event(s) which sometimes injures someone

A mistake is to some extent an accident which is unexpected and undesirable but most accidents are those where some injury occurs to someone and it is an unexpected and undesirable outcome.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2700 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Cure: v. to make healthy again after having (a disease and/or most injuries) and/or bad health

Restoring to health after an illness, injury, or bad health is what being cured usually means. Can you really say that your injury is cured after you lose a leg and have it restored with a prosthetic device which functions relatively well but of course does not regrow the leg? This kind of a cure is debatable but I think it should be included because so many other injuries like cuts, burns, and wounds usually are healed and you recover from the traumatic effects and are effectively cured given enough time.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Hardship: n. (suffering and/or economic loss) and/or injury to an animal(s) and/or organization(s) from a government law(s) and/or personal bad action(s)

Hardship is suffering brought on by economic loss and/or injury to an animal. A family which losses its major breadwinner due to death or a wounded human or animal suffers hardship until health is regained or in the case of the family some welfare assistance is obtained to ease the hardship.

Wilderness animals undergo great hardship when they begin starving due to habitat destruction and humans and organizations undergo great hardship during some economic downturns often precipitated by irresponsible government and business collusion.

Hardship can have predominantly external causes but sometimes personal bad actions such as drug or gambling addictions, illness, accidents, and financial irresponsibility can cause great personal hardship.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 2100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Pain: n. a bad intense mental sensation which originates from an injured body subset(s) and the behaviors which exist with it


Physical pain is obvious but many humans speak of mental pain which is really a form of mental suffering or distress rather than actual physical pain itself.

Chronic physical pain is perhaps one of the worst fates which one has to live with and even though this is a large problem in old age for many, some accident victims also have to live with lifelong pain. 

The unfortunate thing is that humans tend to self medicate with pain killing pills and don’t correct the source of the pain which is the proper approach to curing pain related ills. Pain is your body telling you that you are mistreating it.

Bad posture, mental stress, back breaking physical work, accidents, stomach pain, absence of exercise, dental work, etc. are all sources of pain and most resort to pain killers to get instant but not permanent relief.

“Pain in the butt” and “pain in the neck” are really slang expressions indicating mental suffering and the corresponding behavior distress and not actual physical pain.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1900 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Safety: n. a large probability that injury to a person(s) and/or damage to a subset(s) will not exist in the near future

Humans generally feel safe when the probability of injury is minimal which usually means that they are also in a relatively safe environment such as at home. It is true that many accidents occur in the home but nowhere except perhaps in a padded cell is safety guaranteed 100%.

There are also some minimal precautions which can be made to be safer when driving such as seat belts and safety glass which help in the event of a car accident.

Toy manufacturers also have to obey safety guidelines such as non toxic paint and no small parts which a young offspring could potentially choke on.

It is one thing to make safety rules when someone is acting responsibly but it is almost impossible to pass safety measures for irresponsibly behaving humans. Ultimately humans have a responsibility to act in safe ways themselves without extra burdensome government regulations.

Safety rules should not ensure maximum safety unless hundreds of lives are at stake such as airlines.

Safety rules should assume the need for some responsible smart behavior on the part of the humans using a device and/or tool. Warnings about improper usage should appear on the product and it is ultimately the responsibility of the user to read them and act accordingly.

When you are not in danger of being injured or when a house is hurricane proof or can’t be damaged then you can say that you are safe or that your house is relatively safe.

Most humans behave safely because they are afraid of getting hurt and the government sometimes goes to great length to protect you from harm by passing safety laws causing the installation of home smoke detectors and car seat belts.

 It seems that there is an attempt to legislate proper human behavior or an attempt to reduce the bad consequences of irresponsibility. DUI laws, helmet laws, lead paint laws, mold laws, toy laws, and building laws are just a few of the examples of laws passed trying to optimize a safe environment for humans to live in.

Some complain of the government trying to be a nanny state for adults trying too much to protect them from irresponsible behavior with too many laws all in the name of safety.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1800 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Susceptibility: n. a probability of being affected and/or injured by a subset(s)

Just living life makes us susceptible or open to good and bad humans and good and bad circumstances. If we do risky or dangerous behaviors then we are more susceptible to failure and injury. We can try to avoid risky and dangerous behaviors but even with the best of intentions and planning some bad things will happen whether we want them or not.

All of us are susceptible to temptations of all kinds which cause us to eat and drink improperly and sometimes associate with the wrong humans which can be the source of much unanticipated unhappiness and misery.

Having a good moral upbringing will make us less susceptible to immoral behavior which is sometimes a temptation in this tolerant western society where it sometimes seems that the clever deceivers and liars are the ones benefiting disproportionately compared to  the moral law abiding citizens.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1700 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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 Vengefulness: n. desiring to punish for a real and/or imagined (injury(s) and/or wrong(s))


We have all been ridiculed, name called, put down, been the victim of harsh criticism, have been rude to, been insulted, been called ugly or stupid, and have been intentionally hurt physically. The normal human response or reaction is to want to or desire to punish that human for doing us harm or wronging us. If we proceed to try and punish the offending human then that is called vengeance. Vengefulness is merely a desire to punish but not actually punishing the offender.


Sometimes a personally felt injury and/or wrong is just your imagination. You may not have been promoted on the job which you think you deserved. What you may not realize is that some other candidate for the job may have had superior qualifications or had developed a more friendly relationship with the boss and those are valid reasons why you were not promoted.


Sometimes someone ignoring you or not talking to you very frequently may be an imagined wrong since you feel that you deserve more attention. What you may not realize that communication is time consuming and that spending more time with you is just mostly a waste of time, energy, and maybe even money.


Being vengeful or wanting some form of revenge can make you very miserable mentally and your bitterness will hurt you more in the long duration than it will hurt the offending human.  Learn to quickly get over your vengeful feelings because they are usually mostly a waste of mental energy which doesn’t improve your life in any significant way but in fact handicaps it.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1600 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Vengeance: n. unofficial and/or official punishing for a real and/or imagined (injury(s) and/or wrong(s))

Our ego may have been hurt or injured, we may have suffered harsh criticism, someone may have ridiculed or called us names, or someone may have done some other mental and/or physical injury or wrong to us intentionally and the first reaction of most humans is-I want vengeance or I want to punish them in some way!

Historically an eye for an eye was the principle but in modern days vengeance is officially sometimes gotten through the court system by suing and getting a judgment against the offender. A fine or jail time is usually the punishment for intentionally doing to someone a very serious injury(s) and/or wrong(s).

The eye for an eye principle also applies to lesser wrongs. We may ridicule or name calling someone back for ridiculing us or name calling us. If someone is rude to us we may be tempted to be rude back at them rather than just trying to ignore the rudeness and hope that they eventually leave our lives in peace.

The turn the other cheek principle for an injury and/or wrong which isn’t very serious is just to ignore and possibly forgive someone if the injury and/or wrong was not actually intentional. There is a big difference between being intentionally or unintentionally injured and/or wronged and knowing the difference can lead to the elimination of many vengeful feelings which can make your life very miserable for an extended time if you let the vengeful feelings fester in your mind for a long duration.

Sometimes we only imagine that we have been injured and/or wronged such as not being promoted in a job. We may want vengeance but it is realistically not obtainable unless we punish the employer by quitting our job and leaving.

Some feel that society has been unjust to them or wronged them and want vengeance for the sorry situation which they are in. This is frequently an imagined wrong which may be primarily a human’s own fault for not getting an adequate education, personal immorality,  not developing a good social personality, and not being financially responsible.

Historically vengeance has had a bad reputation as being something bad but the reality is that vengeance is an acceptable natural human reaction to the wrongs and injuries which they suffer over a lifetime of bad circumstances caused intentionally by bad humans in most cases.

Vengeful feelings can handicap your life because if you start hating things or humans whom you can’t change then the hate can last over a lifetime and make your life truly miserable without a way out. Racism against a powerful ethnic group which you feel deserves vengeance can lead to a lifetime of hateful feelings which will make you into a bitter and unsatisfied human filled with gripes about real or imagined unfairness or injustice.




If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Mutilation: n. violently creating a frequently ugly deforming injury on a lifeform(s)

Violent video games are prolonged killing sessions which sometimes incorporate mutilations.

There are also deranged or deviant criminals who enjoy mutilating a body that they have killed. Dismemberment and disemboweling is frequently a form of mutilation of a dead human body.

In extreme situations like that of some historical German fraternities, a sword wound on the face was actually considered a form of bravery or sign of handsome manliness.

Some African tribes used to mutilate the face with cuts and stretched the neck, lip, or ears unnaturally and this was considered to be a sign of beauty.

Carving initials or names on a live tree trunk is really a form of plant mutilation.

Movies also occasionally have mutilations for shock value and most humans are repulsed by it. Rare humans actually enjoy watching a mutilation.

I personally consider tattoos to be skin mutilations but many will disagree and call them beautiful body artwork.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1400 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Betrayal: n. being disloyal and/or unfaithful to a lifeform(s) thus causing harm to samer lifeform(s)

You can betray wilderness, country, group of humans, family, a human, and even yourself. Betrayal causes some harm to the betrayed entity. Betrayal of country is frequently considered treason and betrayal of spouse in its most common form is adultery.

A criminal may also betray a fellow criminal which is good for society but bad for the criminal who is caught and maybe even convicted of a crime.

Many of us have secrets about ourselves which if revealed could potentially harm our reputation so it is entirely possible for you to betray yourself, reveal your hidden secret, and hurt your reputation in the process.

You can also betray wilderness and cause harm to it which is a way of saying that you have betrayed your fellow plants and animals on the face of this precious planet.

Whistleblowing may be considered to be an act of betrayal of your organization by members of the organization but in the long duration it is better for society that corruption be weeded out as much as possible.

Loyalty has its limits and if you betray someone not worthy of that loyalty then your betrayal is a good thing.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1300 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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As humans most of us basically desire or want to be liked or admired, respected, and treated morally by other humans.

Most of us desire moral behavior from others or do not want them to lie to us, steal from us, or harm us in any way. If humans treat us morally then we assume that we are respected and maybe even liked.

Leaders not only want to be respected but also admired for their character and achievements or competency and sometimes even desire to be loved by a devoted following.

Morality creates the possibility for a trusting relationship to develop not only between humans themselves but also between leaders and their followers.

It is also possible for a tyrant to develop a devoted following among some of their supporters but a majority of the population will mostly obey out of fear of punishment and may not actually admire the tyrant leader at all if asked truthfully despite an onslaught of propaganda.

Morality is usually also expected among the members of a criminal organization even though they may act immorally and deceptively on many outside groups or individuals.

We basically desire moral behavior from most humans and approval and caring from humans who really matter to us.

Finally there is an intense desire for sexual orgasm in the male and a desire for women to have offspring, especially if they come from happy families.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1200 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.


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Injury: n. stealing health intentionally and if the injury is selfinflicted you are stealing your own health intentionally and/or ((personal and/or group rights) violation(s)) and/or (financial damage(s) and/or emotionally traumatized)

Injuruny: n. stealing health unintentionally and if the injury is selfinflicted you are stealing your own health unintentionally

Injuries are basically intentional and unintentional and if they are unintentional and done by someone else then they can sometimes be forgiven for injuring you. You can injure yourself unintentionally with bad eating, smoking, drugs, alcohol, and an accident or another way of saying it is that you have stolen your own health and it is frequently not someone else’s fault.

Injuring someone else intentionally is stealing someone’s health and there is frequently punishment associated with the act. You may poison, spread a contagious disease, or wound someone and take away or steal their health and have to be punished for it.

It is somewhat revolutionary to say that you can steal from yourself but it is actually true that if you injure, ruin, take away, or steal your own health then you are really stealing from yourself or doing something very bad to yourself.

Health: n. living and being free of disease and/or bodily handicap(s) but with old age health decreases

 There are other personal injuries which are possible and they deal with (personal and/or group) rights violations, financial damages, and intense emotional traumas. These also may sometimes be unintentional and not intentional with correspondingly less punishment given if processed in a court of law.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1100 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.



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Save: v. to prevent with an event(s) and/or action(s) possible (injury and/or death) and/or (damage and/or destruction) and/or (embarrassment and/or usage) and/or error

You can save a human from a potentially injurious fire, an accident, from death, error, and from embarrassment or you can save a building or wilderness from damage or destruction.

You can also save money from being spent to avoid future financial ruin in an emergency. Accumulating possessions is frequently confused with saving because the real reason that you are accumulating them is to prevent them from being recycled, used, damaged, or destroyed by you or someone else.

Saving is really active prevention and if you are smart then you will personally take preventative steps to exclude the possibility of having to be saved from some hazardous situation in the future. Saving possessions from wear and tear is also what many of us commonly do.

You can save a human or yourself from making a mistake or error with some preventative step or steps.

Save energy, save wilderness, save yourself, save others when necessary, save some money, and save the world!!!!!! Money is the social symbol for energy so if you are saving some money with wise purchases of energy saving devices or saving some money for emergencies or future investments then you are saving energy!!!!!! Yes, when you save money to purchase material possessions then you are buying and using stored energy. The molecules of your possessions are filled with potential energy and have some value in your life!!!!!!

Finally save your bodily energy for the truly important things in your life and get rid of as many inefficient trivial pursuits as possible. Don’t waste your energy on fruitless boring pursuits but try to focus on those with a greater payoff in satisfaction, happiness, and some material gain. 

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

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Fraud: n. a willful deception frequently resulting in injury to another human(s)

Lying in public, libel or slander, is fraudulent behavior and lying privately is not legally punished by society and not considered criminal even though it frequently causes injury to human relationships and is still basically fraudulent behavior.

Inserting illegalities into legally binding contracts is an attempt at deception or is in fact fraudulent behavior and illegal.

Much health, weight loss, and cosmetic advertising is glaringly deceptive with much falsehood or untruths and should be considered fraud. Unfortunately proving the fraud is costly and time consuming since evidence must be gathered to prove it in court so much deceptive fraudulent advertising is not prosecuted at all but becomes social myth with constant exposure and brainwashing.

You can fraudulently steal without using violence or the threat of violence and deceptive stealing has become institutionalized in society. How frequently have you lost money or possessions because you believed in the deceptions or lies about the future which were offered you? They were promises or deceptive lies about big money, sexual allure, instant health, and great status frequently deceiving you into parting with your hard earned money.

Social norms ultimately determine which deceptions are legal and which deceptions are illegal or fraudulent. The fact is that almost all deceptions should be fraudulent because they cause financial and/or mental and/or health and/or relationship injury to their victims.

Yes, comforting lies are preferred by many to harsh reality or truth but the biggest victim of social mythology is the mental injury which so many in society suffer from. The mental injury reveals itself in emotional immaturity and failed relationships and an almost total absence of logical thinking and reasoning in daily life. Historically the mental stupidity of the brainwashed masses is legend and is continuing on into the foreseeable future.

Much of society is condoned deceptive or fraudulent behavior and it can be used as a primary reason for the terribly corrupt state of affairs that society is in. Lying and deceptions with hidden lies should be immoral and the more officially fraudulent it becomes in society, the healthier will the society become.

Unfortunately our language and its usage promotes deceptions of all kinds and you can readily stereotype someone as stupid or lazy if they have only been stupid or lazy two or three times. Stereotyping is deceptive language usage and it will plague society until many in powerful  positions decide to improve the language and its usage.

I am one who has shown the way to improving the language and eliminating antonym or synonym deceptive bias in language. All that I need is humans in positions of leadership to promote the necessary changes for the benefit of all humankind, since a more logical language leads inevitably to smarter humans.

The present state of language promotes deception and emotional irrationality and it is time to start taking some serious steps to change this great human social flaw which is going to continue to severely handicap future generations unless necessary radical change is undertaken.

It is time to start taking away the emphasis on how a word feels to an emphasis on what the definition or meaning of the word(s) which you are using is. MIssion impossible? For those rooting for the status quo the answer is yes. For those with a social conscience and desire for truth to ultimately triumph the answer is no!



If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.




Disability: n. having a relatively permanent body and/or mental subset(s) and/or handicap which is frequently an (illness and/or injury) and/or birth defect and which decreases normal functioning

It is tragic if you are born with a disability but most disabilities are the result of illness and/or injury later on in life which can handicap your normal functioning to a great extent.

A bad memory is frequently not considered a disability but it is realistically because so much of a human’s success depends on the ability to memorize names and facts. For humans a bad memory is considered within the range of normal functioning so it seldom achieves disability status.

Many physical disabilities are helped with prosthetic devices and electronic aids. Mental illness is a growing area of disability which is being exacerbated by psychiatric drugs with terrible side effects which can sometimes cause greater disability than was the case originally.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 1000 so far, or read one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.



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Negligence: n. unintentional or intentional ignoring and/or carelessness which may exist once or infrequently or so frequently that it is habitual and sometimes causes injury to a human(s)

Most of us are occasionally unintentionally negligent or careless and forget to do things which should have been done. Landlords sometimes don’t replace rotten wood or fix leaky roofs, business humans sometimes don’t clean up spills, serve scalding beverages, or don’t remove sharp objects from the premises, and husbands sometimes forget anniversaries or birthdays.

There are also negligent careless humans who intentionally are rude or inconsiderate with others feelings. They also intentionally ignore some problems hoping that they will go away on their own.

Many forms of negligence have the potential to injure a human’s feelings and/or injure them physically and the physical injury is frequently the cause of many civil suits.

If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, about 900 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially  COMMON SENSErays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.

For a complete readily accessible list of blogs and titles go to twitter.com/uldissprogis.




Apology: n. regretfully communicating the acknowledgement of a mistake(s) and/or bad behavior(s) which frequently injures someone and/or hurts someone’s feelings and/or sense of selfworth

Most apologies should start off with a sincere “Sorry”, demonstrating genuine regret that you made a mistake or did something bad which injured a human or hurt their feelings and/or sense of selfworth.

Most have a very high regard for themselves and don’t want to admit that they did something immoral, bad, or made a mistake.

Sometimes we hope that if we don’t respond with an apology then the mistake or bad behavior won’t be noticed. Wrong. If possible you should almost always apologize sooner rather than later because you don’t want to start to create an impression that you have a deceptive personality and that you will only apologize if caught for a misdeed but otherwise are secretive about it.

Sometimes we name call with words like stupid, crazy, lazy, bitch, ugly, and pig, argue feverishly, harshly criticize, ridicule, offend, and use put down phrases hurting someone’s feelings and/or sense of selfworth.

An apology should frequently be forthcoming if you do any of the above insensitive non empathetic things. Making up is frequently the phrase used to signify that you are sorry for what you did. You can sometimes do the apology with more than just words and follow it up by doing or promising to do something nice to make up for the bad behavior.


If you liked this evergreen truth blog then read more of them, approximately 700 so far, and one or more of my evergreen truth books, especially COMMON SENSE, rays of truth in a human world filled with myths and deceptions.
